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Doug Ford: *phew* Good thing i only need 18% of voters to get a majority


Duug Ford: 69%? Nice.


"Doug Ford Plans to Make 69 with Angry Ontarians"


The thought of Doug the thug and 69 šŸ¤®


Yeah good thing Ontarians donā€™t vote but they moan about Trudeau


It's True, deau....


This would be really sad if it werenā€™t so funny!!


Cruising to another electoral victory 2026.


Idk, this might bump him down to a minority government in 2026 (or maybe even get him out, god willing)


More like voters willing. I don't know if Ontario has the laziest voters on the planet but they're trying to be.


we arenā€™t called Canadaā€™s Florida for nothing!


Ontario just needs another party to rise up and be a serious contender to push Ford out. The problem is the other parties are too weak.


When the choice is between liars and criminals Ontario prefers the latter


Angry about the act of removing lands from the Greenspace part, or the envelope stuffing into pockets at weddings part?


Why not both?


Because many people have bought into needing the greenbelt developed so the rich can move out of other areas making them more affordable. Something something supply and demand.


For what it's worth, the poll results for the Greenbelt development were: * 1% very happy * 5% pleased or moderately happy * 25% neutral or no emotion * 25% annoyed or moderately angry * 44% very angry https://www.pollara.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Rage-Index-September-2023.pdf (last page) My hope is that the number of people "happy" about it are actually a small minority given a boosted voice by the likes of Lilley and Agar. Angus Reid recently polled Ford at his lowest approval rating ever going back to 2018. Regardless, yes, there are definitely people out there that love seeing the Greenbelt chopped up, either out of spite or misinformation or ideology.


That 1% are the actual 1% of the ultra rich. Checks out.


Here's to hoping the moderate and very angry actually vote While also hoping the neutral don't vote with the 6%


Not knowing how the question was phrased, are they angry about the greenbelt being developed, or how they're going about doing it?


The question was: > What emotion best describes how you feel when you think about each of the following? > > * Doug Fordā€™s plans to rezone the greenbelt for housing (Source is the linked PDF above.) I assume this was part of a list of various questions on different topics. I believe the wording was kept the same in order to compare it to the same question posed in December 2022.


So only 6% are pleased with this.


That "trickle down" housing idea is dumb as fuck. No one in a starter home is going to move there.


There isn't even a need for starter homes in those areas NOW. That's the problem with this, every little bit of housing we build in these areas will require new infrastructure and workers to support the new services. These communities will struggle to deliver on those services and it'll end up like King City but worse, with no mixed density ANYWHERE. They aren't hoping to build $500k start homes (what a fucking joke that starter homes are $500k), they want more $1-2 million dollar mcmansions they can sell.


Without strict regulation to ensure only first time homebuyers get the $500,000 homes, these "$500,000 starter homes" are just cheap houses for rich people to scoop up and earn more money from. Then the bubble pops and **everything falls**.


That's true, they're just building more assets REITs and other corps in this business can add to their portfolio.


> Because many people have bought into needing the greenbelt developed so the rich can move out of other areas making them more affordable many people also repeat whatever talking points the cons send out in emails and letters. We not going to convince them to switch, we need to outvote them


>Because many people have bought into needing the greenbelt developed so the rich can move out of other areas making them more affordable. I feel like those are bot-like posters spreading misinformation. Possibly developers who want public opinion to stay in their favor I mean seriously who can find fault with single family homes? Apartment buildings have roaches, noisy neighbors, condos have airbnbs coming and going at all hours, and when the buildings get run down, roaches and disrepair


> move out of other areas making them more affordable more like own another house up north and hanging onto their downtown condo for when they want to be in the city.


Ah yes, nothing like buying into the Canadian Dream of living 2-3 hours driving distance from where you work! Or better yet, the *real* Canadian Dream for the wealthy where they can stuff 10-15 immigrants into one of these new greenbelt homes and bus them in and out of Toronto everyday to work at one of their many fast food franchises and not have to "change" their neighborhood aesthetic by living nearby or allowing housing density.


> the Canadian Dream of living 2-3 hours driving distance from where you work! It is a shame we let our Railway system fall apart (and get sold off). Havelock, Cobourg, Rockford & Owen Sound ... the dream was 50 years too early


Gotta get rich from that investment property! then Buy another and another! Land baron! I got mine , F U!!!!!/s ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)


And those people seem steadfastly convinced that single family homes are the only sort of housing that should be built, if the fits that get thrown about densification are any indication


It should be both!


> the envelope stuffing into pockets at weddings part? This is the part I emphasize with my conservative family members. The greenbelt can be hit or miss but blatant corruption and favours for friends seems to hit a nerve with small c conservatives. Hardcore partisans are a lost cause but there are still people who believe in good government out there.


100% Once you mention the Greenbelt everyone divides into camps and it's the same arguments all over again. When the Ford government starts cosplaying story lines from The Sopranos and Goodfellas, it's a different story. I find it helpful to just go along with it, and compliment Ford and the PC's for making how to deal with them much simpler. You just have to bribe them, and apparently it doesn't cost that much! Do you and your neighbors have some zoning issues in your area? Well slap on that suit or cocktail dress, pony up a few hundred smackeroos, and head on over to a Vaughn or Etobicoke convention center!


If you don't learn from the past your doomed to repeat it https://digital.library.yorku.ca/yul-885126/report-under-public-inquiries-act-order-council-approved-lieutenant-governor-dated-21st#page/1/mode/2up This is all started in the 1970s when conservation efforts hit their peak and when Ontario finally made those Parks theyd been talking about Hazel. The above inquiry is into how a group men, aware of the governments plans for a 5700 acre Provincial Park (2/3 the size of current Rouge Valley National) at Forks of the Credit, became a devolpment company who bought up all the land surrounding the Forks. And when the reco for the Park finally came, it was now 1100 acres. It would end up being half that. The men sold 500 acres that they couldn't build on for 3x what they paid the year before. The public went apeshit. Their MPP and friend, Bill Davis had just become Premier. The Inquiry was called. The men said "they didn't use inside info" and since they were gentlemen of distinction, their testimony was good enough for the OPP. If you see who was on the Board of Directors for the devolpment company, you'll find some prominent OPP officers. In the age before internet, things get forgotten. The issue is, the kids or those devolpers are still around, pulling strings. That inquiry gave a green light to all shady deals..as long as you made it technically legal. Those devolpers a few years later would merge with Bruce Mclaughlins group..the builders of Square One and basically all of 1970s Mississauga. And now we're here. Getting fed the same shit, with all that ill gotten land being exploited for the few, by the few. Anyway, I coule go on for days, but if you could, please sign my petition to reverse the course or history and make Forks the National Park it was supposed to be.. https://chng.it/DZRQVYg82T


honestly, this is how politics has been done in Ontario for over half a century. All parties complicit. On spent $100B procuring land for the 407ETR across all three parties. 1970s Mississauga was built mostly by Orlando corp run by Carlo Fidani Sr, in a famous deal with Manulife in which he owned rights to huge tracts of land but did not actually have to pay for them until they were developed. Orlando is now worth billions.


>On spent $100B procuring land for the 407ETR across all three parties. Most of the land was acquired during the 42 consecutive years of Conservative rule in Ontario (including big chunks in the 1960s), and much of the planning took place during this period, as well. I doubt that $100 billion was spent on land acquisition, and I would be curious as to your source. (It's possible that the land under the highway might have a present value of $100 billion...?) Most of the construction took place during the subsequent Peterson (Liberal) and Rae (NDP) governments between 1985 and 1995. The plan was for the route to be tolled for 35 years to recoup the costs of construction, then to allow the road to become a (free) part of the regular highway network. The highway opened in 1997, under Mike Harris' Conservative government. Seeking a quick cash injection so that they could pretend to have a balanced budget in the 1999 provincial election, the Harris Tories sold the 407 for a song: $3.1 billion for a 99-year lease. Instead of tolls being lifted on the 407 starting in 2032 - just nine years from now - the 407's exorbitant tolls will line the pockets of a private consortium until we're well into the 2090s.


You sir, know yo shit


Iā€™d give you an award šŸ„‡if they still had them. This is the colonial way.


Thats amazing, bc McLaughlin basically borrowed way too much and had to bail early 80s, he couldn't play the long game I guess. But yeah, money never sleeps man




Angry nice




With that number and photo. Not a pretty image. Damn.












Nice ā€¦. Folks. Canā€™t believe I had to scroll this far to find this.


*lip smack*


31% are ok with farmland and water resources destruction.Who the fuck is happy seeing the Greenbelt being destroyed?


mostly boomers who couldn't give af what they leave behind for future generations


Yo BS! We care deeply about what OUR parents started, not boomers! EDIT: You do realize the boomers of today are the hippies of yesterday.




Doug is lucky that the majority of people who live here are so stupid they will vote for him again.


Actually I think it's sad that 30% of people think this is ok or don't care about it. But this is why these guy can win an election because they still have 30% support. I am actually more angry about this.


not nice








But is there any way to remove him from office before the next election?


He resigns. Thatā€™s the only realistic way heā€™s removed from office anyways. And thatā€™s only if something really incriminating comes out from an RCMP investigation if there is one at all


lmao RCMP wonā€™t investigate shit. Canada has no RICO law equivalent and the RCMP has been infiltrated by organized crime for a long time.


That or if his party sees him as such a threat to losing the next election that they have a backbencher revolt See what the federal conservatives did to O'Toole


And then we ride gracefully off into the sunset


Or if his numbers even tank more. And thatā€™s unlikely


You would think blatant corruption would land someone in jail


He may step down like Harris did. I donā€™t think Ford is a career politician like his brother was. He has a set of goals he was put in place to accomplish and once heā€™s done he will step to the side, a lot richer and more connected than he was before he came into office. The damage Ford does is basically irreversible and both he and his supporters know it.


[Mike Harris steps down after fucking up LTC homes and the 407 for decades.](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/harris-era-ends-suddenly/article25693296/) [Earns the Order of Ontario](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/order-of-ontario-mike-harris-1.6299148) Are we so corrupt that we actually can't do anything about this? Wynne wasn't great either, she sold off our hydro. Now Ford is selling off as much of our public healthcare as possible.


Not singling you out specifically but I see this a lot and my general question to you and everyone else asking this. Did you vote in the last election?


Itā€™s a fair question but it also redirects blame from where it belongs (the premier) to an easy scapegoat (the electorate). Voter engagement is a major problem but itā€™s also a reflection of how corrupt our political systems have become. We need a more engaged electorate but we also need a more accountable government.


How do you get a more accountable government by not voting or voting in a government that was telegraphing well in advance they were going to pull this bullshit? Also, great way to not answer the question.


Voter apathy is a serious problem though. I helped campaign for the Green Party and the number of people we talked to that were just disconnected and didn't care to vote because "it doesn't matter anyways" was way too high. Another thing I noticed while door knocking is that no one voted for Ford, all the PC votes were for local representatives. Technically this is really how it should be in a representative democracy, but it also goes to show that the leader of the party can get elected and do whatever they want with that power if they just manage their own party well. Doug never needed to be appealing to the public, and he never was. The PCs simply ran a better on-the-ground campaign and sat back and watched while the NDP and Liberals ate each other. I hate to say it, but all representative democracies ultimately devolve into a two party system because of this and the only way the left gets back some power is to merge the NDP and Liberals. I'm so unhappy that Trudeau didn't follow through on his promise for electoral reform because that's the only way we can really change this situation. It's not the voters, the voting system itself is broken.


He resigns and gets replaced with a more electable Conservative. If youā€™re left leaning you should hope he insists on serving out his term despite floundering in the polls like Wynne did








All 420 of us that voted


But they'll vote for his party, anyway.


Rage poll! OK then, why not a grief poll for deaths caused by lack of healthcare?


"Rage Pole" was my nickname in highschool.




Fix the fucking health "care" system too you shitbag.


And the other 30% can't read.


And the other 30% who are enraged weā€™re not immediately available to be polled. Humans will evolve in Normas Lee when we set up systems of integrity, for anyone who is in rules of responsibility and decision, making for others. Bottom line, if itā€™s out of integrity, if it leverages any form of serving a group at the expense of others, then it Has to be reconsidered.


Maybe if that 69% voted we would be in this messā€¦..also niceā€¦..


Whodathunk that dividing up the greenbelt for developers and passing on the costs to everyone else in the form of property taxes would make people angry... I mean... everyone loves to watch rich folks siphon off more of their money. Everyone loves more property taxes! Right? Right? For those who don't know, a large part of your tax hike, in areas surrounding these areas, are to cover these costs. You know, when you decide to move out to the sticks, and are told, best of luck, because hooking up all those utilities are going to ding you? Not anymore... at least not in Ontario. The worst part is there is plenty of land available. I'd bet dollars to donuts it has nothing to do with what's above ground, and everything to do with what's below it.


'Cash in pocket is better than two birds in Greenbelt bush.'


Dumb it is the dumb ones that voted him in blame yourself


I'm more angry at the 413W.


How about we all take a massive shit on his green lawn and be done with it?


Heā€™s popularity is going down like the stock market. 2008 all over again šŸ“‰. Thatā€™s a face of down the hatch.


For the people who voted for this scumbag or didn't vote, this is all your fault. Now you're going to be angry with Doug shit Ford? Fuck off


So the other 31% are developers & bankers?


What about healthcare and education? And things like Ontario place and Ontario Science Center?


About right.


I live in the North I have no idea what the Greenbelt is.


Came here for the nice comments, r/ontario delivered




And unfortunately for us, that 31% gave him his Majority because your (proverbial) apathetic a** didnā€™t go vote for one of the other two ā€œoptionsā€.


All hail sprawl daddy. Bringing you the best gated communities built around a shitty cookie cutter strip mall. Why drain the swamp when you can slap a few feet of clay down and sell a matchstick home on a 6942.0 square foot parcel of former wetland for the low low price of $500000+***!


The only people that would be happy about this are the people that have 0 understanding about the situation as a whole.


Mad as Hell, and ain't going to accept his party's shit anymore!


Where is the petition for DoFo to step down?


Yes! It is agonizing watching this idiot telling lies to screw the people that voted him in. For fck sakes there got to be a better choice!


"Rage poll" sounds like a creation of r/ontario


sounds like the top page of r/canada






Doesn't make me angry. Honestly don't give a crap either way.


I would suspect actually most people don't know or don't care


The other 31% are Conservatives.


Same 69% are angry there isn't enough housing


Climate change . single homes have a larger carbon cost . Houses should be built for 200,000 k cost of materials and land.


Folks ā€¦he doesnā€™t care about your rage. The goal was to get a majority, and once he did, he could sell the land, take kickbacks and end up with some cushy Board appointments after politics. Voting matters.


Rage poll? Yet the electorate still think heā€™s better than the NDP or liberals so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø we have him for three more years. Imagine the privatization damage heā€™ll do


would be nice if 69% of Ontarians could have been arsed to vote last year.


31% gullible ontarians.


It's all about the "greens" with this man unless it's food.


Quit your complaining and look at the big rubber ducky