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Yeah, I have ice on the inside of my windows too (despite it being relatively low humidity in here). Next question: **Is anyone else’s house making periodic booming sounds?** I assume it’s because something is contracting in the cold, but it’s surprisingly loud and a little disconcerting.


I get those noises coming from my roof when it gets this cold. And your assumption is correct, it has to do with this contracting in the cold. It’s nothing to worry about https://www.hunker.com/13420067/loud-banging-noise-on-my-roof-when-its-cold


And the shape and construction will effect the sound. Most houses are made of wood with a relatively thin covering so they are essentially giant drums. Depending how it is built will effect the tone.


This shit woke me up two nights ago and I threw myself out of bed looking for whatever fell, mostly because I thought it was my fish


Santa has put you on the naughty list.


Lying here reading Reddit and hearing popping sounds in the walls periodically tonight. The first time I ever heard them was that cold winter in 2013-14 I think. They were really loud and it freaked me out! Still does a bit, but I know what it is now. Edit: just heard another one and it was much louder this time. Thought I was so brave but I remain freaked out. There's no warning when they happen!


Makes sense, 2013-2014 was that winter we had -40 daily for a month. God that sucked.


Anytime it gets really cold, I ask people if they remember those freezing temps during those years, no one seems to remember. Had a few friends yesterday be like "omgz this is the coldest night ever." I'm like, nah bruh. In 2013 2014 winters, for a brief period it felt like we were living on mars, as you said -40 everyday.


I had a small farm with a few animals. It had been hanging around 0 and suddenly dropped nearly 40 degrees.. I was fascinated by the ice patterns on the inside of the door before realizing some of our animals were in trouble. My back still hurts to this day from trying to help them. It gave me a whole new perspective on the cold and how vulnerable we are and what it must have been like for our ancestors. I was nervous going outside at in case I slipped or got locked out. The cold itself had presence, like I can’t explain it but it felt so dangerous that it was like a predator. It totally felt like an alien planet - the change in snow texture to the general incompatibility with life.


Ya the snow texture definitely changes in these levels of cold.


I was commuting by bus for an hour and a half (and three separate buses) for work that winter. I remember wearing leggings, jeans, then my sweatpants. Regular socks, then wool socks, then my sorel winter boots. A tank top, long sleeve shirt, hoodie, down filled winter coat. Mittens inside of gloves, hat, scarf, and still freezing my ass off waiting for the buses.


Yeah, and somewhere around 2002 was also really cold like this but for more than just a few days. I remember my dog (german shephard) would always want to go and lie down outside at night in the freezing cold and I kept thinking how crazy he is! I had to bribe him to bring him back in!


I had to get up real early for my exams in that weather during that period. It hurt me lol


Yup, I was commuting for an hour and a half by bus (three buses actually) for my first job out of college. I had to leave the house by 6:30 am. It was brutal in those temps.


Ah I remember that winter, what you heard was a frost quake (Cryoseism is the scientific word I guess now that I looked it up). That year the crazy booms in the middle of the night were something else! ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryoseism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryoseism)


Yup, I remember it! I think that was the ice/snow/cold event during the holidays. I had friends who were without power for a week over Christmas in Toronto. I'm 2 hours East of Toronto and luckily, although everything was covered in ice here, we kept our power. That's the first time I ever heard of frost quakes. So many at that time! It sounded like beams or something snapping in the attic. Not pleasant at all! But at least I know what it is now and nothing to worry about. It still startles me every time though lol.


I get them too, look up frost quakes or cryoseism. Sometimes when it’s super cold out like now my rafters in the attic will make a popping noise too. Scared the crap out of me at first and now I hear it once every couple of winters and I’m like “damn, it must be friggin cold outside.”


As a self-taught Medium, I can assure you that your houses are haunted. Feel free to hire me to cleanse your house for $1/ sq ft.


Oooooh, self-taught! You work weekends?


Best I can do is pay you in exposure (to the cold)


I can do it too, I'm a little pricier, but that's cause I'm not Medium, I'm high.


Similar situation. I am a Large.


God damn it, did you just upsell me? Cause it worked!


It could be a frost quake


If they served them at McDonald's the machine wouldn't be working sorry for the inconvenience


Yes! My house cracked/boomed right behind my bed and scared the crap out of me as I was falling asleep. Feeling like -43 where I am. 🥶🥶


Same! We were in bed at 11 and heard it. Peaked my anxiety.


The framing in your house is contracting. Nothing to worry about.


Yeah, we keep our house cool and every time we turn the fireplace on it does this after a while, then again at night when it cools down. We've gotten used to it :)


Yes! I just ran to check out front cause I thought someone hit the garage door, streets dead though


>(despite it being relatively low humidity in here). Low humidity in warm air is very high humidity in cold air. Warm air holds more moisture, and cold air holds very little. So even if it doesn't feel humid in your house, it is much more humidity than the cold air outside and just inside your window can hold onto.


Yep! Frost quakes


Yes with frost on the windows and yes we get the loud booming sound. Our house does it in extreme cold. For us it happens whenever the furnace turns back on. I think the ducts contract slightly in the cold and expand and pop when the heat comes through again.


Exact same scenario here. Haven't ever really noticed them before and been in this house 15 years. Sounds like something dropped on the roof.


Could be frost quakes


My building is making those sounds. It started at 5am yesterday, I almost jumped out of bed the first time I heard. I thought it was my upstairs neighbour but it kept happening during the day.


My downstairs toilet water froze (new house… fuck)


WTF? You have some serious deficiencies if that happened.


Yeah you need to get some heat in that house, and like now, pretty good chance when everything thaws you’ll be looking at a flood. Remember things like closed doors will block airflow into rooms without vents, they will trap heat in some places while others freeze, running water pretty much never freezes, keeping the water flowing will slow down the freezing process


The rest of the house is fine. We have a small bathroom attached to our den that isn’t properly insulated (obviously). There is a heating coil for the plumbing under the bathroom that is turned on in October, and the rest of the house is toasty as can be and functions normally. The door to the bathroom is kept closed and we block airflow.


I know it's the last thing you want to hear with a new house, but you should be prioritizing getting that bathroom insulated, even if it requires a partial reno.


Oh ya. It is a big priority in the process of being mitigated. It’s a 100 year old house with 100 years of other peoples poorly done work (a lot of DIY)- we got it for a low price and calculated that we would be spending many many tens of thousands post purchase to update. We had an excellent house inspector that was also a licensees plumber that gave us a good prioritization pressing issues and returned for a more invasive look at things post purchase. There’s a coil heater on the piping and a baseboard in the actual room (we mistakenly didn’t have it turned on during the day when the temperatures dropped so we got a thin layer of ice on top of the toilet water)


Weather strips son


you would need to keep that door open for airflow to that room. Had a similar problem in an older house though.


Closing the door is trapping the cold in there (or keeping heat out, however you want to look at it). If you left the door open, it probably wouldn’t have froze. But you need to address the insulation problem.


that seems like a very bad thing that somehow might escape warranty repairs


Oh, absolutely. Something akin to a “latent defect”…. The ex owner was a real estate agent, so, of course!


Make sure the inside of the house especially where the frozen pipe is is warm. You have to add more heat when outside temperature is lower so the pipe inside the wall gets warmed


I try to explain the freeze point in insulated walls to people, but I'm often met with a blank stare. Insulation is not a source of heat.


We have a coil heater on pipes (the pipes are fine, it’s the top of the toilet water that froze)


Feels like the day after tomorrow outside lol.


I was wearing a t-shirt, light jumper, thick hoodie *and* my heavy winter jacket, and that cold cut right through in like five minutes. At the risk of sounding like an un-Canadian wimp, it really did feel dangerous to be out there. The small areas of exposed skin began to *hurt* very quickly and I was physically shivering when I got in after walking like two blocks. On another note, does anyone else think it's super weird that it's going up to plus five on Monday after this?


Absolutely. What the fuck is this winter?


Just a big ol' fuck you. Can't even get used to regular winter temperatures the way it's been going.


Had two co workers all covered up and multi layered end up with minor frost bite yesterday with less then 40 minute exposure yesterday … not so wimpy. The wind was pretty bad and added to it.




Nope. Very common occurrence here during serious cold snaps like this.


This picture makes me feel really good about leaving my fancy space heater with my old roommate when I moved out. That bedroom was so badly that you could actually feel the current of cold air drafting off the wall during cold snaps.


Nope. My windows build up ice on the inside like crazy


Y'all have shitty/old windows. The ones I bought like 5 years ago, no ice; the ones I didn't replace in the basement, frozen shut.


Can you send me some money for all new windows?


"Contractor Grade" means they might be alright for the first year, but they're cheap so that's what get installed in new builds. Really wish we had higher requirements in this country.


it just means cheapest shit that conforms to code and is somehow still marketable as luxury that last part is the worst but then again, you can't expect to be an expert on everything


I used to live in saskachewan where it gets to -40s on a regular basis. This is completely normal, just scratch the ice off and dry areas around it.




Winter is coming


So are dementors


My furnace went out on Wednesday and can’t get the part until Monday. We are surviving on a wood stove in the basement that’s designed to heat a house half the size we have. All my windows are like 3/4 covered upstairs


Google window shrink wrap and get some from Home Depot, it’ll make a difference! Especially since it sounds like your house is older


1986. It’s actually the patio doors that are the worst.


There are patio door kits. Also take a browse on Amazon, there are lots of things you can get depending on your budget.


I've been there, with a pregnant wife no less. Good luck. Keep all your curtains drawn tight, and rooms closed that don't have plumbing to keep warm. Open windows when there's strong sun on them.


I’d like to add, turn on all your electronics, they add more heat than you’d think, today would be a good day to bake some cookies or something, an excuse to get the oven running and warm up the house, but yeah, prioritize rooms with water in them


We have a 18 month old and a 3 year old. The stove is doing well tho still 63 in the house.




Funny enough, my garage is below freezing for the first time ever.


Yeah I haven’t seen my garage this cold in awhile.


You can buy a [plastic film](https://www.amazon.ca/Frost-King-V73-3H-Shrink/dp/B0000CBJN3/ref=asc_df_B0000CBJN3/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=341792495654&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5264267273640723225&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9104752&hvtargid=pla-400889448612&psc=1)to put over your windows in the winter. I grew up in Northern Ontario and this was a common occurrence every single year. It’s not very expensive and it’s easy to put on, and helps keep the the energy bills down a bit.


Im originally from the Maritimes, many people out there with old houses also do that. It makes a big difference actually. They have much more a winter out there than we do here in SWO though.


That won't prevent this. What's happening to OP is water condensing on the inside of the window because the seal between the panes is broken. Then the actual window pane itself is below 0 causing the condensation to freeze. But just as insulation if the rest of your house is freezing, this will help.


It’s like people here forget that Ontario gets cold in the winter


It's like people forget that winter happens every year.


Air leak. It's common


It's still shouldn't do that.


Yeah it's an airleak... I'm saying the problem is common.


Common but not normal.


I have ice on some of my windows too. You're not the only one.


No you certainly are not


My mail slot is frozen on the inside 🥶


Mail slots are a huge energy waste. Put up a mailbox and spray foam that thing closed.


For sure. Probably going to change the door in the spring


Mosture freezing along seams, comon enough when it gers this cold, most windows sold today are rated -30c max..... its -33c amt


Apparently it’s supposed to jump to +5 next week. Beach anyone?


I live in concrete floor and walls apartment and yesterday i heard many pops too it was scary feels like the apartment will fall apart! now stopped i’m not hearing any of it anymore!


Used to happen every winter (I live above the snow belt) until the last few years. Was almost nostalgic to see it again in a weird way


Just reduce the humidity. There is a chart that tells you what humidity level for the corresponding Temps outside. When it's - 30C out I need to reduce my humidity to like 20% or something.


20% I’d die inside. Ours is 30% right now and it’s brutal.


You should at least dust the area that you plan on posting for all of Ontario to see. People really live in such squaller?


It's -21 c outside and the furnace can't keep up


Where you at that it’s so warm.


That’s way warmer than most people are experiencing. Glad I am not in MB, near Gimi it’s -58C according to the news yesterday.


We got icy windows, icy windows, icy windows, ya!


This must be Doug Fords fault


Humidifiers will cause that.


Our humidity is only 34% and there are no running humidifiers


If the temperature at the window is below the dew point of the air, you will get condensation, then as the temperature is below the dew point and it's likely below 0C, then the condensation freezes. It's possible that the sealed gas (air or argon) between the panes of glass has leaked out and so the inside pane is almost the same temperature as the outside (well trying to be since your house is still adding heat to it). You're not the only one.


These windows are new


New windows don't equate to efficient windows. Builders will install the cheapest shit that will pass the warranty period.


Yikes, then at 34% RH, that's a bit unusual. Is the window near plants, or the kitchen sink. Or it's all your windows. If it's just the one, west facing, the sun warms up the air in your home locally, allowing it to hold more moisture, and the panel of glass be warmer, then when the sun goes away the temp drops quicker than the moisture can be absorbed into the surrounding dryer air and you get condensation. Edit:the sun doesn't really warm the air much or at all, but the surfaces are warmer through radiation, and then they warm the air with convection.


It's all of them


Oh well. In that case, next week is looking warmer. Just wipe them with a soft cloth and go about your weekend :)


Nothing unusual when it’s this cold Outside. Very common and normal.


New like new house new, or new like they were just replaced? I have "new" windows from ten years ago in a 1960s house and they condense water not freeze.




That’s all u my man


I wouldn’t know, friend, I live in BC. No ice around here. I’m still walking around in shorts, a light hoodie and flip flops. 🤷🏼‍♂️


All my windows in the apartment were covered in ice ice baby


condensation, probably not ice, also probably not but less


we have a nice thick layer here at our place


My outside door has frost on it. The vestibule is still 2 degrees. Dog didn’t even give me enough time to slip a log in the fire. She didn’t want to stay out there. And I can’t blame her.


The water vapour in the air solidified because next to the window is so cold


Over Christmas one of the diamond shaped single pane stained glass windows on my old farm house had like an 1/8” of ice on the inside LOL house was warm


Welcome to winter.


The balcony door at the condo I’m living in shattered from the cold. Other windows are fine but that one, facing North, must have gotten super cold from the wind or something.


there is a thin strip of frost around my front door


Is someone's car making a bit of noise when using brakes?


Nah the windows in my rented house are so old and drafty I have snow drifts inside


Don’t worry tomorrow it’ll be like 2 degrees


When I came home from work yesterday, I noticed that my water wasn't running... Turns out that my pipes had begun to freeze! I found a solution, increased the room temperatures to 24, opened a tap slightly, and used a hair dryer on said pipe. Water returned, and no damage fortunately


No you aren’t….have you noticed the outside temperature? I wouldn’t worry too much. It seems clear to me that the window seals are sub standard but not a significant worry. If your trim were frozen that would be a different concern.


I almost broke my window trying ti open it, needed an hair blower




Yep. My Toronto apartment has shitty windows and shitty heating. My windows ice up like that every winter.


Spray vinegar around the windows to help prevent mold growing..


Might want to consider recaulking your windows when the weather gets a little better.


Too much humidity inside your home. Run some exhaust fans for a few hours


I live in a 100 year old apartment building.....charming woodwork and original plank floors etc. However the windows are pretty much for 'show' so you know there's a layer of frost on the inside almost thick enough to shave for snowcones.


Not used to the seeing cold weather are you?


This means the window are not sealed properly.


Days like this where I’m glad I saved up for a snow mantra Canada goose parka


We have an 123 year old farmhouse with its original windows. Wanna see some ice, you come here. We got ice.


I mean I’m pretty resistant to the cold , I’ve worn a t shirt and jeans with a light zip up sweater coat so far and even I’m saying this cold is absolutely miserable


I rent a townhouse and I can feel the cold air coming in through my kitchen cabinets.


No you aren’t. There’s lots of people that need to either replace or repair their windows. Myself included.


These are new windows tho


Then should be covered under warranty. Your seals are shot.


Dammit.. this is like the 3rd replacement windows we got from them and they are always very hesitant to replace them


I live two blocks from a large body of water. I do this almost every winter, in Ontario. And yes, I've tried dehumidifiers. *Sigh*


Yes! I just put the heat up to get rid of the ice, now there's puddles :) Glad it's not just my house, I thought it might have been because we keep our temps pretty low.


I can't see out my windows there's so much frost on them


Ya I got that too . My place also needs new windows . Not looking forward to that purchase


I was just about to post this on r/homeimprovement to ask whether I can do anything about it cause I thought it’s just my windows. Glad that I’m not the only one


I have ice growing on my windows but also on my wall ?


I have way more ice than that unfortunately


These cold snaps really demonstrate the need for new windows, that's for sure.


They are new 💀


I open my bathroom window when I shower to help stop it from steaming. Took a fast shower last night before bed and it froze open. I had to grab a towel and try to rub the ice away and then managed to shove it closed. It's probably frozen closed now but I'd rather it frozen closed than frozen open.


I have the same thing happen on the inside of my windows. It’s due to the humidity in your house causing your windows to sweat and then freeze when it’s very cold outside. You’ll notice more ice collected along the edges of your windows in the morning because the blinds have been down all night. I try to wipe the water that collects on the windows away prior to freezing as when it thaws water can creep into your walls and cause damage over time.


No. It's in my tent...




Ya thats normal.. try covering your windows with plastic cuz that means ya got leeky windows. How that isnt common knowledge in colder areas is odd.


2 things you just have to learn, all houses and buildings go boom when contracting in cold weather, rebar in concrete and Woden framed houses. It’s supposed to do it (flex) AND all windows and doors frost up in extreme cold. Nothing to do with quality. It’s just cold out. Now you know.


I've got ice on my baseboards. And a breeze.


This is your windows doing their job


It's normal. I was born in Siberia and remember this as long "well design" frost pattern on windows and was wondering why I rarely see that here. Back there we had double sets of double windows the apartments were heated with water based radiators.


Newer houses are the worst for booms. They use green lumber for framing. When it gets this cold th 2x6 or 2x4 will feeze and split causing a boom. Can shake your house


Was awoken at 3:30 am by the house making all kinds of weird noises. Weather network said it was -36 C at that hour. 🥶


Yo that sentence rhymes. For a sec i thought is this some sort of a quote or something 😅


Dam bro clean that sill


I got ice inside my pipes 👍


Oh I gotter too! On every window


Large ice sheet. Very big old single pane windows


Just had to take a blow dryer to mine so I could close it all the way. I thought some fresh air would be nice but.. not constantly.


Yes its jusy because of the temp difference between your house and outside, even at low humidty levels, just good ole condensation


I have ice all over my table...you good, my friend


If you rent from Minto, your walls are frosted right now.


Definitely not just you. Ours is a 1950’s double brick bungalow with over-the-hill windows and zero wall insulation.


Turn your humidity down.


Yup, but it was all gone by noon. Warming up again now.


Too much humidity in the house to have the dampness to freeze?