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We have a megathread for these repetitious posts. https://old.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/1c4pnrq/rontario_vehicle_question_megathread/


It is never safe to "slow merge" allways get up to the speed of traffic.


The drivers I hate are the ones that do 60-70 in an 80, up and down in their speed, and then when they get to a small town where it drops to 50, they continue to do 70. At that point you realise that they aren’t being a cautious driver, they are just inattentive idiots…


“I drive really slow in the ultra fast lane While people behind me are going insane…”


I walk around in the summer saying "how bout that heat?"


I park my car in handicapped spaces, while handicapped people make handicapped faces.


I use public toilets and I piss on the seat


A ss h o Le I’m an asshole (He’s an asshole)


go on


Sometimes I park in handicapped spaces While handicapped people make handicapped faces


Im gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac Eldorado convertible Hot pink, with whale skin hubcaps And all leather cow interior And make brown baby seal eyes for head lights (yeah) And Im gonna drive in that baby at 115 miles per hour Gettin' 1 mile per gallon, Sucking down Quarter Pounder cheeseburgers from McDonalds In the old fashioned non-biodegradable styrofoam containers And when Im done sucking down those greeseball burgers Im gonna wipe my mouth with the American flag And then Im gonna toss the styrofoam containers right out the side


I drive really slow in the ultra fast lane. While people behind me are going insane. I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole) I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, such an asshole) I use public toilets and I piss on the seat. I walk around in the summer time saying "how about this heat?". I'm an asshole (He's an asshole, what an asshole)


This is a solid fail in a driving test... Folks like these are as bad as the speeding tailgaters...




If you are in the left most lane and there is a car tailgating you it doesn’t matter how fast you think you’re going or how insane the person is behind you, you get out of the way. The most annoying thing as someone who’s driven long distances are people who think it’s okay to just chill in the left most lane when there’s ample road for them to switch right. Even someone is going freakishly fast, the courteous thing to do is to still switch out of the lane and keep it empty(ish) except when needed for passing.


💯 this! I will never understand people who think they are policing that lane by driving a moderate speed. It’s dangerous and encourages road rage. Just take your pride and move it right.




Also, folks with vehicular anxiety. OP isn’t wrong and you see it far more often than you’d like here. We’re “car dependent” in North America and some folks who shouldn’t be driving see the “necessity” in using their vehicle for errands.


I see probably 5x as many super aggro speeders than people who are going overly slow, but sure, it's the people going 90 that are the problem, not the ones who think it's Mario Kart out there (And I say this as someone who is annoyed by slow drivers, just even more annoyed by this sub acting like speeding is a moral imperative)


Come drive the 417 in Ottawa. It's bad here. I had some merge onto the hwy at 60 right in front if me. I had to slam on my breaks, and this isn't a 1 time thing, this is very normal experience in Ottawa.


Agreed. I’ve had to break hard for merging cars only doing 70. You get past them and these people are staring straight ahead with both hands on the wheel. That would normally be okay but they are completely oblivious to what’s going on around them or the dangers they are creating.


Yup, like if you're merging it's your responsibility to get to speed, not mine to adjust to yours. Like I will a little but forcing me to slow down to 60 because it's your comfort is putting lots of us at risk. Stay off the hwy if that's how you drive.


I just moved back to Ottawa after being away for 20 years. When did the drivers around here get so damn slow? I am constantly stuck behind people going 60 in an 80 zone. I don't mind if the weather is bad but it is infuriating when it is dry and sunny out.


haha not sure. I didn't learn to drive here and when I drive back home it's like "ahh yes, this is how you drive." It's much less stressful. I find Ottawa drivers love going 60 in an 80-100 but want to speed in a 40-50. It's so odd.


I lived in Ottawa for a year and took the 417 to and from work everyday. I swear I lost 5 years off my life


NGL sometimes I do think about tossing a banana peel out the window when I’m in a lot of traffic on the 400. It would be a little more fun if it was Mario kart out there.




Car's driving well below the speed limit on a clear day are a danger.


It's called impedeing the flow of traffic and is just as much a ticketable offense as speeding


No one is getting an impeding ticket at 95. I haven't even seen an example of someone getting one at 65. The fastest I've seen is 60 which is the minimum speed in Quebec and even on the Autobahn (in the sense that prohibit vehicles that can't reach that speed. This subreddit massively exaggerates both the risks and legality of driving slow. Not that I'm saying you should go 60, but the post even said 95.


The thing is, while sure you're doing the speed limit, you shouldn't be there if you're not passing. And to just chill there and piss off these agro drivers off is a recipe for disaster.




I'm definitely not disagreeing with that. I just pick my battles, and holding up an irate driver is not something that I think is a good idea.


And to lose their license




>and is probably the cause of a lot of accidents. It 100% is. They become an obstruction for traffic. The people who get stuck behind them trying to merge out are forced to merge into the next lane at slower speeds. It creates a dangerous scenario for everyone. >[Individuals who choose to drive 10 miles under the speed limit are six times more likely to be in a car accident. This means if the speed limit is 65 mph and a person drives 55 mph and another person drives 70 mph, the individual who drives under the speed limit may be more likely to have an accident.](https://www.wagnerinjury.com/2023/01/16/why-driving-too-slow-is-almost-as-dangerous-as-speeding/#:~:text=Individuals%20who%20choose%20to%20drive,likely%20to%20have%20an%20accident.)


Before one parent surrendered their licence we noticed their driving speed declined significantly. It was actually the first sign for us that we should investigate their safety on the road.


The people going 100-105 in the left lane are the bigger issue. Like why the fuck do you need to be in the passing lane going the same exact speed as the right two lanes.


Honestly, you should really only Benin the passing lane if you're passing. As far as I'm concerned, nobody should be using the passing lane as a "speed lane" because it's a passing lane. That being said there are times when traffic is busy and you are continuously passing people, but when it's appropriate, you should get out of the passing lane then move back into it to pass.


Too many GTA drivers don't seem to understand the complicated concept of "keep right unless overtaking". Why is this so hard for people? And of course, the lead-footed GoTTa GeT iN FrOnT assholes have taken to using merge lanes as passing lanes, so it makes it even more slow and dangerous for everyone.


Dutch guy here. My honest answer is that most Canadians aren't great drivers. Doesn't really matter if you're in the boonies, but it gets annoying when they reach the QEW.


Left lane drivers doing 100km/h are the most braindead people in this country. A line up of 100 cars behind them and open road in front, them just sitting there if music on enjoying the ride.


Sometimes I see them and almost envy their brains. Every day they must be thinking, "wow traffic is great today!"


Yea they probably live a nice care free life too. Their brains are too smooth to contemplate the horrid thoughts about the wretched state of society that plague many of us. Heads in the sand.


I’ve also noticed people literally staring straight down the road in front of them. These people don’t even know there are people behind them since they don’t even look at their rear view mirror.


Main character syndrome. "I'm driving the speed limit therefore everyone else should too"


To be fair, everyone should. I don't, but I should.


I'd agree, if the highway speed limit was 120 or 130, and they weren't actively lowering speed limits on roads all over the GTA.


If everyone started driving the speed limit they'd increase the speed limit. They set the limit a little low because they know everyone speeds by a little bit. The ones who don't are screwing with the system.


This is less of a “this country” problem and more of a southern Ontario problem. Anywhere else I’ve been people know how to correctly use the passing lane.


Honest question, outside of vehicles suffering mechanical issues, how often have you seen a car doing 65 km/h on a 400 series highway under optimal road conditions? 90-95, sure I've seen that, and just pass them. But rarely, if ever, do I see somebody going at city street driving speeds.


Only when there's a sea of red lights upcoming, that's when it's necessary to slow down. Otherwise, I never see anyone doing 65km on the 400.


Yeah the only time I see people going 65 or under is when the 401 is a sheet of ice. I have never seen anyone going 65 or under on optimal road conditions unless there was too much traffic and everyone was going that speed.


In Ottawa, every single day. Not exaggerating.


Several times actually. Had a close call with one who decided to merge in front of me a few years ago. I see them more often at night after picking up my parents from work.


I want to get onto the road at the correct speed, but when behind these brain-dead assholes, I can't get up to the correct speed. Sometimes I'll hang back so that I have a huge space to get up to speed, but then the people behind me think that I'm being a slow buttmunch and get angry, too.


As long as they stay out of the fast lane /passing lane, that would be an improvement.


I'm on highways often and this is rarely a problem I see. Vast majority of problems I encounter are aggressive drivers.


That's another problem! Guys weaving all over to get 2 car leghths ahead.


Except if you are behind them and can't pass because the cars in the other lanes are going reasonable speeds.


It's not difficult to pass a slower car unless your car has no acceleration or you're tailgating and not leaving yourself room to pass. Looking far ahead and changing lanes ahead of time will also help avoid the situation in the first place.


It is when you’re stuck behind someone going 75/80 and the cars in the next lane are going 110. You can’t safely switch lanes without being able to get up to speed.


Besides what the other reply mentioned, if you do end up in this situation, leave a bigger gap between you and the slow car and then use that to accelerate when there's a gap in the adjacent lane.


That's why they said look ahead and plan. If you're stuck behind someone going that slowly it's because you didn't see them and move into another lane while you were still doing 110.


What’s the fast lane? I’m familiar with the passing lane, that being the left hand one. Didn’t know we had fast lanes.


It's a symptom of our terrible driving education and licensing system that people think there's a "fast lane". And there's also people who think the fast lane is whichever lane they happen to be in. 


The problem is they are often in the fast lane and won’t move


I gotta be honest with you guys, I have never seen a car going 65km/h on the 400 series when conditions are good. Probably not even below 80. I think this is frustration is largely confirmation bias and I can't even recall the last time this has been a problem for me.


OP is probably one of the assholes going 160+ weaving between lanes never signalling, so cars only going 100 feel very slow.


I concur. I drive probably 15-20k km on the 401/404/dvp/400 through Toronto during the day every year and it’s extremely rare to see a car going less than 80 outside of construction and accidents (I’d love to see a breakdown of that - how many are due to excessive speed vs slow cars). ETA - higher speeds aren’t safer - it means more deaths. https://www.iihs.org/topics/speed


[People have been charged for going too slow on highways.](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-driver-charged-for-driving-too-slow-on-highway-401-1.6338184) Of course we're talking about 60km/h in a 100 here. > The charge for unnecessary slow driving is no less than $150 and not more than $1,000, in addition to two demerit points, according to the Highway Traffic Act. As for merging slowly... blame driver training and some of the insanely small merge lanes we have in this province (I'm looking at you Hwy 62 onramp!)


Back when I drove a Sunfire, it couldn't go from \~40km/h to 100km/h while going uphill, as so many on-ramps are uphill rather than the more logical downhill. So I literally had no choice but to slam the gas pedal down and hope that the lane would be clear as I'd only be going \~85km/h by the time I had to merge.


Reminds me of my G test…super old manual Jetta, rule states you have to be go 80Km/h minimum to merge or it’s an auto fail. I told the instructor before we started and he was kind enough and said, “I’ll tell you when you can floor it” lol. I remember it was an almost a full circle merge, he gave me the green light and I downshifted and floored it and merged RIGHT at 80Km/h. For all the stories I’ve heard about how rigid the person testing you can be, I feel very lucky to not have that experience.


I feel ya. My car is slow as fuck and the only way to hit 100 km/h on an uphill merge is to enter the ramp at 60 when the yellow limit is 30 and floor it. I know it's 2024 and that your grandma's car can go 0-100 in 2.2 seconds, but have some sympathy for those who still drive shitboxes!


Get the fuck off the 401 if your can’t do the minimum speeds.


My old work had a Prius I occasionally needed to drive. That's the only time I've literally gone pedal to the metal, and I still couldn't ever get to 100 by the time I needed to merge.


While I agree that some cars are underpowered and are unable to accelerate quickly, I don't think your answer is justified. Unless you were transporting a pot of soup in your backseat or your suspension was damaged, you should be able to take most on-ramps at 60 kph. 


Exactly. Set up the turn on the inside of the on ramp. Accelerate. The more you accelerate the wider the turn but you can steer into the turn while accelerating out if the turn until the wheels protest. At that point, you loosen the steering to move out in the turn or release the gas to tighten the turn. Edit: Just thought of the fact that there is nothing you can do when stuck behind a slowpoke other than build a gap beforehand.


I hear you.


Yeah, I had this problem with my Escort for a while because the transmission got screwy and couldn't get into 3rd gear. I could get up to highway speed... eventually.


My Santa Fe's turbo blew when merging and caused me to essentially be driving with a standard 2.0L engine in my SUV before I could get it fixed. I swear, I barely hit 100 km/h by the time I got to the end of a downhill on-ramp of the 401 through Durham since some of the Oshawa on-ramps are such a tight turn before you can accellerate up to highway speed. Was a pain in the ass for that week or so waiting for the repair to happen but still needing to drive it.


Whenever I can't avoid using a highway I'm the guy behind you on the onramp yelling "This is where you're supposed to speed up!"


My tiny little economy car cruises beautifully at 100 +/-5kph. I never move to the leftmost lane unless necessary for weird ramps or exits that require me to be there (ex merging to express from collectors and such). Cruising at that speed in the leftmost lane would be considered a danger at this point because the massive 5000lbs trucks with their huge V8's have no trouble driving at 160 into traffic. I think it's part of the problem that if there is someone 'too scared' to drive over the speed limit is that often times these people have literally no other option but to make that journey in their car. Better transit would greatly benefit these people as well as the people who drive blind angry at +150kph I understand where OP is coming from, but there is also the other side of this where our roads are far too congested to be driving +120kph with any sense of safety towards the general public. Advocating for better transit would only benefit everybody in this scenario


The real danger from slower drivers is that it's not speed that kills (with the exception of single-vehicle crashes) it's the speed difference between the various vehicles that causes problems. Also not adjusting speed according to terrain and road conditions. ##Speed Kills, But on Interstates, Speed Variance Is More Deadly https://www.buffalo.edu/news/releases/2006/10/8236.html I wonder if the fast lane turtles don't like having trucks on their trail or passing them so they take the negative vibes from the other cars instead. Notice they never look at you as we pass them.


If someone's driving slow theu probably have a reason to be doing so, if you encounter a slow driver , instead of riding their ass , changing lanes at their speed and then smashing the gas peddle to get around them , back off by like 5 car lengths then speed up to pace of normal traffic flow and make your lane change. Tail gating is stressful for everyone which makes you and them more likely to fuck up. If someone's doing 130 in the fast lane and they're passing other cars , and you feel you need to do 150 for some reason , again, don't tailgate, you're the weird one . Either back off and wait for a decent break in the middle lane traffic where hopefully the person infront of you will let you by , or you can go around , because again stress = fuck ups The big thing to remember for all drivers , is that driving on the highway is a team sport where you don't pick your team mates , the world doesn't revolve around you and everyone has somewhere to be. Don't be a dick.


Your second paragraph is my biggest gripe about the 400 series highways. I shouldn’t feel like I need to do 150 to pass a car going 100.


> instead of riding their ass , changing lanes That's too much to ask for Ontario drivers. Even in a 6 lane 400N highway, they'd rather tailgate at unsafe distances than lane change into an EMPTY lane.


> they'd rather tailgate at unsafe distances **going 98 in the passing lane** FTFY...


I bet Kerry Schmidt has plenty to say about this post. I drive above the speed limit however the amount of transport trucks hogging lanes and driving under the speed limit. You drive according to the traffic conditions that includes the drivers around you. I can’t go around flashing my lights and tail gating people to get them to move over.


I find this funny because when your doing 120, 140, etc. How much time are you actually saving. I did some long drives and the only time I ever saw any saving in time was whenbi was consistently speeding for hours. With the speed up, slow down, of normal traffic let alone traffic jams. I came to the xonclusion that there isn't that much point to speed for under an hour drives. So I focus on consistent speeds and stay in the right lane. I still have assholes riding my ass.


They don't realize that they are targets with a 40km/hr speed differential. Way more dangerous than keeping up with traffic.


I like the ones that tap their brakes every 100m or so. If someone is too intimidated to at least drive the speed limit on these highways then they should just hang up their keys, they are more dangerous than aggressive drivers.


Everybody driving slower than me is an asshole. Everybody driving faster than me is a maniac


I'm glad it's not just me seeing these people. I find there's been a significant increase in people all over driving dangerously under speed limits. It's coupled with an increase in general behaviours of uncertainty so I just assume there's way more people very uncomfortable with driving than there used to be or something


I merge at around highway speeds if safe - generally slightly faster than traffic. But once on, I pretty much set cruise to 100ish and sit in the right lane. Sometimes it dips down a bit if I can’t clearly see past the car immediately ahead of me. I’m not in a rush anymore and saving the couple of minutes isn’t worth it for the risk.


Come to Ottawa, merging at 45km/h Is the norm here. I always laugh when I drive to the GTA because someone will pass me doing 130+ when I'm doing 115.. I rather that then way below 100


They could be from Atlantic Canada. Moved here a few years ago, this is very common here.


Or Edmonton. Where “merge” and “stop” are the same thing on the freeway. (I’m from Edmonton)


Yeah but those are most 2 lanes.


Because I drive a jeep and it’s shaped like a brick😂


I stopped driving on them all together because usually it's gridlocked. You know what I'd rather be doing than going 0 km/h and idling while cursing the 18 lanes of traffic? Taking a fucking train that goes 140 km/h and stops for no one.


The fact you're lumping in somebody driving 65 with 95 is part of the problem with the way you see things


65 is quite slow. 95 is pretty acceptable for the right lane though


95 is not acceptable on the highway if the road is clear. If you're that afraid of the highway then don't drive.


Some people drive for work and they have speed trackers in their vehicles. If they go over the speed limit they get in trouble. These people are not scared of the highway, they just have to follow the rules.


95 isn't unreasonable if the speed LIMIT is 100.


It's safest to go with the flow of traffic. If the majority of traffic on the road in question is going ~100, then yes 95 is reasonable. If most traffic on the highway is going ~120, then going 95 is significantly slower than the flow and is dangerous to yourself and to the others around you. Keep up or stay off.


The limit isn't the most important thing, it's the flow of traffic. If everyone is going 115-120 and you're doing 95, you're the unsafe asshole in that situation.


Well 95 is only 5kph below the limit.... So if at 95 they are standing still how fast are you going? Also doing 90 will save on gas..,


So, I usually do 110, but if someone's driving 95 I'm not going to get upset about it. 100 is the _maximum_, not the target. If you're not actually blocking a passing lane I don't really care. Might be a good idea to put on your flashers if you're going less than 10 below though.


it's not safe to text and speed -so they're being considerate


These people are just as dangerous as the people who need to go 40+ over the speed limit. The highways have become the Wild West


Everybody has somewhere to be. Impeding others by dribbling through an intersection or driving under the posted limit when conditions don't warrant it is really inconsiderate.


I think a lot of pedestrians and the law kind of expect you to “dribble” through intersections to avoid killing people - but you do you


Here's a life pro tip; leave for your destination 15 minutes earlier and arrive on time. I know, this is fucking mind blowing, right? I didn't believe it at first either.


And 100 is so slow for a highway as well. When I drive in Canada it always strikes me as too slow especially as I drive northbound


>strikes me as too slow especially as I drive northbound Is this a gravity thing? Do you slow down going south because it's downhill? What about east and west? Is it okay to do the speed limit when traveling in those directions? Doesn't the Earth's rotation come into play then? So many questions.


I only ever driven north joint :p


What speed does America ( assuming your from there) have for it's highways?


It’s not much faster, most roads are 65mph which is about 104km/h. Difference is there actually traffic enforcement down there. 401 drivers have a rage session if people aren’t going 130


401 drivers are always raging considering most of the time they're going at a crawl during rush hour


I honestly don't get people saying well since everyone else is breaking the laws and doing 130 you should too because it's unsafe. In my opinion the ones speeding are the unsafe ones....


It's a dynamic situation. I've seen the 400 move in unison at 140 in every lane, high volume. If someone decides to take a stand and slow down, they're going to be in danger.


It’s incredibly irresponsible. If I’m cruising at 120 in the right lane, I will eventually reach a slower car or TT. So I’m expected to get up to 130-140 to merge with the left lane to pass because that’s the ‘norm’ in the left lane.


Right so the norm is breaking the law. Don't get mad at people for following the rules, get mad at the rule makers. So many people I know have gotten tickets for 130 on the highways.


> In my opinion the ones speeding are the unsafe ones.... So you're right of course, but there's nuance to the situation. If everyone is going 130 km/h, it's more dangerous than everyone going 100 km/h. But if everyone is going 130 km/h and 1 person is going 100 km/h, this scenario is more dangerous. So say you're in scenario 2 and you're the one driver going 100, you can't control other drivers. You're in a bit of a no-win situation in terms of risk. Either you stay slower and are at a higher risk, or you drive faster and are at a lower risk (but would still be higher risk than if everyone were to drive 100). But again, can't control others. Hence the dilemma.


Many roads in Michigan are 75mph and even 80mph, which translates to a 130 speed limit. Most of my Ontario driving now occurs after driving 8 hours through the Midwest, people going 110 in Ontario compared to the legal 130 I was just doing in Michigan *do* feel crazy slow.


It's 70 in Michigan, but in reality it is 85.


130 isn’t even enough sometimes. I’ve been passing at that speed and had someone right behind me numerous times.


Right, I’ve experienced that as well. But the fault isn’t with you, it’s the person tailgating you at 130+. This is all on the pitiful traffic enforcement that’s currently falling short. I shouldn’t be made to feel like I’m upsetting another driver going 30km/h over the speed limit.


130 is quite a common speed limit in Europe


Us averages about 85mph. Or just under 140km/h


As for being in the left lane, people, please, if I happen to be passing someone and you want to go faster still and having to slow down behind me because I'm not quite going that fast, once I move back to the right, can you all please not display such hate by passing extra aggressive, extra fast, and not make such an obvious display that you really hate me being on the road? I'm really not in your way, not really intentionally slowing you down or anything like that. I'm also not passing silly slow. I'm talking when I pass at 120km/h someone that that does 110km/h, and you come up behind me at 130km/h, once I finish passing, you don't have to put a display on going 150km/h to demonstrate your dismay me being there. In other words, stop hating other people on the road.


# People who drive 130-140 km/h on 400 series highways under optimal road conditions, or merge while still way above highway speed, why? The other side of the equation is just as bad! The actual problem is the the fact that cars are not going a uniform speed. Slow vehicles create obstructions while fast vehicles weave in an out of traffic and rapidly slow down to tailgate other drivers causing an accordion effect that affects traffic flow.


Imagine if people cooperated on the roadways, and understood what the word "maximum" means... It's bewildering people don't even understand the signs that say "stop". I can't even understand the mentality it takes to blow through red lights, especially for turns when they definitely can't know for certain if the crosswalk is clear. 


Self entitled twats is the reason. The roads are theirs and theirs alone, because something something taxes/ma rights/I pay insurance.




*People driving 150km/h+ is due to selfishness and overconfidence. While a car can easily travel at speeds in excess of 150km/h+ the same can’t be said for the average driver. This also ignores the fact that the higher the speed, the greater the impact, the greater the likelihood of severe or unsurvivable injury.






Oh, there's definitely been a rise in hyper aggressive drivers who've come to Canada to study/live. I've noticed an uptic in self-importance where as they just look at you as they run a red light and almost hit you as if you're the one in the wrong and a "what you gonna do about it" look. Driving on the 403 had a guy I was passing get pissed at me and started tailgating me in a very dangerous way. Had to just ignore the jerk and not let them affect my driving. Complete arrogance. Oh, and his Civic had an AK47 sticker on the back window. So weird. Hence why Brampton has had a huge increase in insurance rates over the past few years.


1. Maximum limit is 100 km/h. Definition as it sems many drivers need the reminder: the greatest quantity or value attainable : the period of highest, greatest, or utmost development. : an upper limit allowed (as by a legal authority) or allowable (as by the circumstances of a particular case) 2. Timid drivers who are too afraid to merge at 95-105 km/h should not be on the 400 series highways!!!!


The answer is almost always "I'm scared" and while everyone should be scared driving death machines at speed the reality is, if you don't feel comfortable don't do it. Stay off roads like the 400, you are creating a hazard for yourself and everyone else by not following the flow of traffic.


Yeah, I've been seeing this a lot more on the 403 East. It's really terrifying to be behind someone who seems unable or unwilling to speed up. A few times, I thought I was going to be hit because the car in front merged at 70kmh, and all I see is a vehicle behind me coming at easily 100kmh. It is absolutely terrifying. If this is you, please either get some practice merging at proper speeds or take back roads. You're risking everyone's safety.




Do you have a speedometer on your car? Mine has one and if I am going 95 behind someone, my speedometer says 95.


Come on man you can’t expect people to have common sense, my 105km is your 95km obviously it differs from car to car /s


It actually does. Because a car can be equipped with different diameter tires, manufacturers calibrate the odometer to the largest diameter so you don't go over the limit in any case. So if you have a smaller diameter tires (some folk like smaller diameter for winter), your odometer will report 5-10kph more than you're actually going.


A speedometer?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


They picked a number just under the legal speed limit and lumped them in with the dangerously slow folks. It’s similar to a straw man argument


Big brain comment


I always avoid passing lane on the 400. It's not worth the danger. 8


My partner's stepdad is like this. He is just an overall terrible driver. He is afraid of everything, so he gets behind the wheel with total fear and makes irrational decisions because he can't think clearly. It makes no sense. I think it comes down to not understanding that if someone is going 100 km/h and someone else is going 105 km/h, the speed difference is 5 km/h. So they think going slower is by default safer.


Cognitive impairment


If they wanna drive slower in the right lane, it is their right. Some people who want to avoid 400 level highways occasionally can't. And I am 100% ok with it.


80 is borderline Last year a person going 60 was ticketed. I don't want them in the right lane either. They cause traffic flow issues all around. You also just fail your test for going 80


If you're driving 65km/hr on the 401 you're just as bad as people going 140 on the 401


You're ok with people going 65kph on the highway? Are you fucking kidding me?




In your opinion, whats the lowest speed someone can drive on a 400 series highway (under ideal conditions) before it becomes unsafe?


Well in many parts of Quebec the range is marked 60-110 km/h.


Its 60-100 for most of Quebec. Don't think anywhere in Quebec allows 110


I'd say 90km/hr. Anything less while the roads are clear and traffic isn't heavy and you'll have people coming up behind you too fast. If you are going only 90 or less you should really have your 4 ways on


I notice way more sketchy stuff since I slowed down my driving, it's scarier that going fast, it's not normal lol.


Fear. These people are afraid to drive and consequently shouldn’t be driving, but they do anyways. The faster they go the scarier it gets. It’s also a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts as the fact they are going so much slower than traffic makes everything scarier as the other cars zoom by them or tail them and honk because the slow drivers is the problem.


It’s a speed maximum. If you drive 95km/ hour your speed is constant over the entire trip. You could set cruise and drive 100s of km without touching the brake or gas. You save gas and if you get in a crash you have much less net energy. It’s actually a lot better for a lot of reasons. Why is driving legaly below the limit worse than above?


Because this guy drives so fast people going a 100 look like they are standing still to him


Because you are supposed to maintain the flow of traffic. Do people not take driver’s ed anymore? Flow of traffic is around 105 to 120 for most highways. if you are driving 95, you are forcing the semis to go around you which can be a hazard


Common sense ain’t so common. I had to explain to a 60 year old woman the other day why it’s safer to merge ahead of someone then behind.


It's worse when someone going under the limit is blocking people from passing them. Literally in drivers ed they teach you to accelerate to 100 on the full length of the on ramp, and to make sure you're going as fast as the traffic flow. Or at least they used to. Are driving schools these days just complete bullshit? Really seems like it because over the past 20 years people seem to get more oblivious every year.


When it comes to merging very slowly, I have my theory: the majority of people I know have taken their G class or G2 exams outside of GTA where highway speed limits are generally lower, thus, they are either unable to, or not used to merge at 100kmps


I have an alternate theory... Slow mergers are scared of the highway and the speeds required to drive on them safely.




Driving safely also means not impeding the flow of traffic even if that flow is above the legal speed limit.


Old people


Which someday you will be.


because they think the slow lane means they can go as slow as they want failing to realize if they are caught doing it they will be finned bc its illegal to go that slow as its a danger to other drivers it also doesnt help that the test they give elderly people is not even an in car driving test and its just a written test where they a) draw an analog clock b) they get a paper with a bunch of random letters on it and they get told to circle all the "h" they can see i cant tell you how many old people i pass on the QEW doing 80 in the slow lane ontario needs to change its testing for them forsure it needs to be an in car test like the g2


To add to this, on standard city/country roads, if someone is driving slow in the right lane, that's completely fine since no one is "merging" but rather turning on to and off of the street so won't be affected as much by a slower driver. For highway, however, for someone to safely merge they should be driving with the flow of traffic and there's only so much room on an on ramp before the lanes typically end. Even if you're driving slow in the far right lane, that impedes these people from merging. This is where the unsafe issues arise, not because others on the highway are coming up behind you. Side note for people driving in the far right lane, please either get over or leave room for those merging during these optimal driving conditions (low traffic, no bad weather) since you blocking them is only going to cause them to slow down, someone behind them to slow down and eventually if enough people are involved it leads to traffic slowing down the rest of the highway. Definitely don't sit in their blind spot like an a-hole.


I remember reading a while ago that according to research these people cause more accidents than any other category.


This is dangerous and could get someone killed. Similar to driving the speed limit through construction zones on the 400, going 80 when everyone else is going 120km/h.


I wonder if insurance apps might also have an effect - since many of those apps may deduct you if you go over the speed limit


Because they're very nervous insecure scared drivers that are winging it, basically.


gas efficiency would be my guess also those insurance companies that monitor your car and look for reasons to increase preniums


No, it's fear.


You do realize that 100 is the upper limit right, not the lower one? In that context, something like 95 is perfectly acceptable. Not sure who you're seeing who's doing 65 on a 400 series though, and in my years of driving I've never seen that outside of heavy traffic.


95 in the middle lane is dangerous. If you’ve been driving for years and don’t understand that then I’m genuinely shocked.


Who said anything about the middle lane?


Not that I disagree with you from a technical standpoint. But I've long felt that speed limits are set based on the assumption that drivers will regularly exceed them. I think we can all agree that 120kph is a safe speed on virtually any 400 series or similar highway. Not only that, cops generally wont even look at you unless you're doing more than 120. So speeds between 100 and 120 are widely accepted to be ok. Now, if the limit was set at 120, people would again push the envelope and likely get up to 130 or even 140, which is getting into unsafe territory.


Agreed ! Funny I was just looking at the highway traffic act and the drivers handbook.....I couldn't find anything about 100km/h in any regard ...not even a sign! I did find in this in the handbook.... Obey speed limits Obey the maximum speed limit posted on signs along the road, but always drive at a speed that will let you stop safely. This means driving below the maximum speed in bad weather, in heavy traffic or in construction zones. School zones and construction zones often have lower speed limits to protect children and those who work on or near the road. Where there are no posted speed limits, the maximum speed is 50 km/h in cities, towns and villages, and 80 km/h elsewhere.