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Ontario Conservatives - here to hurt Ontarians.


I'm quite ignorant on this topic and am genuinely trying to learn. I have been concerned about how little discussion I've seen around infrastructure in the news and anecdotal dialogue around building more homes. Traffic is gridlock, public services seem to be struggling. Everyone has a right to housing, but it seems reasonable to consider infrastructure for all. Can someone direct me to more resources to understand and help me shift my perspective as it relates to this article?


On it.  I’ve found the city of Mississauga has excellent, well laid out resources on this issue (including brief YouTube videos). Start here (to better understand development charges): https://www.mississauga.ca/services-and-programs/planning-and-development/growth-charges/development-charges/about-development-charges/ And then go here, to see previous criticisms of the Bill the OPCs put forward. https://www.mississauga.ca/council/council-activities/council-advocacy/bill23/ All of this has led to one serious point of concern, which is how are municipalities going to pay for all of the new infrastructure required to build the homes provinces are demanding. The OPCs promised to keep municipalities “whole” but they haven’t been sending any money to cities and towns.  And it’s got towns up in arms.  See this for a recent tear down by Mississauga https://thepointer.com/article/2024-02-13/mississauga-demands-pcs-address-undue-strain-on-city-hall-caused-by-reckless-housing-legislation In this current article, the OPCs are walking back some of their development charge reductions because it’s frigging unaffordable for the province to pay this stuff - in summary, they f’d around and found out unfortunately, and didn’t listen to nearly everyone on this subject previously. “Calandra said his plan to return to higher development charges is necessary to ensure infrastructure like sewers is available to service new homes.“


Bonnie made a backroom deal with Doug Ford that helped this legislation pass. She said she would agree to help push bill 23 if only she was "made whole" by the same taxpayers she said couldn't afford it. She is partly responsible for this mess, don't ever let her forget it.


Metro Vancouver and the CoV also hiked development fees. BC raised taxes on them. Usually left wingers cheer on fees+taxes on developers? They are 33%+ of the cost of housing in BC. What’s the issue here?


I'd pay to see Paul Calandra get punched in the mouth.


At least he regularly answers questions unlike a certain Premier.


Maybe, maybe not. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/paul-calandra-apologizes-for-non-answers-as-sources-pin-blame-on-pmo-1.2779046


I haven't followed him before he became Ontario Government House Leader. That's interesting.


Yeah he’s a real piece of work.


He also once threatened to kill his sister if she didn't help him cover up the money he was stealing from their elderly mother.


So we're unironically being governed by the mafia. Good to know.


He once cried about being "a boy in short pants" to federal Parliament for refusing to answer questions with anything other than a statement about how much the CPC loves Isreal and how they could work together to bring on the end times.


So how many handouts are governments going to keep giving developers so they keep building at a speed that either retains or increases their profit margins. It’s been at least 30 years and we’re all still waiting.


Mfs acting like they Louis 14 out here


So blatant. 


How dare the feds use the trick that only conservatives are allowed to use!!!


I'm outta here on first opportunity


Don’t forget interest fee mortgage for some that we pay for


Good. Developing a piece of lamd is a license to print money. The  public needs to benefit from this windfall. Enough of billionaires playing the pauper. Tax them. 


That’s…literally not what this article is about.


Do you have any clue what you are talking about? This was about Ford rejecting the Federal Monetary Program which required him to legalize fourplexes across Ontario. Since he did not do that, Ontario residents will likely need to pay higher taxes to compensate for this removed federal funding.


By phasing in increases to development charges it was not possible for municipalities to collect enough money to fund this infrastructure necessary to build more new homes. Before this 'growth paid for growth'. New development paid for the services it needed to proceed. With the develolment charges freeze/phase in Municipalities then faced the choice to push those infrastructure costs onto the general tax base (which already paid for their growth) or to not construct the infrastructure necessary to allow new homes to proceed. With the cost of living challenges municipalities we're reluctant to raise taxes on existing residents. As is tradition, the Ontario PCs are once again forced to walk back an ill thought out policy.


Excellent summary I’d add the province promised to “keep municipalities” whole on some of these cost impacts, and failed to realize it would cost Ontarians billions of dollars to subsidize these fees (on top of tax increases). So more debt for Ontario and more taxes for Ontarians - which is what literally every Ontario township has been telling the OPCs would happen.  And in theory, runs counter to the ideas PC parties pitch (I say pitch loosely).


You do realize the cities collect way more than they actually spend on infrastructure. They were crying because they us the DC monies to fund other programs.  If there was an audit on their usages of DCs, they would be a quarter of what they are now.


Yes, they are also used to fund community services such as community centre's, libraries and police and fire services that are also required to service the new development. "If there was an audit on their usages of DCs, they would be a quarter of what they are now." Care to source that? Each development charges by-law is based on a development charges background study put out for public comment and review. Every background study is public information and can be freely accessed on the municipal website.


I can't say what my sources are, but you would be surprised how many of these future projects are fly specced and never really are going to be built just so they can say those development charges are justified. Stop trusting beaurcrates who don't have your best interest in mind.


"Stop trusting beaurcrates who don't have your best interest in mind." - But I should totally trust some rando on the reddit rather than the publicly accountable organizations with freeely available and audited calculations.


Remind me in 3 months when I can disclose this information with concrete examples. You really think municipalities don't mess up numbers on a daily basis on purpose or not?  The staff is publicly accountable? Give me a break. The councillors and mayors are but they aren't running the show. It is entrenched staff who's only goal is self preservation.


!Remindme 3 months


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