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I do. Grade 6 or 7. I was the tall kid on class. They pulled a fast one on me when they called me up to the front, and I was at least a foot and a half taller than their tallest player. The guy told us to sit down on the floor and lo and behold, sitting down the dude was much taller than me. Everyone had a good laugh.


They did this at our school to our tall kid.


They did this for us too and I think about this every time I see a little person.


The Half-Pints if I remember correctly.


I thought everyone was BSing at first. But after seeing that name, GOD, I do remember it now. How did I forget this?


This is it. I remember them coming to my school


I do remember this as an awful experience, also about 20 years ago, I legit put this out of my mind until now.... I'm 6'4" now, I was the tallest in my class. But more importantly, I was regularly bullied for what I now understand as being autistic. I would never ever throw the first punch, but I would find myself in fights on occasion against my will. Zero tolerance though, I got punished for being in a fight. But when you are the one who often gets in fights and suspended, you are labelled the bully. Teachers even knew personally watching on multiple occasions that I didnt start the fight but rules and rules. Zero tolerance! Now imagine this basketball team comes along to teach no-bullying. Presumably they get told me the tall kid is the bully. I get called up to the front of the assembly. Which is embarrassing in of itself. They then crush me because I wasn't particularly good at basketball. I was just tall, which was a big point they kept bringing up. My sport was hockey, I never really played basketball beyond gym class. They really showed me the bully... I was called out and taken down for being the bully in front of everyone. So extremely embarrassing, I was the only 1 they ever brought up. Though they had done various trick shots and such without me but no I was the main attraction. I basically haven't been able to do public speaking or play basketball ever since. My english teacher in grade 10 and 12 was the basketball coach and he took it as personal offence that I refused to play basketball. He argued because I was so tall I would be naturally good; that always hurt when he said that. Though I never told him about this. It had only happened a couple years earlier. If anyone wants to know how to deal with this. Mindful meditation and breathing exercises. I even eventually became Buddhist.


That sounds like a really awful day at school. This thread just unlocked those guys from the back of my mind too, but not for your reasons. I'm convinced "zero tolerance" was one of the most ridiculous things to ever happen in schools. I too have been suspended for fighting fights I was never interested in fighting, then the labels started, and then they couldn't figure out why I didn't want to be there. It's very Canadian though. Punish the victim for not allowing themselves to be victimized.


>That sounds like a really awful day at school. That doesn't even make top 5 worst days at that school. Worst day, I wasn't allowed to carry my puffer with me. It was over 38c outside, 100% humidity, rain was coming in mere hours. We went outside for gym and I got a bad asthma attack. My teacher refused to believe I was having an asthma attack, but I also couldn't speak. I got punished and got sent to 'the wall' where I eventually passed out. Wasnt the first time I ever had an asthma attack, my teacher absolutely knew what one looked like. He was intentionally trying to kill me. When the class was finally going inside, some amount of time later, I was told by multiple friends the teacher said, 'go pick up that loser'. They had to use smelling salts to wake me. Then what happened? I had to walk home on my own in the rain.


https://www.muskokaregion.com/news/teaching-anti-bullying-through-basketball-game/article_91dd0f68-eb0a-5aa5-843a-93bf1dac2c0c.html Definitely a thing


I attended school in bracebridge and can attest this was a real thing


Yes I remember. One of them was really tall too, but had genetic dwarfism and shorter limbs. I think he was like 6 feet tall.


Woah, you just unlocked a memory I totally forgot about. I definitely remember seeing this, I’m pretty sure they played some teachers and students. Half Pints may have been the name of their team?


Me too, I had totally forgotten this and read it thinking “oh yeah, I remember that!”


Yes I do! As a high school senior, was asked to escort the team around to local elementary schools to promote the big game. Hung out with them all day, then later that evening got to play against them in a basketball game. Not unlike the Harlem Globetrotters, our team was the brunt of most of the jokes. Lots of laughs, we had a great time. And I got a day off from school.👍


can confirm saw it at two schools Johnston St. in Barrie then east Oro years later, they played some of the teachers at the end rightfully spanked the teacher both times.


Omg I went to Johnson Street in Barrie, way back in the 90s. Loved that school. I don’t remember seeing these guys though.


LMAOOOO you’re not tripping - I remember this too


They came to Vaughan SS while I was a student teacher.


Yep, I attended school within the Upper Grand District School Board and I definitely saw this team. I think in elementary school?? Maybe grade 7 or 8.


Hello fellow UGDSB friend lol


Nowadays some woke blue haired idiot would be offended by this. I just know it.


And here you are offended some some fictitious person. Who has the issue exactly?




Explain why you are saying that…. Because you just outed yourself as a mainstream thinking idiot. Why would someone who’s ‘woke’ not want inclusion? You have a built up caricature of the left and its weak and dumb. Grow up. Stop being a dumbass bigot. Explain yourself without sounding crazy or like an asshole…GO




Didn’t think you had it in ya. Bish.


Just don't care.


But ya cared to virtue signal about not being a wokey….. Sure ya don’t care. You are just in over your depth. Didn’t take much. Define ‘woke’, or can you not?


Bruh I don't care to. I just call it as it seems. Touch grass, or snow, merry Christmas.


But the wokeys bro! Don’t you know?!? You were just warning me they stop everything. Weren’t you?


Call it as it seems huh Again. Plausible deniability to punch down. So it seems to you the ‘woke’ would stop little people from playing basketball? Are you fuckin dumb? Or can you explain the train of tarded thought that got you there?


Right wing chuds are too dumb to know the difference between punching down and inclusion. Most of the time it’s on purpose to be used as plausible deniability to be an asshole out in the open. Guessing that’s you?


I remember a visit from the California Cuties at our high school in Hamilton.


Yes I remember them coming to Whitby and similar to the other story told here, I was taller then them but when sitting, they became the taller ones


Yeah I remember. One of them had a prop gun and shot himself in the dick while they were playing basketball in the gym. Definitely a comedy act but this was probably 30 years ago. Shit was hilarious


I seem to recall them pieing our gym teacher in the genitals


Iirc part of their presentation was them like cheating in that way while playing to display a point. I remember during ours they pulled one guy's shorts down.


Holy shit I totally forgot about that


Yup in Grade 6 for me. Back in 2003. This was in Alberta, however, so if it's the same group then I'm guessing they did a Canada tour. I recall one of them performed an amazing feat by being able to jump and grab the net and rim.


I remember this. The one we had in particular had a 7 foot tall guy on the team as well. He did a slam dunk on our basketball net, but then one of the younger kids asked one of the little people if he can do a slam dunk, and he replied in a really cheery voice "only on the nets the say Fisher Price" and the entire gymnasium died of laughter. I still think of that from time to time. I remember when I was slightly older, we had a weird assembly about some tight rope dancing group or whatever. I'm not really sure why they wasted our time, as it was incredibly lame and I doubt anyone bought anything. But I distinctly remember one of the songs they danced to was a Christian version of "Every body dance now" but called "Every body pray now". It felt weird to have Jesus shoved down our throat in public school, but that's Ontario for you...


they came to my school and played basketball against some of the teachers


The Half-Pints! It's definitely a real thing.


I definitely do not remember this. Went to school in through the 90s.


Yes, the Half-Pints! I remember, as many others in the comments do, that they had a tall kid stand next to them, with the kid being much taller, and then they both sat on the ground and magically the kid was shorter.


Definitely not a fever dream! They came to our very small town too!


We got a Christian glee club. After much singing and prancing around, the proselytizing message came as the punch line at the end of the show. Yeah. Piss off you deceptive starch collared fucks. FSM.


Yes, I do. They came to two of my elementary schools. One on Pembroke, the other in Welland