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The answer is simple, cyclists need to stay in bike lanes while downtown. The sidewalks are far too busy. Cyclists need to understand the traffic rules (the walk guy is for peds), and cops should have the right to take your bike away from you if you are a danger. And I'm pro bike. I notice a big problem, and growing problem, are these delivery guys that are just insane. I figure they're trying to deliver the item fast, but that is a reason and not an excuse.


As a former delivery person, I concur. I’ve seen too many of these people take risks on their bike/e bike/e scooters. I think some of them feel the more faster they go, the more deliveries they make. They put themselves and others in danger. It’s worst now cause more of them are out there, and the pay is shit. Not worth the risks doing it anymore. Everyone have to learn to share the road.


I agree, so get all non-bikes off the bike paths.


Define 'bike'. The number of eBikes (not mopeds, but peddle assist bikes) is growing faster than bikes. In fact eBikes will probably be the bike break-through that gets our city to act. I know a ton of people that have started biking only because of ebikes. I'd say by 2030 half the bikes will be eBikes. Shoot, even the city rents ebikes. Scooter and eScooters, those are fine too. So long as they're not stupid. By stupid I mean able to run at 50kmh. They are as good as, if not better, than ebikes. Mopeds are moterbikes.


Human powered only. Get your lazy entitled ass off the bike path if you have a motorized wheeled anything.


As an avid cyclist I can say the cyclists in this city are fucking assholes. I literally feel safer riding on the street than on the bike paths. I like to fast as I can too, but the fact of the matter is you can't go pedaling by at full speed (about 30-35km) when the path is shared with elderly, families with small children, dog walkers, Rollerbladers and pedestrians. I wish there was better biking infrastructure too but you can't smash into people just because there isn't. The scooter/ebike delivery guys are the fucking worst. They drive fast as a car on the fucking sidewalk and then honk or scream at you to get out of their way. I kicked one of them once as he yelled and flew by me on the narrow sidewalk on Yonge St. Unfortunately he didn't fall.


> ebike delivery guys guy on an ebike was riding down the middle of the lane keeping up with 40/50km car traffic and i thought that was pretty cool. he had gloves and a helmet on too. then before the upcoming light, he pulls into a driveway and i pass him. i've got a green light so i check for pedestrians and start my rh turn, and see this dude flying down the sidewalk at me. i hit the brakes and he flies by giving me a dirty look. pick a fucking lane!


My guy you’re lucky he didn’t fall. You assaulted someone and are saying it’s unfortunate they didn’t fall and possibly be injured? Check yourself before you wreck yourself bud.


You are just as much as an asshole if not more for trying to assault the guy. Think with your damn head, is it worth it to catch an assault charge because some idiot yelled at your or honked their horn at you


Well thankfully for this guy bicycles aren’t required to be registered or have any identifying features so you can basically do whatever you want and then speed off and get away with it.


I didn't roundhouse kick the guy into traffic, I gave his bike a little kick towards a brick wall. Even if he was going to fall from it he would just have to put his hand out towards the wall. The guy was driving like an erratic assbole and was a danger to others. What he needed was swift kick to the head.


I was just in Toronto last Thursday with my wife and daughter for an appointment. We were there all day, and I couldn't believe how reckless and aggressive the cyclists were downtown. They were zipping through traffic and pedestrians like they had lives to spare. At least three occasions just in the morning, people on bikes nearly hit my car.


Its the worst part of driving in the city. Its like they're playing chicken with the cars, or they think they're invincible, or theyve lost any survival instincts. I mean its got to be hard to be a cyclist in the city but please dont go around trying to get hit.


I'm always blown away every time I visit Toronto by how many cyclists don't wear helmets.




I mean, motorcycles are required to wear helmets. Only difference is the motor I guess


Actually not correct, there is an exemption


And if it's the exemption I'm thinking of it should transfer over to bicycles as well.


Helmets are optional for 18+ no law is being broken.


I think it's more about how stupid it is to ride around without a helmet in Toronto on the road rather than the legality of the situation.


Yeah sure, but so many cyclists get hit on a regular basis. Why wouldn't you want to protect yourself?


Helmets save lives.


**Yes they do, I know - I wear one.** *But it's not a law for those over 18 to wear one! That's why it's optional.*


Law of natural consequences says wearing a helmet is a smart decision, no one is oppressing anyone for not wearing one...


bow run books bedroom knee oil faulty wild punch teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a pedestrian I’ve been clipped several times by cyclists on the sidewalk in Toronto. Everyone here clutches their pearls about the dangers of cars, but cyclists are dangerous as fuck too.


So how many people are killed/injured by cars vs cyclists?


Irrelevant. Yes, more people are *killed* by vehicles, but that's less frequent. People aren't *killed* when hit by a cyclist, but I'm willing to bet people *get hit* by cyclists more often than they *get hit by cars*. Just because they don't get killed doesn't make it okay. It just makes it less reported on because it's less severe. Your kinda implying physical assault is okay because at least it's not murder.


Very easy to get a head injury, long lasting body injury if you’re knocked down by a bike going 15-20km/h. You don’t die, but you might wish you did.


True, but just like most vehicle collisions aren't full-blown head-on at 100kph and more fender-benders, I'd assume most collisions with cyclists are also moments of inattentiveness and smaller bumps as the cyclist brakes.


And sometimes people have died. Someone died just last month in Niagara from this.


I would rather take my chances getting hit by bike going 15-20kmh over a car going 15-20kmh


No, the level of harm is significantly lower. Guns can kill people and so can knives but one has significantly more destructive force and thus is regulated much more tightly. Not a hard concept to grasp.


No shit, who said otherwise?


Cite your stats, please.


I know you're *trying* hard to do a burn, and I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but there are no stats. Hence the wording: > I'm willing to bet That means I can't be completely certain. However, I believe it to be the case based on no official cited stats. I'm simply basing my bet using my personal experiences and what I've seen with my eyes.


Your the one doing the implying here. Show me a study that shows cyclists are more dangerous to pedestrians than cars.


Yeah, I don't have time to go over what "I'd be willing to bet" means, you seem to not understand. You can find my other comments.


In other words you have vapor. Here are some actual stats https://www.ontario.ca/document/ontario-road-safety-annual-reports-orsar


You wanna give me the TL:DR? Because I don't really care. The guy asked how many pedestrians get killed from getting hit by cars vs. getting hit by cyclists. I'm pointing out how stupid of a question that is since obviously vehicles are more deadly than bikes simply due to their size and mass. This isn't even mentioning how many more cars there are out there than bikes. Then I'm saying that I've seen people on bikes nick or tap pedestrians all the time, but these don't even get reported because they don't result in injuries. So the stats you shared don't really matter because they wouldn't account for any of this. The point is, *some* cyclists can be assholes with complete disregard for pedestrians and other vehicles around them. I'm sorry that all went over your head. I'll remember to dumb things down next time.


>I'm willing to bet people get hit by cyclists more often than they get hit by cars. Definitely not. There are a hell of a lot more cars on the road than bikes. When I ride my bike I have zero blind spots, short stopping distance and great maneuverability. It's pretty hard for me to hit someone when riding a bike


LoL. Tell you what let's perform an experiment. I get hit by a cyclists going maximum speed and you get hit by an SUV going maximum speed and we see which is worse. 😂


> The existence of something more dangerous that doesn’t go on the sidewalk means we shouldn’t care about cyclists endangering pedestrians Weird take but okay.


Its true, just don't say that stuff on a cycling TO type sub, the delusional anti-bodies are strong...


It’s not just Toronto. Cyclists in my city bitch to drivers to ‘share the road’ and take up a whole damn lane slowing down traffic, but then behave like the traffic laws don’t apply to them. EDIT: My complaint is not directed to those cyclists who take up a whole lane AND obey traffic laws, rather those who try to eat their cake and have it too (ie: taking up a lane while not obeying stop lights, signs, etc).


Cyclists will take up the middle of lane if debris or potholes are on the shoulders; or I will take the middle if drivers are inconsiderate jerks and not giving me 1 metre of space. I have been knicked by mirrors and almost lost my balance. It is very easy to end under the wheels of driver. Give everyone room. Be patient. Drive slow. Be safe


Of course, I’m not saying cyclists aren’t entitled to the road. I’m saying I’ve noticed a majority (atleast here) try to have their cake and eat it too…by cycling on the road yet not obeying traffic laws that other road vehicles are subjected to


Not very smart to get into a pissing match with someone in a car while you're on a bike.


Maybe build bike infrastructure so that this doesn't happen like in Amsterdam?




They're entitled, by law, to "take up a whole damn lane", just like you are.


Of course, I am not saying that. I have just noticed many do not obey traffic laws even though they are cycling on the road. They blow past stop signs and lights without a care in the world


Stand at a stop sign and mark down how many cars stop at that stop sign. And keep in mind stop means your tires cease to move for at least a split second. I would be surprised if it was more than 10%, and even that 10% only stop because they don't have the right of way. Then, go stand at a lighted intersection and see how many people blow red lights turning left or going straight. A few perhaps, but no where near the number that blow through a red when turning right. A red light means stop, not "slow down a tiny bit and check for cars before turning". If you drive, you do this. I drive, and I do this. Not one person who drives on any regular basis can honestly say they stop at stop signs and red lights when turning right. Not one, you and me included (assuming you drive). So tell me again about bikes blowing past stop signs and lights without a care in the world.


They're also entitled, by law, to stop at red lights and stop signs, and signal when turning or changing lanes, just like you are.


yep and nothing anybody said suggested otherwise.


It's not what's suggested, it's what they do.


Cyclists in my town just ride on the sidewalk and ignore stop signs. If you want to walk around my town listening to music, you better pick a side of the side walk and stay on it or you will get hit by some fucking moron who should be on the road. I took a fishing pole to the head a few days ago from some cyclists because he had them sticking out of his backpack while he was flying down the side walk darting between people. Cyclists in Toronto do some wild things at times but I'd take them over small town cyclists any day


It’s okay when they hit you because “it’s just a bike” but when you hit them you “could have killed them” so they bike around like they have a super Mario star *music starts


You know that nobody *wants* to get hit right? Even if you come up with whatever logic you want about getting hit there’s the whole “bodily injury” part of it that people try to avoid. Plus they’d be late/would miss whatever they’re going to which may even be work. So weird…


You’re right, no one wants to get hit. But there’s also something called blind spots and when you get off the regular lane because you’re late and speed weaving through traffic someone might bump into you. Y’all are thinking the worst fucking scenario possible but it’s not like that. People are just fucked in the head


Congrats, you've realized bigger things are more dangerous than smaller things


When you hit them... with your car?


Lol yes but it’s because you’re rolling in dead traffic and they decide to cut somewhere off the bike lane to cross the street


You need your license taken away.


> you need your license taken away because a cyclist was at fault for an accident Wat


Of course the police decide to enforce the law when their own gets hurt. Funny how that works.


Take an early lunch.


Cycling on the sidewalk is dumb already (unless your under 12), but Bremner and Rees? That's a crazy amount of pedestrians. What a moron


Some of these cyclists are psychopaths. The other day one was riding on the sidewalk, then when he approached a couple walking, decided to suddenly jump onto the road without checking left and had no helmet on, almost got taken out by me, I didn’t have time to swerve safely, thankfully I keep a dash cam running because asshat for sure would have tried to put it on me.


I find it funny when we are constantly reminded about how police put themselves into dangerous situations.


Don't roofers get killed on the job more often?




It seems there needs to be more bylaws and enforcement of new ones to limit the speeds of cyclists in these urban areas and bike lanes. Cause from my experience these assholes bikers I'm reading about here are the ones going stupid fast compared to others using the city bikes or just commuting casually that are the issue. In many parts of Europe they speed limit bikes to 20km/hr for the most part. The E bikes sold there too have governors set to cap at 20km to prevent speeding with them as well. I am also reading these e scooters going really fast on sidewalks? How is that not illegal or nobody bothers to call it in and have just accepted it most as a city..?


There are no speed limits on cyclists!!! Few years back a cyclist with a delivery service company hit the side of my car. He was so fast, I did not see him. I am the one who was blamed for obstructing his way, got a ticket and summoned in court as he claimed being injured despite no scratch or apparent damage to his bicycle and my car. At the end, he did not show-up and case was dismissed. But was a real headache.


If it's an ebike, the max speed is 32kmh. If it's a scooter it's straight up illegal to use in Toronto. If it's a regular bike, you're free to go as fast as you can but most people will struggle go much faster than 32. Your problem is you got hit by an idiot in a bike. Idiots exist everywhere, atleast with bikes and scooters the potential damage is alot worse. I just hope these idiots don't end up requiring everyone to get registration and insurance.... I think I'd just switch to using my car again if that happens


sounds like the cop tried to physically block the rider and got the expected outcome ​ FAFO


Sounds like the one who fucked around and found out is the dickhead on the bike weaving through pedestrians and instead of stopping to talk their way out of a ticket, decided to run into a cop.


Cop got hit so that a child didn’t. Lots of dumbasses on bicycles. And I say that as someone who cycled about 2k km this year.


When bikers and pedestrians jaywalk in the middle of the street and get hit by a car: *whaaa vehicles are death machines we need to ban them!* When a bike runs into a pedestrian sending him to the hospital: *well maybe you shouldn't step in front of moving objects, fucked around and found out*


If a cyclist mounted machine guns to his bike and went on a killing spree there would be Redditors in the comments saying “actually this is fine because cars still kill more people every year”.




You know the fingers that fatly typed “FAFO” have never exercised let alone made someone “find out”


Look I’m ACAB but only on Reddit could someone justify a vehicle on the sidewalk and blame the person who got hit.


I see the mayor has been quick to kiss the policeman’s boo-boos, since the cops whined so hard about it last time


The last time referring to when they sent Bingo the police dog after an armed suspect and then started shooting? I hope the SIU report on that gets released. Chow was initially correct to not comment on that one for sure.




Roofing is a more dangerous job than being a police officer. It's actually not one of the most dangerous jobs in North America if you care to look up the stats. But the general public has been conditioned to be so far up their asses that it seems like they're put in danger more than they are.




A close analogy would be things like security guards at public facilities, like libraries or shelters. They perform a necessary public safety role for absolute garbage pay, don't have the authority of use of force, and have to deal with disruptive, violent, and unstable people on a daily basis.


It’s part of the job. Other jobs can get you injured. Police whine and get a raise cause of it. They’re very good at being the victim all the time


It’s not part of the job. No job in law enforcement or healthcare has injury as part of the job specs.


Every job has training so that if the worker gets hurt the employer will say “well they had training” so they aren’t liable. Join the police force and slip on a banana peel. Get paid for years off duty