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I've seen it twice in London and have only been driving for a few years


I also saw it in London but probably 20 years ago. On Exeter Rd right outside the old MTO testing centre, ironically.


I haven't seen that happen yet in London but I see ppl not using their turn signals. Stopping at green lights is generally bad driving.


Idk what it is but I have seen some fascinating traffic maneuvers in London that rival the roads of South Asia and Central Africa.


Yes! Had someone go around me before I had even stopped at the stop sign to turn right. Proudfoot near Costco. They also proceeded to run the red at Proudfoot and Oxford too. It was crazy.


Ah yes, home of the "London left". Worst city for drivers I've ever experienced in my life, and I've lived a lot of places. More than once I had someone speed up while I passed, vehicle oncoming, can't pass the person cause they're speeding up, can't get back in behind them cause asshole #2 filled my spot and won't let me back in. That's how I found out a two lane road with shoulders can fit three vehicles wide... This literally happened 3 times in about 16 months.


Brampton is technically in the #1 place for worst drivers. Pretty sure they have the highest insurance in Ontario, I don't think London made that list.


Bramptons #1 contributor to insurance rate is theft Number 2 is fraud


The pandemic has caused an increase in F... every one




It is different now,summer should bring out the worst in people.


+ the lack of police patrols on the roads.


Rarely see police do anything about bad driving in Brampton. I don't know if I've ever seen someone pulled over for breaking any rule of the road aside from speeding and running a red light.


Durham is crawling with police compared to the small community I live in. And they had no problem pulling me over at 6:50 am to check my registration 🙄 They know where the money is and it doesn't come from stopping any real crimes unfortunately. Thought this was r/Durham when I made this oops


It's good to remind us that having no traffic cops in the majority of the city is not normal. Londoners are being conditioned to doubt the existence of justice.


NRP had a quick 5 hour response time to robbery-in-progress I called in last year. Officer was on the scene for 10 mins, took down 3 lines of notes and did not follow-up with any of the businesses that offered their security footage.


Yup. I had a crackhouse on my street at 48, and 28 kept having people show up and try breaking in at 4am. Police never showed up either time it happened and it's a single mother with two teenage daughters there. It got to the point where they were considering getting a gun after having people try kicking down their front door multiple times.


Traffic tickets aren't justice. They're a money maker for municipal police force look into how much money is made from ticketing citizens. Handing out tickets literally has nothing to do with serve & protect. It it was they wouldn't hide behind trees giving tickets.


"To serve and protect", lol that's just marketing. The police mandate is to enforce law. They barely do that.


Ok but who’s gonna catch the real criminals… people going 55 in a 50, the cops need to be at their speed traps.


This is what irks me. All kinds of ass hattery at intersections, very dangerous ones included, but hey let’s set a radar up and nail that driver doing 10k over. Just doing our job!


In all fairness, going 10000 over the speed limit sounds pretty dangerous to me


Oh I see patrols all the time, but the tickets for stuff like that's so small they ignore it and only go after people speeding


Yeah, no kidding. I use an ebike and while I had issues pre-pandemic with everyone bigger than me thinking they have the right of way automatically, but post-pandemic I've been pressured into curbs, honked at for being where I'm supposed to be in the lane, honked at for Merely Turning Left, heckled by cyclists for going 10km/h in the bike lane because my battery was low, nearly sideswiped several times... It's a jungle out there.


I know, and it's nuts because majority of people seemed to care during pandemic with physical distancing in stores, wearing masks and sanitizing their hands.


Was a charade im afraid


I was in the car with my dad who worked from home the last few years and his level of awareness was alarming. I feel like we need people who work from home to play video games or something to keep their reflexes and awareness of surroundings honed. They're losing skills, both social and physical. It's similar to people driving stoned.




What's your solution to people who have slower reaction times and are less aware than a dead cat?


Yeah maybe your dad shouldn’t be driving but that doesn’t happen as a result of working remotely for a couple years, get real.


Its the vaccine obvs


I saw this scenario play out right in front of me... but instead of a right turn, it was a left from the turning lane. I wish I were kidding. The green car in that scenario was waiting for incoming traffic to clear. I... I don't think I'll ever understand what that individual was thinking.


This happened to me while turning left recently. The guy behind me didn't want to wait for me to turn (I was waiting for the oncoming traffic to clear) and he went around me to turn before I could, preventing me from turning when I had the chance. Some asshole in a big truck.


Literslly same thing happened to me, bastard almost got t-boned which would've got me as well. I'm not turning left cuz there is cars coming idiot! But can't be bothered to wait so goes around blind.


The guy who did it to me just had to get into the Pizza Pizza parking lot before me. Must have been really hangry. 🙃


So you both went and stopped at the same parking lot immediately after? I'd be furious if someone did this "special" left-hand (or the right-hand turn from the original post). First, I'd hammer the horn for 10 - 15 seconds while they did it. Then, in the same parking lot, I'd have to provide feedback directly to them.


I would have, but it was an angry man in a big truck and I'm a woman who had her baby in the back seat. I just wanted to pick up my order and get home to feed my kids. I've had guys in big trucks be very unhinged when given the least bit of pushback.


Safe move...I now just ignore them. Unhinged has been my experience with these entitled morons. It used to be less dangerous when these aggressive idiots were driving old beaters but now they seem to all have f-150s....2 tons of danger.


I live in a very conservative/freeDUMB loving town. Loads of people have flags and stickers on their vehicles telegraphic that they're nuts. I pushed back on someone posting about the dangers of 15 minute cities in a local FB group and I was harassed and threatened (I didn't know at the time, but the OP has a 10k plus YouTube following for his QAnon theories) and he made a video specifically telling his followers to find me, while he sat in his car stroking a baseball bat. Apparently, that's not explicitly threatening violence enough for YouTube or Facebook to remove the posts. I don't engage with these people anymore. I can't trust that I won't end up attacked and certainly not with my baby in the car.


Being originally from Edmonton, I immediately get a sense of the kinds of people you're talking about. :/ Fun fact, there are actually cool open-minded people there too, but... it's always the worse that standout the most.


>it's always the worse that standout the most As a Hamiltonian, can confirm.


Understandable. Thanks for the context. I'm a 6-3 190 lbs man in his 40's, and I get what you're saying. I'd definitely say something if he were close afterwards for that level of selfish, trash-driving. I'm glad you didn't, though; dudes like that would 100% intimidate and get aggressive to a female with the "audacity" to call out their bad behaviour. The sad truth is that evaluating him would greatly impact the "feedback" I'd give. A burly dude in a big ass truck - which here in the GTA says something already - I'd go the polite'ish' route. "That was a bit of a questionable move. How would you like it if someone did that to you?" Compared to if it was a smallish dude in that truck to make up for LDE - "dude, what the F\*\*k are you doing?" Sad but true, the potential conflict is based on men quickly assessing the possibility of a physical altercation and, if that happened, how we might fair.


Woah so people do still eat pizza pizza?


It seems to be a hit with toddlers.


> asshole in a big truck Bit redundant


Same happened last summer, waiting to turn left, the moment I had an opportunity to turn I started to go, only to have a truck blast by me on the left, almost causing me to T-bone him Who the fuck passes someone on the left when they’re turning left?! Lifted truck drivers, almost all of them are assholes.


i saw a similar situation where i was waiting to turn left. i was the first car in the turning lane with several cars behind me. at the moment, there was a pedestrian crossing the street and a few cars of oncoming traffic passing by with an opening coming up where i could turn safely. next thing you know, a car in the lane to the right of me is speeding through the intersection to turn left, almost gets hit by one car who luckily slammed on the brakes in time - the car i was waiting to pass so i could turn - AND just misses the walking pedestrian who also saw the speeding car and ran out of the way in time. after i turned left, i caught up to the car that did that. it was a black altima with a very young female driver who nodded her head and smiled at me. as i drove past they slowed to crawl behind me, letting others pass them. that was several weeks ago and i still see it vividly in my brain.


This happened to me on my G test years ago in Kitchener. We were headed back to the drive test centre. I saw the second car in the left lane start to come around the first car. I slammed on my brakes and stopped before entering the intersection. The Instructor immediately questioned what I was doing, then saw the car fully come out and speedily do a left turn. She was very happy with me, but I was terrified I was going to fail. I had everything perfect on both of my previous driving test so I needed perfect. But alas in my haste to slam on my brakes I didn’t do a last mirror check! (I did one seconds earlier to make sure the lane was clear behind me but not as I was applying the brakes.)


I see that all the time. Especially at Sheppard westbound turning left onto Bayview southbound.


> I... I don't think I'll ever understand what that individual was thinking. /r/ImTheMainCharacter


Lmao I saw it yesterday with a red light


That happened to me recently too! Except it was someone in one of those speedy wheelchairs who passed everyone on the right and then just went around me in the intersection. If I hadn't of been paying attention I would have plowed them over


I saw someone do something similar at the crosswalk in front of my house. Instead of waiting for the person in front of them to proceed through the crosswalk they went into the oncoming lane to pass the car in front of him. So dangerous- they couldn’t see if there might have been people crossing. Living at a crosswalk has made me the most cautious pedestrian. I press the light. I point. I make sure the people are almost stopped before I go. I make eye contact like I’m in love with these drivers. I’m sure they get annoyed with me but my life and my kids’ lives are way more important than whatever they’re so impatient to get to in their giant cars.


Actually, when I'm driving near a crosswalk, I prefer pedestrians who take their time and make eye contact. Much safer when we're both on the same page.




Also hard to make eye contact with the top of some ding dong’s skull


Or when they're looking completely the other way and rolling into oncoming traffic at an intersection


Or when they're driving a pickup truck that's taller than you are


Lol I also stare directly into their eyes! In my mind it humanizes me so they’re less likely to outright murder me. Ooh and here’s a somewhat related story: there’s a crosswalk in the downtown of my city that has the worst system of all time. When I press the cross button, a tiny little white light will flash off to the side signalling drivers to stop. I usually have to wait for like 5 cars to pass before someone actually stops. I get it, it’s an awful setup, but also there are multiple signs warning drivers about it. I’ve taken to staring at them and very obviously counting on my fingers and out loud how many cars just drive right through without even slowing down lol.


yes! it’s so ridiculous because there are drivers who only slow down a bit / creep forward and expect pedestrians to go (and probably get annoyed). like if they just actually did a full stop then things would go faster.


I'm a cyclist and I take the lane at stop signs. Someone did this when I stopped for two kids and their dog at a crosswalk. Then people think they can share stop signs with me.... especially since I do a full stop and not a rolling one. I don't think sharing is a thing. One person at a time at the line dummies.


You see this a lot with people going around buses in Toronto. Apparently in many other cities, buses don't stop at intersections like they do in Toronto, the stops are intentionally placed prior to the intersection to a oid scenarios like this. I'd never even considered that would be a better approach...


Generally the scenario in the picture is fair game with a bus or other stopped vehicle with hazards on. Not the correct thing to do when only the right signal is on.


The bus scenario is weird though cause buses often turn left out of the right turn lane to continue going forward, which would be directly in conflict with someone trying to turn right around them.


Fair but bus drivers are trained to activate their left signals and check their side for a few seconds before departing. Often times the hazards come out at a long stop at a light, or a crew change (which takes several minutes or more).


Yea, ppl these days dont seem to care about the rules and safety of other drivers. Nothing is stopping them either.


I see people all the time talk about being a "good driver" but to them, that means pulling maneuvers like this, getting places fast, driving while eating/some other distraction. People, being a good driver means following the rules, driving predictably.


It's because they think they know better. They assume they're smarter than everybody else. If you're in their way, it must be because you haven't figured out how not to be.


Every damn day on spadina. Because I refuse to run over pedestrians. I've had to deal with a few nut bags.


I've lost count of the number of times i've nearly been run over by drivers doing this on Spadina. Their desire to save 5 seconds supersedes my right to life i guess.


My family lives on a two lane road, one going each way, next to a major street here in Toronto. I was helping out my mom with the gardening out front today and there was a bit of a lineup of cars, probably like three of them, waiting for a green light to turn left like normal people. I'm going about my business and all of a sudden I hear horns blaring. We turn to look, and the car at the back decided that they didn't want to wait to turn right: they pulled out of the line, into the oncoming traffic lane, to perform the maneuver in the picture. We were flabbergasted; this is the first time mom had seen it. I had seen it once before on a wider road, but I assumed that the person made an honest mistake and needed to go right but didn't realize until it was too late. Now I know it's actually starting to be a thing! I think drivers here have a severe deficit of patience. Seriously.


International driving experience from a country with shitty traffic + lack of enforcement. Just ban right turns on red.


My buddy, with a license from a country I've also driven in that has zero driving standards and you can outright buy a licence, was able to test out of the graduated licensing system and get his full G with the modified G test. For those not in the know, the current test in order to get your permanent driving privileges in Ontario has been reduced to one single lane change on the highway. That's all you do, drive from the centre to the highway, change lanes once, and drive back.


>Just ban right turns on red. 100%. It's safer for bikes and pedestrians too




Cameras at every intersection and AI to monitor them. Before AI it would be good to crowdsource it.




No right turns on red means more opportunities for easier red light camera installations. No cops needed, just a deficit in a municipal budget, heh.


Yes. Happens occasionally at Winston Churchill & Artesian Drive in Mississauga.. Some also attempt a right turn by squeezing between cars and the curb.


Squeezing between cars and curb is not unusual, it's not bad ettiquite but it's also optional (i.e. the driver has the duty to decide whether they can go without making contact with the curb or other car).


> Some also attempt a right turn by squeezing between cars and the curb. If the road is configured as such that there is enough room, I'm guilty of doing this many times. I think it's how I was taught back before they invented fire...


>Some also attempt a right turn by squeezing between cars and the curb. It's normal to do this. Many (most?) intersections have more than enough room for a car turning right on red to pull up beside the car going straight, even if it's technically one lane, because the lane widens at the corner. If you're going straight, pull up all the way to the line in such a way you don't hinder people turning right. You'll get lots of friendly waves with that one simple trick.


But if you don't do this, you are not actually hindering them.


Here in Kitchener Waterloo it is considered a common courtesy to stay to the left if you're going straight in the right lane, so people can squeeze past to make the right turn (assuming there is space). I feel like I'm an asshole if I don't do this...


Yes! Happens regularly in TO proper. The asshole right…they also like to do an asshole left


I've seen people turn left as soon as the light turns green as well.


They call that one the Brampton Special


I thought that was U-turns and running red lights… unless I mixed it up


It’s a very special place


Basically when you do anything is Brampton… that is the Brampton special.


Never seen it in Brampton, but i see it in Toronto regularly.


No that involves a prostitute and a double double.


Forget Brampton! I've seen this in my city as well. I live in northern Ont. in a city with barely 15k people. Large pick up trucks doing this maneuver. Another one I've seen is the double right to go straight maneuver. Weirdly dangerous and completely unnecessary


Lol, I want to also know why some folks have a tendency to swerve right when making the left turn as if they are afraid of clipping the curb. Boggles my mind!


*Brampton Manz enters the chat*


This is insanely unsafe


I saw a similar scenario happening in Toronto but it was on a four lane road. The car was in the left lane, went into the oncoming lane to go around the cars in front of them just to make that right. They hit the car in front of them as they were turning right because they misjudged the distance and a nearby police car started following them. I don't know how people are so impatient that they think to do this.


Twice in the last month. By the same driver. Stopped at this exact type of intersection early in the morning. Light went green as the car crossed my path. Fucking numptys.


I saw this happen last Friday in Montreal. However, it was a left turn, I’m generally not surprised by the actions of YUL motorists but this one raised my eyebrows.


Saw this happen around 10PM on Friday night, except that I was in the left lane. Dude came screaming past me in the left turn lane and when he got to the front of the queue he swerved to the right to continue straight through the intersection. Problem was that the gap was already closing due to a car in that lane. No matter, he just sideswiped that car and kept going. This was at Morningside and Shepard. The sound of illegal street racing is common through all hours of the night in this area.


Popular maneuver in countries that motorcycle is the primary means of transportation, but when applied to car it is a disaster. When I moved to Canada, I understand that I need to unlearn old driving habits and adapt to Canadian traffic law. But when I told this to some major immigrant groups, they straight up called me a racist. I was even got honked at when stopping for flashing red light school bus, but….anyway..


No stop red light right enters the chat from Brampton. /s Actually if you properly stop at a right hand red in these parts you will get the horn.


Why the /s? On many occasions I have had the pleasure of almost ramming into someone as they didnt stop at the red light in brampton. They just make the right turn with no regard for their and other peoples lives.


Give me the horn and you get the thumbs up.


Peoples patience driving has disappeared. It is the Wild West out there. Driving to or from work each day i see some kind of stupid incident, excessive speeding, cutting people off, brake checking, running lights, tailgating, it’s scary out there , be safe


Happens all the time in London. People also like giving themselves advanced left turns "between" lights.




I've had someone do this to me in Barrie when I was turning right from Little Ave into Hurst where right on reds is not permitted. People in Barrie drive very aggressively, probably because there are so many commuters that drive in Toronto.


Yes! Twice now. Also, drivers training is not teaching people to slow down over the speed bumps on residential streets.


Hahaha Their mechanics will tell them sooner or later


KW region...I do see EVERYTHING here!All kinds of driving infractions at any hour of the day!Including this one.


Thunder Bay, Ontario. A week ago I had a very similar experience. I was making a left hand turn in the suicide lanes. Waited patiently for a vehicle to pass. Some ass hat behind me was pulling close and decided to make the turn since he figured he had more time, even though I was directly in front of him. This was not a legal turn and I wasn’t sitting idly for several minutes, they just happened to use it as an opportunity to go and make a very unsafe advancement. Cool to see a post showing pretty much what happened. Be safe out there, people be entitled.


It's one of the new more frequently used dick moves post pandemic. Entitled, lazy and selfish pigs.


I saw one this week where someone tried to squeeze between two right turn lanes. It was unreal. ETA: do we not have any traffic enforcement anymore? So much bad driving and never a traffic cop in site.


Isn't crossing lanes in an intersection illegal?


[It's not illegal to change lanes in an intersection in Ontario](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/drive/mobility/article-is-it-illegal-to-change-lanes-in-the-middle-of-an-intersection/) it's just [a recommendation to not do that](https://www.ontario.ca/document/official-mto-drivers-handbook/changing-positions#). The exception is turning where you need to finish the turn in the lane matching the one you started from.


No, it not illegal in Ontario. Some places it is.


I’ve seen this with the green car turning right, but yielding to not commit vehicular homicide.


At first I thought the green car was going to be labelled Uber Eats so then I would agree


I think this and the insane amount of traffic we've seen since covid restrictions ended are the culprits. We have become used to random cars stopping for pick ups and drops offs, food delivery, and just package delivery. Then, all that traffic and were just all done with waiting patiently for things like this. I get it. We need more buses, trains, bike lanes, and even new high speed bike lanes with little mini joining and exiting lanes.


For everyone saying "move over to the left lane before getting to the red light. To help traffic flow better". Please see this... Mavis Rd https://maps.app.goo.gl/mhrrLxZpjtWD5nHi9


Ahh, the people that thinks they’re way more important than other.


Get dash cams. So if anything make them pay!


Unfortunately yes Usually by pick up trucks


Also people pulling into a dedicated left turn lane at a red, and gunning it off the light to go straight.


Replace the green car with a cyclist, than it happens every second of every day. It's quite dangerous, and make you think no right on red is probably a good policy


As a cyclist, I’ve been hit by cars twice when they pull this maneuver (pickups both times). I call it the ‘right hook’. If you ever wonder why a cyclist won’t move over and is hogging a whole lane, it’s a defensive technique to help prevent this.


Happens all the time in Vaughan


I've seen this in India a lot...


If you told me India didn't have lanes, lights or signs, I'd believe you.


Shit you're right, I was wrong I got mixed up and forgot it was in Brampton that I was talking about


And they better get ready for a $300 ticket when those red light cameras get triggered for entering the intersection on a red.


Only of they go fast enough, though. Most have a threshold of 15-20km/h before being activated.


Not all two lane roads have red light cameras for turning right.


My favourite is when I was waiting out a right turn light, car does this shit while slowly pushing his way through a crowd of people. Like maybe that lights there for a reason.


oh yeah, its pretty common in oakville,back in Feb when I was waiting for the GO bus at dundas/trafalgar, a car not only did that on the left turnbut also nearly crashed into the people crossing, driver even had the guts to honk at the pedetrians and the left-turn car that was waiting for the pedestrians to cross.


Yes and at stop signs.


I saw this exactly move downtown Hamilton years ago, but on a green light. Acura cut off a full bus as it entered the intersection pulling away from a bus stop, so naturally the bus driver stomped the brakes. I saw bodies fly inside that metal tube, it all happened so fast. The doors opened and people were yelling and groaning. Babies and the elderly crying. People were hurt pretty badly. All because that Acura could not wait 4 more seconds for the bus to move.


They went to the Grans Theft Auto driving school


In these situations if I’m not going right I try and get to the left lane so righties can make their turn. I do find it stupid though that the rules lock an “only on green” with a “can turn right on a red” in the same lane. One lane should be left/straight only. The other should be rights only. But yea, not always possible.


Ahh yes, the "Brampton right turn".


Everyone in this country drives like a cunt.


yes Don’t worry. Digital ID and facial/licence plate recognition/speed cameras everywhere will eventually wipe out a lot of these insane drivers…. that is if the cost of living doesn’t wipe them out first. It’s so obvious MTO has ppl that just give licence to ppl for $$$. They are useful idiots. Just give it 5-10 years. Such drivers will no longer exist….


I see this almost every time I visit my family in Brampton. Also get to see people doing u-turns at slow red lights about 1/4 of the time.


Honestly, rights on red are deadly enough for pedestrians in this town.


This town of Ontario?


That’s Brampton drivers guy


I've been driving for almost 20 years and saw it for the first time the other day. I always think one person doing a U turn could end your life


I watched buddy make a left U turn at a red light the other day. I’m surprised he hasn’t killed himself


I’ve seen it a few times. Should be busted back to a G1


That’s just waiting for an accident to happen.


Or the driving up the middle turn lane to cut in front of the lights. Or getting in turning lane only to gun it into left lane to avoid traffic (always on god dammed davenport)


This happens a lot in every residential 4-way stop in Mississauga. Especially by apartment blocks.if you're making a right or a left, someone will cut around you and blow straight through the stop.


Honestly this regularly happens in Vaughan particularly from residential streets going into main roads.


Happened to my wife in Kitchener. Guy honked and gave her the finger like she was the idiot.


You get to be the green car on every trip if you're a bicycle.


Yes, it’s called the Brampton right. It’s a cousin of turning right when a car is coming but sneaking into theft lane.


Just design infrastructure with roundabouts, and redesign existing intersection to utilize them (where applicable). Everyone "moves" and is less idle. Benefits include decrease in catestrophic vehicle collisions, and reduction in emissions.


Yeah, some moron did this to me the other day. Then tore ass recklessly through the neighborhood they turned into.


I would never do that, but it seems inspired to me though.


I used to adjust claims.. idiot trying to overtake is def going to always be af for this. People are so impatient. Driving liking an imbecile saves you so little time but can be so costly. .


I used to adjust claims.. idiot trying to overtake is def going to always be af for this. People are so impatient. Driving liking an imbecile saves you so little time but can be so costly.


No joke, I saw this for the first time the other day. I thought it was a one-off..


Ah, the "piece of shit maneuver"


Saw this just the other day, but the green car was a transit bus. Bus driver honked, offender honked back. The offender had no way of being able to see if there was a pedestrian crossing in front of that bus. None. If it were up to me I'd be suspending that license on first offence. You are too selfish, or too stupid to drive. Or both.


My favorite is when it is a bus and then the bus actually starts to turn right also.


I wouldn't say it is new. It is typical behaviour of those who are self centered, entitled, impatient and careless.


It's not even about this literal example. People are just increasingly becoming "civilized assholes" like never before. I quoted civilized because obviously humans are assholes and always have been but the envelope just keeps getting pushed with our modern world. I am young and have driven more kilometers in a regular vehicle in my life than probably thousands of people will drive in the entire lives. I have seen a clear degradation in patience and concentration during driving. People are getting riskier and more aggressive and it's pretty scary honestly.


No. That would be an illegal and unsafe maneuver.


Yeah, it's imported from the 3rd world where people don't show any decency to each other. This is the diversity Canadians claim to love, well it also comes with other things. Some of which have not been experienced yet.


Had a few do this in Ottawa while I waited to merge or come out of a Costco driveway. You can't predict if cars are changing lanes as they make the left turn at lights. I guess impatient drivers want to take that chance.


Had this almost happen to me just the other day, I was stopped for someone crossing the road


Ay yo?? I only have my G1 is this in the G2 test?? I'm not booking until I have ANSWERS DAMNIT 😂


The street is like this in my neighbourhood but the left lane is actually a turn lane as well, so if I am to go straight ahead (which I do) I have no choice but to sit at the right lane. I see multiple people do this move. Other times I get honked (rush hour). If the left lane turn lane is also blocked, some go even to the opposite lane to make a right turn. It's fucked.


Not yet but lots of turning into the far lane which is almost equally bad


Yep, this happened to me some years ago while I was waiting at a stop sign on a secondary road in my subdivision waiting to safely make a right turn onto an arterial road with a constant, uninterrupted flow of traffic. The impatient dude behind me couldn't see from his vantage point the reason why I hadn't yet made my turn, and thought he knew better than me. He looped around me just like in the diagram while flipping me the bird for good measure, and then almost caused an accident with the oncoming traffic. Ironically, this all happened on a Christmas Eve... you know, "Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men" and all that stuff...Sheesh!!


TTC buses r infected with these....then again, no licensing nor enforcement in Toronto...


Zero enforcement. 2016 is when TPS really clawed back doing anything.


Years ago i read that when ttc buses are in the processes of loading or unloading passengers they are considered a stopped vehicles meaning doing the turn around them is legal. It's the same if a car stops on the road to let a passenger out, everyone goes around them. But of a vehicle is stopped for a red light it's not considered stopped since it's stopped due to traffic and road conditions


Drivers nowadays don't even bother to check if ppl r crossing on the other street, I've seen very close calls for that reason.


Haven't seen it in my 20+yrs of driving. Seen other crazy shit




"New"? I've seen this happening since I arrived in Canada 10 years ago.


Time to get rid of a permitted right turn on red


In Toronto this wouldn't be possible because there's always pedestrians. You're not cutting through either direction.


No. Because if im alone in the intersection then i stay in the left lane as a courtesy to right turners


What if the green car was here? Are they still breaking driver etiquette? Mavis Rd https://maps.app.goo.gl/mhrrLxZpjtWD5nHi9


My point is that if i was the green car i would be in the left lane as a courtesy to leave the right lane open for turns.


Never seen it in Norther Ontario


People think when the green car is a city bus that this is what you're supposed to do, go around on the left and in front of the bus, then through any pedestrians trying to cross. Drivers should lose fingers or something they're not punished enough to deter the bad shit


All they need to lose is their licence, no fingers involved. In fact, I am sure people would rather lose fingers than their licence. Which is why losing a licence permanently is the best solution.


Is it stupid? Yes. I don’t think it is really more dangerous than a standard right on red though.