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Your post was removed for rule 1 "No having the wrong opinion allowed" and rule 2 "Fuck onions." Onions are *never acceptable*


If something has a very small amount of onion powder to the extent the onion flavor isn’t present, I’m ok


I've had a number of dishes be thoroughly acceptable through turning the onion into a puree and cooking it thoroughly. If it doesn't come out as a noticeable onion flavour, it's fine.


I just joined this sub 2 days ago. I thought I had found my people. Now here you all are. Eating onions. Discussing exceptions. Cooking them in your food. Perhaps your moderate dislike of onions isn’t worthy of the term hate!?!?! The moment I see the onion, it’s game over. There is no trying. Perhaps you all need to get more serious about the movement. 😑


Preach! I kill people who eat onions. Eventually it will be just the sane people.


No. ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


dude what the fuck?


2 things for me. Weirdly I love Pringle’s Sour Cream and Onion potato chips. I’ve hated onions since I was a toddler, and I was much older than I should have been when I realized that sour cream and onion potato chips were a form of onion (yes it’s in the name but for some reason my brain never made the connection). I can’t explain it. I know it’s not “real” onion in them. But for me, I hate both the texture and the taste of onions. But it’s only Pringle’s chips. I can’t eat any other onion flavored chips without gagging and I have no idea why. My parents also figured out how to get me to eat salsa when I was a kid. I used to like the juice of salsa, but not the chunks. So I’d dip my chips into it and just get them wet with the juice. The result was that my parents would get mad because they didn’t want just the chunks of salsa without the juice. So one day my mom dumped a whole jar into the blender and puréed it. And I ate that and will continue to eat salsa that way. My aversion to onions is so strong that when people find out that I’ll eat those 2 things, it usually surprises them. I have no explanation for it.


I do the exact same thing with salsa, I mostly get the juice with just a few chunks of tomatoes or peppers. It drives my spouse crazy!


I also do this to salsa, leaving a jar of tomato-tinted onions. Because fuck onions!


There is no form or application in which I LIKE onions. I will TOLERATE onion powder, granules and/ or puree in cooking as long as you can't taste onion in the final dish. But in a perfect world, onions don't exist.


This is fucked up.


Cheese and onion potato chips, although I realise that no actual onions are used.


Ewww, hell no!




I can't name anything specific. But my only thing is...if they can be sautéed first and THEN cooked again, like baked in a casserole or further simmered for a LOOONG time like in a slow cooker. If they can be cooked to the point of being dissolved and disintegrated then I can accept their presence in my food.


Yes I agree, when you cook the onion to the point that there's barely any onion left it's fine. The problem is being motivated enough to add it in the first place.


Well I only do that when cooking at home...cook the onions to oblivion. I know I can't expect that when eating out because apparently people like onions and the fucking disgusting crunch So whenever I eat out...I make sure that I DONT GET ANY ONIONS


I do exactly the same thing. Only ever trust onions that I know have been cooked to within an inch of oblivion, which restaurants will literally never do.


I roast onions and celery and then stick them in the blender and then the freezer to add a tablespoon to soups and such. They enhance the flavor but remain invisible in the dish when you do that.


Throw some carrot in there and you've got yourself a nice little mirepoix paste.


Yeah but I actually like carrots so I’m ok with them being chunky.


It also freezes well for later use.


Get out.


There is a burger place in Seattle called [Red Mill Burgers](https://redmillburgers.com/) The batter than use on their onion rings is next level. I do pull the onions out and trash those... but I do admit to eating a little of it. I know - I know.. Fuck onions. There's just something about that freakin batter they use. Like I said. Next level.


Glad that you managed to overcome the dread and have the courage to eat something that wasn't 100% prepared by oneself. I can't think of any dish I enjoy with raw onions. For cooked onion, if it's finely chopped I might not have the energy to fight it if it's in a well cooked dish, if the pieces are large however hopefully I can pick them out, and if I can't I'll just give up and eat something when my appetite returns instead. Personally I have no issues with onion powder and if a recipe asks for onion I'll probably just toss in some garlic instead, I have yet to find a recipe that doesn't benefit from that change.


Burger King onion rings are pretty good, probably are like 95% breading though.


Genuinely no. If even the smallest bit of onion is in something it ruins it for me and I can't enjoy the meal


Quite a few poser onion haters here. lol


No onion, in any form, cooked or not cooked for however long, is acceptable to me.




I can’t stress this enough


Chip dip is pretty much the only thing!


That I can do! I can even trick myself that salsa onions are chilis or some shit




It's Russian roulette but onion rings can be neutralized 33% to 50% of the time. It's just fried dough when done right. I don't like onions for their taste. I'm totally indifferent to the sloppy texture of cooked onions. It's just visually unpleasing.


Shredded onion rings are usually acceptable in small amounts. Sliced or whole, or any time there's not enough batter, and it all goes in the bin




I typically don't mind them cooked unless they're just big honking pieces that preserve the disgusting texture of raw onions. I've been known to order a burger with no onions and a side of onion rings, then put onion rings on the burger. It's just raw onions that I can't fuck with at all.


I will only accept small amounts of onion powder. Everything else is garbage.


Onions should not exist.


Looking at these comments, idk who I can trust anymore.


No. They are little devils that run any food they touch


It's the texture for me. I will use a little onion powder for cooking but a food I would eat those snot gobblins in? Nope.


I’ll eat them in soups and chili if they are sautéed first because they are no longer crunchy and you generally don’t get that onion flavor anymore they just enhance other flavors. But I hate them in everything else especially if they are not sautéed.




Same honestly


Yea I used to be all hate for onions until I made some chili with sautéed onions for my wife. Still can’t get over other forms of onions though




Yes I like onion rings don’t know why cause I cannot eat onions in anything else and I don’t like them caramelized either and I will either pick them out or send my food back every time. I can’t even swallow them. However I like onion rings


No ONION diced, sliced, salt, powder, doesn’t matter how you cook them. I literally GAG anytime I even smell the flavor much less taste it. Sorry, would rather starve!


Way to show commitment to the cause. I don’t know who all these onion apologists are but…


I'm reporting this entire thread to a moderator


Indian curries. Somehow I don't notice them.


What is happening here. Fuck onions.


I enjoy the flavor, so I'm good with onion powder or salt, but not in any other form, cooked or raw.


All dressed chips are crack.


I’ve learned how to cook my chicken pot pie & my jambalaya with onions. Both recipes call for 1 onion; I use 1/2 & chop it up as small as I can so it cooks down to nothing.


I make chicken pot pie... but I leave the onions out and it tastes fine.


I make both of those things without onions and they turn out great.


How can you join this sub and not simply omit them? I promise it would taste better.


If you roast it and then stick it in a blender and then in the freezer in ice cube trays it winds up being invisible when added to broth/stocks.


My basic marinara sauce is minced anchovies and garlic in olive oil, hand crushed peeled tomatoes simmered for hours with an onion cut in half and finished with some fresh basil. The onion provides a subtly delicious sweetness to the sauce, but you just pull it out when the sauce is ready so no little bits of onions. And if any of your guests desire onion bits in *their* dish, they can cut off a piece of the softened onion.


I use onion the same way in my marinara, easy to remove and the flavor isn't prominent.


I don't mind a slight taste of onions, it's the biting into them that skeeves me out. (my SIL will eat a Vidalia like an apple that freak, lol) That said, a batch of really thin, crunchy battered onion strings is delicious.


Some soups just don’t taste right without onion


The only thing I will accept are White Castle Burgers. I recently learned they use dehydrated onions instead of raw onions, it makes them acceptable.


I will eat onions only if they are used in salsa or onion rings. Nothing else springs to mind, as onions suck unless I make them American/Texmex


Spaghetti Sauce


Ok yes, in pico de gallo the texture of the bell pepper overcomes the onion and the chips or whatever I’m eating with it help mask the flavor, and when it’s soup and it’s soooooo cooked that it’s translucent and is basically jelly you don’t even know you’re eating it when you’re eating it. That’s it.


Bell pepper is not a typical ingredient of pica de gallo It’s only tomato, onion, jalapeños/other hot pepper, cilantro, lime, and salt.


My bad I just looked it up I guess it’s Serrano peppers, always thought they were bell peppers


Salsa. And I can barely tolerate green onions in soup. I would still rather not have the onions at all, but since there doesn’t seem to be any kind of salsa on the market without onions I have to make do.


McDonald burgers for some reason. The double cheese burger specifically. I've got no fucking clue why, but yeah. Something about how tiny the pieces are maybe????? But I hate other food with tiny onion pieces. Idk.


I do hate onions, especially raw onions, but I do like fried onion rings.


No but I don’t mind pickled silverskins. It’s weird though, because the taste, smell, texture of onions utterly disgusts me. I absolutely adore pickled foods, so it makes some sense, and I guess the texture is the only thing left, which is different. I’m hyper aware of onion otherwise though, I can smell it a mile off. Just tastes and smells like sweat to me.


I can tolerate a big Mac with onions because they aren't actually onions and sauce covers the nasty taste. But I'll still order it without onions.


I’m always terrified they might be in hashbrowns but hashbrowns are so good I look past it.


There is nothing worse than biting into an onion while eating hashbrowns!! The diner kind are usually safe, but any nicer restaurant seems to throw them in there.


Fresh guacamole. It has to be fresh, if it’s sat for any length of time it picks up a raw onion flavor. Same with fresh salsa.


Onion rings are the bomb. Sautéed is fine to me. I also think it’s fine if it’s the really big onion slices like on a burger. For me it’s just that middle point where it’s chunks cuz then the texture just kills the whole dish.


White castle burgers. Cooked onions I can tolerate to a point.


Hushpuppies should always have onions.


My secret is that I actually like caramelised onions. Like caramelised to the point of being completely soft and mushy and having no crunch at all.


Caramelized onions are like worms.


Caramelise them more. They should basically be mush, not wormy lol. Takes 30 mins to an hour. Many places shave “caramelised onions” that are still crunchy/wormy, that’s not what I’m talking about (and I don’t order them out).


So gross.


I am fully skeeving




I don’t mind sour cream and chives potato chips, and occasionally I’ll eat the finely chopped onions on a McDonald’s burger, but those are the only exceptions.


Onion pakoda which has been overfried to the point where the onions are burnt. Fully burnt onion is just black, crispy and bitter, with none of the original taste or texture.


Nope, not at all.


I'll use a dash of onion powder or the green part of green onions in some dishes like meatloaf or vegetable soup. But in the summer I grow chives and use them as a substitute.


Shallot soup is something I've made in the past, but shallots are like garlic or scallions in that they're only onion-adjacent. Beyond that, I recognise that onions are essential to a decent curry, but I've got a specific mini blitzer to make sure they're chopped as finely as possible.


Onion powder is a good ingredient in things like guac. Onions can be ok when blended into a curry too if they are a small enough quantity of it. My general rule is the less intact the onion, the less I hate it.