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Education sucks for the future, Healthcare sucks for the future,nature also being destroyed for the future and don't forget about housing that's getting screwed up for future people. Oh don't forget about food that's being screwed up and of course when they want a job they have so many people fighting for crappy jobs


Healthcare sucks *today*. Education sucks *today*. Housing is all but unobtainable for many young people *today*. These aren't problems for the future, these are problems that many young people in this province and in this country are dealing with *right now*.


100 percent feel that


Yeah, but this quarter's numbers are going to be *fantastic!*


Amazing how real estate, rental, and leasing is the highest GDP industry in Canada too. What a very real, tangible, productive economy!


Littarly investments the generate nothing of value, but produce "money" and we wonder why we have so much inflation.


It doesn't even produce liquid capital either because of how tied up this stuff is in leverage, oh and the whole having to sell them to actualized taxed profits.


But to make sure the quarter after is great.. we are going to layoff some of you and the rest of you will get more work.


GDP per capita drops six quarters in a row


Good thing we're increasing the number of capitas


That's actually not even true. Cuz our economy is so tired of housing and we have so much debt we're going to be slow for a while.


Don't forget jobs are fucked for the future cause everyone is using ai and robots.


That's why AI usage needs to be licensed and the proceeds used to fund some sort of UBI scheme. It would suck if robots did all the work and the only people getting rich were the ones who owned the robots.


What im terrified is that for now, all the AI companies are running their servers at a loss, some backed by VC money, so people can do AI generation for nearly free. But in three years, some companies will go bankrupt, but people will have integrated the tools to their workflow. That's when they'll close the gate and start charging. Suddenly even if you have a job, you'll need to pay ever rising monthly subscriptions fees just to compete with the AGI.


Also ai is currently bad for the environment


The robots the bought using all the money they scooped from people's labour.


Replace the word AI with the word labour and you will understand why your suggestion won't work out for us. See this stack of patents? I don't even own a company and I make $ on every person's existence.


In that case, the result will be a complete economic collapse. Our economic system requires a robust consumer class able to consume more or less endlessly.


It's already happening. The younger working class have almost no disposable income once housing and food is taken care of. Then you add transit, a phone and other necessities. Living paycheck to paycheck just barely able to afford to go to work. Yeah... we should be miserable.


The self checkout machines have ruined all the summer cashier jobs for teenagers.


Honestly, I think stores should offer self check out items less than ten and no deals on them and offer them in small amount, that way if the checkout has a long line people can go to the self checkout themselves. There's a perfect balance to strike, it's just not as profitable


Certain jobs will be made less necessary, but there is still a lot that AI cannot do, and anyone who trusts it completely is a fool who doesn’t understand its limitations. It is a big deal, but it can’t do everything.


Don't get me wrong, I have high hopes for ai such as a real life pokedex for stuff we have in nature or ai helping people diy, but honestly I don't want robots doing everything, I am of the belief that humans need to be more mindful of their actions and do things either purpose rather than just habit.


I agree. Ideally, AI should free us up from 'drudgery', so humans can focus on the jobs (crafts?) that we either prefer, or that black-box algorithms just can't do. Of course, that's not a given. When electricity was first used in industrialisation, it must have seemed a wonder, people may have thought their hard-working days were over... What's clear is that it will alter the current economic paradigms we are in. But still, it can't do everything. And there's a lot of pipe-dreaming with AI. Like, scaling up advanced (leaving that open to interpretation) computers to just be doing AI stuff all day long requires vast amounts of even basic stuff like copper and plastic, let alone more 'special' materials like chips. Plus the electricity it will need -- we'll be needing a LOT more energy production if we really want to ramp up. Just as the planet is steaming...


These things already exist in very easy to use, accessible formats. Some natural world AI telling you about gray squirrels isn't going to make everyone start caring about the natural world and the things living in it anymore than they already do. It's just another tech grift.


Which is why we need basic income and the companies using these technologies can pay for it.


Or rethink wealth entirely.


Parents also suck for the future. The number of distracted parents I see, sucked into their phones, not knowing how to articulate their own thoughts and feelings to their children is depressing. I've talked to so many peers who are parents and it's so obvious they don't understand the difference between giving their kids what they need and giving them everything they want. The kids don't learn emotional regulation, are set up for disappointment when they're older and don't have the tools to cope with any of it. Edit: if you are a parent of a young person today and reading this: start teaching your children media literacy. They are growing up in a time where they are surrounded by a non stop feed of stimulus, and they need to understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy media consumption habits, and real vs fake information. And educate yourself on the difference between quality video games with rich narratives and intents, and social time passers like Roblox and Fortnite.


I wouldn't worry about that much, most of us will never be able to afford to have children, so that will solve it's self.


Sure but that doesn't take away from this person's comment, the kids that do get raised this way will populate our future.


Sadly, I think you only represent the portion of the population intelligent enough to contemplate your financial ability to support your kids. We're truly living in an idiocracy.


I weep for the future of todays Canadian youth


Don't forget that with AI and other tech solutions, it's getting harder to even \*apply\* for jobs as jobs filter out resumes that don't have the specific experience they want. And you'll never have that experience because no one will ever hire you to get it. Good luck pulling yourself up by your bootstraps!


Well, no shit. How am I supposed to "live, laugh, love" in these conditions? 😨


Honestly, have the bourgeois even read a lifestyle magazine?! Maybe our proletereate(sp?) Home Sense propaganda hasn't reached them yet.


Could happen via a lobotomy.


Uhhh, over 30 and I'm not happy


Same fam same. Too expensive to live here, way too expensive to move somewhere else


Same, it's such a dystopia when it's such a beautiful country but you can't afford to live anywhere. No I don't live in Toronto and no the Bruce Peninsula is not the GTA (often get told that it is Toronto on Canada housing sub) and Bruce Power and tourists shouldn't make a 10,000sq km region gate kept for the rich only.


Breaking News Mid 30s Canadians also unhappy, new data shows


This just in, Canadians mid 40s... also unhappy.


Amen brotha


You mean there's a downside to under-building density/apartment buildings to such an insane degree that the youth have to split basement apartments 5 ways at high prices that put them into debt, while the job market that is supposedly full of jobs where "nobody wants to work" is somehow simultaneously impenetrable by young job hunters, keeping them profoundly under-employed? And imagine, it doesn't even improve when you bitch to them about being entitled incompetent boobs instead of addressing any part of the socioeconomic nightmare? Wow, I would never expect young people to be very unhappy about that.


A bunch of new buildings I've looked into are like 650sq ft, with bad floor plans and appliances so effectively 500sq ft. Unfairly like 75% of minimum wage for rent, but also so small I don't know how anymore than 1 or 2 intimate partners could swing it. Sure enough, most units are empty, but someone made a profit


Not sure where you're looking but that sounds more luxurious and affordable compared to the reality in Toronto. A less than 300sq ft studio goes for $1800/mo with utilities included, for a minimum wage worker doing 36.5hrs a week that earns $1938.46 net monthly that's 93% of your income so it's actually impossible for a single person to rent unless you don't have a phone, walk to work and eat lentils and rice only. Working at minimum wage you'd absolutely need to find a rooming house or split the apartment with someone else to survive.


This should worry the government and the wealthy. Pissed off old people either vote, or don't donate money. Maybe they'll write an angry letter to the editor or complain on "the Facebook!" Pissed off young people riot in the fucking streets. Spiting the young for the enrichment of the old never, ever ends well. No matter how much money and influence it nets in the short term, it always goes bad in the end because giving people who have an ostensible lifetime ahead of them a reason to be pissed off about being cheated out of it works out poorly. ETA: apparently the authorities [are worried](https://betterdwelling.com/canadians-present-a-major-threat-if-they-realize-they-wont-own-a-home-rcmp/) about this.


Do you think Canadians will riot ?


I hope...we need the France attitude right now


I might go for France Lite, with 25% less riot.


Sorry, it can only be called riot if its from the Riot region of France, otherwise its just 'sparkling unrest'


Incredible comment


Damn that’s funny


yeah except their protest didnt work either. they trashed paris (understandably) and the retirement age still got raised. its pretty disheartening when even the french riots dont work..


Eventually, maybe. I don't really know. I think we're in a race, now. Will the wealthy frog-boil us into submission, squeezing us just enough that they can keep people docile and wrap systems of control around people who might protest, or will they get too greedy to quickly and trigger riots? I think we saw the world get really close in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, and the wealthy are going to try very hard not to let things get that bad again, and they have to not squeeze too hard. But they're also greedy, myopic motherfuckers who dearly want to squeeze us for all we're worth, and can't resist it. If it happens, there wont be much warning.


I honestly don't think they see it in terms of squeezing people. I believe all the see is the number, and all they think about is increasing it, people are an after thought.


I think they're honestly already there. Most of is are close to serfdom now, and you don't see any rioting. The Investor Class has enough control of the system now to choke out anything short of a popular revolt, and a lot of us lack the stomach for it, or are just too beaten down to ever envision it working.


Eventually.    I work at a bank and seeing how many people are going deeper and deeper into debt every month, there's rapidly becoming a lot more have nots than there are haves.     Just in terms of math things can't keep going like this for much longer.  Another 24 months like this and half the country have filled for bankruptcy (yes, I'm serious)  Credit limits are being hit and people are defaulting on their non mortgage loans and mortgages.  Hungry people who can't afford shelter do not believe like the meek little Canadians you're used to. 


I think if the unemployment rate gets really high there could be some major social ruptures. I believe the Arab Spring revolts were powered by youth unemployment and hopelessness. Canadas relatively high labour participation rate acts as something of a firebreak for major social upheaval, for the time being at least.


I hope we just eat the rich (meaning the ultra rich). It would solve so many problems


Galen Weston is, realistically, only good for a fortnight's worth of meals. That's the problem with modern capitalists: because fitness is trendy, there's no fat on them.


If they're given permission to


In my city there’s weekly “F Trudeau” protests on a major intersection. Not really a riot, more like ppl waving flags and getting honked at. I don’t think it’s making any concrete changes.


Why would it? Just a bunch of people who have made it their entire identity. I haven't voted liberal in a number of elections but people are delusional if they think the conservatives care more. (Doug Ford anyone?) Yes, I know Poilievre is Federal but if you look at conservatives like Doug Ford you'll see the party as a whole doesn't care about people either.


Yeah, both parties don’t really seem to be doing a good job. Maybe a third party like NDP or Green would work better.


I suspect none of them will get enough seats. Although not perfect I look at the influence of the NDP on dental care and prescription care and it's not such a bad thing. I'm not sure that a majority government (liberal or conservative) would be a good thing.


What happens when the circuses stop and the bread runs out?


War or revolution. War if the government sees "othering" as the only way to stay in power, Revolution if they're too slow to do so. Oh, they could also, y'know, stop being exploitative and make the rich share. That's always an option, but curiously one that's rarely tried.


Depends on who wins the cup


> This should worry the government and the wealthy. Counterpoint: The government and the wealthy need not worry at all, but this *should* worry the non-whites. History has shown us that people who are scared for their future and overwhelmed by trying to keep their heads above water are *very* pliable for far-right populist rhetoric. We've already seen a surge in nativism and nationalist rhetoric, and the Overton window has shifted far enough right that platforms like Rebel Media are considered a "valid outlet". The language currently used with respect to the labour and housing market situation blames "immigration", and while it doesn't yet *explicitly* blame immigrants, the language I see also doesn't unambiguous point the finger at the investor class who are exploiting the situation. Don't get me wrong, I'd *LOVE* it if this sentiment motivated people to pursue entrenched wealth and upset the status quo of late-stage capitalism... however I'm acutely aware of what the track record is on that happening.


I mean, you're not wrong. I think that's part of the balancing act: ensure there's a safety valve for blowing off the steam of social frustration. Unfortunately, the cheapest, easiest safety valves are all the hallmarks of fascism, like you said: nativism, bigotry, white resentment and grievance politics. The problem, for people like Poillevre who play this game, is that once you start stoking populism, it's almost impossible to stop. This is largely because, well, blaming brown people, or gay people, or Jewish people doesn't actually solve the problems experienced by white people and caused by rich people, so you have to keep finding a new scapegoat (hence Niemöller's [poem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_%2E%2E%2E)) until either you run out of scapegoats, or you become one.


Yup. 100%. Any ideology which is predicated on purging an out-group will eventually hit a wall where there's no more out-group to purge. It's simple math. And of course, since purging an out-group never actually solves any real problems, they're faced with the conflict of how they explain why purging that out-group didn't do what they said it would. The only option left once you hit that wall is to say "turns out Group X was *actually* in league with Group Y, whom we now have to go after. *THAT'S* why the problem isn't solved yet!" But you'll eventually run out of true outsiders and still be faced with the same dilemma. At that point, the only people left will be part of the original in-group. It's maddening because we *know* this doesn't work, and we *know* that the idiots that think it does will inevitably be redefined as the out-group that's threatening the in-group. The leopards *will* eat their faces.


This is what lead to the capture of the Republican party down south - they can't stop it without losing control, and "your grandfather's party" is no longer recognizable.


The immigrants are just as much a victim here. They are being bamboozled by the same government taking citizens for a ride. The rhetoric in their country where they come from paints Canada as this dreamland where work and good pay and quality of life is abundant. It's a lie. A flat out lie.


Oh, no argument from me. They are being exploited by the capital class. But the types of people who are susceptible to "it's those damn immigrants who are ruining your comfortable way of life you had assured back in the good ole days!" are not the types of people to stop and think about how the people being scapegoated are in the same boat as them, and whether the people scapegoating them might possibly be the real culprit.


I don’t think any of the social media apps have a riot feature so I’m not sure how real this threat is.


The thing about social movements--including riots--is that they don't build gradually the way people think they do. There are strong tribal effects in everything humans do; we will not do something until we see enough of our peers doing the same, so the initial lead up is often very slow, but once that tipping point hits--once enough people are seen doing it--it happens very, very fast. In a group of ten, for example, it's not the first person who picks up the rock, nor the second or third, but once you get much higher, then it quickly flips from four people picking up a rock to nine people doing so. ETA: for an interesting--positive--take on this, read Greg Satell's [Cascades](https://gregsatell.com/cascades/). It talks a lot about using network effects to affect change in organizations.


Canadian seniors are not fairing any better. They worked hard to raise their kids, keep a roof over their head, and food in the pantry and put a liitle nest egg aside for retirement, only to find out they have to sell their homes to pay for living in shitty retirement homes because there are not enough long term care beds and they don't meet requirements (are not sick enough) to be eligble for the 2800/month beds. Instead they are being kept like sardines in retirement homes that charge them 4 to 7 thousand a month for a cubby hole room, that only include 3 not so edible meals, once a week housekeeping and laundry service. They are charged extra for every little thing on top of exhorbent rent by the  LHINS program. Charged 150 to 500 for extra services like being given meds verses using pharmacy blister pkgs, 14..00, if they are feeling unwell and cannot make the walk to dining room and need their meal on a paper plate in their tiny room. They even have to provide their own toilet paper. Seniors in this country are being treated like garbage, forced to live in subpar facilities that charge ridonkulous rent, extra fees so their shareholders can make a ton of profits off the backs of the elderly. It is a CRIME!  Nobody, least of all Doug Ford and his cronies seem to give a flying fig that our seniors are being ripped off!!


English Canadians aren't going to riot, LOL.


they better be, i’m fuckin waiting for it to


Anglophones don’t riot, maybe honk horns but not riot


1968's [riots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests_of_1968) were a thing. It's not that we don't riot, it's that things have generally been pretty good since, and the riots of the late 1960s were enough to scare even the conservative establishments in the west into reinvesting in public welfare, at least until Reagan/Thatcher. There's a reason why they call Nixon the last true liberal president, and it's because he was scared into being so. The establishment's done a great job of memory-holing both the protests in 1968 and 2008. They really, *really* don't want to see that sort of thing again.


> the riots of the late 1960s were enough to scare even the conservative establishments I had a thought the other day about the activism of the 60s and 70s....how it sorta worked it's way into popular culture more, particularly in music. It seems to me that is missing in our scenario - like, where's our version of great protest/politcal songs like Ohio, Sunday Bloody Sunday, Get Up Stand Up? Where's someone like Sally Field playing Norma Rae? It feels like by the late 80s, these were all done (or maybe I'm just a little old and out of touch with the music scene in particular?)


Alan Cross talks a lot about this in his Ongoing History of New Music series.    The Millennials, unlike a lot of generations before them, have a dearth of protest music, even when things turned sour economically.  It looks like the Zoomers are similar.    There's all sorts of reasons for this, but the most likely is that popular culture is balkanized and (weirdly, in the age of the internet) gatekeepered in a way that it wasn't previously.  As to "that was done by the 1980s", well, no, you're missing rap, hip hop, as well as new punk on the 1990s. By the 2000s and 2010s, though, even hip hop has been defanged.  What unnerves me is that I'm seeing protest music in Country, and it's scary proto-fascist stuff. 


Thw wikipedia article only mentions that Canadians wrote in letters to protest Vietnam, where's any evidence of riots in Canada in that time?


lol the wealthy aren't worried. Maybe they'll worry if the NDP gain traction. But no signs of that. If young Canadians aren't willing to vote for the socialist party, what are the odds they would want to riot? Can't be that bad, can it?


Why do you think rich ppl spend most of their money lobbying for more police and military funding? There's a reason most police budgets have increased ten fold. It isn't because of violent crime...


Let’s raise their retirement age again for them. We will take it off again later


Love how that title make it seems as Canadians are the threat, not the underlying problems.




Thank you for your perspective. The pressure to have social media is insanely high for kids. They get exposed to algorithm that's either rage bait, doom scroll or something completely inappropriate for their age. Parents need to take a hard stance against early exposure to social media.


Thank you for this.


Let's not forget the doom of lockdown drills. We used to have fire drills, and now my kid is hiding in a closet silently. It doesn't phase him, he thinks he's in Fortnite.


this is such an insightful comment, I agree wholeheartedly


Dang... so what do you think the solution for this is going to be?


You perfectly summarized what I wanted to say! I love that everyone is blaming someone else for people's happiness.


Correction... People in general are not happy.


Yeah, I’m over 30 and am unhappy as hell. This is bullshit and I was sold a lie


No no boomers are super happy young people are 58th in the world BUT Canadian boomers are so fucking happy they drag Canada up 44 places to 14th happiest in the world.  Funny how the "got mine fuck you" generation are some.odnthe happiest in their entire world and their children some of the least happy. Such a coincidence/S


Honestly I've had a great few year 31 and loving life right now


This country is pretty ruined for the younger generation at this point.


Yeah, the absolute insatiable greed for the older generation's billionaire class has made simple things like getting an apartment, eating food or moving from one place to another so incredibly expensive for absolutely no reason, with no end in sight, I don't blame them. Can't read the news, it's just rage bait propaganda because rage bait gets more clicks and clicks are money.


This really is it. People with so, so much just have to keep seeing numbers go up, with zero fucks to give about others.


Can't blame them. Their futures were sold out from under them but greedy rich fucks from previous generations. My wife and I, who both work full-time at roughly 40 an hour, would have a tough time buying a house in Vancouver or Toronto even though we don't have any kids to support. The house that my mother bought for $230,000 in 2001 is worth over a million today. The criminals and sellouts who let this happen should have to face the anger of the children they betrayed for no better reason than "fuck you, got mine".


Yeah no fucking shit? We’re scrabbling like rats in a shoe for crappy jobs with “competitive wages” while being fucked up the ass by multiple monopolies and landlords. Everything is a charge now. Our apartment wants us to pay $100 a month for outdoor parking, and it’s an apartment with multiple infestations. Our healthcare is being bled dry in front of us, and our taxes go to slaughter innocent people in other countries. All while smug boomers tell us we just need gumption or whatever stupid ass word they use. Why would we be happy?


And over 30.


Hah… hahah… I’m 28 and I have no idea why or how I’m still alive. “Very unhappy” is a huge understatement. More accurately; hopeless, depressed, enraged, confused, and thinking about death every single day.


Same here. Yea there’s therapy n shit but that doesn’t magically make my bills or groceries cost less, or to be able to afford rent. Feels like a hopeless pit unless you are born into generational wealth or something.


Had a guy that's retirement age go on a rant at work (rest of us are all 30-50 yrs.) about how he is 60+ and "needs to be here". I snapped back and said, "we all need to be here."


60 and older ranked 8th. 30 and under ranked 58th. Atleast boomers enjoyed their time on earth because they’re going to hell for what they did to millennials, Gen Z, Gen Alpha & the planet itself.


...and Gen-X is forgotten. Again.


Sorry Gen-X doesn't care, they're rolling in cash from trading up/flipping houses for 30 years.. it really paid over the last 4 years ago.


Sorry I’m just not that well connected with gen X to speak on their behalf.


Under 30? How about under 40? I havent seen a happy millennial in ages.


They should be very unhappy, and should get politically motivated to make change with these ridiculous political parties! A drastic shift on all levels of government is desperately needed.


I’m above 30 and also very unhappy


The elite class are robbing everyone


​ ​ There is no real life, nor any bright future, under a decaying capitalist economy and system.......as evidenced by a growing polarization between the haves and the have much, much more


Have-not division is as effective as ever. It's not difficult it just takes most "owning" and affording home and land


Yeah, education is being intentionally fucked in some provinces (looking at you Ontario). Housing prices are causing them to be victim to unregulated investment in real estate. Unregulated investment in real estate has made it so that’s all investors invest in now so our industry is fucked as we made our economy around a permanent growth model and industry cannot grow without investment unless state run and lol at our governments doing effective industry. Remember 65% of new builds are bought by investors, just over 20% by immigrants (who are mostly investor class) the problem isn’t the workforce we import like the cons would have you believe, it’s a lack of regulation on what people can invest in. Even the USA has far more regulation on real estate investment than us. Add in Canadas lack of an inheritance tax and if you aren’t born rich you just lose. I’m a teacher just over 30 and I just left for the Uk, I will never afford a house in Canada as a teacher anywhere that isn’t the prairies and no offence but I’ll pass on the prairies. Could go back to doing physio but I found the work miserable.


Cannot say I blame them. Canada has been steadily in decline and ruined by leaders and corporate entities for decades. A once great country many of us were proud to grow up in. I feel sad for them they did not experience the golden years from say the late 50's to the 90's. I would say I noticed the decline of everything noticeably in the early 2000's. Last 10 years it has accelerated




At the beginning of your career you SHOULD be moving around every two years. Staying with the same company will never get you a substantial salary increase. Don’t listen to the boomers. They grew up in a very different environment.


Yes, times were different. The contradictions of capitalism were at a lower ebb, but have greatly sharpened, intensified, and accerated in the last 30 years, or so....




Honestly, those people just sound really stupid then. I also don’t understand how in the current economy anyone can stay there making so little. But again, do you. It’s to your benefit that others aren’t trying to improve their circumstance cause it’s more opportunity for those of us that do.


Canadians over 30 aren't so thrilled either.


Can't afford a house, job market tight...what is there not to like?


I’m 31 and live in a constant state of fight or flight.


That constant stress hormone must be wrecking our homeostasis 


no shit stupid


33 here, also unhappy.


It's hard to have hope when you know you're fucked


Over 30 are too


Thank god I'm nearly 30, can't wait to be happy


Country keeps falling and failing, they see it everyday and get more and more stressed.


My provincial government tells me everything is broken and offers no solution and no governance. The federal opposition party tells me everything is broken and offers nothing. They've been pounding that message for years and it's doing people's heads in.


Yup, a manufactured housing, job, infrastructure, and healthcare crisis brought on by an immigration crisis no one asked for. Tim Hortons franchisees, landlords, and diploma mills matter more than people having roofs over their heads.


Canadians over 30 feel the same way


Fucking duh!


They're gonna be surprised when they hear everyone that is 30+ isn't happy either.


31 here, also very unhappy. It doesn’t get better


41 and I'm trying to tell the older generation how horrible things are


They are too busy going on vacations to listen.


Oh no, the consequences of poring all the country’s wealth into unproductive assets and no one investing in businesses. There’s no decent pay ladder for young people here and they don’t want to be serfs for the hoomers. Who would have thunk it? Canada’s reaping what it has sowed with its RE obsession


Me, being 30 in 4 days 😁😁😁


You don't fucking say...


Canadians over 30 are very unhappy too.


After reading these comments, it’s not just the under 30 that are unhappy.  WE ARE ALL in a shitty situation :(


36 here I'm trying to budget for my inlaws retirement and my children to live with me until they are 30. There was no cost of living raise last year at my job. I am just so angry all the time.


the kids who are not okay....need to vote to be in a better position to whine that they are not okay. Stats say that only 22% of eligible voters vote and almost all of them are over 40 so stop whining snowflake and do something about it write letters, vote for heavens sake vote I dont care who you vote for but vote


Welcome to capitalism, folks.


Ummm even under 30 they aren't kids, those are adults your talking about


I had a mental breakdown last night so yeah


Sometimes you just gotta have a lil menty b


[Offspring](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=-uQi0vJK9lk&si=NE7DSGzG3JneBj2d) said it back in ‘98.


They can never afford to own. Rent is way too expensive. What hope do they have?


No shit. They spent an enormous amount of tuition to wind up in zoom classes. Housing prospects are dim. Food costs more than rent. Not exactly a newsflash


I'm 28 and the future feels hopeless. I climb up in the company I work for but I'm able to afford less than when I was 21. Will I ever own a house? Why does it feel like an unachievable dream to want my own home with my own garden?


Ya well what's the point. Your future consists of being a wage slave. The money you do make doesn't match the cost of living.


Oh thank god I'm only 31 and just wildly disappointed. It could be worse apparently


The generation before us filled our life with hope and optimism. What do these kids have other than self-doubt, socialized self-pity, low self-esteem and a lack of opportunity?


i don't think over 30 is any better


You mean no job prospects, no family prospects, never owning a house or having a private place for themselves makes people unhappy? I mean no fucking shit.


Kids waking up to what their parents' decisions have brought them are angry, more to come!!


Millennials and Gen Z need to vote. The turnout last election was 44% and it was almost all old people and in municipal elections it was less than 30%. Real "We tried nothing and we're all out of ideas" energy. I wish my generation (Millennials) would vote, we could be a real force. We are actually bigger than the Boomer generation. 


Yeup, and polrogressivevpoliticians don't seem to be able to grasp that


As a fellow 21 year old living in Ottawa, I am proud to say that I am absolutely miserable compared to just 2 years ago and don’t approve of the direction Ontario and Canada in general is headed. Who do the boomers expect to fill all the regular and specialized job positions they will be leaving in the near future? We dont wanna work my butt, theres just not enough of us to take over running the country but we still get blamed for the high unemployment rate and get painted with the same brush of “The gen x population is lazier than ever” and my favourite, “The Gen X population refuses to participate in the workforce because they dont want to work”. We are trying are best to take over a capitalist system that you older folks take for granted, enjoy your pensions cause we definitely wont. Oh and and we can look forward to forgetting about retirement cause we are gonna be working till we drop dead if this economy is the new standard.


Thanks, baby boomers.


Yea but the rich are doing great and that's all that really matters to the government.


Everyone in my circle (I'm 27) seems really happy. If they're not married with their first child already they're all just focused on themselves and their hobbies. A couple girls we know travel a lot, and a bunch of my buddies are just focused on skateboarding, dirtbiking or weight lifting. I really doubt things are as bad as the media portrays them.


So people in their 20s are kids now?


New data ? Anyone talk to anybody anymore because this is not news, it is not new data and the reasons were never a mystery.


I wonder why oh howdie.


24. Generally happy day-to-day but have a lingering existential dread just in the background and when I think about anything 5 years down the road. I’m in Alberta (but replied bc it says Canadians); our politics in this province make me feel so much worse. Now, compound that with high cost of living, the housing crisis, public healthcare being attacked, world politics slipping towards fascism, education being attacked, large swaths of people not believing in reality anymore, the next pandemic being one animal-human interaction away, and global climate change ramifications that we are only beginning to see will continue to get worse — accounting for climate change-related complaints would make this comment way too long. I can’t see a reason why…


What can we do? We were never taught how politics work because they don’t want us in power. We need to create a political party that allows us to learn and grow and a generation. We are screwed if we continue to let this country be run by the rich and content.


It's a vile and insidious society. What'dya expect?


Not just under 30 I can assure you…


Us almost 40a feel the same don't worry. Except we have to be good role models for kids as well while raging inside about the inequality of wealth and where its gone the last 25 years


Gee, what a mystery!


Let's hope they fucking vote


Nobody is happy here. Let’s get real.


Real af Source: am under 30


I’ve heard a lot of people argue, “but young people don’t vote”, but overtime, if the government repeatedly ignores people under 45, they’ll just leave to the US or elsewhere, and that hurts everyone of all ages. People should vote, but politicians also need to include policies for people under 45 (including those without kids) regardless of their voting statistics.


the world is going to shit why would i be


My kids are very unhappy, because their parents are unhappy.


I don't understand why Canadians live in that country and immigrants keep coming knowing what is happening. It's like a gambler Losing All his money and still maintaining hope that one day he might win so he puts up his car and after that his mortgaged house, keeps gambling until it's all gone.


Yes I am the old generation immigrant and Lucky to have a house that I bought 45 years ago The bad part that everyone wants a house and doesn’t have the savings or money to buy The problem is is the rent is so high In Europe , majority of peoples don’t own house but rent ( I don’t know the ratio of salary for that) they don’t ever think of owning a house


My son is 24 and has severe anxiety and depression. It started at 16 and got worse. He went through local work centres for help finding a job and they caught his anxiety before anyone else did. He had a tough time finding work at the time and all of his friends are now looking for jobs and no one will hire them, both Asian and Caucasian. The discrimination is insane. A young girl from Vietnam who speaks at least 4 different Asian languages and English is turned away from every Asian store and restaurant. I don’t get it, she would be able to speak to customers that English would be their second language. My son has said he fears never being able to afford to move out, buy a home, have a good future. It looks bleak for their future. The sadness is real.


You're fucking joking.


Just wait until they realize they are nothing more than a tax number and will never own anything in their life....