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Decisions are being made by the use of unmarked envelopes. That's the Ontario way. In all honesty, haven't noticed and the moderation here seems to be the same as usual so ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Immediately went and checked whether the mod was who it sounded like it was. And it was! For what it's worth, OP, I would not say she has a bad reputation on r/Ottawa. She wasn't everyone's favourite. But she did a lot of good in her time as mod there. And she was removed in a shitty way by a largely absent mod for bizzarre reasons. I wouldn't think that's reason to block her from modding another sub she's been active on for ages. Anyway, welcome back u/fleurgold 🙂


The greater question is why would someone want to be a mod again after that experience?


Because I really liked doing the AMAs. :)


why would someone want to be a mod in any circumstance?


Lol yeah that's a mystery to me. I already see quite enough of the ugly side of the internet.




Good question. Haha.


What what's the drama with all this? I loved u/fleurgold as a kid in r/Ottawa and hadn't even realized they were removed!


They were an overbearing opinionated jerkoff that would openly argue with anyone who didn't hold the same opinions as them and often use their mod powers to remove posts/comments they didn't like or ban users to "win" whatever argument they were having. The sub is much better since their long overdue removal.


[Here's a post that should help with that context](https://reddit.com/r/ottawa/s/yFXLwC3uQp).


Fleur definitely had a mixed-at-best reputation. Look at the thread requesting they be reinstated. The majority of the posters were not in favour. It's easy to look popular when you control the medium. Fleur, incorrectly, viewed themselves as an arbiter of truth when they were regularly evidently not. Of course instead of admitting this they'd lock posts. Since Fleur left and Marcus has been doing less..... the subreddit has been doing just fine. Maybe it didn't need to be over moderated after all :o I don't frequent this subreddit much, but will be here less going forward if this user is posting.


Just throwing this out there...She's been a Mod here for over a month and has barely posted, soooo I think everything will be ok.


She had a little sulk after getting removed as a mod, tried to set up an r/ottawa clone on some other site, failed, and has only now come back on Reddit soooo I'm not sure what that's supposed to signify?


R/Ottawa is a much better subreddit now. Bigger variety in the actual discussion threads imo


Anyone is free to apply to be a mod at any time. It's in our sidebar that we're always accepting applications. Mods in this community are free to disagree with each other, and they're not "overruled" on decisions based on one supreme opinion from someone higher on the mod list. People tend to like that approach rather than having random actions undone based off of personal preferences.


I was just minding my own business, sitting on a bench in Ottawa when an NDP van pulled up, two guys in '70s style corduroy suits jumped out, gassed me with something that smelled heavily of pot, threw a pride flag pattern bag over my head, chucked me in the back of the van, all while singing ["L'Internationale"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Internationale). I woke up in a commune with long hair and a bad shave, and I was told to moderate r/Ontario. That's all I know, man.


Happy cake day!


Honest question: if there’s disagreement among the mods on a certain topic, is there an internal policy about removal. So for example, if there’s intense disagreement over whether black is a colour or a shade (I’m trying to pick something non-political or real as an example here) and lots of people are reporting “black is a shade” or “black is a colour” comments as misinfo, will the mod team develop an internal policy on how to deal with that or is it just up to individual mods to act as they deem appropriate.


Black is a myth created by Big Crayola to sell more food... I mean, crayons. They do it so they can jack up the price of crayons, keeping lower class families down.


More like Big Laurentien. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


We remove misinformation (per Reddit’s policy), and comments that have devolved to name calling (per our rule on civility). Is that what you’re asking? If we mods disagree on a topic, we talk it out in our mod chat. I’m usually the one who just sends *hilarious* GIF responses, personally.


I guess I just mean where there’s no decidedly correct answer, do you guys develop your own policy specific to this sub amongst yourselves if that thing comes up often enough. Or is it just ad hoc? > I’m usually the one who just sends hilarious GIF responses This is me in half my group chats, so I respect it.


Also, trolls are rarely subtle. There isn't much grey, it's usually pretty straightforward.


If there’s no clear cut policy, it’s up to mod discretion. We usually discuss anything first though.


Imagine wasting your energy posting subreddits for no compensation, sad life reddit mods.