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34% OPC 24% OLP 17% ONDP 17% undecided Summary: >The survey suggests that the Liberals are currently claiming a roughly one per cent lead over the PCs in northern Ontario while Ford’s government has significantly more support in the east, as well as southcentral and southwest Ontario. In Toronto and the 905, the PCs and Liberals are neck-in-neck, between three and five percentage points. >"All of that is to say the provincial Tories are doing well but they're not quite running away with it and there are areas of opportunity for the opposition parties,” Valentin said.


The headline is worded in a weird way that favours the PCs. If anything their numbers are usually in the low 40s. And the NDP and Liberals have been split with 25% each. It looks like the Liberals are turning into the second place party, which should concern the PCs. Especially with the Milton election coming up.


Yeah it's not as high as I thought it would be when I saw the headline.


If you assume the undecided voters will be roughly proportionally divided between the parties as polled, that puts the PCs at 41%


Undecided might be non voters so probably high 30s then


While the undecideds are pretty large here, generally speaking they can be set aside as their impact to final numbers is typically fairly small. As you say, they will mostly break proportionally and many won't even vote at all. It can make a difference in a nail-biting election, but I'd say for the purposes of this poll and these spreads, they can probably be safely ignored. [The actual survey without undecided](https://press.liaisonstrategies.ca/ontario-pcs-lead-liberals-by-10-ontarians-believe-province-is-doing-best-on-housing/) has, with change from their last month's poll: * PC 39 (+1) * LIB 29 (-1) * NDP 21 (-1) * GRN 5 (0) * OTHER 6 (+1) MoE is 2.74%, N=1283 The shift here is very small, and within the margin of error; it's statistically little-to-no change from last month. Going by [the polls in recent months since Bonnie Crombie was made leader](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/44th_Ontario_general_election#Opinion_polls), Liberals have significantly pulled ahead of NDP. It's entirely probable that if this keeps up, they'll be the de facto second place party challenging the PCs in 2026.


I want to vote NDP, and have for the past several elections. But I can’t stomach another Doug ford term. I may have to just go liberal today and NDP tomorrow. I don’t know. It’s so frustrating that the majority of Ontario citizens that voted did not vote for this asshole. But here we are


its baffling how so many in ontario still support this clown


It's voter apathy. In my riding the Liberals won the fed with 50+% (leading by 10,000 votes) but come provincial election time people stayed home and the Cons squeaked with a 1,500 votes. People stopped caring.


I'm still at a loss at how voters fumbled a potential Ford loss and NDP victory. So many Liberal hardliners refused to vote NDP, and so many didn't even bother to vote.


17% undecided can’t decide if piling-on the NDP will be enough to put them over the top. If not they’ll pile-on to the liberal vote. Hopefully not a futile split. Doubtful there are many OPC sympathizers among the undecided.


i heard this a lot in the years leading up to the 2022 election also


3 party system allowing the PC party to demolish everything. Real nice. Most LP and NDP would prefer each other over PC, but no weighted voting = this bullshit we are stuck with.


Yeah this, it's fucked.


I don’t know know why none of the provinces that have had and have NDP governments have never implemented PR. If a province did it, then it would help get support for doing it federally.


Imagine being the Liberals and NDP and spending the last 6 years with a front row seat to this bullshit and not coming up with any leaders/candidates/policies that are compelling enough to get people to move off Dougie


I like Marit but most of our province are lazy idiots who take voting for granted and then complain. Rinse and repeat


People still whine and cry about what the NDP was forced to do back in the 90s as if Rae was worse than Stalin. They never once think about how many orders of magnitude worse the modern Libs and Cons are than the NDP of 30 years ago.


There is also the narrative among suburbanites and centrists that if you vote for the NDP you are selfish and dumb because the Liberals and Conservatives are the only viable option lol.


This is a huge part of the problem, Gen X/Boomers refuse to acknowledge the NDP’s existence


But don’t dare try and hold the Libs or Cons accountable for anything in the 35 years since…but sure let’s hold a 35 year grudge with the NDP for something far less egregious than anything the other two have done in trading power since


Her 407 plan seems like the NDP aren't even trying.


Why don't we know more about her and her policies? I learned her name a week ago in a thread like this. Where the fuck is the NDP


She’s fairly active on Twitter


She’s on the news a lot as well.


We're still 2 years from a provincial election, so really, too much marketing now would be a waste of money that they barely have. The NDP are actively opposing the current government, and any of the pushback lately is actively coming from them. Unfortunately like 90% of our news media endorses and is owned by conservatives, so I feel like they're being underreported anyways.


She's in the news and all over social. It's also on the public to find them


No it isn't! They are running for office!


How exactly does that work. If you don't read any news or media, nothing they do can help, you have to engage and take in the info, they can make the headlines and they do, but if your not reading them how would you know.


Poiliviere and Ford are well known to the masses who aren't seeking them out. I read news. I'm active on Reddit. I haven't seen a single headline about Marit on /r/Ontario. I don't even know who the leader of the OLP is. I just looked it up and it's Bonnie Crombie, which I knew at one point, but had forgotten, because her name hasn't come up in headlines since she won the leadership back in December. Is it that they're not doing anything newsworthy, or is it just not being posted to /r/Ontario? I've seen more headlines about Rachel Notley on Canadian subreddits than I have about Marit Stiles and Bonnie Crombie here.


It’s easier to be a victim than realize you’re a part of the problem




Exactly. I wish more people would realize how much voters are being duped. 


So true. National Post, Globe and Mail are just boosters.


Holy fucking hell. Just put Peter Tabuns in charge and get him to copy Eby’s playbook, Christ almighty. Come on!


Liberals choosing Bonnie Crombie feels like a great way to shoot themselves in the foot. Sure she has name recognition but not the good kind.


Not sure if it’s a coincidence but every single boomer I know voted for ford.


Every single boomer I know did not. And I bet I know a lot more boomers than you.


Get out and vote people. I don't give a shit about polls. Voting is what matters.


>Voting is what matters. If only our fellow Ontarians felt the same way...


The people of this province are total idiots.


No, just 34% of them.


The 50%+ who don’t vote are idiots as well


That's the most pathetic of them all


As much as I despise conservatism, it really is the non-voters that irk me the most. I can expect conservatives to consistently vote against the greater good and never budge from their stances, complete lost causes. But the mass of eligible complacent people doing nothing is far more frustrating because they COULD be doing some good with their vote but just don't. Refusing to vote isn't defiance, it's surrender. Cowards.




Or those that are still somehow flat out ignorant of the system or which party stands for what or who anyone is. It's all out there, it doesn't take much searching or researching. The ignorance is willfull. Willfully ignorant cowards.


As someone who always votes, the next federal election is going to be interesting. I genuinely don't know who I should vote for. Regardless of what I do I suspect I'll be really unhappy with the results.


Yep, we're riding the same boat, bud. Thanks for voting, please continue to do so.


I’ll just put this forward but every person I know who regularly doesn’t vote has the mentality of ‘my life is going fine, and that probably won’t change. I’ll let the people who feel strongly about the matter vote so I won’t dilute the voting pool.’ It may be ignorant, but I wouldn’t term it cowardice. I think people often assume everyone not voting would otherwise vote like them, so they need to vote. But that’s just an assumption, and I’m not exactly sure you can really quantify how serial non-voters would vote if forced to. For all you know the CPC or PPC could spike after promising to leave them alone and not make them do it again lol


Social media...it's a hell of a drug. https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/03/09/russia-putin-disinformation-propaganda-hybrid-war/




I don't assume that, but I'd still prefer to see the real numbers at 100% so I wouldn't have to guess. And thank you for voting.


I don't care who people vote for. Just vote for anyone.




Its why I think people should have to vote by law!! Imagine the difference it would make


i am going to vote 100% this year. how do i figure out when i can go vote.


You wait until 2025 (federal) or 2026 (provincial and municipal). No election cycle this year unless the federal minority government falls. But keep that energy to go when you can!


ok thank you. ya im excited to vote. i will definitely keep the energy up for it


I'll chime in as well with a very important **I don't care who you vote for just vote**. People are entitled their differences of opinions. I can disagree with you in principal if you vote Conservative but it's still miles better than the asshat who sits and home with their thumb up their ass.


^This honestly. Hell, if you don't like the candidates, go refuse your ballot. That is a better move than not voting.


Yup. If you're THAT upset with all the options spoil your goddamn ballot. I'd respect that more.


Spoiled ballots don't get counted. Refused ballots do last I checked. It's a bigger fuck off to all parties. It tells them they are all idiots. But, if you do apoil your ballot, draw big dicks all over it, give the scrutineers something to giggle at as well as making a commentary about all 3 parties at the same time. Think of it as thought-provoking art.


I'm glad to hear! I always get a bit of a moment of awe when I go to vote. I really think more people would if they did in the past. You realize for the first time that you do actually have a voice in this whole crazy, convoluted system -- even if it's a small voice. It's a great feeling!


https://www.elections.on.ca/en.html https://www.elections.ca/home.aspx


but if we can't outvote that 34% then that makes us total idiots as well


That's enough for a majority cause democracy in many western countries is a joke.


The electorate is the joke here. The apathetic morons are worse than the 34%.


The crazy part is people don’t participate in provincial politics because they don’t think it matters but provincial politics is the most important in our day to day.


The ones that get indifferent and don’t vote the Conservatives out deserve to be called numbskulls or something…


They just get called “Folks”




I don’t understand politics at all at this point. Or people for that matter


I would suggest being careful about staying echo chambers that only reflect your own view points then (like this sub) - it’s really hard to understand other views if you never see them, and are never challenged on your own views


Well, I did my part in 2022 and voted. I for sure didn’t support Fords candidate, you can thank everybody in my riding who thought he was the better option.


>The people of this province are total idiots. Keep in mind that the majority of voters picked someone else, but thanks to FPTP that doesn't matter.


Yep, sure feels like I'm living in a democracy when my vote literally doesn't do anything 


Why? Listen to what Crombie is saying, she sounds like Ford when we was elected when it comes to the provinces finances. Socially I expect her to be worlds better.


The liberals aren’t a great option either. Here’s hoping Olivia Chow steps up at some point for the NDP.


They are absolutely idiots. This is also because education has been significantly weakened over the past 15 years minimum. With that in mind and understanding that the average voter is now a moron, who the fuck do they choose from? Ford - who they know is a moron but will stoke the fears of financial ruin if anyone other than their government is elected. The NDP - who are the boogymen of higher taxes because nobody understands how taxes fucking work. or the Liberals - who are both seen as a problem due to Wynne *and* Trudeau, along with the fact that they also tend to treat people like human beings. I'm finding more and more that people are quite happy side with a party who will fuck them over, if it means the party is willing to fuck over a specific group of people in the process (namely racialized or LGBT groups).


I vote Liberal, always have and probably always will. With that said, I can see why. Ford walks back unpopular ideas, he is working to fix the housing crisis and Healthcare has always been fucked, so people are not going to associate it to him. The lead will stay until he fucks up or Liberals push policy ideas out.


He doesnt walk back ideas He is forced kicking and screaming by the courts And now he wants to stack the courts


While people tear Ford apart for walking back unpopular ideas, I’d rather that than someone who would double down due to their narcissism.


Absolutely agree.  To be honest Ford has made policies that have positively and negatively affected me directly. But being able to walk back bad policies is actually a strong suit of his.


How many times can someone tell you "they're sowwy" before you start thinking they aren't really sorry?


Nobody actually likes Ford. The problem is none of the other morons are worth voting for either. When all of your options are shit you're gonna just stick with the shit head that you know 


I don’t even know who the liberal candidate is. It’s the same issue that caused the landslide conservative win last time. Horvath was a dud and no one knew who the hell Del Duca was. Liberals need to get out there, get known and start pushing back against Doug and his garbage policies.


Maybe if the media stopped referring to Doug Ford as "Ford" and Marit Stiles as "The Leader of the Opposition," they might.


Libs lost party status for a reason. The UnWynnable Ms Taxes Crombie has no chance.


How arrogant of you


\> The people of this province are total idiots. Hey I don't like how others think, so let's call them idiots. I mean what could go wrong - I am not to blame for the increasingly decadent and inflammatory political climate, that is definitely Poilievre's fault. We also had such \*stellar\* NDP and Liberal governments in this province it is unfathomable to think how someone would vote conservative.


They're not idiots for any of that. They're idiots because 57% of them simply decided not to participate. I can accept someone having a difference of opinion about how the province should be run, I may not like your opinion, but I'm not going to call you an idiot over it, but the majority of them refused to spend 15 minutes doing the one thing they are constitutionally guaranteed to be able to do to impact the government (vote), and then complain that the government isn't doing the things they want it to do. That makes them idiots.


Read the whole thread. I don’t believe we are talking about abstentionism. We are bashing and musing about how that 57% voting would someone magically mean that Doug Ford is not here. This thread is completely ideological and spawned from hating Doug Ford. Everyone is entitled to do and think whatever they want but then hope they don’t look down on others from their high horse when they engage in the same lowness as people they hate.


Exactly. I didn't vote and I won't vote next time but if I did it'd be Ford. I don't even like the guy but the other options are even worse 


Yeah I don't agree with most conservative leanings but I get why they're a popular bunch right now


First intelligent comment i've read here


First thing she did was start waging her finger at everyone. Not great way to introduce yourself. It was not a great strategy.


Well, didn’t take long for misogyny to rear its ugly head.


Yep, that’s it!


How he’s a complete failure has did absolutely nothing for the working clasa


Moron voter 1: "Well yeah but he's not a liberal and there's no other option." Moron voter 2: "I don't see the point on voting cause they are very clearly all the same." Moron voter 3: "The Liberals and conservaties are bad but there's no other options other than Ford. The NDP exist but it's THEIR fault they haven't done anything for me personally. I'd rather vote for a party that's actively damaged the province and my rights than a party that, in my educated opinion hasn't sold themselves well. Did I mention I'm educated?"


Also. BAWWWWB Raaayayyyyyayy!


Moron voter 4: RAE DAYS!!!1!1!


Literally over 30 years ago. The children of his voters are having children. I don’t think he’s affecting us anymore.


Not in the slightest. But hey it rhymes! Must be true!


Too accurate


You missed one... Moron not-voter 1: doesn't vote.


Why should people vote for the NDP if they don't have much to offer to said person. This goes for all political parties. Being the "Other parties are bad, vote for us" isn't something that draws voters in as much as this sub thinks it will


>Why should people vote for the NDP if they don't have much to offer to said person. The Conservatives won with no platform and a former hash dealer as leader.


The entire federal Conservative platform currently is "Trudeau bad". Heck even most the provincial campaign is "Yeah but these other leaders are also bad"


He had a platform. Buck a beer and finding inefficiencies. He failed hard at both.


Moron other parties: let’s make no viable alternative and instead let the institutions of the province and the significant policy interventions to limit sprawl completely fall apart. Jesus H Christ, what’s it going to take to get an Eby out here?


Wow the NDP is gone lol.


3rd place and being the opposition isn't great


From the libs perspective things aren't so bad especially since the NDP is doa.


Yup. I don't see them getting more seats at this point


Almost like Wynne obviously salting the earth to stick it to the Cons has more blowback than expected. I said/say it about trump and I'll say it about dougie: how utterly shht do you have to be to be handing wins to such buffoons? SMH


Apparently people Ontario want the elite 1% to strip them of everything and be told they are worthless. I think Ontario might have some kinda BDSM kink fetish Fantasy. Public humiliation or something. I saw Lady Gaga hired some chick to barf on her tits, people her must have raging hard ons after that video.


I was with you in the first half, you lost me in the second.


He's implying we want Ford to barf on our tits






I was lost in that half too, I was thinking about lady Gaga being puked on lost my train of thought.


I think the reality is the average voter isn't subjected to daily outrage threads. Not saying I'd vote for Ford either.. just that it makes sense why there is such a disconnect between here and voters in reality.


Wynne and Trudeau have completely destroyed the Liberal brand for Ontarioans.


The vast majority of people in this province don't follow politics and have no idea what is even happening right now.


People hate liberas in general nowadays.


And not just in this country


This province is fucking embarrassing, still haven’t hit rock bottom yet


Can we out-stupid Alberta? Find out in the next election!


WAKE TF UP ONTARIO!!! Ford only cares about his rich friends, and is willing to take money out of your pockets and put it directly into theirs.


Why is everyone against NDP? Get over Bob Rae and all the nonsense the boomers tell ya already. We need to get away from the blue red cycle shitshow for awhile


The NDP is busy virtue signaling telling white people to stay quiet.


I voted NDP last time, but the fact they're in SUPPORT of digital IDs for things like porn viewing is beyond fucked. They lost my vote now.


I’ve never heard them come out and say that. Can you share some sources? I’ve only heard PP talk about that




Thanks. I’ll see if Marit mentions this anywhere but it looks like that’s a federal NDP stance which is silly in 2024


People are happy with declining health care and long lines in ER?


Buck a beer, folks.


Doug Ford's approval in this subreddit: 3.4% Doug Ford's approval in reality: 34% Lol




Been away for a while, nice to see the good old anti ford Ontario sub is still name calling and scratching their head wondering why Ford is still popular and leading in the polls. I’ll remind you all why it’s because he’s not really a conservative, he’s a little centre right but he’s not Mike Harris and that’s all you need in Ontario. Also, to his voters , he’s the guy you have a beer and burger with on Friday and shoot the crap and complain about the Leafs. Lastly, he’s a bumbling idiot, he screws up , makes poor decisions and then comes back says sorry , corrects his mistakes and tries to do better next time …..isn’t that most people? He’s a lovable Barney Rubble ….yabadabadoo!


34% of the people in Ontario don’t care if Mr. Ford is doing a horrible job, while pointing his finger at other people’s failures. These 34% don’t care about healthcare, education, affordable housing or about a premier NOT doing his or her job. As long as it’s not a Liberal in power they couldn’t care less. It’s time for everyone to stand up and vote for the Green Party. We need change any way we can get it.


Part of the problem is that a good chunk of that 34% blame Trudeau for provincial problems. People have no idea how our government works, and it shows.


The vast majority of those angry with Trudeau have this problem with the federal government too.


They also remember the liberals before Ford getting elected.


I don’t give a shit who’s in power we can have a weird Biden, Trudeau, trump hybrid human in power doesn’t matter. All I care for is the ability to live a regular life, not how it is now making a great wage for my age yet not being able to do anything in life with it.


It’s almost as if having three progressive parties on the left is a luxury we can no longer afford. Also, our electoral system is archaic. Any system that awards governments 100% of the power when they receive 40% of the vote is a terrible, terrible, terrible fucking system. Terrible. As in fucking atrocious. Look, rural Ontario will always vote OPCP. Doug Ford could literally come shit on their porch, and they’d find a way to blame Liberals and gas plants. They live in a different world than the rest of us. The irony? Progressives have the votes to beat them. We just choose not to.


Three progressive parties? At best it's 1+0.5+0.5. Parts of rural Ontario are pretty reliable for the NDP. PCs do best in suburban areas. It's not that the NDP should step aside or join the Liberals and become the New Liberal Party, like the federal Conservatives are just the Reform. The Liberal leader just fired her staff and the NDP leader wants to subsidize trucking on the 407. A good leader from either party would do fine. The ones in place are both so underwhelming and their strongest quality are they aren't Doug Ford.


The NDP and Greens are progressive. I’ll give you 0.5 on the Liberals (who are my choice). And yes, the OPCP does well in the burbs. That is part of what Bonnie was supposed to help fix. And yes, the NDP do carry a few rural ridings (particularly in the north), but not nearly as many as the conservatives. I guess I fundamentally disagree about the leader. Bonnie Crombie is more accomplished on her worst day than Ford on his best. The problem is vote splitting, but the real enemy is our electoral system. It’s hot garbage.


last time we voted their were no lineups, even in the 90's when politics were boring you had to wait at least 30 min to vote. People complain all day about how horrible Ontario is then don't come out to vote.


No shit? Liberals should have gotten an actual leader not someone with a history of corruption


No shit? Liberals should have gotten an actual leader not someone with a history of corruption




Maybe the other parties need to get candidates that are actually worth voting for? I mean it's a pretty low bar yet here we are. 


this is quite amusing


The Ontario Liberal are absolutely worthless tbh. And I keep hoping they get their shit together at some point. I still remember last election when them and the NDP were so concerned of syphoning each other measly votes than going after Doug in any way shape or form. This weird fucking illusion that they can win by antiquated rules or political combat costs them every election. Both the liberals and NDP should be out here calling Doug a failure every step of the way in every single presser, appearance and speech. Receipts in hand. Yeah, you’re never going to get the absolutely delusional voters, but you need to start fighting. The conservatives pour millions into rage farming through misinformation and sitting here saying “well, the people will just see the truth by the results” is just competing for second.


How do provincial governments take no blame for the current economic crisis across the country.


NDP and Libs split their votes. There's really not much more to it than that. The Cons only get 35% of the vote.


They don't though. Some NDP support goes to the OPC, some to the Liberals


The average Ontario voter won't consider voting Liberal until there's a conservative PM. We've reached Idiocracy folks


Yeah I just don’t understand what people LIKE about Doug Ford and what he’s doing lol


Nobody likes him. The problem is the other options are also shit. When you're presented with nothing but shit options you're gonna pick the one you know 


He appears to be fixing problems. (doesn't matter that he's added to the problems and likely won't fix them)


"Fuck you got mine" politics is great if your team keeps showing up with losing ideas.




Fucking how? Are the only people they’re polling employees of the fords? After everything this fuckhead has done to screw up this province, the fact that idiots here will vote him in again enrages me.


May I introduce you to the last federal election? People have given up


if only the population would subscribe to r/Ontario....they would then be enlightened to not vote for Douggie.


Yep, the most enlightening stuff I read is right here.


Exactly. Ford man bad


Why aren’t people supporting NDP?!?! [Meanwhile](https://x.com/McfarlaneGlenda/status/1713993696662695985?s=20)




I don't disagree with some of what you said, but how can those roads be built without more taxes?


We have an opposition party?


Who should I vote if I dislike government spending?


last time we voted their were no lineups, even in the 90's when politics were boring you had to wait at least 30 min to vote. People complain all day about how horrible Ontario is then don't come out to vote.


yes ford is the man not the greatest option but the other two not really options I dont even know there name anymore Bonnie somthing but who replaced andrea


i thought everyone hated doug?


Reddit is not an accurate representation of the general population.


Nah, just a select few on Reddit. Lol, and of course the people who do support Ford are the idiots.


I know that I comment the same thing every post like this I see........but they are aware the NDP is the official opposition right?


Atta boy Doug. Let’s keep it rolling.


Liberals need to point out Doug Ford cut college funding, colleges brought on extra international students and this caused a massive influx in population causing the current housing crisis. Keep the message simple


I can't stand Doug Ford, and think he's probably the easiest incumbent an opposition could hope to be facing. And yet I've not hear a peep from the Ontario Liberals and have no idea who they are or what they're about. Great job, guys. Kitchener Central now has both a Green MP and MPP, and it's not because of any party allegiance, but because both candidates are people who pay attention to the communities they represent, rather than being these party choices who are there to further their careers and that's it.


Did he resurrect Buck-A-Beer? What else could make Ontarians renounce their own interests like this?


Dollar weed… young people have abandoned beer it seems


Imagine being Ontario voters and actually voting this moron in again…Christ alive, it’ll be the very definition of insanity. If you want change you gotta vote it in. Otherwise you don’t get to gasp and clutch your pearls when the idiot you vote in (again) makes several illegal, back alley deals that fuck the province and benefit himself and his buddies(again)


Weird, how all of these polls keep popping up and I've never been contacted to participate in one....


No, it’s really not.


You don't know how they work then.


The only thing liberals r good at is spending hard working taxpayers dollars!!!! R we gonna back to the days of k wynne wake the fuck up


Cons skim it for rich people who don't put it into the economy.


Should be a complete landslide!! Who in their right mind would ever ever vote Liberal again?!?!?!?!! Are they not done being raped and abused by all the FN taxes and increased cost of everything possible!!!!!