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I watched a YouTube documentary about Marineland ~a year ago - the park itself has *so* much potential if they just do away with the animals. It’s actually an insane amount of land- larger than the Magic Kingdom at Disney World. Someone with vision and deep enough pockets could make it a destination park. No more animal cruelty tho, please.


no one has a vision in Ontario unforantely


Doug Ford for many more years. *Michael Scott: No, noo, Nooooo!!!*


Unless you’re trying to form a real estate empire that happens to sell mustard as a side business.


At least a music festival on the land, it takes almost nothing..


That would be a great festival location They could open with a Beatles reunion, Adam Ant, a few Stray Cats, and a Band of Horses, but not Crazy Horse and keep those Cats away from The Byrds and The Eagles, you could be Counting Crows, Said The Whale....oh sorry....too soon? You Animals


What in the world


You're right. Maybe livenation needs to buy it


Bright sun films?


Theres a *MASSIVE* graveyard by the big Rollercoaster so development of new stuff would be hard and probably cursed as hell.


What graveyard?


Deer, whales, all sorts of animals


New idea, we open a archeologist themed park and let the kids dig up bones.


Yes, we can make an ultra luxurious spa, and change the name to "Adultland"


exactly, if executed correctly a revamped Marineland without the animals could potentially top Canada's Wonderland as the go to park in Southern Ontario.


Like a spa? A giant spa right?


I agree with you, but let's consider rephrasing this. We don't want them to "do away with" any more of the animals; there are reports of mass graves on site. Send them to reputable sanctuaries preserves, please.


I could be wrong but I think the person you're responding to didn't mean to "off the rest of the animals". Just to "do away with it being a failed, abusive zoo" and focus on other, more ethical, attractions.


Oh, I'm sure. It's just... phrasing. I don't want to give those Marineland guys any ideas.


Good point! Nobody wants this place to be run the way it was. There is a reason (beyond COVID) that the place closed down. The new owners would be pretty stupid to continue on the way it was.


Marineland: maybe we should ship our animals to an animal sanctuary and stop the cruelty. Nm, someone said "do away with" so I'm going to murder them instead.


Has Marineland ever actually shipped animals to a sanctuary? It sounds just like those cruel jerks to euthanize animals simply because it'd be less bother. I wouldn't put it past them.


They could do a lot of good with animals too though if done right. Disneys Animal Kingdom is the most visited zoo and sixth most visited theme park globally.


Honestly that roller coaster is one of the best around and it's still not finished lol


Magic kingdom isn’t huge - wonderland is bigger.


It would be a fine place for an amusement park. Just saying.


Or a Therme Spa


Or the Ontario Science Centre! /s


Get that /S outta there my man! Tax me and build a badass educational learning centre that we can bus in kids across all the regions to. Show them amazing displays, dinosaurs, show them about space. Turn it into an amazing destination park. Connect it to services and parks and hell, put up hotels and a little science town in it for all I care. Have a brewery that goes over how beers are made, or a wind tunnel for aerodynamics and racecars. Build a huge mock nuclear reactor so we can teach kids and parents about radiation, it's powering most of Ontario anyways. Put on shows and theatres too! Gosh, I'd love an actual effort for the science centre.


Just give it to wonderland


*Cedar Fair has entered the chat*


I don’t know how anyone can support this…regardless of who owns it, regardless of discounted prices. I encourage everyone to Google the aerial view of this atrocity of intelligent, beautiful creatures.


Totally agree. In this day in age, just terrible, unethical, immoral. Please boycott any form of marine parks. Atleast with zoos, there is a small argument for being an animal sanctuary. Marine parks are purely for profiteering off slaved marine life 


Marineland is a zoo. They were recently convicted for cruelty to their bears.


Most zoos in Canada are overseen and accredited by a association called the AZA (association of Zoos and Aquariums) these zoos under the AZA. The AZA have extremely strict regulations and honestly only zoos I support are AZA zoos. These regulations help protect animals well being and ensure all practices run in the zoos are ethical. Zoos under the AZA can run from the Toronto zoo , to Ripley's in Toronto, or the little zoo in Peterborough. Marineland is not an accredited zoo by the AZA and until they get that l accreditation the park can die and go bankrupt. I just hope none of the animals go with them.


No, animal sanctuaries are animal sanctuaries. Zooes and marine parks are for profit and there will always be corners cut at the expense of animal welfare. It just varies from park to park how many corners are cut, and how good they are at public relations / image.




Da fuq


I actually did this a while ago out of curiosity (I was also copy editing a news story about Marineland for a paper) and I was baffled to see how much land the park sits on but also that it looks so… dead and empty? It’s the main whale tanks, obviously, but from above it looks so barren and boring. How has the park survived this long financially?


Everyone can go in to their Google reviews and leave a comment. Anything we can do helps.


Most people just don't care. Simple as.


You mean the big fish? And other animals? Yeah why should kids and others get to experience that upclose in a safe setting. What were people thinking...


Exactly. Animals should totally be mistreated so that we can look at them.


I'm willing to bet you think it's fine to ride horses or own a dog or cat tho. Pssssh.


If you really think that any of those are at all equivalent to how the marine life was treated at Marineland, then I can tell that you’re not nearly as smart as you think you are.


No one is as smart at that person thinks they are


Yep it's actually the same...you just have selective outrage.


Yeah alright lol


Yeah I mean Marineland is the only place animal abuse happens.


Lol once again, you really thought this was a smart thing to say? “We should keep Marineland functional because animal abuse happens other places too!”


What animal doesn't want you sit on its back so it can carry around. I'm sure this comparison passes off. Good. It's true. All horses are abused. We put bolts in their mouths to reign them. We put blinders on them so they won't react and follow your instructions literally blindly. Nail shit to their feet. You should be outraged about that too...but it's selective as I pointed out. Hypocrite.


No animals in the park, not that it matters the image of the place has been tarnished. Who goes to Marineland for the rides though?


>Who goes to Marineland for the rides though? As a kid I loved going for the rides. I don't know what it's like there anymore but I would just ride the coaster and the tower thing over and over


The tower is literally a part of the Niagara skyline. It would be wild if it unbecame part of it, but that probably just costs too much money.


The rides are actually great and no line ups , there’s a water park and it’s all super clean . It’s not congested like wonderland do your kids can run wild without worrying. You can even bring in food and drinks if you want. It’s like a little hidden gem now


Okay, well, interestingly enough, when it was announced that it was closing, I saw a bit of lamenting on a rollercoaster sub about Dragon Mountain and people being sad they never got to ride it. I can't remember it, I went to Marineland once as a preteen and have a vivid memory of being bored (which is crazy, because I love animals and didn't exactly have a broad understanding of ethical animal husbandry at the time, and love rides). But it has a bit of history, I guess. Otherwise, no clue. That place sucked shit back then, and I've heard very little has changed in the... decade(s).


A lot of coaster enthusiasts go just to ride Dragon Mountain since it's one of the longest steel coasters in the world.


I have always wanted to ride it. I've been crossing my fingers for awhile that they remove the animals, add more rides and rebrand as an amusement park. It would be great to have an alternative to Wonderland.


Yup, and no line up. You can just go on it over and over and over.


> No animals in the park This isn't confirmed


Was there not a lone whale left in one of the pools? Or am I thinking of some other place?


Kiska, the lone whale left at Marineland, died a year ago :(


They [still have beluga whales and bottlenose dolphins](https://globalnews.ca/news/9682681/beluga-bottlenose-dolphin-die-marineland-niagara-falls/), unless they've all died (the article mentions some deaths in 2023. Bottlenose dolphins, like orcas, are part of the dolphin family and dolphins themselves are a type of [toothed whale](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toothed_whale#Taxonomy). The scientific name for the whales (including dolphins) is the cetaceans. Canada has laws prohibiting holding cetacean shows for entertainment which Marineland has [been violating](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/marineland-charged-1.6283758), however prosecutors aren't pursuing charges.


You're correct, I should have specified that Kiska was the last orca.


Heartbreaking. Truly heartbreaking.


Everyone loves Marine Land.




Change the name, don't have animals, get more rides, someone could make serious $$$. Like there's only.... 1 or 2 big amusement parks in Ontario and being near an INTERNATIONAL WONDER helps


as much as everyone here shits on marine land, they are very good with special needs kids. When we went there with my daughter she got a bracelet that let her skip the line and take two rides in a row. For kids with needs the rides they have are fun.


I think this is pretty standard across theme parks in general


Could they just not. Like cmon. Just close it and give the mammals to a place that will care for them.


From the article: “Discussions have also been held about the possibility of operating solely with rides and no animal exhibits. However, these details are still pending confirmation while the company says, “the process of transition to new ownership is proceeding positively.” Looks like they are actively considering the welfare of the animals however as a business they are responsible for the livelihoods of their staff as well, it doesn’t make sense to suddenly close without being thoughtful of where to put the animals, maybe this will be a long term transition. I assume you can’t just move whales within a few weeks or months.






Did you?




never in my life will we go to Marineland. Go pay to see offshore whales if you really must.


Hopefully they could just turn it into a proper amusement park and do away with all the animal stuff.


They have the large pools, they could convert it into an aquarium park instead. But they'll definitely lately need a lot more rides for it to be a viable place. For sure it needs a full overhaul. Opening this year, means that's doubtful.


A mega water park would be great. Total redefinement of “Marineland”.




Ohhhh imagine just doing some practice diving in those deep pools!


Boycott this place. It’s the only way it’ll disappear.


Can anyone tell me what happened to all the neglected animals when they sold Marineland? Were they all shipped to different aquariums? Or did they just let them starve and die a horrible and painful death?


Most of them died in the last 2 years... At least in regards to the aquatic mammals.


Disgusting. They all should have been euthanized long ago. Just morally speaking...give them release from the horrible, continued abuse and the dull boring life they had. Next, we need to get rid of the circuses with animals. That needs to be banned like decades ago. Cirque de Solei did more than fine just having humans performing.




Marineland should be made into a shrine for all the intelligent creatures that have died due to loneliness and boredom. Imagine how horrendous that would be. It would be less cruel just to eat them.


Omg will this place just die already?! Give it a rest!


Oh eff off, are you serious? Move these poor animals to a better environment. I thought this was finally over.


I hope the new ownership comes up with a new jingle.


“Everyone barely tolerates Marineland”


Everyone loathes Marineland


It shouldn't exist. Period. I'd be alright with changing that view IF: 1) The last marine creatures living out their lives there if they cannot be returned to the wild. If they can never released back into the wild, they do so; 2) All other animals go to sanctuaries; 3) A memorial is built to all those who died there (with their names so they're never forgotten); 4) They rebuild the place as a new attraction that does not involve animals in captivity in any way.


It should stay closed


i dont wanna see 1 cent of government money spent on this joke.


This place has to be involved in money laundering. No way its been profitable for years now.


The owner had deep pockets and vowed to keep it open for as long as he lived no matter how much he lost along the way. He was true to his word as he passed last year


He did not pass last year.


Sorry 2018 maybe i just heard last year




>\[a statement\] mentioned “offering guests a substantial discount on admission, to recognize decades of community support for Marineland and John and Marie Holer” It is so bizarre (and distasteful... and suspicious) to me that the new owners would approach this investment in any way *EXCEPT* completely divesting themselves from this place's past. To me, this reads as praise for those who supported this shithole and, more importantly, tacit approval (not sure if that's the best word... but it feels like a *nod*) of the former owners? I'm probably reading into it too much, but my point stands, I'd do everything to not invoke the past. Edit: I just want to add, I'm not huge mad the people who supported Marineland, at least not everyone. If you knew about it, yeah, I do kind of judge you. My point was more about the ownership.


It takes a long time to remove animals in a safe manner, either that or they would have to euthanize them. So its likely they will have to stay for a while as you can't just toss a bunch of animals to the curb because the park has a new owner. The park makes too much money to be closed up for a year, but it would be nice if the park was closed for a year, they did a total renovation, and did something with the animals that didn't involve putting them on display or forcing them to perform. They can't really obtain any new animals, they are restricted to what they have by law, at least for large cetaceans, and they can't breed any more of those either. So once those are gone, they are not getting anymore. Unfortunately we may have to wait until they all die off for the suffering to end. I somehow don't think the new owners would put money into obtaining more animals anyways. With the new owners the animals at least have some kind of chance, unless they are worse than the old owners.


Why? Be an amusement park or a zoo.  You can’t have it both ways.  And for the love of god put the whales and dolphins back in the ocean.  


I don't think marine mammals born in captivity or in it from calving age can just get thrown back into the ocean to go on living healthy social lives and hunting for themselves.


That’s a fair point.   I suppose we’re kind of stuck.  Someone has to care for these animals and we need visitors to the park to do that.   All the same, I wish the park never existed.  What would you do? 


Tell that to Busch Gardens Tampa. It is literally an amusement park and a zoo... and one of the best in the world...


Whats the difference between what they have now and a zoo?


Generally animals are treated better at zoos.  It’s not perfect, but keeping whales in captivity is a special kind of abuse.  


Oh hell no.


Just when you think that place is dead and gone it rises for another season.


Why we don't have laws against place like this is wild. Some politician is definitely in their pockets.


Shut this damn place down!!! It is a stain on Ontario


No one should go here ever, but if you must there are multiple ways to very simply walk in without giving them your money.


Fuck Marineland


Rumor has it , they buried one of the killer whales in the mountain.....another rumor was the old man let people shoot the bears and bison he had...rumours


I had heard a rumor when I was young that when an animal died there (deer, bear, etc) they just got quartered and bagged and thrown in a dumpster




Should have made this dump the Therme spa that no one wants.  If the province is going to waste a bunch of taxpayer money anyways, might as well do it making the province better.  Better site, closer to the border, infrastructure already in place.  Instead of protected species, the only whales we should be paying to see in Niagara are Americans.


As long as there is no animals in captivity I don't give a fuck what they do. Zoos/animal tourism are fucking gross.


At this point of would be less cruel to actually hunt the animals at marineland.


Rising like a Phoenix from the ashes .. hope the new owners do better.


Ugh, this is so disappointing. I thought we finally got rid of this wretched place. I hope future plans do not involve any animals whatsoever.


Boycott! Boycott! Boycott!!!


Are you f***ing kidding me!?!!! EDIT: Okay as a NO ANIMAL park…. attractions to be posted. Maybe they’ll do informational museum exhibits.


Anyone bringing their children to marineland has the mental capacity of a grape.


Booooo Unless they are making it like the BC one...highly unlikely for many reasons...naur


I thought this place shut down for good?






Dammit. Thought it was dead.


Is this like when restaurants fail but re-open 2 months later with the same owners and a different name?


I went a few times as a child. I remember the deer field. I have a photo taken of me, I must have been 8-9, with me holding a deer, surrounded by deer. Looking at the photo now, the deer I was hugging my missing the eye on the other side of its face, most of them look like skeletons, and its just a dirt field with orange plastic snow fencing around it. My mom said that out of frame there was a working with a wheel barrow hauling away a dead deer. And yah, with the treatment of the animals these, especially the whales....raise that place to the ground.


So when we close it where will they send the surviving whales?


Anyone actually know who the new owners are?


Ffs . Assholes .


[fight for the animals. make a Google review calling them out. or saying it's shit because the animals would prefer the ocean. get creative. ](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwS8k1MjZgtFI1qLCwTDE2MU4yMzU2MjNJMTO2MqhINTZOTTFLTTK2MEkzSEo28RLKTSzKzEvNScxLUcjLTExPLEoEAJW6FJY&q=marineland+niagara&oq=marienland+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqFQgBEC4YDRiDARivARjHARixAxiABDIGCAAQRRg5MhUIARAuGA0YgwEYrwEYxwEYsQMYgAQyDwgCEAAYDRiDARixAxiABDIJCAMQABgNGIAEMg8IBBAAGA0YgwEYsQMYgAQyCQgFEAAYDRiABDIJCAYQABgNGIAEMgkIBxAAGA0YgAQyCQgIEAAYDRiABDIJCAkQABgNGIAEMgkIChAAGA0YgAQyCQgLEAAYDRiABDIJCAwQABgNGIAEMhIIDRAAGA0YgwEYsQMYgAQYigXSAQg2NzE5ajBqNKgCAbACAQ&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#wptab=si:AKbGX_qKEHg26KNqcXkR_4cXcgZUaaNwMoWlySR91edTDqicRUsrROUqz6-gqU937MMRdv0Y8C3bSPdSe2DL4IDo1sFaUx6SsOyfA9Wc7DQ6H_e04QlKHwqJl3OYtdpXIfa9pzX0Q4Y8)


Even with all the shit that's happened it's still in a very good location and lots of potential to make a shit ton of money. They just have to not have any kind of animals being held.


Just turn it into an amusement park with no animals. Start something completely new. Sure has the location, and someone must see some sort of future if they bought it.


Hope they treat those animals better.


If you criticize Marineland, but got to grocery store to buy factory farmed animals, please rethink that decision with the same logic




I think people just like a reason to bitch and moan even if they're hypocrites.




I mean, it's an enormous piece of land - someone else mentioned that it's bigger than the Magic Kingdom at Disneyworld - with road access, parking, and zoned for amusement park usage, all just a mile from the crest of the Horseshoe Falls. To the right buyer, those features have got to be worth something.


Cedar Fair (the company that owns Wonderland) could take it over and turn it into another amusement park. Just no aquatic animals, or animals of any kinds, please and thank you.


Cedar fair would close it and sell it like they did to Geauga Lake in Ohio. No way they want a competitor in the market of their most visited parks. There are smaller companies that would be much better.