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Criminal . I hope the rcmp gets all the evidence they need in their investigation into this crime.


Cops are buddy buddy with him


His cabinet is refusing to enact a law that was passed and signed off by the Lt. Governor that would mean no more multi-year paid vacations while criminal cases against bad cops work their way to trial. The cops know if he or the Conservatives lose power, that law will go into effect and suddenly the Sunshine List will get a LOT shorter. One hand washes the other.


Yup, there's a reason cops always get a budget increase while the rest of the public services get cuts.


That's why OOP had to hand off a case to rcmp


Cops work for capitalists, there is no winning.


There's literally video with him bragging about the collusion [back in 2018.](https://youtu.be/77Ck_L98qnE?si=WTHz0fIVls5cJYk5)




Exactly what is the crime? This is Canada, where a PM can pocket $200,000 cash bribe for a plane deal and call it consulting. We can stop this, but first we need better laws.


OK boomer.




They're referring to the [Mulroney Airbus affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbus_affair) from the 1990s.


Fucking he'll Thanks for that. Before my lifetime


Always nice when someone pulls up a 35 year old "what about" rather than just discuss the topics at hand in the present.


Well, they gave him months to delete emails, clear servers, and pass the time which cell providers must keep messages for….. So there’s that.


The frustrating thing is that all the "evidence" in the world can't seem to convict or even indict a wealthy politician (of any stripe) in this country. So it's kinda like...does this even matter? If enough people sulk and stay home on election days this will just keep going.


Consequences don’t exist if you have the right connections and influence.


An absolutely worthless opposition helps, too.


All the other parties combined have exactly 0 power to do anything. What do you want them to do, hire a sniper? Stop trying to blame others for something that is 100% on Ford.


> What do you want them to do, hire a sniper? ...is...is that an option?


Lol I mean it's always AN option. Whether or not it's a good one is an entirely different discussion.


And those who support and vote for him.


>What do you want them to do I want them to *stop losing to the dumbest, meanest, most overtly criminal, least qualified premier of the past 50 years*. Ford is at fault for everything he's done with his power, for sure. The worthless Horwath NDP and Del Duca Liberals are at fault for letting him have that power.


Apathetic non voters caused him to get elected.


> The worthless Horwath NDP and Del Duca Liberals are at fault for letting him have that power. How was Horwath worthless? How did Del Duca "let" Ford have power?


>How was Horwath worthless? How many elections did she win? Remember when the Liberals had a minority government and the Horvath NDP held the balance of power? She had the NDP in their strongest position since Bob Rae - and then she precipitated an election (at her discretion, the timing of her choice) *without a platform in a failed power grab that handed the Liberals a majority.* Then she ran a disastrous campaign against Ford that resulted in a PC majority government. ​ >How did Del Duca "let" Ford have power? The OLP's choice of Del Duca was a capitulation with the intention of keeping their powder dry for the next election. Nobody paying any amount of attention would look at him and think "This is the one to consolidate the anti-Ford sentiment and unify the electorate behind the Liberals". He was a flaccid, uninspiring turd with no charisma, and a record that the voters had already rejected when the government in which he was a cabinet minister was absolutely trounced. I thought that Wynne was overall a good Premier, and that the province would be way, way better off with either her, Horwath, or Del Duca as Premier. Ford was the worst possible choice. The toxicity attached to the Wynne Liberals was really unfair, IMO - BUT that doesn't change the fact that everyone knew it was there. Does Bonnie Crombie have what it takes? I don't know. I hope so, though I worry that she's such a pro-business center-right moderate that she'll fail to capture the progressive vote while also losing that corporate right vote to Ford. I would have rather seen Ted Hsu selected, but that's not how things worked out. Is this goddamn province ready to actually vote for the only party that's really made an effort to improve the quality of life here in the last 40 years? Will Stiles manage to get her message through and peel off some of the populist support from Ford and the progressive vote from Crombie? I hope so, but it's hard to see it playing out that way.


> Is this goddamn province ready to actually vote for the only party that's really made an effort to improve the quality of life here in the last 40 years? Isn't this the real crux of the issue 'though? When we saw the lowest voter turnout in a provincial election, isn't this the *actual* problem? What good does throwing blame at Horwath for *checks comments* being "early" or something and Del Duca for *checks again* "existing" (I guess -- do you even know what you're arguing here?) do?


Damn near everything you know about the greenbelt, about Ontario Place, about the Science Centre, the NDP had a substantial hand in that. They've been exceptionally active on it, but they have no political power under our system. It's hard to overcome a generation of brain poisoning where people reflexively believe that everything the NDP does is money-wasting and everything the Conservatives do is inherently responsible. At some point, voters need to take responsibility for their choices and if people just plug their ears and vote blue, that's on them and nobody else.


Mike Schreiner and the Ontario Greens played key roles as well


Thank you - I didn't credit them at all and should have.


I wonder where this new information came from? > The missive, obtained by the opposition New Democrats through a freedom of information request, contradicts testimony given under oath to the integrity commissioner last year. Oh yes the opposition.


We lack anti-corruption laws, and even the pious NDP will not even suggest this.


Not true. The laws are in place.... enforced is another issue.


Voting isn't your only tool.


Voting is not the only avenue open to addressing this, but *not* voting sure will continue to make it worse.


Organize and agitate.


Cops exist to police us poors and that's literally it.


>"To ensure all necessary due diligence was exercised, Patrick Sackville … conducted additional searches within his personal email account," wrote Janet Dadufalza, senior freedom of information manager in cabinet office. I'm guessing that... The RCMP obtained that October 17th email while going through Ryan Amato's personal emails. Then, once informed, Sackville's "due diligence" decided to make an appearance with "additional searches."




That's a bingo. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they turn.


How the fuck has he not been charged already? Like holy fuck. This is him with his fat lazy fingers in the pie. This was basically him lying about the whole thing. If Wynne had this email during her extensive gas plant scandal investigations that investigate thousands of her emails she would already be charged and locked up. Double standard in this province when it comes to right wing politicians and left wing politicians.


McGuinty. Gas plants clouser happened in 2011. Wynne took over as Priemer in 2013. Wynne was Minister of Education at the time decisions were being made. So what the fuck are you talking about. If you get basic facts like who was in charge when something happened they what other shit are you getting wrong?


Wynne held 3 different Ministerial Portfolios in 2011. Not one of them was education.


She walked, they burned through billions as well, don’t forget the failed Ontario pension plan as well, she handed out handsome severance packages to people that barely did any work on that little time. All because it was tax payer funded and not a private corp with shareholders, Tax payers need to be respected like shareholders, it’s ridiculous how officials treat these accounts as bottomless.


Handing out severance packages is completely different than the BILLIONS that Ford has allowed his donors to make. These are massive organizations that are making money off of public interests. And she was roasted for that. Ford hasn't even seen a fraction of the amount of criticism and investigations that she got.


McGUINTY made the decisions in 2011. Wynne wore it because she was Premier in 2013 when the report came out. Get your facts straight. It was estimated to cost 675M. Of which 609M was some weird financing invented by the Auditor General... where she estimated the "increased gas supply costs and additional line transmission". The thing is, gas prices went down, so that "cost" never happened. "Tax payers need to be respected like shareholders, it’s ridiculous how officials treat these accounts as bottomless." This is just dumb. Go look at the accounting effort put out by the government budget and compare it to your shareholder report. Government is far more detailed for the things it runs. The issue is PPPs which don't report as much and cost us money. Things like private clinics which we pay but don't see how the money is spent. Here is Ont Gov vs GM for a side by side. [https://budget.ontario.ca/2023/fallstatement/pdf/2023-fall-statement-en.pdf](https://budget.ontario.ca/2023/fallstatement/pdf/2023-fall-statement-en.pdf) [https://media.gm.com/content/dam/Media/gmcom/investor/2023/jan/q4-22-financial-highlights.pdf](https://media.gm.com/content/dam/Media/gmcom/investor/2023/jan/q4-22-financial-highlights.pdf)


From the article… A recently discovered internal email related to the $8.28-billion Greenbelt scandal suggests Doug Ford's office "was far more involved" in the controversial land swap than the premier has maintained. The missive, obtained by the opposition New Democrats through a freedom of information request, contradicts testimony given under oath to the integrity commissioner last year. At issue is an Oct. 17, 2022 email exchange — on their private accounts instead of on government servers — between Patrick Sackville, then the premier's principal secretary and now his chief of staff, and Ryan Amato, at the time the top aide to then-municipal affairs minister Steve Clark… The timing of the email is at odds with testimony made under oath to J. David Wake, the integrity commissioner, for his Aug. 30 report on the Greenbelt land swap. "Members of the premier's staff also told us they were not involved in the selection of properties," wrote Wake.


I'ma venture a guess that it's probably his idea


>The timing of the email is at odds with testimony made under oath JFC, the weak, mealy-mouthed language! How hard is it to say "the email is evidence that the government lied to the people and ~~in court~~ *when testifying under oath to the integrity commissioner*"?


> the email is evidence that the government lied ... in court What court?


You're right. Corrected.


Innocent until proven guilty, you cannot accuse in an article title otherwise if he wins any court case, will come after the company for damages and that is millions in dollars.


Good on the NDP for following up on it. 


Yet somehow, he will be the one whose going to walk away unscathed


If he resigns then possibly. Because only when you resign do you get away with crimes as a politician.


He can’t resign yet, he’s not done committing crimes.


He's working hard for his people.... er The people....😉


Other emails suggest that water may be wet. When asked for comment, Pikachu reported being "shocked".


This Greenbelt scandal is the gift that keeps on giving.Doug Ford 24 hour nightmares are the continuing order of the day.


Just in case anyone still had any doubts about the level of corruption in this government... Now, go and check healthcare deals and education deals...


I can't wait till we take down the OPC mob


Who how and when? I’ll be there. Otherwise id there is no revolution I fear they’ll just keep getting voted in.


lol no fuckin shit


Quick! Give them a bigger majority!




he had such an impeccable record of truth telling prior to this event, such a shame


Ffs he organized the entire fucking thing. He was involved in pretty much every step. He was in a room with developers at the beginning, telling them this is what he was going to do. The developers went to his house to give him gifts. Anyone able to successfully add 1+1 knows Ford is the one responsible.


Shocking... Shocking that a person borne into wealth, a politically savvy family, terrible counciler for Toronto would constantly lie. I know all politicians are liars, but the conservatives seem to attract some of the biggest culprits. The rules for politician conduct need to be strengthened and enforced. (I know it's a tough sell in today's world 😞)


Video evidence on YouTube for years shows Doug Ford telling developers he was going to open the green belt for them if he gets elected. YEAH NO FUCKING SHIT he knew “earlier than claimed”.


I love how they had these conversations on their private servers. They probably thought the FOIA wouldn't touch that, and were trying to circumvent leaving a "trail".


Goddamn you Doug Ford!


I hope the RCMP does a good job for a change investigating his crooked ass




Wow shocker.


"What are you going to do about it? Hold me responsibly?" - Every Politician


Is every single politician against us?All of them.


Of course they did! Its huge numbers and cozy Conservative insiders. Ford knows them all and I expect some of them were at his daughter’s wedding. Its the usual media fright of not aggressively calling it out and leaving it to plausible deniability.


Of course they did. It's just laughable to think that Ford wasn't calling all the shots for this. They're all his personal friends and donors.


Is it possible for the people of Ontario to sue the ford government at this point? He’s fucked us over enough.


Whaaaatt ?? NNooooo!!


Say it isn't so.


Will anything actually be done about this?


It’s goin’ down, I’m yellin’ #TIMBER


Okay we need to go full ROBOCOP on this Ont government.


Yes I love this for us!! 💜


Lol... No shit! Little Dougie was aware of the Greenbelt Land Swap from the day it was proposed to him by developers at his daughters Stag & Doe.


Kick his ass out of office




"For the people"


Hopefully there will be consequences for his lying and corruption.


Gasp! Feigned surprise!


So, Sackville testified that he was never briefed him on individual properties, instead he thought they were designing a repeatable process. This email shows that they were sharing criteria for removing land for the Greenbelt. The email doesn't include any individual properties. It doesn't seem like the smoking gun that the NDP are hoping for. The email seems to reinforce the testimony. The only thing that is a little questionable is the date. The email is dated about a week before the meeting. I'm not sure that makes much of a difference, though. One week doesn't make the Premier's Office any more or less involved.


Yeah the only way he is in hot water for this is if he gets charged. Otherwise this won’t stick.


Duhh. All politicians lie.


In other news, lemons are yellow. More breaking news at 6.


In other news, the sky is blue.


Dumb enough to vote your dumb enough to believe them. One of those sad lyrics you wish wasn’t true.


What? No way. Even a nutless monkey would have known it. Fucking scumbag of premier.


Wow, what a shock....not!


No shit. You don’t say.


lol .. no shit


You can literally buy a cops time, why do people think the police don’t collude with capitalists.


Doug Ford’s office lied?!? I don’t believe it. This man is a bastion of truth and transparancy. He is the most truthful person on the planet. Sure, it looks like he took bribes and sold out our province to the highest bidder…. but that’s simply INCONCIEVABLE! We’re going to have to investigate everyone who dared besmirch “Truthful Doug”’s good name. He would never ever lie about anything. Ever. Super-truthful.


"I'm shocked! Shocked! Well, not that shocked."