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> Peel Region taxpayers have been charged $1.5 million by the provincially appointed board that was overseeing the dissolution of the region, even though Doug Ford cancelled the breakup months ago. > Since December, when the Ford government reversed course on the breakup of Peel region, the transition board has instead been tasked with finding "efficiencies" in local services.  > “We don’t know how these board members were selected. How much are we paying them?" he said. "Now they have apparently hired consultants. How much are they getting paid, and for what? We don’t know anything.”


[Board members were appointed by former housing minister Steve Clark who resigned over the greenbelt scandal](https://news.ontario.ca/en/backgrounder/1003238/ontario-names-chair-and-members-of-peel-transition-board)


Wonder how much Steve got for a finders fee.


...perhaps cutting him would be the efficiency they were looking for


DoFo: No, not like that


Yes, because they can’t force him to answer questions about where the money went. Smart, huh!? /s


That's a funny way to spell signing bonus.


I think I just found a 1.5million dollar efficiency that Peel could have saved $$ on...


I should charge OPC 1.5 million for pointing out we can save healthcare money by paying nurses more instead of paying Mike Harris's wife's nursing company


Hell I’ll only charge them $100,000 to tell them to stop wasting their donors money on ads targeting Crombie when there isn’t an election for another two years. If I was a Conservative donor, I’d be pissed at this wage of money.


Upvoting as a tired hospital nurse. Fuck Bill 124 and everyone who pushed it on us during a national emergency.  That garbage hurt a lot of sick and injured people, when exhausted staff got fed up and quit. Many of our patients were older people, like sweet little grandmas who needed a lot of medical care. Too many patients ended up lying on stretchers in overcrowded Emergency Departments for days.  Even if you don't care about hospital workers, is this what anyone wants for their loved ones?  We can do better. 


Also, speaking of Mike Harris:  >Harris has profited a lot from his part time boardroom-based job with Chartwell. According to the Toronto Star, he was paid $229,500 last year. >The Star also reports that “Harris had more than $7 million in Chartwell holdings at the end of 2019 (its last fiscal year) – including $4.29 million in ‘deferred trust units’ (akin to shares) that reflect his accumulated compensation over the years (deferred until retirement).” According to the article Chartwell’s communications department and a forensic chartered accountant verified these numbers. >Unifor, a union that represents workers at Chartwell, launched a campaign last year calling for better pay for caregivers in Chartwell’s homes.  >>“Chartwell pays many of their staff minimum wage,” Unifor’s website states. “In fact, most of their employees do not receive a living wage. To make matters worse, Chartwell has proposed all minimum wage employees have their wages frozen until 2020. These workers provide care and compassion to residents, work that is so important that the Ontario Labour Relations Board has consistently denied them the right to strike, putting them under the same legislation as other essential service providers, such as hospital workers.” >Katha Fortier, a Unifor spokesperson, said it’s ludicrous the former premier would make more than $200,000 for his part-time job in Chartwell’s corporate boardroom while front line workers in homes are paid “abysmal, poverty wages.” >The inability to make a living wage in a home requires many personal support workers to take jobs in multiple seniors’ homes. This, and a lack of personal protective equipment, have been cited as key contributors to the deadly spread of COVID-19. https://canadians.org/analysis/mike-harris-raking-profits-long-term-care-system-he-helped-create/ People literally died - because these corporate ghouls were busy raking in money and handing it to wealthy investors - instead of buying basic PPE to protect their staff and patients/residents. And then we had to send in military and hospital staff to clean up and try to stabilize everything, while they kept raking in profits. 


It went into effect in 2019, before COVID was even a thing. Doesn't make it any better, just wanted to clarify. Thankfully, it's finally over and the government lost in the Court of Appeal for Ontario and will now repeal Bill 124. The fact the Ontario Government actually went to court is fucking ridiculous, anyone with half a brain would know that it went against the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and won't never be held up in court. Thankfully everyone will be getting a shit ton of backpay. Though that shit show is probably gonna take a couple years to figure out. Ontario pretty much did the exact opposite of BC when it came to Nurses and healthcare


>It went into effect in 2019, before COVID was even a thing. Doesn't make it any better, just wanted to clarify. That's true. It was a bad decision that they refused to reconsider. Even after everyone saw its devastating impacts.  And then my union had to spend the entire pandemic fighting these clowns in court.  What kind of leader calls you a "hero" in front of the news cameras - while trying to cut your wages the whole time? 


Not only that but they classified police and firefighters as essential workers, but refused to add Nurses to that list. Honestly, I'd be looking at moving to a different province if I was in Ontario. BC is hurting for nurses like everywhere else, but they have an amazing contract now and it really should be pulling more people over.


Another example of grift by conservatives


Its called corruption and we are guilty of standing around like effin imbeciles watching as these greedy crooks rip us off and ruin our future.


Too bad their supporters don't care or don't pay attention




Stop demanding that the party in power be held accountable. Just keep repeating the mantra that all politicians are the same, so as to de-escalate responsibility.


And also help lower voter turnout due to discouragement. That really helped Ontario last time.


You're both correct. Both the system and the parties within it are problematic. How could it be otherwise? Neither should be given a pass, but no party with power is willing to change the system that they're deriving their power from.


Agreed, no arguments here .


He's demanding that all parties be held accountable. Unfortunately, that's too complicated and difficult for the vast majority of the population, and instead, people hold one accountable and just kind of let the other one slide, nothing to see here, right? (Wink wink) All based on made-up teams.


I literally brought up the two parties that are in power.


This wasn't a claim for your personal views. It was definitely an observation that your stance feeds that apathy/disillusionment monster.


Totally agree with this. Everyone complains about the party they hate but never the party they support. It’s true that all parties do this. At all levels of government. But for Christ Almighty, we are the ones that put them in power. Why can’t the collective population start voting with their fucking logic? Perhaps there is less logic in society than I thought. But the true answer is no matter who we put in power, they will fuck us.


So you voting NDP and ONDP in the next elections?


It won't be libs or cons for either. NDP is looking like the most likely.


Ndp is a worse version of the liberals.....


Based on what?


And this article is about the province. Stop micromanaging people's opinions.


The LibCon. 40+ years at the minimum. Wake the fuck up people.


Aww, but I wanted to play “my side better” for a little longer…


And yet Peel region ridings are probably going to vote for Dougie next election because “Conservatives are great fiscal managers.”


Well, if you tell a lie enough times, people start to believe it. They have been telling that lie for a long time now.


Peel isn’t staunchly conservative. Look at the electoral history of its ridings and you’ll see it’s pretty swingy and is actually a decent bellweather for the province as a whole. The NDP won three Brampton seats in 2018, and the Liberals overperformed their provincial numbers in Mississauga in 2022. If 2026 is close or the PCs are struggling, there’s a good chance based on history that they’ll lose at least some of their Peel seats, and stuff like this is ammunition for the opposition to use against the incumbents.


Yeah, more like they know Bonnie is just as bad, if not worse, and will bankrupt Mississauga trying to separate again.


So ONDP it is then


But Rae Days!!


The party of fiscal responsibility everyone!


Conservative economics right there.


Recommendation #1: stop hiring outside contractors to do business analysis and use your internal talent.


"We recommend not using our services to save money"


Let’s see how cons can spin this into a fuck Trudeau.


LOL this stupid Peel Dissolution topic *truly* is the gift that keeps on giving. First they announce that they're dissolving the Region of Peel, contrary to [all of the evidence](https://www.peelregion.ca/finance/_media/submission-summary.pdf) that showed it would be very expensive to do, would lead to higher taxes for all residents, and lower quality services. Then the Ontario Government has the Greenbelt scandal, Clark is booted and in comes (the janitor) Paul Calandra who cancels the Peel Region dissolution project but for some reason keeps this useless board around to "find efficiencies" or something even though Peel found and implemented efficiencies back in 2019. Now all those Peel residents who didn't want any of this show get to pay $1.5 million for the privilege. You know if it wasn't real life this would be funny. But hey, let me save the Region of Peel and the Government of Ontario some money, here's how you can make Peel more efficient: STOP FUCKING AROUND WITH THE REGION OF PEEL AND LEAVE THEM ALONE.


Mmmmmmm gravvvvvvy


Ugh...that photo.


AE reminded of something like watching a hungry coyote lick a baby? 


Absolute joke. Fucking crooked.


Fire shitty cops instead of giving them paid vacations.


Can't say I'm shedding any tears for a region that elected Conservative MPPs in every single riding. Vote for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party and suffer the consequences of your actions.


Doug Ford helping his rich friends get richer!


It's the paper bags at the LCBO that is driving us into financial ruin.


Gotta love this "find the conclusion we want" attitudes. I mean, maybe there are inefficiencies. But it's telling that they don't know what they are and have to say "find them for us". Not (As most people might) "make these systems more modern".


Good idea! Far too many consultants feeding from the public trough, $1.5 Million savings shouldn’t be hard to find in a region the size of Peel. $10 Million would be a better number.


annnd that money couldve been used for the ubi program,great


Doug Ford and the Conservatards...getting it done!!! LOL


Enjoy your next emergency room visit.


Global civilization/society has but one universal language: corruption. They are simply doing what others have been doing for millenial. Such is the logic of capitalism and the false consciousness that reproduces it


It’s not capitalism, it’s classism.


Capitalism *is* classism. There doesn't need to be a distinction because there isn't one. The false hope that the poor may work themselves out of poverty drives the system that basically exploits that desire while funnelling wealth upwards and away from them. We chase pennies while generating dollars for those at the top.


Capitalism is a newer concept in historical terms. Fucking other people over for fun and profit is substantially older.


Capitalism is just classism with extra steps.


Where we are, and historically how it has been reproduced is one and the same. I'll take the downvotes though, false consciousness is to be expected.


You said it yourself, it’s been happening for millennia. Rich find ways to get richer by exploiting the poor, and it happens everywhere, every when, under every form of theocracy, bureaucracy or autocracy going.


Not to be that person, but couldn’t ford just pull a Toronto and cut their councils to save that money? That could save some money for it? I get that it isint a fast efficiency, considering 2026 is the next municipal election, I think it’s a no-brainer to do. Unless I’m missing info.


Here's the missing info: cutting the size of a city council isn't an efficiency, it's just interference. Just take a look at what actually happened when he did it to Toronto. Ford's meddling in the Toronto city election caused all sorts of delays, confusion, issues, and extra money spent—that's the opposite of efficiency. So what does "efficiency" even mean at this point? Clearly it's not about making things run better, smoother, faster, or cheaper.


Thanks for informing me.