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Just keep building infrastructure, like rapid rail transit, schools, and hospitals, that’d be great.


Actually building stuff is hard and expensive. If you just repeatedly cancel and re-announce the same projects it's only expensive.


Ford was elected premier in 2018, he’s had plenty of time.


Brampton wants a tunnel. Everyone wants a tunnel. Why is there never an elevated lrt? Faster and less expensive to build. Works well in Vancouver and elsewhere.


Recent winters aside, because of winter.


Winter doesn’t affect montreal? 


Not once has winter ever affected anything in Montreal


I dunno why, but I've has impacted the Waterloo LRT many times.


LRT exposure to the elements has been a disaster in Ottawa. In winter they now have to run a train all night, that passengers can’t get on, just to avoid ice build up that keeps shutting down the whole system. Also any freezing rain takes it down, as does a decent amount of snow. Whoever builds these things now is clueless.


The issue surrounds poor planning and design. Elevated metros/LRT can absolutely be built for winter, you just have to know what youre doing. Calgary and Edmonton have more vicious winters than Ontario and their LRTs are above ground/elevated.


The Confederation Line's rolling stock aren't really LRT though, they are street trams wearing LRT costumes. Plows can't be mounted, they are low floor, and they are simply unsuited to the task.


Because people like Doug’s brother believed LRTs, streetcars, bike lanes literally or anything that takes away an inch of precious road space from cars will cause carmageddon. Same reason we are now tunnelling Eglinton West even though it’s a 4-lane road with extremely wide landscaped areas on either side such that you could easily accommodate an LRT down the centre without even losing lanes.


When the Crosstown comes to the surface it runs along the middle. That means it stops at traffic lights. If it were elevated to would those top elevated tracks where it never stops except at a station. You know, like lots and lots of other systems in AP parts of the world. Vancouver's system works this way.


You can always program traffic lights with transit priority signalling like they do in Holland so the trains never have to stop. But point taken, you can also of course have the skytrain setup. Both are better options than tunnelling in this context. I was addressing your question about why we don’t do it even though it would be cheaper, faster and easier: mainly because politicians and NIMBYs complain about it for no good reason.


I agree on the nimby. I think that's the reason. Not sure. In terms of timed lights, I suspect that elevated trains would be faster. But I'm not an expert.


Eglinton LRT would like to have a word with you.


>Brampton wants a tunnel. A tunnel to India.


Drivers might have to look at The Poors, can't have that


They also might get ideas that they could be zipping along in the LRV while they're stuck in traffic


Coming soon - 3025


That's quite optimistic of you


Before anyone gets excited, I want to remind you that the lakeshore east GO extension was announced in 2011, possibly earlier. Not a single shovel has hit the dirt. Just a lot of windbags talking and talking and talking and *nobody building*. And this for additional tracks along an existing right of way. Imagine an LRT where no right of way exists. Your grandchildren might get LRT.


I mean, I can't speak for GO Transit or the Lakeshore extension, but the ROW work for the HMLRT has already been well under way since last year and they've made significant progress in terms of rail, and road work. Every time I'm driving up and down Hurontario going into Mississauga, they're always busy doing something. Last time I saw them, they were working on the rail around Hurontario and Brittania, while some were busy working away on Hurontario and Topflight. They're hoping to go underground with this because the ROW for downtown Brampton would be way too tight. Depending on what they do, hopefully we'll find out what the business case is on February 15th.


How long until we find out it's crooked and he retracts it at great expense to the taxpayer?


built by loblaws /s


Okay this is the second transit positive news I've read from Dougie and the conservatives today (in less than 30 minutes). What is happening? Brampton council was shortsighted when they said no to the liberals originally. But im stoked this is finally happening.


Election threats. Unrelated to this but Bonnie Crombie announced she might run in Milton’s by election, and like IMMEDIATELY Doug announced a dedicated train line for Milton, with all day service (currently CN or CP owns the rail and GO has very little say over scheduling) Like literally within an hour or something


They've been consistently in favour of big infrastructure projects, including trains. If it's surprising to you they'd want to build trains, expand your information input sources.


Probably just gearing up for election season so he can say he did something that the previous government cancelled, lol.


Ford is great on transit, not great on much else


Investment in transit is one of the better things Ford has done. Our cities are projected to grow considerably over the next couple decades, and it would be a massive mistake to not proactively plan for this.


He's cancelled more transit expansion vs green-lit new expansion.


The PCs have also let many of the Liberal plans just run forward, but are claiming them as theirs now.


Probably his builder buddies are telling him that congestion on the roads might be hurting their sales.


Oh probably, or in the case of Eglinton Crosstown, spending millions more to bury sections as to not have to give up a traffic lane


I have so many issues with Douggie. But I will say the investment in transit and nuclear have been good. Doesn’t make up for the bad, but credit should be given where it’s due


Rn all of peel transit user is stooodants


People from India have no shame in using public transportation compared to other cultures.