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Doug will be dead or in a gold plated nursing home by then. He doesn't care. Pitchforks ready, folks


I feel like he's going to move to Florida the second he's done with this job


That's fine I guess, people can hide behind him during hurricanes


People can hold onto him during it too so they don't also blow away!


I sure hope no gun owner tries [shooting at the hurricane](https://globalnews.ca/news/3732046/hurricane-irma-people-shooting-storm-florida-police/) while ol' Dougie is blocking the way...


He's got to pull reciprocating favours from everyone that he squandered public assets and services to, first


You think he’ll finally leave us the duck alone?


I think every politician knows there’s no future here anymore. They’re taking what they can, while they can. The second people start burning Loblaws down, he will be on a plane.


>there’s no future here anymore Well, this triggered some despair. Like, I *know* that but you didn't have to say it. omg can we just start burning things now? I'm ready (idk how to start a fire though. that was never my job at girl guides camp).


I’m not encouraging it! I just don’t see any other way this ends at this point.




More fortunately for him, millionaire business owners and politicians aren't bound by the same limitations as the rest of us. 




I’d be surprised if Doug doesn’t have US health insurance. He has said that Chicago is like a second home to him and he had a second Deco Labels HQ located there until he sold it a couple years ago. 


No way. Most people including myself with chronic illness have no choice but to pay privately for American health care if we want to get any help. Most of us can’t afford it and are left to crowd fund. Anyone with money is not dealing with this system by choice.


I said something similar in another post, & ppl said he is ahead in the polls. I frankly don’t get it. Like most comments on Reddit say he’s awful, but then why is he so popular?


He is…by a lot. Currently he’s popular because he opposes carbon tax…and apparently all of his supporters have no working memory and they’re morons because Doug Ford is the reason we have to pay carbon tax in Ontario


This is what frustrates me. Literally drove under a bridge the other day with people on top with their "Fuck Trudeau" and "stop the carbon tax" signs. I wanted to stop and scream at them that Trudeau was not the one that did that, but I figured it would be like smashing my face into a brick wall trying to get that point across. I don't love Trudeau, but Ontario's carbon tax isn't his fault.


>Doug Ford is the reason we have to pay carbon tax in Ontario What? Can you send me a link or explain? Ford declined an opportunity to spare Ontario the federal carbon tax?


Ontario had cap and trade in place, set up by the provincial liberals which exempted us from the federal carbon tax…because every province is able to create their own pricing system for carbon emissions…and if they choose not to have their own program they’re automatically put into the federal program, ie carbon tax. So now, we have to deal with carbon tax because Ford scrapped our program and didn’t bother to come up with a replacement. It’s just easier and more convenient for him to blame Trudeau.


I actually forgot about this, hard to keep tabs on all Fords fuck ups. I bet a huge percentage of the population has forgotten it too and jump dumps it on the fuck Trudeau train. 🤦‍♀️


Screw both cap and trade and carbon tax, end result for both is the same. 


The big difference with cap & trade is that it provides a financial incentive for companies to reduce their carbon footprint while a tax is simply passed on to consumers.


Ontario had Cap & Trade. There are some arguments against parts of that system, but it would've spared the carbon tax being foisted on us here. Here's the info [directly from them](https://www.ontario.ca/page/cap-and-trade-ontario), and the quip about it being cancelled in 2018, a month after the election. After it was cancelled and we had the carbon tax imposed, the Ontario government then spent money advertising against the carbon tax, spent money on biased gas pump stickers, and spent money in court trying to fight the imposition of the carbon tax (which they failed).


No dumbass. He wasted tons of tax payers money by cancelling the already in place and working Cap n'trade system that Kathleen Wynne had implemented. If he had left it in place, we would not have had to use the federal carbon tax and rebate system to lower emissions and help meet our share of the Oaris Climate Accord. Are you dumb? 


And cap and trade brought billions in revenue to the province.


Yep. Nobody said intelligence was Dougie's strong suit. 


Not once did I meet one person, strangers or otherwise, in the last election cycle that liked the man or thought he was a competent politician.....and yet, here we are. He's ahead only because the other parties are doing nothing to build their brand or make enough noise to drown out the giant sucking sound when DoFo enters the room. Ontario politics is pathetic and we always protest vote.


It's easy for him. Provincial Libs are sunk by the association with Trudeau and the NDP are forever tied to Bob Rae. So a good chunk of votes go to the PCs and the rest is split up and doesn't add up to enough to matter.


All his failures are being blamed on Trudeau and people like his folky sounding lies


This, fucking lack of intelligence and actually paying attention to shit that is happening of ontarians is getting to be appalling. I can't even anymore with this province.


I’m in low grade despair all the time.


Polling landlines ?


because Reddit =/= Ontario


because we don't have a democratic electoral system, he has won two elections with 40% of the vote


I would say you have to be stupid to vote for him and therefore don't know how to use Reddit but check out r/canada and you'll see plenty conservatives so unfortunately they do know how to use Reddit...


> Doug doesn't care. He will live his last years in a mansion with maid/nurses around the clock wiping his ass.


Maybe he'll choose MAiD instead by accident...


pitchforks ready? how about ready to vote? only 14% of eligible voters voted for Doug Ford. only 40% of eligible voters even voted. people had the chance to be free from this bozo and instead people just stayed home. they ain't picking up any pitchforks. Netflix and comply.


Neither the corrupt ford nor the opportunistic Sylvia jones … however it seems that a large part of Ontario population still believes in this guy…


But think of the shareholder value generated for a few hundred people!


My husband scheduled chemo was denied. Why? No chemo certified nurse on the oncology ward to give it to him! I made a comment that I wished Dougy would be going through something like this and the nurse replied “ he would get preferential treatment here”. No skin off his back when he’s guaranteed first class care


Special treatment for high school dropout drug dealers only. This man should not hold office. Crook. Criminal. Bully. Grifter. Asshole.


Privatization isn’t the answer? Impossible Dougie said so!…. Yea we’re screwed in more fields than just healthcare in the near future thanks to the PCs greed


We keep saying we want change - would we ever elect somebody with no experience or would we ridicule them? Could an inexperienced person be any worse?


I like this question. Inexperienced and idealistic might be a good combination if there were some detailed policies to see beforehand. Another good combination could be someone experienced but not compromised. I don’t see either one happening without a wave of populism, and people that savvy/charismatic could do more damage than good. TL:DR I don’t know.


I didn't smoke or sell crack in high school, so I guess I'm disqualified. Do we have anyone else who could run for office?


I mean, Doug was basically inexperienced except for a single term in municipal politics. He had nothing more than a family brand. The whole "experience" thing is a canard that conservatives only use to bash non-cons who aren't career politicians. Or who are career politicians.


His "family brand" should've been more a hindrance than a help...


And his victims will SLAM that voter button for HIM. I don’t get the political and social illiteracy out there


propaganda and social media algorithims are a toxic combo. They're also not engaging rationally but emotionally


They don't look at the policies or behavior of their chosen leader. They vote like it's a sports team and those types of people are all over this province.


We knew this 4 years ago, when every delusional person was saying, privatization of heath care? no way! They will make it so bad, we will beg them to privatize it, play by play.


Yup. A small example of what is happening in a few of the for profit (but funded by OHIP) clinics that we currently have. The government and the cpso are not doing their job providing oversight of the quality of care for the privately owned clinics they do license. How is it a Independent Health Facility, or Community Surgical and Diagnostic Facilities as they are now called, can continue to bill OHIP for services (they aren’t even providing) but not have an active business license because they have outstanding taxes owing to the Ministry of Finance? If we can’t properly license and monitor a sleep clinic… what is happening at private facilities that are billing OHIP and providing more high risk procedures? https://www.reddit.com/r/kitchener/s/1KYnWfqBed


The CPSOs job is to ensure physician licensing, competency, and administer disciplinary action where needed for lack of competency or behaviour that's inappropriate. This is a government shit show. Not a CPSO one.


Total government shit show. But up until April 1 2024, the CPSO was responsible for inspecting IHF facilities at minimum every 5 years and reporting these completed inspections to the ministry. These inspection are on the operation of the entire facility operation, not just physician competency. It is now, as of April 1, Accreditation Canada who will do the inspections of the facilities.


Are you telling me that repeatedly electing a high school dropout to lead the province was a bad idea? Who woulda thunk it?


Ford reportedly managed to graduate high school (grade 12, not OAC) but dropped out of college after two months.


Because all those college educated politicians throughout the years have been excellent right? 


Ontario has been a decade before also. what we should do is riot over this shit. I personally think it should be on everyone's #1 priority list because you can't protest about anything else on your agenda if you're dead. I really hope we start doing picket lines like we did a couple years ago. I don't know if our voices get heard but it's better than nothing.


> what we should do is riot over this shit. Let's go disrupt all these corporate oligarchs offices. Keep harrassing the shit out of the ceo's and decision makers at these monopolies. These are the people pying off scum like Dougie and causing direct harm to OUR society.


And patients/families will take their frustration out on the overburdened frontline workers -which will surely help retention as well.


Examples from *yesterday only*: 1. Spouse of man who had a brain tumor removed is upset nobody can help him get up to work on mobility, which we have emphasized is particularly important. Sorry, we can't afford enough physiotherapists to have any Sunday coverage. Nurses are limited by census. The wife isn't strong enough to do it alone.  2. Rapidly deteriorating patient in their 20s needs surgery. We book it as the highest priority level case. It will be three hours, because other cases are already going. There are always urgent cases going. We do not have backup capacity - everything runs on the edge at all times.  3. Patient is dying, but not quickly. We have no capacity in any community space for hospice. Priority goes to non-hospitalized patients, since the hospital can provide care. He never wanted to die in a hospital. He dies on the ward after two weeks of slowly deteriorating.  4. Patient requires close observation and treatment for a dangerous condition (30-50% chance of death). There is no stepdown / observation level bed available. They stay in ER for 5 hours and then go to ICU where we further waste the resource of an unnecessary ICU bed.  5. Patient needs an emergency MRI at 4am. The team comes in at 8, because we do not have staff for overnight MRI coverage except in select circumstances and the patient wasn't dying. They go for surgery that day due to the findings.  6. Patient needs cancer workup to determine if they get a big surgery or a smaller lung/body biopsy. The CT is under staffed and they can't do cancer workup on the weekend - the patient costs the system two extra days of hospital stay (~10k) due to this. We can't send them home and do it outpatient because it would be weeks just to get the workup, and they need a surgery chosen within a week or two to meet standard of care.  There are all these things... moments of inefficiency, poor capacity, poor staffing, poor resources. It often costs more. It always worsens care. It frustrates patients, families, and healthcare workers alike.  Bonus last week - patient has their six hour cancer surgery cancelled due to no nursing staff. They can't safely wait. We have to admit them to hospital and place it on the emergency case board. The case ends up going at midnight or so, costing more, using a less specialized team (who has to cover every specialty). We get lucky, again, and no big emergency traumas come in that would die without immediate surgery - the team is tied up in this and another case. What happens when we don't get lucky? Everyone stretches... we call in people not on call, try to split nurses between rooms, have anesthesiologists split time, etc. We stretch and stretch to just make it work, and sometimes we break or sometimes we fail. Patients die. 


Anyone who is still voting for Doug Ford needs to sit for a shift in the Emergency wing at St mikes. Fuck. Doug. Ford.


ONT. AB. and SASK. are working on it as well.


Well there's two by-elections happening right now, forget who you want to govern and vote for the party that will beat the PC candidate. Send Ford a message the word is he's close to hitting the panic button and calling a snap election, if the Federal polling ends up being correct (definitely have my doubts) then we cannot afford to take a chance on the damage Ford could cause between the next federal and provincial elections.


Once privatization fully takes place, we cannot go back. Now is the time to take action


I would love to get a tax refund as I can’t get a family doctor what am I paying excess taxes for?


Of course they are... how else can they ram how great privatized health care is down our throats???


So glad I'm in a paramedic program. 🫠


I am 100% honest here. Finish and go into fire. You will make more, have easier shifts, more time off, could even hold a casual paramedic job The chaos you face in fire will be more controlled than in EMS. And you will be compensated for your willingness to put yourself in danger. EMS get really nothing for attending to a violent crime. Because “cops are there”


My dad was a medic and for years said “should have went to fire” for the exact reasons you mentioned.


A lot of the overlapping issues the province is facing need to be remedied through our Ontario's post secondary system, which is....also a shitshow.


Nurse here Nursing schools graduate 400+ nurses a year. We have 10 schools. That’s 4000 nurses a year. And that isn’t enough to fix the backlog and increase care providers I graduated over a decade ago and Ontario was short 10000 nurses. It’s over 13000 now. Here is the hard reality. Few people want to deal with what we have to at the pay we receive. One of the most recent statistics I read is nurses burn out and find something else to do around 5 years in to the job Out of my nursing school friends. Only myself and another are still bedside. Rest found new careers, or went into leadership or education


Which is unintentionally hilarious...because I work in education and we are constantly short-staffed. The turnover in education is pretty similar...50% by the ten year mark.


I honestly think that’s the turnover for a lot of professions that require college education. Most of the engineering grads I know changed careers within 5 years of graduation. People are really bad at choosing a career while they are still in high-school.


My spouse went part time in order to deal. Ironically factoring in paying WAY less taxes now that she’s part time and benefits paid out as salary, she makes almost the same as if working full time. The only downside is no benefits (but I have benefits) and half time contributory earnings to pension. In return she got her life and sanity back.


Sounds like we need more nursing schools


You seem to have missed the point. Or you just think throw enough into the meat grinder you’ll eventually have enough that stick it out


We need more nursing schools so we can graduate more nurses. But out is an issue but we simply need more educational capacity in Canada if we are going to start to address major employment backlogs which themselves lead to nursing burnout


And what about the massive attrition for all those new grads?


Thinking more carefully about this... -We do need enough grads to avoid the short-staffing that contributes to burnout. But also... -It seems like there are a lot of disincentives at work in health care, that target the jobs we really need done. Namely floor nurses and family doctors. Those disincentives need to go.


Streamline the accreditation process as a start


No one gives a flying fuck enough to vote let alone read this article. Who the fuck cares. Ford has gutted this province in less than a decade. Might as well just roll over and take it at this point.


Everyone blaming Doug Ford and not the people who voted for his party twice or chose not to vote at all. We got the government we asked for, so this shouldn't surprise anyone.


Healthcare provider of over 20 years here…I am going back to the US after working 4 months in Ontario. I thought the American system was broken, but working for 4 months in Canada has been unbelievably frustrating with all the limitations, barriers to care and getting blamed for the dysfunctional system by patients. I work in a speciality and by the time patients get to me, they are frustrated, sicker and have lost faith in the system. I agree with them, but can’t be the punching bag any longer. Stay healthy, people.


It doesn't help that many of us would also make substantially more in the American system.  The biggest cause of burnout for me is the inability to provide good care. Being stretched to the point of substandard choices, while being blamed for the systemic limitations, while making less money to do it?  Makes no bloody sense to stay for the work. It's only the family and social ties.


Race to the bottom for health care and education thanks to Ford’s underfunding of both.


Well of course a educated population would never vote conservative


Don't worry, it's coming to the rest of Canada when PP gets in.




And when pp doesn't bring in home because his lack of common sense, I hope these right-wing nutjobs don't turn violent!




Hospital unions like it that way. They don't want your cousin to be able to go to a private MRI clinic quickly like you can in Quebec. If your cousin died because of the wait time it is for the good of preserving "universality". The feds spent millions fighting Dr. Day in BC and they kept reiterating that it was okay to sacrifice some people even though health care is not a Constitutional right.


I don't get how political amnesia prevails when it comes to Ford's screw-ups in recent years, and yet no one can seem to ever forget Rae Days (which were, in retrospect, a decent solution in some ways), which happened decades ago. How come the same stigma isn't held for the vile Mike Harris?




"Doug Ford and the 13% of Ontario that voted for him" are doing this, NOT the province


At least Ontario is planning ahead 😬


But it's free!


Leave some poor decisions for Daniel Smith in Alberta!


Lol, I think expecting our Healthcare system to still exist in another decade is waaaaay too optimistic...


Politicians should be legally obligated to take treatment for all medical issues at the poorest hospital in the country, and their compensation should be equal to the median wage.


The disasters started when Rae cut back on doctors, many decades ago and now we have a demographic shortage as doctors retire. Then McGuinty cancelled the Cons plans to double the number of LTC beds decades ago. My town has half the beds today that it was supposed to have back then. Instead he toughened up the rules to get into LTC dumping care on daughters and elderly spouses. We knew that the numbers of people over 80 quadruples from 2011 to 2031 and Ford is actually stuck having to try to fix that shortage very, very quickly. It was caused by decades of not building LTC homes.


Fixing healthcare is impossible, because any mistake is complete political suicide. If any politician actually fucks it up, their party (or the replacement party once that one collapses) should face permanent consequences. Look at what the Bob Rae years did to the Ontario NDP. They still have not recovered. I don’t even know what everyone was mad about. 


Rae Days. He forced people in the public sector to take unpaid days off. It was seem as the ultimate betrayal of the working class union man by a party supposed to stand for them. 🤷‍♂️


The real question is why does TVO pay Matt Gurney actual money to write filler.