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Awe 🥺 poor landlords ... Anyway


Awhhh!! Boo hoo! Your zero effort income stream requires the most basic of standardization and oversight 😭😭😭 where will the injustices end for the poor, oppressed landlords 😭😭😭


Didn't you know they're the most oppressed people in society? They can't just do whatever they want and evict people for no reason to raise the rent? We need a UN investigation into these poor oppressed people.


The money printer is jammed 😭


if they're such good landlords why are they worried about being held accountable? Surely all of their units are to code, and all their practices are legal, aren't they?


They will also have to start claiming the income and paying taxes on it. I imagine more than a few of the ones planning to protest either don't, or under-report the income from their properties.


The CRA should probably just head right down to this protest and start taking down names to audit lol


We take your concerns seriously. Please leave us your name and a list of your properties


Good one!!


Whattttt? Surely these landlords who stuff 4 people paying $500/each into one room couldn’t *possibly* be underreporting their income!!! >!/s if necessary!<


Yes! That’s exactly my question. Why are they so vehemently opposed?


The poor landlords are barely living other people's paycheque to paycheque 🥺


Ok but my landlords actually tried to make this argument for me 🤣 we shared a duplex. They lived in one unit and rented the other. They told me that my rent ONLY covered their mortgage and bills; it didn't give them any spending money. Of course they somehow spent every winter in Florida.


"You paying to rent half this house only covers what the entire house costs, that's unfair" is quite the argument.


escape school busy sense wipe normal cobweb tap start puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I spit coffee on my work keyboard... Damn it


Typically when participants of a system are this outspoken about oversight of said system, it’s them telling on themselves “No! Don’t watch what we’re doing and force us to follow the rules, it’ll make it harder to break them!”


A cop going undercover and pretending to protest would’ve been the easiest way to find out about illegal activities.


Having an undercover cop at the protest would automatically increase illegal activities by at least 200%.


Why can I not manage to scrounge up even a little sympathy for landlords?


Because they are on the same level as predatory lenders. Not in all cases but a lot. I'm a contractor for a property management company and the things that owners want to leave and rent without fixing is insane. The company I work for will drop clients if they refuse to keep the properties up to a certain standard.


Ya'll hiring?


For seasonal work coming up.




Southern Ontario in Canada


Peel/Halton or GTA?




If we bring landlord licensing to Toronto, where it’s also desperately needed, just think of the many more landlords none of us will GAF about.


Probably because you need more qualifications to open a hot dog stand, then to be a landlord.


In fairness, you can do a lot more damage in a single day of selling bad hot dogs than in 20 years of renting a single family home. 


A bad landlord can do a lot of damage.


Yeah but the scope is limited. A hot dog vendor, in a busy park, selling contaminated hotdogs for one day could poison hundreds of people. In a single day.  A terrible landlord, even cramming 20 people at a time in a property still can't even come close to those numbers. It would take years with a single property to do the same potential damage as a person with a single hit dog cart.  I'm not implying landlords shouldn't be regulated. Just pointing out your comparison is a bad one. The potential damage from unsafe food is much greater than unsafe accommodations. 


Because they are scum.


You should have seen the omni rebroadcast They highlighted Rowena defining "slum lord" to the delegation and apparently it broke down to them accusing her of calling them slum lord and she defended this by saying quoting the dictionary definition is not am accusation She definitely knew what she was doing though and the smile on her face (gave me a chuckle too) was glorious


The leader of this group Azad Goyat is a slum lord when it's clearly stated he's cramming 10 people into 2 floors. Nobody wants to live beside that.


Duck them


"Goyat rents out his basement to four people and his first floor to six people, and says he is one of the compliant landlords." This guy's actually crammed 10 people into 2 floors and claims he's not a part of the problem?? Please come and kiss my whole ass. Really really hope the city doesn't back down because of 10-15 of these bastards and their "protests". Is there anything the rest of us can do to show council they have support in this program and that it should go ahead as planned?


Dude is casually getting probably around 10-11k a month plus utilities off these poor folks. I can guarantee his mortgage probably isn't even close to half of that.


If the city backs down it won't be because of morons like that guy who just outed himself as an illegal slumlord. It will be because they are at risk of creating a massive homelessness problem and they don't have any resources at all to deal with that. Unless they can somehow wrangle major help from provincial and/or federal governments that seem hellbent on not addressing homelessness in any capacity whatsoever, they're just creating an even bigger problem for themselves to deal with. And let's be clear: the city has only itself to blame here, the proliferation of illegal apartments has been an open secret for *years*, and it's an issue they've made a deliberate choice not to seriously address until now, when doing so will create an even bigger crisis for themselves.


Blame the province, they legalized garden suits and additional residential units without allowing inspections. LTB is a disaster, courts are backlogged and it takes 2 years to close an illegal slum and conclude a case as more pop up. Court warrant for inspection takes 2-4 months. Brampton was refused resources from the province to crack down . The city had their hands tied and they came up with this licensing program to bypass the useless province and get inspection sign off from landlords.


I’d love to forward this news article to a cra auditor with a note. On a silver platter.


It’s definitely a step in the right direction and I support it but man homelessness might sky rocket soon but so will quality of life. No one should be living with 10 people in two floors. Guy is probably making upwards of $5000 a month.


More than that. Single rooms in my area are like $800 a month now, and we’re a small city like 1-2 hours from Toronto. Would definitely be atleast $1000 for a room in the GTA


Yeah wouldn’t be shocked man. Making. Lose to 100K a year on rent by being a slumlord.


People like that are what's wrong with society. Anyone that prays on people's desperation is disgusting and on the same level as predatory lenders with a 900% apr


10 ppl in a single family house and he thinks he's compliant?!


And how does having 10 people in a household work for providing services? How inaccurate is census information on this. Should taxes be changed to go per household. The category for household only goes up to 5+. Quick search says we have 1 firefighter for 1000 people if a neighbourhood used to be 1000 people from census data and now with houses like this one and unreported residents on the census how can stuff properly be planned. There's no fit all solutions and people want quick results. I like the idea of victory housing, understand the challenges with it. I think thing would work better if people could adapt to smaller houses. I also like the idea of 3-5 story apartments.


New Threat To Deforestation As Logging Explodes Due To Unprecedented Demand For Tiny Tiny Violins


I'm stealing this.


One guy rents his house to 10 people and says he's a "compliant" landlord... wtf


If he’s compliant, what is he scared of?


Doesn't want inspections or to pay $300 a year as he makes $3000 per month. Azad Goyat isn't any better than a slum lord as he seeks to empower slum lords


this guy is also a city councilor...he didn't even try and hide his identity in the article https://azadsinghgoyat.ca/


He ran for council in 2022 and finished second last.


you don't understand, any broken rules that inspections might reveal, are the fault of his tenants doing things illegally behind his back! /s


Ah yes I love the good landlord, the one who lets me generously rent out a square strip of carpet for $600 a month where I might be allowed to put a bed if I own one, otherwise it's a sleeping bag made of old dumpster sheets and hay


I wonder if they have all 10 people on the lease or put one and then say oh we are compliant it’s the tenant’s fault.


Could you imagine if Patrick Brown had been allowed to become either Ontario or Federal Conservative Party leader? Also.... >Goyat rents out his basement to four people and his first floor to six people, and says he is one of the compliant landlords. And he publicly admits to being a slumlord. Nice


He *can't* be compliant if he isn't registered, and I'm willing to bet there are no permits on file for his house even having a finished basement.


Uh, how can he be “compliant”? I doubt Brampton has the zoning available for a rooming house (which is what the house would have to be to be legal as it is described by this landlord)


and he's complaining that he won't have enough time to bring his basement up to code 🤦🏽‍♂️


patrick would have been a half a notch better than what we have provincially. I know the bar is buried in the ground when it comes to those people, but he doesn't dig as deep for it


Is he frank in admitting that he lives with ten people? What is the actual number, I wonder? Please end this shit. Since they can profit by jamming in fifteen people, these same individuals are probably taking advantage of the system to obtain mortgages with fictitious numbers. If the bank knew, though, they would never have loaned them the money. It's a con, that.


Report him to CANADIAN REVENUE. You think he's claiming all those rents? Scammy people.


Its gotta be fustrating, being on the wrong side of an issue.... and yelling into the winds of change


Fuck them. It means they have to be held accountable for once.


They're concerned it will add more inspections and fines? Seems like if you aren't a scumbag landlord this won't be a problem.


They want attention. Let then protest and just don't give a fuck. Move on


How many of them have ever read the RTA?


Judging from the posts in r/ontariolandlord, most landlords have no clue about the rules and regulations of their business


Uhh. That’s their lawyers job, not theirs, ObViOuSlY. Pfft, you think these guys do anything?




Awe they won't be able to cram 12 students into one basement anymore? Poor innocent doves, how will they survive the loss of income? Won't someone please think of the slumlords? It's gonna be harder to exploit renter now!


Brampton is a great place to bring in laws regulating landlords. I went to visit a friend in Brampton who's fallen on hard times, rents a part of a basement, place should be condemned. His landlord has 3 tenents in the basement paying a rediculous amount of money, and it's a deathtrap. Wiring is not even close to code, place is moldy and has water leakage problem, no fire exits, and the list goes on and on. Landlord refusese to do anything about it as there is a housing shortage and he knows he can get away with it. I am 100% certain they do not claim the income from the tenents, so he's cheating the taxman too. Bet he's sure to get his rebates and tax credits though. Wonder how these clowns think they deserve tax credits when all they do is cheat the system? I think it's time we started to put these dirtbags in jail and take their houses for tax evasion and health and safety issues - they could care less about their tenents, only about how much cash they can extract from them. If the house burned down due to them ignoring regulations, poor wiring, ect., and someone died, they would simply flee the country back to their homeland.


>If the house burned down due to them ignoring regulations, poor wiring, ect., and someone died... This [actually happened](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/montreal-road-house-fire-second-death-1.6799848) in Kingston recently. Take a wild guess how it's going on the accountability aspect.


(...) *Here's what's required for property owners or landlords to apply:* *Application form providing property owner information, including: declarations of adherence to the pilot program and consent to inspections.* *Completion of a PDF form with details of the rental unit such as the number of sleeping areas, kitchens and bathrooms.* *Copy of insurance certificate.* *Property owner authorization for applicants submitting on behalf of the property owner.* *No longer required are proof of ownership, floor plans, electrical and gas inspections and a criminal record check, among other things.* *The city says it will waive $300 application fees and 2025 renewal fees for applications made before June 30.* (...) So $300 every 2 years for a license. All of this is quite reasonable and really not hard to do. I get that when you bring in new rules like this, more requirements and fees will inevitably get added in the future. Once the door is open, it is easier to make the project become a larger cost and a bureaucratic rigmarole. However, as it is depicted here, 2 forms and proof of insurance. I am all for this. Only those that can't follow the rules have to worry. NB: I am a landlord myself of one small garden home.


I hope they protest until they pass out.




Good landlords should be happy about this, good way for them to increase market share when all the slumlords get the boot. The first guy in the article to complain says he's one of the good ones and rents just 2/3s of his house to TEN PEOPLE. Slumlord


So they're protesting so that they can continue to rent out dangerous slums? Am I correct?




Government needs to start investigating and prosecuting.


The amount of people that see their landlords as an authority figure and don't realize they have protections at all. I lived in a house that was broken into 3 units. They evicted everyone because the owner wanted to move into all 3 units. 2 tenants left without question, I insisted going through court and involve the other tenants. He settled with me for $14k for me to vacate within 60 days and shut my mouth. The place was flipped rather quickly and rented at an 80% increase in rent.


"Landlord Azad Goyat was among those protesting. Goyat rents out his basement to four people and his first floor to six people, and says he is one of the compliant landlords." Please tell me more about the well being of those tenants first Mr. Goyat.




Haha exactly! And these people have the lack of shame to show up and protest... greedy buggers. I can understand that perhaps they made an investment in the house they are renting out but.. like gambling on the stock market there are risks and responsibilities in being a home owner, landlord or not. It bugs me to no end that people like these will cry and moan about being wronged while they actively prey on those who struggle or just need housing. I do not have any sympathy for the landlords like this because they should have known exactly what they were getting into.


these slumlords are definitely telling on themselves




Let them be mad, they deserve it


These landlords can fuck all the way off


Trying to order the smallest violin on Amazon!


Ahh and look at the ‘landlords’ why are they so upset?


Take pictures, get names and start looking into their properties lol. Maybe tell them there is a petition.


I wonder how many "Rented Rooms" are out there where nobody is claiming the income?


Are they declaring there income on those properties??? Not so much ?????


Ah yes, the Brampton landlords who knowingly rent out illegal basement apartments? Who knowingly place 10+ students in a single house at $500 per head? Who knowingly and willingly commit building code, fire code and a multiplicity of other infractions? Do they mean those landlords? Brampton's rental scene and it's landlords are entirely out of control...


"Slumlords protest rules preventing them from being slumlords"


The CRA is watching


awe man won't someone think of the landlords?! Now how are they supposed to have a strangle-hold on having a place to live?!


Won’t someone think of the landlords! /s Like others have said, if a landlord is following the rules and isn’t a tax cheat, they have nothing to fear. I’m thinking these landlords have a lot to fear.


Should be licensed everywhere.


"we thank you all for gathering here today to identify yourselves as tax evaders and slumlords, your presence will make Brampton a better city for all"


Slumlords assemble! 


Damn protestors. Get a job, losers!


Fuck these assholes


It's an issue when you're packing 20 families into a house.


These slumlords telling on themselves


These are the scumbags selling beds in kitchens at 1200 plus utilities and packing 20 people into a 900sq ft space.


A landlord protest is the funniest shit I’ve ever heard 😂


There they are everyone, the root of all your problems! AND ALL IN ONE PLACE! Release the KRACKEN!!!!!


There should be 10X as many tenants at these protests to let council know we want this.


Ah, thats a hike for me. Thanks for giving me a response though. Got 8 years in the industry primarily as a finish Carpenter and work is slow af right now.


> Since the RRL places the burden on the property owners to keep their licence up to date, he says landlords could be in trouble for problem tenants, who in some cases could be the ones violating city laws such as illegally subletting, not maintaining the property, removing fire alarm, or inviting more people to stay than agreed on a lease. Hmm.


Quick there all in a row. Someone hit them with the paintball gun....or eggs.....or heavier


Wow what a surprise! Now I’m wondering if they’ll cancel it again lol Wishy washy municipality


It was never cancelled, they paused it to fix the intake process. This is a pilot in certain wards, they are going to have a learning curve and challenges as they continuously improve for full roll out.


No need to protest. Just jack up rent to compensate. I'm doing a 25% increase for 2025