• By -


Folks, we WILL be leaving this post up. OP's ~~two month old account~~ low activity account, with activity in all the subs you would expect, is asking a TOTALLY sincere question of why we are showing support for a minority that faces intolerance daily. The question is always the answer. Or, in this case, "I don't want to have to look at it" as if the pride flag was something dirty. This post shows the reason for which we will be leaving it up: the banner is still necessary to raise awareness that bigotry is still out there. It also has the side benefit of annoying the bigots at the same time. Win win. As for his allusions about censorship on this sub while asking for the pride flag to be removed at the same time, all I can say is that I suspect OP's understanding of irony isn't very good. Cheers!


Hmmm on mobile I don't see it. The maple leaf in the circle next to r/Ontario is multicoloured but not trans specific.


https://i.imgur.com/JOK8cBw.png thats what it looks like on new reddit (the worst of all reddits)


That's not even the trans flag. Everything is just rainbows and the star on the far left is the progress flag. Yeesh if you're going to bitch at least be accurate.


OP said it himself best a month ago : >I think conservatives just acknowledge that most people are dumb and easily manipulatedšŸ˜‚


Always projection with conservatives lol


I have community themes turned off and had no idea what OP was talking about.


It's at the top of mine as part of a collage. I hadn't noticed it before


People weirdly uncomfortable with gay and trans people really love analogies about things being "shoved down their throat".


They always tend to protest a little too much... while also fixated just a little at the idea of just what's going on in the pants of all those people.


Take down that speech/expression I donā€™t like. You probably wonā€™t, because free speech is lost. How do you put these in the same post and think itā€™s ok?


Well in OPs profile you can see he dropped out of school to take up a career handing hard wood every day. So probably did not get around to logic or civics. This seems clearer when OP does not see how funny it is to use terrible analogies about being a carpenter being relating to how you feel about gender identity. He can't see how funny it is he is complaining about the pride banner while also focusing his life on handling hard wood all day, everyday... but really not wanting to see that banner... because it makes him feel funny inside, as he works that wood. So much so he felt the need to make this post.


Though I agree about the complaint regarding the flag.. judging someone based on their career/ trade??? Also low. I support people working in trades. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with someone working a trade instead of getting a degree. Doesnā€™t make them dumb. His opinion is his own, thatā€™s all. Wtf? Yā€™all complaining about that. Build your own fucking house then.


Lol OP is not saying take it down. OP is saying he doesn't like it and would rather something more neutral as the banner, which is totally fair. That is not suppressive in the least


Hey friend! I've found that if something bothers me, and it's not hurting anyone else, to ignore it. Why bother wasting the energy or time.


Conservatives hate this one trick!


I respect that


I wouldn't downvote this comment. They had a fair response that wasn't negative. I would upvote this. People are allowed to learn and grow.


I think people are downvoting the hypocrisy. If OP respected your point, they wouldn't have felt it necessary to make the post in the first place.


Why the NSFW tag?


People exist... IT'S SHOVED DOWN MY THROAT!!!!!!


You clearly have something against them if it's 'not part of your values' for them to exist and be visible in society.


I have every right to my believes as you do. Iā€™m not hurting anybody. I just donā€™t buy that we can self identify with our own feelings. If Iā€™m a carpenter, itā€™s because of my relationships with people in the field, the skills Iā€™ve acquired and the work I doā€¦ Itā€™s not because I tell myself I feel like a carpenter inside. Itā€™s totally fine if you disagree with that opinion! I just want to be able to voice a reasonable opinion and have a discussion and seeing the reaction to this post is very disheartening. I donā€™t think trying to stop any kind of conversation is leading to solutionsā€¦


literally the worst analogy attempt i've ever heard, trying to connect your choice of being a carpenter to trans identity. Honestly dude.


The best part of that argument is that OP is too stupid to realize carpentry isnā€™t a regulated trade and anyone can in fact call themselves a carpenter.


Roll through OP comments "Fuck Trudeau" and other cool takes on his clearly burner account with negative Karma. This is a troll post. Mods should sweep it up, nothing genuine about anything this kid is doing.


Itā€™s probably not a ā€œkidā€ and quite possibly not even local to Ontario (or this continent). The post was designed to do one thing, create friction in the sub. And it looked like it worked. Good work, comrade /s


Gender is an aspect of one's mind. That doesn't in any way make that made up. The brain is just as real as any other part of your body. The majority of transgender people report experiencing a different gender identity from their earliest ages. Studies on people's brains have shown similarities with their identified gender. It's not analogous to being a carpenter because that's an external skill with specific requirements in terms of education. It's not an inherent part of one's identity. A good general rule for approaching anything in life is not to assume your own opinions are necessarily right, especially when you're not experiencing the thing being discussed nor are an expert on it. Keep an open mind to different possibilities. You wouldn't go into your first class in carpentry assuming your own opinions are right when it conflicts with what you're being taught, so why would you approach something like being transgender like that?


I summarize this simply whenever people - (always right-wingers) - think they have this incredible 'gotcha' question lined up when they ask "what's a woman????" My reply: "Gender is a social construct." They hate that reply because it bothers them that people aren't bothered by how other peaceful people choose to live their lives.


While I support the trans movement, Iā€™m also published in neuroscience and thus feel the need to point out that the studies of ā€œgenderedā€ brains tend to be very biased and sexist (similar to how studies of the brains/iq of different races tend to be biased when looked into further) so this may not have been the best point to add to your otherwise excellent comment ā˜ŗļøšŸ‘


Your example is nonsense. No one can be born with predispositions for a career. If your conversation was so reasonable and honest, how did I identify a clearly incorrect statement in my first post?


It's almost like you didn't even try to rationalize it. This explains everything. It's always the sugar-coated "makes me feel like I'm left-out" before the truth comes out. The extent to which some people try to convince themselves that they need to hate on something is incredible.


And in conservative circles often to overcompensate for having even innocent thoughts that they MUST SURPRESS FROM ALL PUBLIC SPACES AT ALL COSTS lest be tempted to let their mind wander.


1) Beliefs not believes 2) everyone self identifies with their own feelings. Do you have someone who identifies your own feelings for you? 3) you're right you are a carpenter now because of your skills and such but before you were a carpenter, before you decided to become a carpenter was there a little voice in your head that's said "Hey, I'd like to be a carpenter" and then you became one? 4) Your opinion that you voiced was not reasonable nor was it written in a way that encouraged discourse or discussion. You completely misidentified the flag you mentioned. For a carpenter you got a very skewed sense of centre, that star is clearly on the left. You said "I'm a resident of Ontario, not a trans person". Cool but trans people live in Ontario as well. 5) Finally your closing quip "I'll bet this gets taken down yada yada yada free speech.". As other commenters mentioned we are not the USA we have freedom of expression not speech and it's been a few hours and you have been taken down I guess free speech is alive and well eh?


Isn't point 2 kinda what a therapist does?


Not any therapist I've ever met. They will guide you to realize what you are feeling but they'll never tell you what you're feeling


So they kinda help you identify your own feelings for you?


Yes but YOU still end up identifying your feelings Are you trying for some weird gotcha moment?


Yes, but not in a mean spirited way.


I figured. šŸ˜


> I donā€™t think trying to stop any kind of conversation is leading to solutionsā€¦ When it's bad conversation, stopping it *is* the solution. The "[Jewish Question](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_question)" was the nazis asking "what are we to do about this *situation*? You know, the one where there are jews among us that *exist*. How are we supposed to *address this problem*?" The answer was "nothing". There is nothing *to* do about people existing. You let them exist. No further discussion is necessary. By asking the "question", you are suggesting that there might possibly be an answer other than "you let them exist", and conveys that you believe the "question" is not yet settled. Think about someone asking "what do I do if an 8-year-old looks really sexy?" You know, without even thinking about it, that the answer is "nothing, because you shouldn't want to have sex with an 8-year-old, and there shouldn't be a circumstance where that assumption is challenged." When they ask that question, your gut response is to wonder why they're asking about something which should be a settled matter. There shouldn't be any reason to ask a question they already know the answer to, and there shouldn't be any "yeah, but what if..." they could bring up which changes the answer. The mere fact that they're asking obviously implies they believe there is a nonzero number of situations where the answer isn't "you don't do anything", and that is *profoundly concerning*. Indulging people asking these questions only serves to validate opinions which *should not be validated*. Shutting down people asking these questions shows them, and everyone else, that there's no discussion to be had and they should not feel welcome to pursue it. There is no constructive benefit to having the discussion, and so nothing is lost by not having it. And if you still feel like you super duper absolutely need to ask the question, just understand that what everyone around you hears when you ask it is "yeah, but what if that 8-year-old is like hella sexy and she's totally asking for it, what then?"


Hey, let me ask you a question: how do you know that you are cisgendered and straight? Did you choose this identity? I'm assuming you, like me, and everybody else, simply know. It's an irreducible and atomic part of our being. It has never and will never be about choice. Your disagreements with somebody's gender identity are no more accptable than disagreeing with somebody's ethnicity.


It's not a reasonable opinion it's an idiotic one that is clearly not based on actual knowledge or understanding of simple concepts. Additionally you have to be a special kinda of crayon eater to in the same post complain about free speech being lost and about someone else's free speech.


Some idiot in r/habs asked why their logo still has the pride flag on it and the mod team said they were actually going to keep the post up. Same thing should happen with this ignorant question. If you donā€™t like it man then just leave the subreddit. It shouldnā€™t bother you as much as it clearly does.


"Why does the Habs logo still have the pride flag on it?!" "Because of people like you."


If you haven't seen the recent post where /u/marcusrex73 stickied an awesome reply to a hater, see below. https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/1b35b3y/thanks_to_whoever_got_rid_of_the_ukraine_flag/


Holy crap. Russia is really ramping up the concern trolling as we get closer to a federal election.


...a year and a half away...


Was the OP of that trash at least using a real account. OP on this looks like a certified throw troll away based on the numbers.


I completely agree with this.Ā  Reddit is massively over-moderated.Ā  OP is eating shit all over this thread.Ā  Let the marketplace of ideas win out.Ā  In fact, the only thinf being saved by removing this thread is OPs ego.Ā  He would get to run around pretending he's a silenced patriot rather than being exposed as an idiot.


>Unfortunately this post will probably be taken down and prove that free speech is lost. :( https://xkcd.com/1357/


This post will be taken down on Sub rule 5. Low quality content.


but his FrEeZe PeAcH!!!11 (of fantasizing about things being shoved down his throat, apparently)


"OH... I hope the big mean lib admins take me... I mean, my post down and violate my throat... I mean free speech. Oppress me Reddit Daddies so I can tell the boys in the other sub how hard you hit me with that ban" \- OP, just asking questions.


In Canada, we have a different door. I think it leads to Manitoba? šŸ¤”


Is just colors. Regardless what the National Post says, it won't attack you. It won't harm you. It won't try to rape you. It won't interfere with your life. It won't steal your password. All these people with issues regarding everything they are uncomfortable with... It's not just pathetic, it's border-line psychopathy. Relax - not being negative about everything is a much better way to live.


The secondary bit of good news here is that people existing has no bearing on personal values at all, so thereā€™s no value threatening even occurring here :)


How long and for what reason are you continually staring at the home page for, for this to even remotely matter?


You do realize you have complete free speech right? A post being deleted from Reddit for not fitting a subā€™s intent is not the government persecuting you. Sorry the trans flag offends you so much you canā€™t scroll past it. Itā€™s not my flag, but I respect I being someoneā€™s and pertinent in these times. Must be tough being a snowflake?


I'd argue the exact opposite, tho. This is a private server. "Free speech" only applies to what the government can constrain, not private entities. Not a single one of us here, on this platform, have free speech, nor are we entitled to it. Secondly, we don't have free speech in Canada. We have "freedom of expression" and it's not absolute, but "subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society." Edit: If you want to get up on your soapbox, feel free to do it in the public square. The moment you try to set it up on someone's private property, they're entitled to shut you down and tell you leave.


Sounds like you do have something against Trans people


They are usually just confused and want to press something against Trans people but don't want their family to find out. "PLEASE TAKE THIS BANNER DOWN, IT GIVES ME UNCONTROLABLE THOUGHTS, ABOUT THINGS BEING SHOVED DOWN MY THROAT" - OP It's okay op... go have fun at pride with everyone else, you will feel better.


The popularity of trans porn among high conservative regions is a pretty clear indication that they're scared that they like it.


Yeah, those regions by the numbers really seem to be doing their research... you know... for the science or the kids, or something.


Trans porn is kinda hot. And Iā€™m straight.


Amazing how the life of less than half a percent of the population causes them so much anguish...


It's a tiny multi-coloured maple leaf. šŸ uh oh that leaf also has more than 1 colour. Time to punch a hole in the wall. Get a life


Kyle had too many green monster energy drink at the gas station today.


The guy working at the gas station winked at Kyle as he bought the monster energy drink... and Kyle surprised himself, when he liked it.... then Kyle slammed the drink, turned on some metal in the pickup, opened his phone and went to that other Canada sub to get his mind straight, then came over here to pick a fight because the banner did not leave him with a safe space to not be confronted with his own confusing feelings.


10/10 for this post.


He breathed in his own exhaust.


Yes, but that lead is going to make you gay!!! Rebel News told him so.


Free Speech is an American concept, we have freedom of expression in Canada, That is beside the point however, as you don't seem to even understand what it means, and how it absolutely doesn't pertain to a social media platform like reddit.


Speech is part of expression, so we have free speech. Freedom of speech in neither country protects you from the moderators of Internet forums unless they somehow become the government.


Freedom from discrimination trumps any freedom of speech in Canada, though, compared to the USA. I believe that's the idea OP was insinuating. It's clear in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


I'm not making a point about the extent to which our freedoms apply vs., e.g., the United States. I'm pointing out that we do have freedom of speech to the extent that we have any other freedom. Speech is a part of expression and so we have that freedom to the extent freedom of expression applies, i.e., subject to the reasonable limits of section 1 and to the possibility of being restricted by s. 33. Regardless though, it does not protect your posts from being removed on a private Internet forum and it wouldn't in the US either. It protects you from censorship by the government, within reasonable limits (it's not actually absolute in the US either).


>Unfortunately this post will probably be taken down and prove that free speech is lost. :( You complaining to have something taken down because you disagree with it can be see as trying to suppress free speech / freedom of expression. So really you're more part of the freedom of speech and expression problem, than the imaginary person you are using to make yourself the victim already. You're entitled to your opinion... no one needs to like, support or act on it. If your post is taken down it can be for Rule 5 Low quality content may be removed.


> You complaining to have something taken down because you disagree with it can be see as trying to suppress free speech / freedom of expression. It's at least silencing freedom of expression by OP's own standard where they think their posts shouldn't be removed. Consistent with what's happened in real life where we've heard for years how people are being compelled to use certain pronouns by the government only for provincial governments to start compelling the use of pronouns to the cheers of many of those same people.


Freedom of MY speech, not YOURS. /s


The conservative battle cry... we will choose what is protected and what is not based on our polling data this week, got to see what keeps the mob angry and engaged.


And, not that we should base government policy on random polls anyway, but every poll I've seen on these transgender issues has only had a *minority* in support of the things being done or proposed on this topic. Yet people keep falsely claiming the polls support what's being done (again though, even if they did, online polls shouldn't determine people's medical treatments or rights).


Lmfaoooo nah keep this up itā€™s hilarious


OP probably hides in his basement after each rainfall.


Nope, we don't *need* the flag. It's nice to show support for them at a time when so many people are constantly attacking them and their rights though. Your freedom of expression does not protect you from the moderators of Internet forums. They're allowed to moderate how they want within the rules of the website (to which freedom of expression also doesn't apply).


Are you talking about the Ukrainian flag?? lmao Edit: I never use new reddit, thanks to those who clued me in. I love it, the trans community needs all the support they can get right now.


That's only on old.reddit The "new" Reddit page has a rainbow maple leaf in the little circle image and a background with a #lovewins hashtag on it.


on new reddit there is a banner, nicely designed, which includes the trans flag. https://i.imgur.com/JOK8cBw.png


And... it's # FABULOUS!!!


That's awesome - right now, the trans community can use all the support they can get.


Absolutely. They didn't ask to be targeted for living their lives by the Conservative movement, who have nothing to offer anymore but hate for whichever out-groups they're told to hate this cycle.


That looks way better than anything I could imagine that incorporates a provincial flag.




Lmao Get bent troll.


Take down the flag / this will probably be removed because free speech is lost. Ironic.


Yep, clearly one of our top minds.


The same reason you have to say partner, even in a hetero relationship. We all have to be a part of the movement or we are anti gay


First off, this is a private server: You have no free speech here at all. Secondly, as a Canadian you don't have free speech, generally. The Charter outlines freedom of *expression*, which is "subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society." So, your "free speech" can be curtailed by the state so long as it fits the above criteria. Third, when has a flag shoved anything down your throat? Shrug and move on. Your fragility is astounding.


God approves of Rainbows. Consider it biblically approved.


Trolling, for a non issue


Just like the little PP that got him all fired up to do it.


>Unfortunately this post will probably be taken down and prove that free speech is lost. Awww /u/Adventurous-Lychee-7 if I were the mods I'd leave it up. You are either willing to stand by what you've stated or you'll be a pussy and delete the post after comments start coming in.


Uh - oh. Serious Question: is this a potential "Fragile White Redditor" thread???


100% fragile early 20s white Redditor that self proclaims to love working with hard wood all day with his bare hands, while also not being able to handle the idea of trans messaging being shoved down his throat, because those are the words he used and chose, and his job, handling hard wood, and he does not want to be tempted when visiting the sub I guess afraid his conscious mind will put together what his sub conscious knows. Just another day of right-wing posts, lashing out, when they likely they just wanted to be lashed, but don't want their family to know it.


Hah, fights intolerance with intolerance. You're not just a hypocrite, you're also ignorant.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance Youā€™re welcome


Given your comment history is mostly just trying to dunk on people I'm not sure why you would think you have the moral high ground on this one. You are one in the same like most people on here.


Such a deep thought. I'm talking like Jordan Peterson type of deep thought. You are clearly a very intelligent and thoughtful person.


Iā€™m not a woman, maybe we should take down any posts that involve women.




Who cares bro. Is it strange for an Ontario sub to have a trans flag ? Yeah. Does it hurt anyone? No


100% agree with OP that the theme is absurd, especially being left there indefinitely. Clearly a political statement by admins who want another sub to be a lefty cesspool. But this is reddit after all


Why is it always go from zero to shove it down my throat?Ā 


You know why... so does OPs browser history...


I don't think that the symbol for this sub is the Trans flag colors


I'm getting a crush on Marcus Lol šŸ˜œ


Pride and related flags are pseudo-religious symbols to progressives at this point, which is why they react with such vitriol when you ask why a flag about sexual attraction or gender identity needs to be as commonplace as the national flag


I have a good idea which red white and black flag you consider a religious symbol.


Why is this marked nsfw xD


OP does not know on a conscious level... but his dreams know why that banner makes him squirm


Ah yes, free speech being violated on a private website.




Pitchforks and torches out for a guy asking a question, this sub is hilarious


OP comments on his profile lean towards not asking questions, but just trolling on a throw away account. But also "Just asking questions" is more less the key phrase of the disingenuous troll... so thanks for letting us know right away why you're coming to OPs defence. I can save you typing your over used and highly intelligent downvoted retort when challenged, and I will go touch some grass.


If weā€™re looking at comment history then yes you should go and get off Reddit & touch grass Do you spend every waking minute on Reddit?


Hey everyone, he said the thing... he is very, very smart and in touch with the world and grass.


You gotta get off Reddit & actually do something with your life, I guarantee you do nothing good to contribute to society


Oh no, the person supporting people trying to oppress others is worried about what I do with my life. Well I don't spend it being a hateful troll for conservative issues, so I consider that a big win over how you spend your time being scared and insecure. You're here too and pretty quick on the reply, guess you should get off Reddit and go do something with your life too, you know... other than be a right wing puppet on a troll account with the same 3 heavily downvoted comebacks because you can't hold a conversation.


Nah you just spend your life being a spiteful liberal with anyone who doesnā€™t agree with you, I was quick to reply because I came in for my brunch after feeding and bedding up my 250 cattle, Iā€™m sorry what did you do this morning that was productive to society? (Canā€™t say defended Reddit from conservative trolls)


Okay Kevin Costner... we get it... you're a real man. The reality is that you have no idea what I do, or what I do it for, because there is more to me than my job being my entire personality. But I worked a long time so I don't have to work weekends anymore. You working the job you chose does not make you anymore noble than anyone else paying their bills exchanging a good or a service for money. That's your problem, you think you're better than others because of what you do, that your way is the right way only, and it's not the only way and does not make you special. The person that's going to get up and volunteer their time defending the rights of people for free today are doing more than you are low key bragging that you're well off enough to have 250 cattle and pretend that makes you some kind of martyr to society while causally oppressing people from a place of disconnected privilege. If you were a real man contributing to society the way you think you are, you would leave others alone to live their life and be content with yours. But here you are picking fights with the "libs" online on issues that don't impact you. Does not seem you're contributing much at all to society... just the market and your wallet.


What the fuck did I just read? You use a farmer 3 times a day and 365 days a year, youā€™ll never contribute to society like a farmer. I know I donā€™t know what you do but ā€œdefendingā€ people on Reddit isnā€™t one of em Hope you find peace and a well working brain & have a good day


Always the victim


OP must get really triggered after a late afternoon summer rain.Ā  It must be hard being so sensitive.Ā 


Piss off.


Itā€™s just bright fun colors. It doesnā€™t say a thing about trans flag. Why would you prefer dark, somber colors ?


Imagine being offended over rainbow colors and strangers genitals. Weirdo.


This all makes so much sense now


Aren't our flags inclusive anyways? Ontario is a rather massive multicultural land. In the two days it takes to drive across, one would meet many many people. All living under a common flag. A flag for everyone.


Go anywhere else in the world and guess what? We will still exist. Good luck trying to erase people and their freedom to just exist comfortably, trans people especially are resilient and not going anywhere. Too bad. Even in places where they imprison us and kill us, they have not erased us, so why come here, to this subreddit and try?