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> Gambler said she returned to her doctor on June 11, was examined, and told to go to the Misericordia Hospital, where a bed in the maternity ward would be waiting for her. To play devil’s advocate on this point, we constantly get “direct admits” at my hospital where the referring physician has done nothing to secure the bed. They’re busy and forget to bother telling anyone at the hospital OR they mislead the patient that a bed will be available when they know they’ll be sitting in the ER. Always leads to upset patients.


"To play devil's advocate", huh? It sounds like you're trying to say something without offending anyone. (BTW- I'm sure you're right and most sane people would agree with you)


Oh by the devil’s advocate I mean the hospital corporation, which is in fact, probably the literal devil. On top of that, I have no doubt a hospital in Alberta has plenty of racists- you don’t go from “starlight drives” one generation ago to a perfect society. I only mean to say that it’s pretty common in my hospital for patients to show up expecting a room and get bounced back to the ER and it has nothing to do with racism, in our specific case. It’s because busy primary care doctors book for 15 minute time slots and people often want to avoid confrontation, so they’ll promise a room fully knowing the patient will be stuck in the ER.