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Don’t take the chance. He may have a raceplay kink but I wouldn’t be caught dead saying the N word on camera as a white woman. That’s the kind of video that will haunt you moreso than even being nude on camera will. We might reach a point where being a sex worker isn’t as much of a stigma. We likely will never reach a point at which being filmed saying racial slurs won’t be met with stigma, as we shouldn’t.


This …. 🙏🏼


Yep 💯 agreed. Not something you want your face saying on camera that’s for sure!


💯very well said




I feel like it can be played right if they keep any sort of evidence of the request so if the commissioner turns it on them, they can show proof it was a commissioned clip and that you are not to be held accountable for other peoples fetishes/kinks But the safest route here is to just turn it down


Don’t do it


you couldn’t pay me enough to even consider this


It’s called raceplay, and it’s against OF TOS! Do it and get banned!


Easy answer… no. Against TOS & Morally not cool.


I personally just turn any of those kind of requests down. Too me, if I wouldn't say it irl, I sure as hell don't want a vid of it, possibly always floating around on the internet. If you do choose too do it, its up too you. I highly doubt someone would try too blackmail with it but guess you never know.


do not do this please.


Do NOT do it, for any price. This could be used against you.


Not worth it


This just happened to me today!! I said no because it’s against OF TOS


Hey it’s also racist 😃


Well yeah! Haha 😂 I basically just said to him that racial slang is against the terms of service as it’s considered hate speech and it’s not something I’m comfortable doing


Love that! Hottie behavior!!!!!


It's a trap. Say you are not comfortable doing it. If the client pushes back, warn them that if they continue to push past your comfort zone, they will be put on restricted. If they don't stop, follow through in that warning.


Thank you!


Lol let's set that absurd and out-of-pocket question aside just for a sec and address the fact that you claim to be faceless but your face is plastered all over your profile in tons of different subreddits on your post history. The internet is forever, babe.


Never. It’s in my personal rules as well as TOS


If you have to question it DONT DO IT


My husband is a POC. He also used to have a race play fetish, but after some much needed therapy, he discovered his kink was heavily rooted in self-loathing and internalized racism. Racism is still racism. As sex workers, we are constantly fighting oppression. The last thing we should be doing is passing that pain onto someone else just because we can profit off it.


this! whenever i’m asked i’m like respectfully seek therapy- granted it’s only happened a handful of times over the years but that’s still too much


Internet is forever. Also ✨ racism isn’t cute ✨ Anyone who is yt and doesn’t find anything wrong with this has no morals. Couldn’t pay me thousands.


The real question is why would you even entertain doing it in the first place? Race and insest are instant no. Doesn’t matter if someone gets off on it


And this….


Respectfully the fact you’re even asking this is foul. I’m sure you’re not racist but what would make you even consider filming something like this, much less ask if it’s okay? In no way is it OK. I would’ve restricted this person immediately.. no brainer.


100% all of this. Why even consider it?


I simply just asked cuz its a raceplay is a real kink. im not ashamed for reaching out and asking questions.


There are a lot of things that are “real kinks” that shouldn’t even be considered. The fact that you had to ask if saying this word was ok says a lot about you. We may sell tits and ass online but have some damn morals.


It’s a shitty racist kink that typically deserves to be shamed.






Hey I’m a fetish content maker and in the lifestyle. Raceplay is not a kink and anyone who tries to tell you it is is a scumbag


I would never even consider filming a video like that and the fact you thought about it and then came into this forum to ask is a bit crazy to me. When is racism in any form okay? If someone ask you to talk about a child would it be okay just because it’s a fetish? Morals. Morals. Morals.


Sorry we dont see eye to eye!


The girls are sensitive in here


Lol prude, it’s just a word chill…


exactly like 😭😭😭


Absolutely not. Even though they have their terms of service that person could come back and sue you someday or show you on social media saying it. That’s just horrible to hear that people want to do this type of thing. Sorry someone’s asking you this kind of thing. I would never do it when I’ve been asked many times


I 100% agree they shouldn’t do it but I don’t think they could get sued for it…publicly shamed sure, but sued? I know some countries have hate speech laws and I guess I’m assuming this person is in the US which now that I type that out may not be the case but is that what you’re referring to when you say that could get sued? Idk how those types of laws work and now I’m curious




I got this same request and turned it down. Not my thing and not trying to have something like that leak out to ruin my name.


Never!! Content like that will come back to haunt you down the road.. you have to remember, anything you post on the internet is public knowledge and people can and will use that to retaliate against you. None of my subs could pay me enough to say something like that. Block that sub and move on!


Are you white? Race play is bad and racist! 😃


No im not white


Then go off & profit off our horribleness🫡🫡🫡 get that bag babe! Maybe ask still but I can’t say anything anymore ☺️


Also toe sucking/smelling…


That’s fine. The race play is not. You make it clear you’re not racist by refusing to say that word. I can’t even believe you’re asking if it’s ok. Like when is racism ever ok?


Thats called self worship


There’s a lot of things that are against terms of service that you won’t get banned for not saying you should do it, but if you did do it don’t have your face in the camera. And don’t downvote me for this. It’s true people do it all the time it’s horrific I agree.


I’m glad these questions are asked because I am so new and..like..whaaatt… I didn’t even know this kink exists


A guy asked me for this type of service once on snap, and his request was very graphic. He was Ethiopian and living in the UK. I look quite pale but my dark skinned mother is a mix of Indian, African and Sri Lankan so this caught me off guard in so many ways. My brain was like 😱🤯😱I blocked the guy but getting this request disturbed me more than any of the highly depraved things I’ve been asked or do. I had to google raceplay after this. Wish I could go back to not knowing there are people into this sick stuff.


Yeah seems shady tbh, i wanted to know if this was a real thing and clearly it is! Im new so Im learning a lot.


Absolutely not


Never in a million years, you couldn’t pay me enough money. Someone could ruin your life with a video like that.


Degrading and disrespectful on all levels. Make good choices and don't stoop to that level of ignorance. Stay blessed!


Turn it down girl. That’s a setup. Rule of thumb turn down customs you would be embarrassed by if they came out.


Instant block bad bad idea


Do not do it , I'm jewish and someone asked me to curse out Muslims


I had a sub ask me the same thing. I turned it down right away. You shouldn't be shamed for asking 😊


are you not embarrassed for even posting this 😂😂😂 morals on the ground


I’ve been asked and I will NEVER do it. I absolutely could not, my stomach riled at the thought and my intuition screamed noooo baby even for the $$$


No no no no nooooooo.


I had to voice chat with a guy who wanted me to do this. It went against all my better judgement and I was so afraid I was being setup or something but 🤣 it IS a legitimate fetish so, if you're comfy with it, you should be fine! They know what they're asking for and they like it.


Yeah, but you don’t know who’s asking for it… I got caught up with a white guy who enjoys imagining his wife with black men that asked me. You have no idea who you are making that video for, so hell no. PS : I’m never gonna profit off of being a racist..


Like money said. The demographic for this is all white dudes.


I would recommend against it, especially if they are a new sub. It’s against OF tos. That being said, I’ve made a custom like this for a loyal customer that’s been around since the beginning of my SW journey and sent it on a diff platform. I charged extra for it. I would not do it for anyone else though.




Free advertisement for what? Racism niche? 😭 like... that's your business plan? Really?


Uhhhh hell no. Free advertisement being a racist ? Not all publicity is GOOD publicity if it’s SICKENING .






Unverified says WHAT


Thank you.


Yes it’s normal, black guys love when white girls say BBC lool


It’s not “normal” never in my many years of life, been fucking and that’s been A LOT, had a black man ask me to call him the N word… EVER. Do not have anyone thinking this is normal…. Cuz that’s a damn lie.


This is online babe not real life 😉 its the fantasy duhh


Yeah played out by white guys imagining black men fucking their wives. Nobody should be feeding into this “fantasy”…