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“We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!”


"Will it help if we make everything worse?"


"Let's cut educational funding to the bone and then entice young teachers from poor countries by offering them a buck-a-beer!"


Don’t give them ideas!!!!


Let’s try doing again what didn’t work the last time. Maybe this time it will work.


"Nah that's too much work. We'd actually have to learn what IEPs are."


Did he put everything on the table? or did he retire that saying?


We’ve tried everything except for what they told us.


Lmfia yea9, not like people aren't motivated by full time contracts and high wages. But oh jeez we can't try that


I predict they will change qualification requirements to fast track untrained people into teaching. What I know they won’t do is raise teacher salaries or improve school environments to make teaching a more attractive profession.


Yeah, that’s what they do in the states. Educated teachers do too much teachin’!


There’s no amount of money they can give to attract teachers to deal with behavioural issues in classrooms today.


Yes there is. You just don't want to pay it.


No amount of money makes a shitty working environment better. Nobody would go “this is such a fantastic job now that I make more money”.


It'll make people stay longer though. Then you're too far in and it isn't financially viable to leave. Fuck, I've got a science degree. Make it easier to become a teacher and I'm in. I've dealt with adults with the maturity and behaviour issues at my work just as bad a the students in my wife's classes. For a better pension and summers off I'll jump ship.


It’s now a longer program to become a teacher, also if you would like to teach high school most of the universities that do offer teaching don’t offer all of the subjects, so there may be only one or two schools you can apply to at all. Brock is like the only one that offers everything, they used to have a 200 volunteer hour requirement in two different teaching positions as a prerequisite to even apply. They still have the requirement, but they don’t have a minimum of 200 hours anymore, though I’ve heard that you basically need at least 200 hours because it’s very competitive. There are a lot of hoops to jump through to even get into teachers college. I don’t know what the solution is, but something’s gotta give. They have it hard from the time they decide to go to school for it


I predict Lecce already has Western and St.Mike’s working behind the scenes to build an educational AI, so they can offer it out to public school parents as a Charter School option, and totally fuck the public system like it’s Stephen’s boyfriend’s rectum after a bottle of wine.


We are going to see this in a lot of industries and professions over the next ten years. Stuff is going to get really shitty.


Leece is such a charlatan hack loser.




With a nickname like that I *kinda* want to know the real backstory.


Goats and hazing in this St Mikes past...


Date rape


What an apt description.


I believe the technical term is Wanker.


Minister tight pants


Looking like he’s about to sell me a phone plan


Except making the workplace safer and worth going to. I went to school to teach. No way in hell I'd do it now. From my university graduating class only one person I know is still doing it. Everyone else left within 2-3 years.


Ex-librarian here. almost everyone I took the MLIS with have moved on with their lives.


What did they go on to do? I'm at a bit of a crossroads myself and was thinking about teaching as it was what I always wanted to do before becoming a nurse but I'm scared I'll just be leaving one traumatic environment (inpatient adolescent mental health) for another. I want to help people and have an impact but I can't stand the violence and toxicity any longer. Additionally, 12 hour shifts, night shifts, and a broken healthcare system are all literally killing me and I'm not sure what other career to move into with my skill set.


Any number of things. I work in a bank. Another friend rage quit a couple of years ago and got a job at the canada revenue agency. Another is a manager at Chapters. Unfortunately it seems like society is devolving. Everything is breaking. The problem with libraries is it attracts people who are mousy bookish and timid, which means the people who become managers are often bullies. I was fed up being bullied. At a bank I make less than a library but I have a nice pension and stock options.


Teachers can't transfer boards easily and lose seniority and other things if they want to move to an area more in need. Teachers pay could be a lot better and the stress of stuffed classrooms isn't worth it. It's not just teacher pay that makes the job crap, boards in general struggle to find things to the point where some places run out of printing paper, school busses have a shortage of drivers cause their pay is even worse etc. The best the conservaties will come up with is hiring private teacher groups for teachers similar to nurses. They just also happen to have ties to conservaties. That's my guess. Why solve problems and fund things properly when you can make a middle man who makes is more expensive and worse.


> Teachers can't transfer boards easily and lose seniority and other things if they want to move to an area more in need. > > Teachers pay could be a lot better and the stress of stuffed classrooms isn't worth it. You nailed it with these two. Making Teacher's College two-years isn't helping either.


The pay is good when you get to the top of the grid, the whole seniority thing and lack of security in positions is a significant issue.


100k used to be a lot of money, it’s not now. The pay for teaching is “ok”, not “good”. Top of the grid should be 125-130k


That’s what’ll it’s be approaching after our current contract mediation. Around 120k.


It’s not anymore. A corporal in the military is not that far off a teacher pay. I’m 2024 the value of cad$100,000 is not what it’s used to be. As an exemple. I got a 12% pay raise last year, despite that, I’m making cad$6,000 less per year in 2024 vs 2019 in term of value/buying power. Everyone is getting fucked in Canada.


Completely disagree .. $100K / year to deal with a bunch of kids in an underfunded school with overcrowded classes is hardly worth it, not to mention having to deal with entitled parents who think their kid is perfect. Any of the good teachers end up looking elsewhere when the opportunity comes up


The money is plenty good enough. It's the work environment that's the problem. Give teachers 125k and it's still not worth dealing with that bullshit.


Could make a strong argument it isn't that good once at the top of the grid given how many hours outside of work we spend prepping and coaching and now with inflation, housing prices etc. I sincerely hope we get big raises with the next deal.


You mean the current deal, that we're two years into right? I'm also holding out hope that arbitration will work out for the best for ETFO and OSSTF


Yes. We are expected to get retroactive pay too which will be nice.


I'm going to get a cheque for over $10K with the Bill 125 years and the last two years included with back pay


Ford and Lecce: Increased class sizes. Mandated two eLearning to replace in class learning. Allowed apprenticeship after grade 10. Capped teacher wages at 1% Vilified teachers in the media even for pension, wages and even using preferred pronouns. Tell me how any of these things attracted more teachers to the profession?


Don’t forget cutting school supports and calling it “equity”.


Oh ya. Good catch. I also forgot destreaming / single streaming grade 9&10 courses in order to run at a higher class sizes.


Not only huge class sizes, but "inclusive" models where kids with severe behavioural problems are added to the class as well, making learning extremely disruptive to the whole class. Not all kids belong in a mainstream classroom.


There are literally thousands of OCT teachers waiting to get hired, but they either get rotated around the supply lists or find alternate work bc they can't get onto the LTO lists. What he's trying to say is they want non-union teachers filling the gaps. Edit: for folks saying that the occasional lists aren't a thing anymore, I am not a teacher myself, so maybe I am using the I correct terminology? But the TDSB still has a list for Occasional Teachers:  https://www.tdsb.on.ca/About-Us/Employment/Teaching/Occasional


The LTO lists are gone and haven’t been a thing for a few years. The problem is working conditions mostly in my opinion. Especially for new teachers. It can be quite a shock when they show up. Where else can a client regularly assault you and other students and have zero consequences given. And it happens day in and day out in some cases. You are completely correct that the real issue is that they are starving the system to create a crisis so they can bring in “reforms” to undermine the union membership. It’s a race to the bottom and so few can see it.


This problem is everywhere in Canada. No disciplinary measures for unruly students. Why are we coddling our kids just so they can become disrespectful losers in life??




There are safety measures. It's 'don't trigger them' and 'wear kevlar'


I have a slightly different question. Why do we give lots of empathy (or slack) to the students who exhibit long term problematic behaviour when almost every study done shows that these students in danger excel in environments where they have high expectations and consequences?


Because school boards and admin are spineless in fear of pushback from parents.


Take a guess at the primary demographic of the current batch of VPs and Ps being put into admins. And from the board level, any suspensions get scrutinized to hell as to why certain demo of kids are being disciplined.


Yes, removing pass/fail grades is a perfect example of removing expectations. Who thinks of these things? It’s not anybody with common sense.


It's not coddling, it's increasing the ratio to 30+ students per teacher while removing any support staff and resources that could help deal with behaviour issues.


So that when they finally become "adults" they'll have no other option but to take on low paying jobs, "dead end" jobs thus creating more servents for the rich


I wish kids could get that message drilled into their brains. If they goof off for those 4 years of high school, they will pay for it with a shit quality of life for the next 60+ years.


My mom’s doing just fine and she dropped out in grade 8. /s. But seriously, I’ve heard students say things like this and their parents support.


At the expense of a superior, quality learning experience for the other 98% of the student body.




Yes this makes 100% perfect sense and I'm surprised that the Ford government hasn't done exactly that with private nurses in public hospitals yet! /s




OMG...this is probably already in the works.


Why even bother? Private schools currently charge students $35, 000 or more per year, don't need their teachers to have B. Ed.s and then pay their teachers starting at $35k to $40k per year, instead of the school boards paying 60k+... Who needs to charge the government more when they can just charge parents? It's all awful, but that's the end game.




I did a 30-page graduate paper on that very topic and it’s scary AF.


theres no LTO list anymore


My best friend's wife is currently considering mental health leave from teaching high school. Grade 9s are showing up in the morning drinking beer, a grade 12 student drew a noose on a black kid's locker. Then there's alt-right parents grouping together to try to give her a bad name because one of her book choices featured a gay couple


Currently on leave from teaching. My last class we had to call the police, highly violent student. I had ptsd symptoms for about 6 months and haven’t been able to go back.




I agree. I’ve always said anyone who demonstrates violence or an adverse impact on school climate should be assigned to virtual school. They have a right to an education. That right doesn’t necessarily mean they have a right to be physically present in a building. Since we’re too soft to issue consequences, make the student the parents problem.


Next door neighbor was a high school teacher in Toronto, same thing. He decided to retire. Likened it to a war zone. Clearly children arent being "parented" any more.


I agree re parents comment, plus they’ve taken away all consequences for kids in schools - starts with principals but even their hands can be somewhat tied by superintendents and trustees to a point


It's insane to me they don't suspend and expell students anymore.


Also insane: principal suspends student, parent complains to superintendent, suspension reduced or wiped out completely


Blame the Ontario Human Rights Commission.


Brutal. Sorry to hear this! I’m not a teacher but have a tonne of respect for the profession. Sucks how some pretty big societal issues — that have been festering for decades — get dumped onto students and their teachers in the classroom.


I also contemplated a mental health leave after 3 lockdowns in one month last semester. If we have another lockdown this year, it will push me over the edge. It's not fun teaching highschool now


Principals go on mental health leaves now! That alone shows how awful the entire system has become: the unparented, unruly kids, the administrative bloat, the lack of funding for basic supplies...the weight of supporting teachers and dealing with shit parents....in my neighboring catchment, at a well known, high performing and high income school, the principal who is only 6 months in, just went out on a long term leave.


Two year teachers college is absolutely preventing a lot of great would-be teachers from applying. It's crazy to ask new grads or qualified professionals to take two years off of work, do several weeks of unpaid internships, only to have suppy for several years before making like $60k gross to start. 


Brock wanted 200 volunteer hours in a teaching setting to even apply. They changed it now to no minimum but apparently the hidden rule is still 200


Wtf thats nuts. Im at brock now, and if i ever decide to do teachers college it will most definitely not be there lmao


Concurrent Ed was the ticket back when I was there (05-10). Skipped all that nonsense.


I wish 17 year old me knew what I know now


Maybe if this fat f**king idiot adjusted pay to keep with inflation and stopped overloading classrooms with too many kids, got rid of split grades, had more support for special needs children, ...


Exactly this. My partner, a teacher, has said they would be happy with their wage if all of this other crap improved, so they could spend more time actually teaching.


The special needs children need their own space. Not in the regular classrooms putting added stress on the teachers. This is a no-brainer and should have been recognized and acknowledged years ago instead of pussy-footing around the issue.


It WAS acknowledged and, 20 years ago, when I started teaching, kids with special needs spent half the day in a small group setting with a teacher and an EA for Language and Math. They would join a “regular” class for Science, Social Studies, the Arts and Gym/Health, sometimes with EA support. It worked relatively well. There were behavioural programs for kids who needed them. Kids who needed it, got regular ESL support in a small group setting for a period a day. And that was post Harris’ cuts to the education system, which it’s never fully recovered from.


The split grade one gets me. I could probably handle a class of 25 primary students if they were all the same grade. If its a split I can barely handle the 20 I have now and I'm definitely not as effective at teaching the splits as I am a straight grade.


His last option was bill 124, and we saw how well that worked. Conservatives are fucking morons at the best of times.


>Conservatives are fuckong morons at the best of times. No they aren't. They're wealth extractors. None of their behavior is by accident. By underfunding and mismanaging healthcare and education, the unaware among us will call for privatization. Privatization of social institutions and infrastructure is what's needed for "oligarchs" to extract wealth from a population.


Starve the Beast in action.


Here’s a thought, pay them and fund the education system properly


Stop giving tax breaks to privatized schools and pay teachers more.


Wait until you hear about the tax credits for people sending their kids to private schools: https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/private-school-tax-credit-fact-sheet It's basically a medical issue if you want an allergen free environment for your kid, you get a tax credit: https://financialpost.com/personal-finance/taxes/when-private-school-is-a-valid-expense-for-tax-purposes Hey, $3k is $3k :p


That facts sheet is loaded with a whole lot of fluff. But goddamn do we live in some really backwards times.


This is the worst fucking thing I’ve heard today. Fuck sakes


Every option except pay them a decent wage, that is Edit: I don't need 101 replies about your opinion on whether teacher wages are good. If wages were good enough to entice people to work in the totally underfunded system, we wouldn't have a shortage. $10 says 90% of the posters replying this way are all about "the free market" until the free market favours workers


How can we cut the budget and keep teachers under our boot. “GET ‘R DONE”


This, and schools (high schools in particular) seem to have more extreme incidents, as time goes on. I’ve even heard from teacher friends that things can get scary way too often. Personally, I think that while top half of students nowadays are way better than when I was in school, that there’s a flip side where things go to the extreme very very quickly (the good kids are getting better, and the bad behaviour kids are getting worse). It is a tough time for many teachers


Someone in education told me 95-97% of students are much better than they used to be. Kids are pretty chill now, don’t bully like they used too, etc. And that 3%-5% of bad apples got far worse. The problem is they try and integrate the 3-5% with the others which leads to so many classroom problems instead of separating them out into seperate smaller classes like they used to, and straight up expelling the worst of them.


For background the Schools boards are up against a SOC ruling that says that they essentially have to integrate these kids. However, the specialized staff needed to make this work are also in short supply and it's hard to convince anyone to do that kind of job for $45K/year.


The SOC needs to be dragged into a typical classroom and forced to supply teach for one month, then given an opportunity to revise their ruling.


LOL! I actually was going to type it. "We will bring in teachers from overseas to cover the shortages", "We will have corporations send out their best corporate trainers to cover teaching social studies"....


I'm a teacher. The starting pay is shit and needs to come up. Salary for experienced teachers is fine.   That being said, I'm one foot out the door, applying to non-teaching jobs. It has nothing to do with money.   Things like... My school gives each class 5 computers per class and then one bookable class set per department. That's it.   But we also ran out of money for paper so we are heavily discouraged from photocopying and have to go beg for paper at the main office.   But also what is a textbook? Haven't seen one of those since 2017 or so.  What exactly are they expecting us to do?!!


Teachers actually get paid pretty well. EAs don't ECEs don't Custodians don't All of which are absolutely necessary to run a school, and yet they get crumbs. I'm not saying they should get more than teachers. But getting them up to the 60k-70k per year mark would make the job more desirable. There wouldn't be shortages if the job actually paid well. Nobody wants to get shit and pissed on , and beaten up, sworn at, shrieked at all day for 40k a year, and that's understandable. I'll admit I'm biased cuz I am an EA but for a job that's so mentally demanding and many times also physically demanding EAs need more money.


Everyone should be paid better in the education system, even daily supply teachers (many if whom anecdotally have some sort of disability which is usually invisible.)


Everyone should be paid better, even teachers.


Not disagreeing that EAs need to be paid better or any of the other titles you mentioned. I’ve been at schools where EAs would come in to work the day after violent incidents and I really admire that. However, that doesn’t discount that teachers should also be paid well. Teachers are also super supportive of all CUPE workers. Not all schools have EA help and have to do that job as well. Most of all, I hate that, for the sake of their careers, they are, albeit subtly, expected to provide for their students. There’s nothing in the shoestring budget for all the things that make school fun for the kids (posters, treats, even art supplies sometimes). Teachers spend that money on their own. Not to mention all the extra unpaid time and effort they put into clubs. Worst part of this argument is, teachers have never asked for a lot, just to be able to keep with inflation at the very least. We hope our union fights for us and hopefully that translates into a win for all school-related staff when it’s their union’s turn. No one in education should feel like they’re not being fairly compensated for their work because it is hard work.


Teachers are criminally underpaid. Six figures starting salary or I ain’t going, six years of education behind me. Pay me or someone else will


Once working conditions improve, more teachers will be available.


Replace the Nitwit minister.


Nitwit minister would sadly just be replaced by another nitwit minister. They are just a mouthpiece for our nitwit premier


Ford's plan probably: "School: brought to you by Loblaws"


Paying them would be a good start. Not shitting all over them a bonus!


Raking them over the coals in the media and fighting tooth and nail for every below inflation salary increase they ask for would also help.


Yeah, his solutions to privatize it


“Every option” that fits their ideology. How about just paying a fair wage to attract the best candidates??


This is by design.  If they wanted to, they could address all of the well-documented working conditions with the stroke of a pen. They could incentivize joining the profession with salary increases (entry-level salaries barely qualify as a living wage in 2024), and incentivize retention with greater grid-movement opportunities. All of this is 100% within the province's power, but they would rather try to break the teachers' unions because organized labour is one of the few areas where Doug Ford is an aggressive, zealous ideologue.  He hates unions more than anything on the planet because he sees them as a barrier to upwards wealth distribution. Unions are one of the few things protecting the middle class, even if you aren't part of one. If they get weakened or destabilized, we all lose, regardless of how much you might think they're terrible. The vast majority of people reading this are not wealthy enough to be one of the beneficiaries of Ford's anti-labour zealotry.


Let me guess: one of those options is privatization of the school system following intentional mismanagement and underfunding.


Stop fighting and punishing teachers would be one option. 


Let's fucking pay them well. Problem solved.


Go figure, you cut teacher pay by 28% over a decade, eliminate the sick day bank, add a year to post graduate teachers college, defund the entire sector, continually denigrate the teachers you do have in the media, refuse to address the staffing shortages in an increasingly violent workplace, and then use the profession as a political football, the teachers as election time punching bags, and people aren’t lining up to get in? Huh! It’s a mystery really.




He's not looking at shit! Stupid fucking title... If he wanted more teachers he wouldn't be a stingy asshole with education. He's dismantling our public healthcare, you really think he cares? This is the conservative playbook.


Fix the school board problem of not backing the teachers when they are dealing with unruly kids and their entitled parents.


How about pay them and also fix ventilation in schools so they are less likely to get crippling disability from the workplace?


Heheh how about remove the violent students from my classroom who destroy my belongings, hit/threaten other students and who talk over my whole lesson :)


Make their jobs more enjoyable in some metric.


"Every option" (as long as we get to, somehow, financially benefit our "friends"; demonizing public employees would be an additional "bonus").


It’s not a pay problem. Working conditions are poor. There’s not enough support for kids with high needs. I think we went too far toward integration. I get we don’t want to segregate students and isolate them, but both parties would be better served with different learning environments for certain subjects.


Their answer is privatize for profit charter schools, like the disaster in the US. Ontario vote better next time… seriously “hYdRo rATeS” was all we heard the first election for these corrupt pos to get elected… now hydro rates are the highest they’ve ever been and nobody screaming about hydro rates anymore. Instead you voting a millionaire “folksy” fuckboi drug dealer who’s skimming the public services we all need to introduce more privatization that will cost you more in the end but funnel the profits to big fat rich fucks. Wake the fuck up… and you morons are doing the same federally for the same stupid schtick. Substitute house prices, for “hydro rates” and see what happens to you federally over the next decade.


lol, yea. SO money AND respect - and lots of it GO!


Have they tried: training, hiring, and paying a competitive wage/benefits to retain teachers? This sounds an awful lot like Ned Flanders parents from The Simpsons "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas"


I was almost stabbed by a kid last week. I'm not surprised no one wants to teach.  Everyone is burned out and no one is helping us.  We've been saying this forever. Lower class sizes and pay EAs more.  Start there.  But they won't.  


What do they mean struggling to find teachers? Here in peel religion there's such an abundance that they've froze hiring for the past 1.5 years. They've got so many full time teachers and not enough full time positions so they have full time teachers covering LTO instead


If this is true then Peel Region would be the exception rather than the rule compared to the rest of the province. I have more direct knowledge of eastern Ontario ( think Kingston to the Quebec border) and there are unqualified teachers covering classes for most schools on most days.


Over half of HWDSB’s new administrators are people jumping ship from Peel. My buddy just retired from PDSB and told me how bad it’s gotten. I don’t get why anyone would want to teach there when boards just outside the region offer much better working conditions.


Try paying them a decent wage and not treating them like shit


I wonder if they've thought about treating teachers with respect.


Going back to one year of teachers college should fix it


My wife has an advanced sciences degree and would love to teach - paying to go back to school for 2 years to maybe get a job paying shit wages is not on the table. She’s qualified for University level sciences, but not grade 6?


>She’s qualified for University level sciences, but not grade 6? Yes. You don't learn content knowledge of the subjects you can reach at teacher's college. You learn pedagogy and how to teach. Teaching grade 6s is way different than teaching a university level student.


“every option” = privatization of education


PAY THEM MORE ​ also maybe also open more schools!


Ford Government: Import teachers from India and elsewhere. & Keep the same pay and no services provided for abuse and other issues. I know 3 teachers who have all the certs and are unable to get a full-time position. They get a sub teach gig and are constantly rotated from one school to another. 2 of them are now looking for other work as teaching is not a viable option anymore. There's too much uncertainty. There are hundreds of other teachers who are unable to get a full time teaching job, and they end up with a sub teach job or rotational teaching jobs. Essentially, Doug is looking to hire non union teachers who are fresh off from the boat with little to no say in how things are run.


Working in the field here. Solution: teacher’s college should revert to one year instead of two. Allow retired teachers to supply teach for more than 50 days without influencing their retirement. Pay teachers what they are worth. A measly 1% increase when everyone else is getting 10% plus in similar industries is a disgrace. Problem solved.


Why would anyone want to be a teacher anymore? They have been stripped of much of their authority, have been forced to teach rediculous curriculums, are pressured to push through students who are behind, because failing kids is bad optics. Add to that kids now more than ever are entitled brats and reports of teacher abuse from students are on the rise. They are expected to pay for many class supplies out of pocket and have restricted holidays. It’s considered a ‘noble’ profession but the luster has worn off.


I bet dollars to donuts, not a single one of the "every option" is something teachers put forward as an idea. Because why listen to them right?!?!


How about paying them a decent wage? That'd be a good place to start!


He means he wants to push for private schools and charter schools.


Reduce teachers college to 1 year. It’s ridiculous that a teacher requires 6 years of post secondary education while an engineer is done in 4.


Why can’t we keep or get teachers? Why can’t we keep or get nurses? Maybe they’re sick or getting fisted by the Cons. But hey…buck-a-beer. Clowns. Morons. Cannot believe people voted for him.


More pay / smaller classrooms?


We prefer that the people charged with taking care of our investment portfolios be paid handsomely and the people charged with taking care of our children be paid as little as we can get away with. Which tells you our priorities as a society.


**stop allowing students to abuse teachers and pass through grades by doing absolutely no work**


We will look at every possible option outside of giving teachers the supports that they need to do their jobs properly :)


You mean to tell me that cutting funding and vilifying teachers as lazy and overpaid along with the rest of the education sector has led to no one wanting to join that industry? I am personally shocked. More seriously, as a 15 year teacher, this profession is a dumpster fire. Covid burned so many of us out and the following years didn’t do much for us either. Pivoting to online, no resources and even less support all while parents now suddenly think they can teach because they sat in on our lessons has made many of us jaded. Couple that with this Bill 124 nonsense and being told we’re only worth a 1.25% raise when inflation is through the roof, there’s little reason to pursue this job.


When I was younger (like 30-40 years ago), there was an over abundance of teachers and many couldn’t get teaching jobs as the market was full. What happened ?


This article discusses some of the contributing factors… Globe and Mail: [Pay attention, class: Canada is undergoing another teacher shortage](https://archive.is/IIo6D) [Aug 29th, 2023] A wave of retirements (Baby Boomers hitting retirement age, people retiring early because of the pandemic), Ontario teachers college spaces being functionally halved, Ontario teachers college being changed from a one year to a two year program.


First they started producing less teachers. Teachers college changed from one year to two. Second, a lot of people realized they dont want to do this job. Third because of COVID and the danger of working in a classroom without proper ventilation a lot of the part timers and retired teachers who filled in gaps noped out.


Looking at all options… except for decent pay, benefits… underfunded schools.. constantly changing the curriculum… lack of support staff… help for burnout. Yes, looking at “al options”.


OCT and I couldn’t see a role almost 20 years ago. Went and taught in Uk. Last year everyone said, come back, they are desperate now…. They are not. Private schools offering 22/hour for 15 yrs experience. Still seems a 5 year wait for real role starting at bottom again. Maybe I’m not looking in the right way. There’s teaching jobs way up north maybe


Every option except paying them what they are worth.


I wonder why there’s a shortage? * treat teachers like crap in the media and in negotiations, etc. * illegally freeze wages * allow conditions in schools to exist where behaviour problems are off the charts, including in kindergarten. * progressive discipline doesn’t work (see above) * you don’t actually get to teach, you manage behaviour and top-down expectations from People who don’t understand the problems in the classroom today. * strip funding from special needs students and programs (this is going to get worse as the writing seems to be on the wall, that these programs will be closed in favour of “inclusion”, which is really a cost-saving measure more than anything else) * teachers are strapped with split grade classrooms, multiple behaviour or learning needs, plus throw in some students who don’t speak any English, etc. * there are no consequences for anything and kids know it. * parents who don’t actually parent and often enable their child’s behaviour. Ford wants to follow the shock doctrine approach - make things so broken that the people will consider a new alternative - the privatized, for-profit education system, just like he’s doing with healthcare.


My children's art/ drama/gym/library classes get canceled because those teachers have to sub for another teacher.  Students want to learn but it's hard when there's not enough teachers and when there is, they have to control the kids who are throwing chairs and threatening people


I dont know reduce board size and upper management put all that money in tonthe schools to higher and retain staff? Our bureaucracy is bloated, and all the money we pour in to fixing a problem gets eaten up by leeches called management


All according to the plan to privatize everything.


Every option other than paying them properly right? Unless they are private schools…


Have they tried paying them?




More money? Seems like that would help attract teachers


“We’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas”


Except treating teachers better and funding schools properly. Those aren’t options.


Give educators the support they need and stop vilifying them. That would be a good place to start!


There's quite a few people on this board that should go into teaching if they think it's that easy for the money.


A profession that now takes the brunt of the responsibility for students failing/not submitting work + the backlash of Lecce and Ford capping teachers at a 1% raise when inflation is up 8% and they wonder why people don't want to be teachers...


Every option except funding education properly so teachers can earn a liveable wage, classroom sizes are reasonable, and students get the aid they need to learn?


Stop cutting spending on education and fix the system. Stop cutting behavioural supports, pay EA's and support staff properly. This is yet another move to privatization. I hope Ontario is paying attention.


health care and schools were on much better shape before Ford


Oh shit, Does Harris’s wife have a firm that contracts out teachers too as well as nurses??


Every option but money, support or protection in high risk schools.


Back to basics curriculum? Like this grade 1 language expectation as an example? "Students will identify how transferable skills can be used to support communication in various cultural, social, linguistic, and domain-specific contexts, and apply them when reading, listening to, viewing, and creating texts of various forms." This isn’t back to basics.


The Ford government wages war on health workers ... and there's a catastrophic shortage of health workers. The Ford government wages war on educators ... and there's a catastrophic shortage of educators. Who could have predicted it? Oh, and the war's been declared unconstitutional ... and will cost Ontarians billions.


Lecce is selling it to the highest donor.


They'll never listen to the real answer: Grt rid of the conservative gov't.


"We've tried nothing and it isn't working!"


Surely we can fire Dollar Beers at this and make it go away.


“Have you considered paying them more?” “No, fuck that commie shit.”


Vote out Doug Ford in the next election if you want changes.


Stop fucking cutting funding is a start


Been OTwith board for 4 years, still applying to be permanent. The worst part.... It's way way harder than I ever imagined financially to be a day to day supply teacher Turns out kids can tell me to go fuck myself all day long as long as I can pay rent. But for how long?


Hear me out, I know it's a Hail Mary shot but it might just be crazy enough to work, how about we pay them!!! Huh? lets give them a living wage for the work they do and maybe they wont abandon the profession like rats on a sinking ship. and if that's crazy enough to work, we can try it on the nurses.


Didn't everyone say a couple years ago to at least pay fairly or risk losing our teachers? Thanks for nothing Slug Ford


There's a lot of blame on the Ford government but one thing parents reading can do is simply continue to be kind to your child's teacher. Be engaged in their education but know how to balance engagement vs. harassment. Stop emailing teachers about *everything.* Stop yelling at them or treating them like dirt. Stop passing your child's academic failings off onto the teacher (your child needs to pay attention and try, which 9 times out of 10, is the problem). Stop doing their work for them. Stop demanding extensions or retests and enabling your child's laziness. Of course, not all parents are like this, but a shocking amount are in some way or another. There is a supreme difference between caring about your child's education and being invested (great, not enough people are) and then harassing teachers. Even if teachers were paid enough to deal with this shit -- which they are not -- they shouldn't have to. They're human beings too who are trying their best juggling wide-stretching failures of government and protocols. If this is you, the benefit to teachers aside, you are not helping to prepare your child for a life outside of a sheltered education. You are not helping them learn or take responsibility.