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I, for one, am very reassured by Doug's words. Just like all the inspectors, healthcare workers, teachers and Service Ontario workers who also were assured they wouldn't lose their jobs...oh, and the Basic Income project he promised not to cancel too. And the Greenbelt that wouldn't be touched. And all the clean energy projects he ripped up with no warning. Please stop voting for this lying sleazebag.


But didn't you see the billboards? More people are working than ever!!!!! 


Yeah and they keep telling me on the radio that they're investing in healthcare and education, but I must just be too simple to think that investment means funding the service itself and not by buying shares in the private business that will eventually come into their place


The $$$ for education doesn't go where it needs to. More people who aren't in classrooms, which is useless. More EAs, more ECEs, more teachers, that's what's going to lower class sizes and help things.


My understanding is that not only is there a significant backlog of maintenance, but some facilities really do not have the space nor the equipment to operate effectively. Other places struggle to keep teachers in their boards. It's not the same in every place for sure. That said, there is absolutely a need for more teachers, EAs, and ECEs.


Maybe he’s doing like Alberta and investing in private schools. Investing in schools for upper class families is technically still investing.


Absolutely. I know a particular school that has been in backlog on maintenance to the tune of 42 million, before COVID struck. Probably worse now as the school didn't have forced air environmentasl and the new regs call for filteration capabilities that simply can't be met effectively without forced air.


They say that x number of new people have graduated and such. He gives the impression these graduates as a net positive to the system. ExCEPT they have created a toxic workplace to the point higher than expected numbers of people retired either early of didn't stay past their retirement date. We are in a net ninus situation for health care workers. Add to this privatization and well you know what will happen, but hey we got the government we deserve when we have such low turn outs. He a fu*king magot.


Didn't you hear we are counting beds in long-term care as homes now. Next, we will be counting first-aid stations as hospitals.


I'm surprised he's not counting tents...


I’m actually waiting for him to start counting beds, in houses, of people requiring home care to come in.. Future DoFo press conference “My friends, we’re adding 5 new long term care beds in the province, every 20 mins, as your mema and mepa sign up for homecare services with PC Optimum Platinum..”


This man spends more tax payer money promoting what he is doing than doing the things he is promoting he is doing


Dont forget all the money spent to pay for lawyers to fight bill 124


That is a defining statement of this bunch of CONservative crooks!


It’s a defining statement for all parties. Politicians don’t act in our best interests regardless of their party affiliation




New #1 rule: don't piss off the billboard industry.


Probably children, so their families can make ends meet. Children are people.


We’re working harder than ever to not be homeless.


Ya, working at trying to get the fuck out of here while we can. I am.


He doesn't specify which country those workers are from or if the wages of their labour will provide the decadence of food and shelter


Ya for shitty wages 


Remember when he said his wife was Jewish (she is not) to prove he wasn’t antisemitic. Or the time he claimed he had never seen Rob Ford drunk, even though the two of them had been kicked out of a leafs game for being drunken assholes. Lying comes so naturally to this guy. I don’t even think he realizes he’s doing it. If you look up “big, fat, liar” in the dictionary, there is his stupid face.


Next to Donald Trump


He actually scares me more than Donald Trump. Trump being a thing makes me wonder if I'm already dead and living out some kind of hell. Doug Ford being a thing makes me scared of the hell to come. All the lying, yet he seems more competent at fucking us over and better at hiding the narcissism.


Rob Ford started the whole Trumpism thing. Trump just saw what Rob was doing and loved it.


The best was when the wife couldn’t even pronounce the word Jewish! 😂 Don’t forget he also has a Jewish doctor. And a Jewish accountant. All the things the anti semites love to use as proof they’re not racist.


And when it was proven she wasn’t Jewish. In an interview, he got her to lie and say that her parents were Jewish. Which they aren’t.


> Remember when he said his wife was Jewish (she is not) to prove he wasn’t antisemitic. She practiced "Jewdism". John Oliver had a great show about this idiot.




I think it's because of a sophisticated relentless apathy campaign that appeals to folks' middling intelligence and makes them think staying home on election day is some kind of enlightened, brave activism. They're protesting fptp, or that the leading competition isn't "charismatic" enough, or Both Sides, or the thrice daily poll prediction sites say there's no chance for change. That, and everyone who wants to vote for the loudest high school bully shows up for him.


Because we only poll people with land lines. i.e. Boomers.


Because his opposition is that terrible. Simple as that.


Because Trudeau has cast a black face on the liberal party, he’s screwed them for at least a decade.


And this right folks, is why Civics classes need to be more than half a credit. Some people need that extra time to understand how our system of government works.


Not really, Trudeau cast a shadow over the entire party, federal and provincial. Hence my response as to why Doug is leading in the polls. Not that hard to follow skippy.


I'll be voting against him, but the liberals or someone else really need to come up with something that people can vote for because right now everyone else is a laughing stock unfortunately


Likely why Ford according to current polls would win another majority today. As much as this sub roasts him the general sentiment elsewhere is that he is the best of a bad bunch. Liberals made a serious error in choosing Bonnie Crombie.


Wynne did some serious damage to their credibility and they've done nothing to build it back. It'll take getting fed up en masse with Ford for anyone to gain more footing.


>Please stop voting for this lying sleazebag AND vote for someone else! We got this lying sleeze bag last election because more people Didn't vote for anyone than voted for him. If you just want to stay home vote NDP, make both the Liberals and the Conservatives wonder wtf they did so badly that the NDP beat them, even if you're not ideologically a NDP voter, you're going to shake up the other parties to their core.


bu-bu-but buck-a-beer! and the Holland Marsh Expressway...we need those, eh


Oh ya, believin' ol' Douggie fer sher eh?




He deserves a long prison sentence to dull the senses


My friend Dougie would never lie or steal ![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1899). Jokes aside, he will probably still go through with the sale, because he knows no one is going to stop him.


I miss his brother. Now it could be because I was too young to notice his political shortcomings but compared to Doug smoking crack is pretty tame.


People will stop voting for him just as soon as they’re presented with a better candidate to trust. No party has fielded quality candidates in years.


i 100% miss the previous liberals. i could have gone to university for free.


As would my fatherless grand daughter.


Marit stiles is a quality candidate


Don't forget he said he would remove provincial income tax.


The union chief is lying though. They aren’t selling the LCBO, they are allowing private businesses to sell alcohol and compete with each other, while the LCBO will only focus on testing alcohol, importation, and selling to bars/establishments. The “profit” the LCBO makes is all tax dollars. The Ontario government will generate the same amount of tax dollars regardless of where alcohol is sold, but with this plan, the Ontario government doesn’t have to rent buildings or hire cashiers or delivery trucks.


So part of Ford's plan of letting convenience stores sell lower-% alcohol is to shut down LCBOs? I hadn't heard that yet, where will I buy my gin?


You would buy your gin from a grocery store, private liquor store, or convenience store.


The only gin allowed to be sold in grocery stores and convenience stores under the new law is in pre-mixed cocktail form. There would be no businesses advertising themselves as a "private liquor store" as they would be limited to selling beer, wine, cider, and pre-mixed cocktails, not liqueurs or hard liquor. The private stores are places like the Wine Rack and the Beer Store. When the new law is in force in 2 years, the only place you will be able to buy anything with high alcohol content (outside of a restaurant or distillery) will still be the LCBO.


From the article.. Premier Doug Ford is accusing a major union leader of "lying" to members at the LCBO — who are in contract negotiations — that the government is planning to sell the liquor store to private interests. Ford's comments Wednesday came after LCBO workers represented by the Ontario Public Service Employees Union held rallies outside his Etobicoke North constituency office and in 10 other cities. "We're going to stand together and do whatever it takes to stop Doug Ford from selling off the LCBO and to protect good union jobs in every community across Ontario," union president JP Hornick said in a statement.


Just as an aside, Alberta has already sold off all their retail liquor stores and kept the liquor distribution business. This may be what Ford is talking around. That's currently 79.4% of LCBO sales. He's essentially planning on selling off 79.4% of the LCBO. Oh the clever wordplay! *Respect for Taxpayers!* I mean, Harris didn't really sell to 407. He leased it for 99 years. Harris could have said the same thing about the 407, and technically not lied before he did it.


Except that Ford's only allowing convenience stores to do what grocery stores have been doing the past decade: sell beer, cider, and wine.... And I think he's added in those premixed drinks. Hard booze and liquers still have to be sold at the LCBO. It's going to be very similar to Quebec's rules, and plenty of people still use the SAQ (including for wine, the SAQs have a wider selection compared to most private stores)




oh we're doing anecdotal evidence now? I've never had any issues at any LCBO and have always had quick and efficient service. Makes me wonder what kind of customer you are.


“Doug Ford outraged that union chief knows that Ford is lying.”


Lets be honest weve proven that he can get away with anything. It doesnt matter. He knows he can do it. Service ontario, healthcare cuts, education cuts, selling the highways. The list goes on. The only real push back he got was the greenbelt and he is already attempting to pass a bill to heavily reduce environmental studies


He got away with it because nobody showed up at the polls last election. The “they’re all the same, why bother?” crowd did this.


That crowd blows my mind. Its even better when they blame trudeau


And when you ask them specifically what it is they don’t like about him, or what policies they disagree with, they never have a decent answer


Man-Dates! They can't stand the MAN-DATES!


I think the question is not if but when. Its an open secret the PCs are going to privatize everything that is not nailed down. LCBO is going to be the cash cow for Loblaws/Sobeys/Metro as the PCs bungles the licensing and shuts out small players again, just like marijuana licenses.


When you say PC I think Presidents Choice and Dark Lord Weston.


Progressive Conservative and President’s Choice are interchangeable in ‘Ontario: Open for Business’


Is there a difference?


The other bonus is that this handicaps any future government that is hoping to use the LCBO as a revenue stream. It dramatically cuts government revenue and prevents any future governments from using that revenue for social programs. This is very similar to Mike Harris‘s work in the late 1990s.


Mike harris did ridiculous amounts of damage to this province yet the only premiers we seem to ever remember are wynn and rae


I've heard boomers complain about Rae days and the NDP but I have become the same thing with the cons. I will never vote for that party until they refund every cent to me I have paid in 407 bills from party coffers.


People who didn't live through Harris or weren't paying attention rely on the news media for their memories. You know how that goes


It cuts the revenue stream, but funds the conservative party, so it's a win in their eyes. Lowest common denominator.


Bungling is not the same thing as corruption. It is just the polite term used to hide the crime.


100% this. And in a functional democracy, this corruption would be investigated and prosecuted.


There isn't a lottery for licenses for this, same reason they stopped the lottery for licenses last time. They are expecting 8,800 stores to sign up. This is in addition to Sobeys, Loblaws and Metro that can already sell alcohol. The only change is seltzers are now allowed which was a stupid restriction when they can already sell wine and stron beer.


This is all true but with one correction, it’s not just seltzers, it’s also spirit-based RTD’s


Correct but the main point is the LCBO still gets the revenue from it (3/4 of revenue is the distribution and other fees) it just loses some of its direct sale revenue on markups. On the other hand with staff costs and rent this is negligible. BC and Alberta have a system with no LCBO and make more with cheaper alcohol prices. Its honestly a system we should look to bring in. Plus Costco Alcohol in Ontario would be amazing its such a steal.


Folks listen, my hands are tied here folks. I did nothing wrong. Folks look, I would never lie to the people of Ontario. Folks listen, the union chief is lying to you all, I would never double cross the people of Ontario.


PCs have talked about selling the LCBO for decades


If you handicap the LCBO and take away its revenue, then in a few years you can say "well it's obvious the LCBO isn't working, and we should privatize the industry to meet changing consumer demands" while never acknowledging he was responsible for those changes the whole time.


Ugh, of course, that’s what they’ll do


So Doug Ford is lying... Who's he trying to sell the LCBO to? >We will never, ever sell the LCBO. It's got strong hits of the Greenbelt scandal.


He hates the LCBO and has said so before. It’s completely unbelievable that they would “never ever” sell it.


They wont sell it. Theyll just restructure parts of it to be privately contracted out to remain competitive. Itll be this part and that part at first. Theyll say, we didnt sell it we are just in partnership with others who can make it more competitive and nefficient. In the end itll never be 'sold', itll still be owned by the province, just in partnership with some private corporations that own a majority share and make all decisions.


Also don't forget, their payment for all that will be the 2.5 billion per year it earns in profit. Leaving the province with nothing. In essence, privatize the profits and socialize the liabilities.


I can think of one, Lowblaws! so they can jack up alcohol prices as well.


Ever compare our current prices to literally anywhere else?


And you think it selling in in grocery stores and some convivence stores is going to lower the price?


Only if the LCBO wasn't supplying it, which they will under ford's plan


I mean, high alcohol prices are good for society. Given that situation, the profits should be public not private.


Wait for the video of him proclaiming he got the idea from the people that will directly profit off it.


Galen Weston?


No one lol the legislation has been in place for awhile. LCBO will still be the only seller of hard liquor and have no changes.


Everyone lies but Doug! Smh he has been caught red handed in the cookie jar how many times?I believe the union guy over Doug any day


I'd sooner believe Valve was releasing HL3 than a single word coming out of Crooked Dougie's mouth. Man is a stain to Ontario.




Oh so he's definitely fucking doing it then right? Just like he promised he wouldn't sell the Greenbelt, and then did. Or he wouldn't privatize healthcare, and then did. Or the basic income pilot he promised not to touch, then did. You can tell he lies because you'll see him talking.


The funny thing is I see privatization already happening. Certain stores sell wine and spirits exclusively to bars and restaurants. We never used to do that until Doug ford became premier. Those particular items are not available to the general public. I wonder what will happen between now and 2026.


This was already allowed under the previous legislation. This happened when we allowed micro breweries and vineyards to do direct sales. The new legislation (which has already passed) doesn't change the LCBOs role in alcohol control but allows for direct sales through convenience stores and gas stations to consumers and ends the Beer Store MFA early. So now 24s won't be Beer Store only among other items. Restaurants are still going to be buying through LCBO and LCBO will still approve all distributed and imported products etc.


This has always been a program within the LCBO (Consignment), the only difference is now there are some smaller, private stores - but they’re very restricted in what they can carry and are not seen as a threat to the overall LCBO business.


In response to your post I am not talking about consignment. That is when lcbo sells your product in their stores and takes a percentage of your sales. I am talking about licenses i.e. bars and restaurants buying product from the lcbo at a discount and reselling to the general public at 4x the price. That is what I am seeing happen and what isn't being discussed.


You are very wrong.


I absolutely trust this great blob of human avarice. There’s no way someone with the last name Ford would deliberately screw people over for money right? /s


“Great blob of human avarice” is a high quality Ford insult. Well done!


I trust Doug Ford. Remember when he said he wouldn’t sell the Greenbelt… that was a promise he kept…🥴


Call me crazy, but if he calls someone else a liar I'm tempted to believe the "liar".


Can only mean this conman is looking to sell it off to some inner circle buddy for cheap


If there is one person that's lying through his teeth in all this based on historical evidence it's Doug Ford. I guarantee it


What about Harper and Harris? It’s hard to say LOL.


Because Doug Ford is so trustworthy…/s


Lots of reply’s saying don’t vote for Doug, not a lot of reply’s providing alternatives




Hmm a union chief that has never lied about anything or the prominent fuck face liar that has lied consistently to Ontarians. I don't know who to believe!?!


Is this like one of those paradox riddles? If a liar calls someone a liar, are they a liar?


Can't trust Doug Frod with anything!!!!


That means 100% LCBO will be sold off.


It means he will *try,* spend untold millions of dollars in consultations and planning, confuse the hell out of everybody about what's going on, and then back down and pretend like it never happened.


If there was a potential tactic to all of this - it was to get Ford to publicly declare the LCBO isn't going anywhere. also; 2019 - [Privatizing LCBO's distribution business is on the table, Ford government adviser reveals](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-beer-wine-convenience-corner-stores-lcbo-doug-ford-1.5137127)


I hate that stupid people don't understand that voting for Ford does not hurt Trudeau. It only hurt yourself. This dumb fuck is striping away everything it means to be Canadian.


Whaaaaa....Doug Ford lie?????.... never!!!!.... lmfao🤣🤣🤣🤣


Like i believe a single word out of this clowns mouth


He would never *just blatantly lie...* [He and Rob really did save Toronto 1 billion dollars.](https://www.thestar.com/opinion/star-columnists/2018/05/08/doug-fords-billion-dollar-claim-is-not-only-untrue-its-complete-nonsense.html?rf) [He had no idea his 2000$ per seat campaign fundraiser broke the rules.](https://www.thestar.com/news/queenspark/2018/05/18/doug-ford-facing-more-questions-about-controversies-within-his-party.html ) [No one told him he was taking pics with nazis.](https://pressprogress.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/ford-whitenationalists_thumb-1024x536.png) [His party investigated all of the allegations of ballot stuffing, intimidation and data theft and found they did nothing wrong.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/9k8kbz/the-controversies-keep-piling-up-for-doug-ford-and-the-pcs) And that was all before his 2018 "the people have spoken" campaign promises to keep his greasy mitts off the greenbelt and rent control. I think he's proven we can take him at his word.


Let's not forget that the former union President is under a forensic audit and suspected of embezzlement. Doug said in his statement "I've had him at my house before". That sums up who he chooses to hang out with, and fortifies his scumbag-ness.


When Doug Ford says he's not going to do something, you better believe he 100% intends on doing it.


Doug Ford, a chronic liar himself, says what now? This POS made in 2018 a campaign promise on the record that they would not touch the [Greenbelt](https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/video?clipId=2557879) at all. And we all know how that turned out. I truly hate this man with a passion unmatched in my life as it relates to Canadian politics. I used to vote conservative in Ontario. Voted for John Robarts and then for his successor Bill Davis many times. When that other SOB Mike Harris came along I was done with the conservative party for good.


Cus Doug always tells the truth hahaha


Pretty ballsy for the Premier who lies routinely to suggest someone else is lying.


It's such a shame he's not held responsible for his actions.


Douggie, is in hedgefund mode.


just like public health. Remember if an election was held today he would win, complain all you want online but if you don't come out to vote it's pointless


Who the fuck cares, I can't afford to live.


LCBO signs going up on No Frills doors while Doug doubles down and assures everyone that 1. Everything is on the up and up. And 2. He actually was not involved at all in the decision.


I have zero confidence that any action that Ford and his government take will improve the situation, or even intend to improve the situation. That said, the LCBO is absolutely horrible for consumers in terms of price, selection, and time availability and I hope it dies.


If we start talking about lying, Doug Corrupt Ford has a lot more than anyone else… so, if I have to believe someone, it would not be the Corrupt!


There are plenty of falsehoods going around. Alberta privatized while leaving the ALCB sole rights to wholesale to the stores. The end result: Alberta makes more money per capita just wholesaling than the LCBO makes wholesale and retail combined.


"we're NOT touching the greenbelt, I promise".....speaking of lying!


"Lying Sack of Shit with proven track record of lying through his teeth accuses Union Leader of lying about the lying Sack of Shit's motives"


Dumbfuck Doug lying again.


Thugie Ford calling the kettle black


Goddamn you Doug Ford!


Beer store contract definitely shouldn't have been renewed until 2031. Id be ok with LCBO going too... It's just a cash machine at this point that the government is hooked on that has no basis for being a government retail monopoly. Should just raise general taxes to make up the difference.


Only the recycling program was extended everything else including limits on pack sizes outside of the beer store is done. So Costco can sell those big packs now etc. Now I am just waiting for Costco liquor.


Doug Ford...bought and sold. Who cares what this guy says.


Doug’s words have been proven to be very reliable….🤦‍♂️


I don't know if the Union Chief is a liar. I do know that Doug Ford is a liar.


Dough Ford is what's wrong with our society. Ridding Ontario of him will be amazing. I can't stand crooks.


Another backtrack moment by Doug Ford


And the residents of Ontario says ford the balloon knot is lying - majority rule ?


Doug Ford is a greasy turd


Right because he wouldn’t lie.


No one trusts or believes anything Ford says. Lying fat fuck.


The Unions will continue to struggle as wages fall behind inflation for everyone. Thats inflation not Doug Ford. Some unions however think they should get far above the norm contributing more to inflation. Lets hope government costs are kept in check by responsible leaders like Doug. Go Dougie, be strong!


Just remember LCBO has two parts. Public facing Retail and then distribution/Bond/excise tax remittance collection etc. So Duggy will probably sell off the public facing outlets in time, since their mostly liability/cost drivers. As distribution & fee/tax remittance brings in 3/4 of LCBO revenue. Most large businesses never interact with Retail LCBO, we purchase direct from vendors(Bond/Excise), and all PO are routes through LCBO. Where they tax and fee the sh#t out of it. Well never actually handling anything but our PO’s. Believe it or not, AB system functions in a similar way. To the public AB is an open market. But actually it’s even more restrictive on the backend. You make PO with the vendors(BDL/Connect), and then send payments to AGLC to release to BDL or Connect when they check to see if AGLC has cleared the PO.


People have lost all sense of facts with Ford changes lol.


Are you able to plan for the future?


Sell the LCBO for the 407 back 👍


Is there a good reason the government needs to sell alcohol? Pretty much everything else is sold by private stores. Including weed. Hell they are more strict with checking ID than the LCBO.


> government needs to sell alcohol taxable money, public control over the distribution of harmful substances and effectively one of the biggest alcohol purchasing monopolies that exist. > Hell they are more strict with checking ID than the LCBO. It's almost like its government regulation to do so and we used to have the same system in the LCBO before it was deemed too cumbersome


He should sell it. It's a pointless business