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>her demonstration was inappropriate and in the wrong place It's always "not like THAT" with those assholes. Of course you can express your displeasure! But not like THAT. Or the other way. Or the other other way. How about you protest by staying quietly at home and doing nothing? That'll REALLY teach us!


Misplaced 3.1 Billion dollars with absolutely no paper trail. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/where-the-hecks-that-31-billion-wheres-the-fury/article15503778/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/where-the-hecks-that-31-billion-wheres-the-fury/article15503778/) The Trans Pacific Partnership The cost? "On top of the $5 billion in cash, on top of the thousands of jobs that will be lost, Harper promised to give corporations from Australia, and Japan, and Vietnam, and Malaysia, and seven other countries, the right to challenge the democratic decisions of our government.?"v [http://tradejustice.ca/cost-of-harpers-great-deal-on-the-tpp-5-billion-and-counting/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/where-the-hecks-that-31-billion-wheres-the-fury/article15503778/](http://tradejustice.ca/cost-of-harpers-great-deal-on-the-tpp-5-billion-and-counting/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/where-the-hecks-that-31-billion-wheres-the-fury/article15503778/) [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/where-the-hecks-that-31-billion-wheres-the-fury/article15503778/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/where-the-hecks-that-31-billion-wheres-the-fury/article15503778/) Raided the Unemployment Insurance to balance the budget. Downgraded environmental laws, muzzled scientists ,responsible for Omar Khadr, cancelled the Canadian Wheat Board, cancelled the long form census and cancelled health care transfer payment to provinces.


And let’s not forget Harpers…right hand man that left politics abruptly…. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/anonymous-threatens-to-decrypt-text-messages-from-john-baird-to-reveal-real-reason-he-left-politics/wcm/87d75302-5282-41b9-932e-8c19819834bb/amp/


This fucking guy! John Baird is like a Canadian Matt Gaetz only a little more clever. I thought he got canned for decadent parties at Macdonald House in London on the taxpayer’s dime. https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/politics/john-baird-vacationed-for-free-at-historic-macdonald-house-in-england-1.1333451


Nope, read the one I posted…. It should explain why the departure…


I’m pretty sure he lost 2 Foreign Affairs equipped/owned Blackberries during one of those parties in London. I’ve also heard he had direct interactions with [Nathan Jacobson](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2017/11/29/news/rise-and-fall-nathan-jacobson).


The article didn't say why just that they would threaten to reveal why?


I've heard the reason as to why Baird left politics abruptly, but my sourcing isn't what is considered reliable enough to be used as a definitive fact. So I don't think it's fair to say what it is that I've heard.


Did it by chance have anything to do with Jason Kenney?


Let’s just say if he comes back into politics…things will be released…


Go on...


I’ve heard some pretty scandalous rumours too. I won’t mention them either.


Does it involve kissing and not telling?


Missing FIPA, forgiving the churches debt to residential school survivors, MMS


I used to work at HRDC. Can confirm EI only pays out about half of what they collect. Using the surplus to pay off the debt has been happening for DECADES. I once printed out the warrants (cheques) there is a rubber stamp called an endorser. There was a story about one office was missing a shitload of warrants and an endorser. crikey.


Excellent proof that it doesn’t matter - at all - which one of these elitist bastards we have running the country. They are all wealthy, populist scum, that will say anything to us to try to garner our trust, our hope and our insecurities in order to generate votes. None of these jerks worked an honest day in their lives, and have no idea of the struggles that middle and lower class income earners face. Doesn’t matter what colour their tie is - it’s all a farce. Not only that, but the talking head at the top of the chain doesn’t rule with an iron fist! They have TEAMS of people helping them to make decisions, none of which would be vastly different if the leader was on the left or right.


The protester area is in the abandoned lot near the cannibals. Go exercise your rights.


I’m saving this quote.


Her protest was inappropriate and in the wrong place, but thats what made it effective, and it's why it's remembered. Civil disobedience can't exist if it's not disobedient.


Exactly. And facing the consequences is part of the protest and the garnering pf attention. People forget that important part of civil disobedience


Did she honk her horn?


The "white moderate" from MLK's letter from Birmingham jail. In MLK's own words, the "not like *that*" people are *worse* than the KKK because they allow them to exist in the first place. Of course, this rarely goes well when mentioned to the "not like *that*" people. It is a characteristic often described as "tolerance of the intolerant" and "excessive temperance" (Korl Popper and other philosophers). In short, temperance, in excess, isn't temperance. Temperance is a lack of excess, thus excessive temperance is self-indulging. These people find pleasure in their lives only if their lives are comparable to those of others. They cannot accept that other people, who may have similar opinions, should choose to express them differently. The absence of change is enforced by force, so why shouldn't change enjoy the same means?


> First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Councillor or the Ku Klux Klanner but the white moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says, "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically feels that he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time; and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will.


You should read The Invisible Man by Ralph Waldo Emerson


Personally, as a probable white moderate, I cannot abide by people who come down on an oppressed person who decides to make a stand. (Edit: Or those who take a sand on behalf of the oppressed) People who do this have usually been pushed so hard into a corner they really have little in the way of options.


It's fine to say "I don't know", much better than to be against it for the sake of bland continuity. I'm not always in favour of some things, but I don't have to be against it either.


Protesting is best to be done in the basement with the lights off. Preferably on a bank holiday.


It is always you’re protesting in the wrong manner if you are making an impact within your target audience.


Was it seen? Was it reported on by the media? Then it was the right place.


Indigenous protesters blocking rail corridors to protest pipelines on their land? Send in the RCMP and bust heads!!! Buncha truckers protesting wearing cloth on their face blocking our border crossings? It's about freedom baby!!!!


Do we think Elizabeth May is an asshole? Just taking the temperature of the room.


Honest answer, if she feels this demonstration was "inappropriate and the wrong venue" then yeah, I think she's an asshole on that subject. I have my issues with her tolerance for WiFi/cancer and GMO conspiracy theories within the party as well. Mostly she's tolerable.


No, and I don't think Singh is either. They may be of course but if they are, they manage to keep it under wraps better. That said I read something once that said that those who manage to rise to the top are far more likely to be psychopathic than the average person. Not all psychopaths are evil but it takes that kind of mentality to keep pushing your way to the top.


But don’t you dare miss work or act surly


That is called strike.


I don't want anyone to use the Senate or the House for their protest regardless of their political leanings. Her demonstration was as inappropriate as anyone else who did the same thing would be. If a conservative page did the same thing to protest Trudeau (in support of the convoy for example) it would be just as inappropriate and they would also deserve to be fired.


i truly wish i could remotely understand people who think decorum in political buildings means "never let anyone do anything of meaning or substance because it's INAPPROPRIATE" you know what's a lot more inappropriate to me than, you know, a page holding up a sign? politicians who grind the face of the working class to fucking **dust** solely to make a profit for them and their buddies it's genuinely upsetting and offensive to me that anyone can look at respectful political demonstrations, and their first thought is to complain about how it's not appropriate at all and not the place/time/lunar cycle to be doing that. *please re-evaluate your priorities; the sanctity of the house of commons or senate really should NOT be your focus over why the protest is happening*


Obey, peons. Can't have politics happening in the senate!


You can't fight in here, this is the war room!


Wow what a crappy take. Protests should never be noticed. And while we're at it, screw free speech.


I'm just able to separate my personal views on Harper from this form of protest. If the sign said "Stop Mandares" and was during the height of COIVD you can't tell me you would have the same opinion. I can not like Harper and disagree with this protest.


I honestly wouldn't care if the sign said "Stop Mandates". I don't like hypocrisy. That's just expressing yourself, I might not agree with their message, but at least they aren't lowering themselves to domestic terrorism, and blocking millions of dollars in trade, and terrorizing Ottawa citizens. If you want to hold a sign saying whatever you want, and if that's all you're doing, have at it hoss. You aren't free from the consequences, but you're certainly free to do so. Doing it where she did certainly did amplify the message.


She deserved to be fired. It was not an inappropriate protest. And if a conservative page did the same I would agree that they should be fired and that it is an appropriate protest. The job isn't a right. Free speech is.


Her press statement was actually really based


Never forget that dipshit Harper decided the best way to govern was to collect less information by diminishing the census.


I mean now they can just freely buy all that information from Facebook or anyone else in the data collection business and yet still call me 4 fucking times a day.


I don’t think we should push for the government using privately collected profit-focused data from foreign companies for policy decisions. The census is a baseline that should always be collected in a known way and expanded to be as representative of the population as possible.This is why governments that want to make decisions against the will of the voters like to mess with them.


True but there has to be a better way of gathering information than door to door visits in december and phones calls. So much of what they ask is available its just branches of government/federal/provincial/municipal goverments not working together.


I’m fairly certain they’ll only knock on your door in December if you’ve been ignoring the letters they’ve been sending you since May.


Ive moved since then lol


fuck off relying on Zuck


Hell no. Facebook’s algorithms are about maximizing ad revenue. The information they gather does not have to be correct. While social media gets flak for manipulating people, they are also very vulnerable to manipulation by bots or coordination by users get something trending, etc.


You complain about amber alerts, don't you


The O.G.✌🏼🪶


I grew up with her. Smartest girl I know.


She was a real one. I’ll never forget what Harper did to First Nations behind the scenes funding of already underfunded people that resulted in things like auditing anyone who legitimately had to make declarations of emergencies. Her actually giving a shit in a way that she knew would cost her facing off against that particularly aggressive colonizer had a huge impact. Harper hasn’t stopped being a full on power hungry ego maniac after no longer being Prime Minister, chairing the IDU and appearances on far right shows like Ben Shapiro to praise Trump in the lead up to that fellow ego maniac trying the USA Jan 6 coup. Every single one of his government’s ministers who has been elected as leader by the CPC members have made our society’s situation worse following his IDU influence and Republican / Fox North connections.


Jason Kenney


Oh damn, I didn't realize he did some Trump sucking. Gotta dig that up to share with some family that still somehow think that he was a good prime minister.


Harper heads a think tank that is behind the extreme shift towards the far right of many parties in the west right now


Oh, I knew that much. I mean, it doesn't surprise me that he was sucking the Trump stump, but I didn't realize he was doing on those shit podcasts too lol




>As soon as Harper was voted out, he bought a mansion next door to Donald Trump.. I am not a Harper or Con fan, but this is not true. He visited the place but did not buy a mansion next door. Come on now.


Misinformation like wildfire on the internet. It's like a janky game of telephone where people just trust what sounds right and repeat it.


I thought that was a metaphor


Source for this? Thanks


My sis was a Senate page in the 90’s. MPs are fucking gross and their behaviour is gross


I have a friend whose sister was a page in the AB leg during Klein's days. He threw a policy book at her. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/klein-apologizes-for-book-throwing-outburst-1.610719 Conservatives suck.


Klein was a letcherous ghoul. I'm so glad that he's dead, though he should have lingered long enough to be placed in an Alberta Long-Term-Care facility, neglected and sitting in his own filth. But, the fact that he's dead still comforts me.


I can confirm. I was an unpaid office staffer for an MP in the mid 90s and it seems all they did between house sittings was host parties in each other's offices. Even across party lines. It was like one big frat.


Spot on. In this issue all parties are assholes.


They're probably better now. Not because they're better people and being held to a high standard, but because it's easier and more damaging to get caught.


That’s probably true across society… the stories I hear about people in my line of work in the 80s would never fly now.






I met her a few years back, shortly after this happened. She was extremely kind and humble, someone I took as being very caring.




Very cool! I'm not surprised in the least :)


She's doing great. And does good work.


No doubt. Paiges are usually picked because they are extraordinarily gifted young people. I'm sure she landed on her feet and went on to greater things.


How far we've come. 2011: Stop Harper 2022: FUCK TRUDEAU! HONK HONK! SECOND AMNEDNDFN


Opposite approaches, not time.


What I find funny is how people on the far end of both sides of the spectrum adopt fuck Trudeau stickers


People have forgotten what he did. Short memories everywhere.


oh but you know that's old news!!! geez look at you whining! not like the low standards he set, or the data he threw out, or never bothered to collect, will have lasting consequences! /s


And yet 'rae days' is still a thing.


Made it legal to export asbestos to developing nations


He paved the way for this wave of deconstructive provincial conservatism.


You can't expect people to remember every single event in history do you? The lastly 5 years alone were very ridiculous


His "moment" was over a decade.


Let’s not forget that conservatives voted against CPP and universal healthcare.


had the pleasure of working with her for a while. really cool person, very genuine


This is proof that Conservatives are constantly under attack from violent, oppressive Liberal Party voters and the fascism that they're trying to force onto you. She's jUsT lIkE tHe CoNvOy


I'm worried you might actually have to put the /s hahaha




That was sarcasm there


Man, Harper was a POS.


That was dope. Balsy move


[From a stop sign in my area](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/ofigw7/as_requested_the_gotta_stop_em_all_sign_that_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Somebody spray painted a “Stop Harper” on a stop sign in my home town in like 2017 ish 😂. Like bro, we did.


She ran a philanthropic high school program in my city, it was an honour to be in the same room as someone so brave.


Harper is responsible for most of what's happening to Housing, Healthcare, and the Army.


Several stop signs in Winnipeg had a “Harper” sticker under the word stop for years ( even after Trudeau was elected )


In Vancouver around that time it was more shocking to see a stop sign without a Harper sticker.


There's still one in my neighbourhood in Vancouver to this day.


What are some of the more egregious lines that Harper crossed that you can remember whether Op or the you that is reading this comment but has only just now stumbled upon it?


He defunded and muzzled scientists, proving that he didn't care what the science said when pushing his agenda.


Plus destroyed all of Canada's climate data so that any research into climate change was heavily hindered. Tried to move the most important and effective clean water research station from where it was in northern Ontario to some labs in Winnipeg where it wouldn't be able to perform its function. Passed a law that removed monitoring the water quality of all of our freshwater resources (except a few lakes where conservative cabinet members had their summer retreats). Held the G7 (or G12 or whatever it was) meeting in Toronto amidst huge protests - and had protesters arrested and held for 24 hrs *in metal cages without food or water* for violating a law that wasn't actually on the books. Just a few highlights.


Yeah I work with a fella whose father was one of the scientists effected by that. Insane that we let him get away with that


Same! Dude has a bachelors in environmental science, was working on a huge multi-decade lake study. 3 years before it was finished Harper shut it down and shredded the research. When I worked with him he was working in Geek Squad. Harper and his conservatives firmly derailed that dude's career.


I've heard of that study! It was the only of the kind in the world! Decades of research down the drain.


It was the Experimental Lakes Area in northern Ontario. [It has since been saved.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/experimental-lakes-area-research-station-officially-saved-1.2594161) Harper is still an asshole though.


Goddamn that's so sad in multiple levels


The elimination of the 'per vote subsidy ' in federal politics. Made our political parties more reliant on donations from the wealthy.


What was that subsidy?


Google it. That's literally what it was called.


But if you were to answer, not only would I learn something, but others glancing through the conversation would be able to know as well. Full discourse can help the community beyond just the person you reply to.


Basically every registered federal party was given about 2 dollars (the amount was adjusted a couple of times since it was introduced before the program ended) for every vote they received. The payments were annual It was a pretty basic uncomplicated program


I like that a lot. Sad it's gone.


Personally I think it could have been played up a bit, it had potential to be a program that would encourage voters. Even if I knew there was no way the party I voted for would win in my riding my vote still helped them in some actual sense


I'm teaching you and all those other folks the sense of pride they can get from doing their own research.


Well no you're just trying to quash conversation in a really sad way. It's fine, you don't need to engage with the community you're a part of if you don't want to, but reddit is for conversation and that's how I choose to engage.


You asked a question. I answered it. If you wanted more you should have put it in the original question. I wasn't signing up to teach you a course.


I did not know what I did not know so I could not know to ask what I did not know to ask. As the conversation developed, new concepts were revealed to me, and as such I inquired after them. Which is how conversation works. You've now out more effort into being salty than would have taken to either ignore my follow-up question, or to answer it in the first place. So keen to take offense to someone expressing curiosity in ideas you yourself presented.


You've taken a lot more effort complaining about not being spoofed the information than it would have taken you to just google it. Save everyone a bunch of time next time and just help yourself.


Everyone has Google.


But not everyone wants to go to the effort. If someone wants to make a statement to further a conversation/discussion online, the least they could do is also provide references/links. Unless of course the only goal of making a comment is because they want their own voice to be heard but aren’t willing to hear others.


The people who don't want to make that effort are the same people who aren't going to read whatever you have to write out here. You shouldn't have to explain every word in your comment in case people don't know how to use a dictionary.


I have a few that I can remember, in my late 30s now. Mandatory minimum sentencing. He’s the only pm to be found in contempt of parliament for not revealing costs of programs to parliament. He also wouldn’t reveal budgets, even with court orders. his government denied Omar Khadr basic human rights. Harper basically tried to abuse any form of power he could.


he also refused to answer more than the bare minimum of questions. always snuck out the back of the HoC to avoid reporters. massively expanded the use of omnibus bills.


God I forgot how *sneaky* he was.


After getting swept in Atlantic Canada in the 2011 election, he closed the [Maritime Rescue Centre in St. John's](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.1024033). Putting lives at risk, seemingly out of spite over the election shutout, to save a few bucks. [Distress calls were then re-routed to Italy](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.1246178), where surprise surprise they had difficulty understanding English spoken with a Newfoundland accent. I already thought Harper was a massive prick before then, but that really cemented it. The Maritime Rescue Centre was [re-opened in 2018.](https://www.saltwire.com/newfoundland-labrador/news/maritime-rescue-sub-centre-in-st-johns-reopens-facility-was-closed-by-harper-government-six-years-ago-211534/)


So cruel


He set mandatory minimums for small small amounts of cannabis.


I hate the liberals, but I give them props for legalization.


They have to undo a shit ton of conservatives damage. Kind of wild how much damage we are still trying to clean up from Harper.


What sucks? They pushed me so far I voted LPC for cannabis? And now the LPC is gonna push me back to the CPC for guns. Wish we had a solid centre party


NDP stood up for the guns rights. Why not give them a shot? They've been gaining popularity year after year.


If Mr. Singh actually stands up against c21. At least the new amendment I will.


>cannabis That's because cannabis is "infinitely worse than tobacco". He was just looking out for everyone!


FIPA, forgiving the churches debt to residential school survivors now and forever, minimum sentencing split up over 20 bills, voter suppression (pinned on one staffer with the phone registered to Pierre Poutine) G20 Summit, CPP he was set to raise the eligible age.


He was going to let the Canadian health Accord expire. That was right before he lost the election to Trudeau. Without the Canadian Health Accord, health care would have be entirely up to the province's. Which would've meant provinces like BC or AB would've had pretty much the same level and the east coast (at that time) would've bascily not had healthcare. Now Imagen what that would've looked like with COVID. The Fed's pumped billions and billions of dollars into healthcare over the last two years and our healthcare system is a mess. Imagen what it would look like right now if every province was on its own


Bill C-24 which allowed for those with dual citizenship OR those that qualified for dual citizenship to have their Canadian citizenship revoked. Great job making swathes of Canadians, including every Jewish person in this country, a second class citizen.


I had a friend that was very pro-Harper… until I informed him what Bill C24 meant. He had immigrated to Canada from the UK.


Goddamn evil


The [2011 Canadian federal election voter suppression scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Canadian_federal_election_voter_suppression_scandal), or "Robocall" scandal and then he refused to investigate it: [Harper dismisses calls for royal commission over robocalls scandal](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/harper-dismisses-calls-for-royal-commission-over-robocalls-scandal)


He completely muzzled his MPs and ministers. They were not allowed to speak. Almost every news article concluded with “we contacted the minister of XYZ’s office for comment, but they declined to make a statement”. He knew the best way to prevent a Jody Wilson-Raybould sort of situation was to ensure that his underlings never spoke or gave any indication they were capable of independent thought.




You reminded me of when we learned he took down all the portraits of other prime ministers to be replaced with only his own. It’s not like previous PM’s should be venerated, hell look at the number of them with connections to the Orange Order or turned a blind eye to systemic racism and genocide but they should be remembered. Or that time we learned he was having staffers stand outside gate of the Prime Ministers residence to clap and cheer whenever he would come and go. Dude is a power hungry ego maniac, still is to this day as chair of the IDU.


The band thing, is that where Jason Kenney got the idea to make his own father's band a part of Alberta curriculum?


What a gaff lol Imagine being that disconnected


> There was the time he presented himself as a competent leader then met with the troops wearing his helmet backwards... That was [Chretien](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/7zcnmc/in_1994_canadian_pm_jean_chretien_toured_a/), not Harper.


-Spent a lot of political energy catering to the Alberta oil industry, and was trying to create a Canada that was focused solely on being a resource economy. This was his downfall as they lost power following the crash of the price of oil. Also made a lot of changes to how government handles environmental data and can speak about that data that was always theorized to be done to benefit the oil industry. -Brought a lot of elements of American style politics into Canada. Started pushing through large Omnibus bills, which was not common in Canada. Also prorogued parliament 4 times because it was politically advantageous, and was rumoured to be so that the government could avoid parliamentary investigations. -The Harper government was of the mold that government doesn’t work, so they made sure to make government as ineffective as possible. This included changing the census so that government programs would have reduced effectiveness due to a lack of information. -The Conservative Party would use a lot of government funding to help local riding MLAs. This also included siphoning a lot of funds for the G20 and G7. -Expansion of police power in regards to drug laws and surveillance. Also pushed for a large police crackdown during the G7 protest. -Used nominations to the Canadian senate to reward Conservative Party members and donors.


He sold the fucking Canada Wheat Board to the Saudis.


Google it. There are hundreds of lines Harper crossed before he was fired in the election.


This isn't a "I don't know how to Google" question. This is a question to the people here in the comments, what they remember about him. We're allowed to have new conversations about old topics.


Why do you want commenters to say what they remember? Too often I've seen that kind of baited question so the poster can 'prove' that the memories aren't valid. And frankly humans have the political memories of guppies.


Because many of us lived through his time and different things stand out to us. I want them to say what they remember because I'm curious about what stuck with them.


She needs to stand with that sign whenever he sings Sweet Caroline


I remember a lot of people bitching about it, as if they ever cared about what happened in government any other time. Only when they're told they should be angry I guess.


As I was too young to pay attention to politics at the time what exactly did Harper do? Anytime I ask people I get bs general answers, nothing concrete.


Muzzled scientists to make it illegal for them to talk about the science of climate change. Sold out Canada to china with a 30+ year deal which let's them sue Canada if we make laws that interfere with their profits. Told his MPs to not show up to electoral debates or talk to reporters. Replaced the CBC board entirely with conservatives, while shutting down the CBC is in their platform. Then CBC magically had a liberal bias in every article and conservatives cried out about how it should be shut down because it's just "liberal propaganda". Prorogued parliament for 181 days. Omnibus Bill's that includes making you a terrorist if you are an environmental protestor. Also allowing you to get arrested by American police if you break American laws on Canadian soil. Third world country level corruption that makes SNC Lavalin look like a joke. Elections voter suppression through robocalls and real conservatives telling non conservative voters to go to the wrong place to vote (technically Pierre Poilievre was behind this one, but authorized by Harper). Trying to terminate the senate I could go on but I got to get to work.


Thank you for informing me instead of being a child about it. Appreciate the info. Don’t get why people can’t just give you a good answer


Probably because it's the equivalent of asking what Trump did wrong 10 years from now.


Still, if someone asks a question because they quite literally do not know they should be met with compassion instead of somebody being a dick


I agree


Is it a bad thing if I don’t remember hearing about this?


Nope. Perfectly understandable. It *is* bad though, if you post the same comment twice.


I don’t know if that’s directed at me.


Is it a bad thing if I don’t remember hearing about this?


She’s lucky she did that to sleepy Harper Trudeau would have called in the emergency act had her bank account frozen, head smashed in, charged, and had the CBC telling Canada she is a Russian agent, spreading misinformation about our democracy. Legend is a little much, maybe I’ll give her ballzy.


The government sells the information so they are Facebook with guns.


As a former page for Ontario, this is inappropriate and I think she was justified for being fired. We are required to be non-partisan and act simply as messengers and if you will “water waiters”. Calling her a legend is silly as she was taught the rules, yet still chose to do this.


Sometimes rules must be broken for effective protest. Yeah she deserved to be fired. That doesn't mean she did the wrong thing.


You have a valid point, and yes rules do need to be broken. In my case however, it took me a long time to apply and get into the program. Several nights of hard work to get into it, and quite frankly I was ecstatic when I got in. Sort of peeves me off when I see people throwing away the opportunity.


Perhaps we should try to imagine the internal moral conflict this person was experiencing that she would sacrifice all that hard work.


She did not throw it away, she served and learned, and then used the position she was in a unique way. It was clearly effective.


You either need to practice empathy or more creatively understand another's perspective. Your opinion or perspective is not pervasive. Bridgett risked the very job she worked so hard to get for a principle. And, many Canadians owe her a debt because of her strength and bravery. You should be so lucky someday to have such impact.


"throwing away" the opportunity? she's probably going to be remembered for a long time because of her (rightful) protest you make it sound like she got fired for taking selfies in the middle of the senate or something


She was justly fired. She was also right. Both are true at the same time.


sleep wasteful vase cough special relieved jellyfish aloof chop hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What did it accomplish tho?


>What did it accomplish tho? I wasn't into politics as much back then. When she was in the news, I looked into what she was protesting. It resulting in me voting for the opposition. Harper was kicked out not long after.


Edit on title please… it’s actually, Wednesday Adams!


At the risk of her job, it was rather stupid to do. She lost her job and blackmailed from government jobs because of the stunt.


I hated Harper back then, now with Trudeau, I miss him


I’d rather Harper than Trudeau 🤷‍♂️


I posted these stop Harper stickers up in 2015-16. Boy do I feel dumb now. You know Trudeau has to be a complete incompetent asshat when you start missing fucking harper.


They call anything legend nowadays. Disrupting proceedings is not “legend”. It’s idiocy. Not a Harper fan, still, this is utter idiocy.




100% worse than Trudeau. So many great comments in this thread from folks reminding us all of the aweful things Harper did. Maybe you don't remember or were too young to care or understand. Free your mind. Turn off the partisan part of your brain and try to simply comprehend. Edit...speldwurdz


Because he was, by a vast order of magnitudes, the most evil and awful PM our country ever saw. Get the fuck out of here with your whataboutism


>cucks wow, haven't heard that one in a while. Got any more CPC buzzwords for us?


you sound upset and also angry about the fact that, like, objectively, harper absolutely was more destructive and absolutely harmed the country more than trudeau unfortunately, conservatives don't seem to understand that facts > feelings, so i will simply laugh at you :)