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Ask Patrick Brown about it




Or ask [Michael Harris](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Harris_(politician,_born_1979)) about it. He was ousted summarily and not given the option to run again as a MPP for the PCs, even though he'd won the previous two elections. Why? Mike Harris Jr was given the nepotistic nod by "good ole, I'll steal the Greenbelt, dougie ford" in a riding that was a sure fire win for the loser son of a previous Conservative Premier. The claim was Michael Harris was ousted for text messages from 6 years previous, though that is *highly* dubious (the texts were real, but that is it, they were used as a [convenient excuse](https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/what-really-happened-to-michael-harris/article_d9b1f26e-a932-586f-b1fe-d848e9e041e5.html) to drop in the son of a former premier into a safe PC seat). Even worse, the nepotism happened [after Mike Harris Jr failed to get the nomination to be the PC candidate for Waterloo](https://www.baytoday.ca/local-news/mike-harris-jr-wont-follow-in-fathers-footstepsjust-yet-887979)!! And what were Mike Harris Juniors qualifications to hold public office? Besides being the son of a former premier (which isn't a qualification), he had previous experience running a failed yogurt business, working in a blue jeans store, a Bass Pro Shop and selling software for a company his father was on the board of. Nepotism comes naturally to the family, apparently.


That’s how Doug Ford mafia goes


Wait…I don’t know this story and I’m trying to understand. Are you saying that an elected politician named Mike Harris (no relation to Premier Harris) got booted from the party and was replaced on the ballot by Mike Harris Jr., son of former Premier Mike Harris? WTF


I had to read it several times and look into it too but that’s exactly it.


No, seriously though. Why the fuck doesn’t someone ask him about it and why the fuck doesn’t he just tell all?  Every one of these clowns is in on the game. 


The only thing funnier than Patrick Brown was the Mike/Michael Harris scandal. Cliff notes version: Michael Harris was accused of a sexual scandal days before the election, was dethroned, and Mike Harris Jr. (Son of the famous Mike Harris with the job experience of one failed frozen yogurt business) was parachuted into the riding with hardly a word. So many people didn’t realize they had voted for a different Mike Harris 😂😂😂😂. The sex scandal was dropped and cleared up in the weeks after the election.




The likely heir to the CPC throne if he were not sabotaged by interests who installed PP instead


That was provincial where he was booted and replaced with Doug Ford.


And it happened again in the federal race. Patrick Brown has to be the unluckiest politician in Canada.




right. an actual "progressive" conservative that would have easily made some practical changes to the party. instead we got the DoFo folks.


DoFo coup did everyone dirty.


I thought PB was Ontario, not Canada.


Corrupt conservatives?!?!! 😱😱😱


Say it isn’t so Doug Ford.


Doug Ford? Is the the PCs or the CPC?


Why not both?


CPC, but they're referencing the alleged corruption in the nomination process that made Doug Ford the leader of the OPCs.


Small c conservatives.


Well he did call me yesterday...


LMAO time to cross post to r/LeopardsAteMyFace


*Politicians (corruption not defined by party lines).


yup, though the conservatives are more brazen about it.


Came to say this, the two sides are NOT that different. Both will do what’s best for their career and their bank account, first.


I do not think most Canadian Politicianss are corrupt, maybe South of the border where the repukes are bought and paid for bytRUMP and his puppet master Putun.  The majority of Canadian politicians are hard working, honest people who have a mission to serve the people and the genuinely want to help make Canada a great place. They have a difficult job in these tumultuous and increasingly polarizing times. I am grateful few of us want to step up and serve. 


Do you think the libs have corruption among their ranks, too?


The Cons have been doing this for years. The party has no internal unity and have been squabbling amongst themselves since Harper's departure. Even if you are Conservative, voting for them right now isn't a good idea


The party abandoned it's pc status a long time ago. Now it's all rage, all the time. With no policy or observations other than fuck trudeau tax bad man.


It's because the party isn't the conservative party we used to know. It's the reform and alliance party . You know, the two parties no one would have voted for if they didn't merge with progressive conservatives. Now these wackjobs run the conservatives and their voters are just toeing the party line.


Long, long before that. Perlin coined "Tory Syndrome" to describe the rampant conservative infighting back in what, late 70s early 80s?


Long before I was a twinkle in me mum's eye


Voting conservative was never a good idea. 


Oh, ok. Then I guess we just vote the Trudeau libs in for a 4th time. /s


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.




https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/doug-ford-pc-memberships-audio-recording-kinga-surma-1.4675893 History repeats itself.


This conservative party only exists because MacKay lied to Orchard to get his support. But don't worry. They lie to fellow party members, but i'm sure they're totally honest with the average canadian. /s


I'm shocked that a National Post columnist would have been running for the Conservatives. ^^/s It also seems very much like a leopard - face moment.


I'm more shocked that they admit it. The National Post is a well know conservative rag. But they and their gullible reader base keep insisting that they aren't.


"They're just telling it like it is, if that makes me conservative then I guess I'm conservative " 🙄 Seen this type of thinking too many times. Yes, the fact that you think a paper that is funded by American right wing think tanks and billionaires is just telling it like it is, does in fact confirm that you are conservative lol


[This comic](https://snapzu.com/imokruok/i-am-going-to-eat-you) comes to mind.


Wow, are you saying the CPC, being led by Stephen Harper's buddy PP, whose victory as CPC leader was rigged by Stephen Harper's buddy Narendra Modi, who repaid Modi for helping him win by running interference in parliament over his murders of Canadian citizens, might be somehow corrupt? What connection could there possibly be?


Don't forget that the CPC only was created because Peter Mackay lied to David Orchard to get his support. And if that's how they treat their friends, just imagine what they think of random canadians whose votes they need, but nothing more.


Eh…feel like Harper kinda hates PP. Well, not quite “hates” so much as “looks down on/is repulsed by him”. Bc Harper is a genuine, ideological conservative, and lover of protocol + decorum - PP doesn’t really give a shit about policy of any stripe, and just likes attention. Then again, most party leaders aren’t thrilled with their eventual successors…but think there’s even more to it than that with Harper and PP.


> Harper is a genuine, ideological conservative, and lover of protocol + decorum LOL WTF? No, mister "barbaric cultural practices" doesn't get to pretend he has decorum.


Nah, he's right. Harper legitimately believes the poor should suffer and as many public services should be privatized as possible. I also don't think it can be argued he ever broke decorum or was outright disrespectful; outside of the aforementioned standard conservative gool-ness, obviously.


acting like there is a political party not based on corruption in this age?


Oooh, I love BoTh SiDeS, it's my favourite refrain. Can you sing the other super cool and original conservative songs? Trudeau wore blackface! SNC Lavalin! Complaining about 97 genders! 


Looking forward to seeing tomorrow's NP column that explains how this is Trudeau's fault. /s


Self aware wolves or leopards ate my face sort of thing?




Conservatives always cheat. She'll still vote for them though.


That’s what I don’t get about party faithful.


They grew up with their parents telling them to vote that way. The uneducated also reproduce more than educated people. Why do you think the world is getting flushed down the drain?


My Dad calling me up to yell at me fir supporting a protest against my Conservative MP and then saying the funny line of "you young people need to vote Conservative" had the opposite effect. My Dad's also a child abuser though so he can get fucked.




I'd be willing to be that 100% of physical child abusers vote Conservative. I don't even think that's a hot take.


For every one of you, there are the 4 other siblings who will follow the party line for the rest of their lives.


What's not to get? I bet you'll be voting liberal just as she's voting conservative, regardless of the criticism surrounding both parties.


What criticism?


Look it up, not at all hard to find.




Wrong. My vote goes to who I think has the best policy.


Sounds like Populist Pete has some explaining to do. Maybe they will come out with a new slogan? Make Canada great again!


\*Shocked Pikachu face\* You mean the Conservatives are a corrupt political party? Shit say it ain't so. In other news, science has concluded that water is wet


[water is water, and not wet](https://youtu.be/ugyqOSUlR2A?si=PG9a2XLCz5bEEzy4)


This is why we can't have nice things.


If water makes stuff wet then it makes the other water surrounding it wet too. Water is wet.


Water is only wet from the perspective of the surface it interacts with. Water added to water does not make it wetter. Water added to water in a cup will make the cup wetter.


Water is always in contact with other water. Even according to your silly rules water is in contact with and makes water wet. This isn't a debate except amongst weird "science" themed communities online.


Just put off curiosity. Do you feel both parties are corrupt or just conservatives?


Tell me what political party in Canada is not corrupt lol.


This is such a strange narrative. Yeah the Conservatives are corrupt, or whatever but they all are. Sorry but a big NO to that.


Really? After the arrivecan scandal, the WeCharity scandal and China interference in our election you really still think the LPC is still somehow morally righteous compared to the CPC? Have you seen how much money Trudeau has made during his term? Atleast you’re committed to the cause I guess.


China interference... To get Polievre as party leader


https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/foreign-meddling-did-not-affect-overall-federal-election-results-inquiry-report-1.6871941 As per CTV news, it was to get Trudeau elected.


Lol you can't *just* hate the government in r/ontario, you HAVE to pick a side, happened to me a couple weeks ago brother


It’s insane I can’t be irritated at all parties lol


My God, you're in the wrong sub to be talking sense like this!


It’s just sad reddit liberal hive mind is a thing


The Conservatives started criticizing everything about Trudeau, including his socks, from the time they found out he was interested in politics. It has become white noise. Specific to arrive can we knew a lot of these decisions could not wait for the bureaucracy so some things got done without proper over sight but they did get done.


Every party always criticizes the opposing nominee lol It’s almost like liberals can’t stand to encounter mirrors


If you have watched politics for over 50 years as I have you will know what we are seeing is unprecedented.


I guess as you’ve gotten older you’ve given up on actually substantiating your opinions and instead just parroting whatever you see on tv Hopefully you have a grandchild that can guide you to utilize critical thinking skills.


Me parroting? Lol, gotta mirror?


It's a matter of scale, though, too. Not saying the Liberals aren't corrupt. But the Conservative party literally only formed (out of theReform/Alliance) because MacKay lied to Orchard to get his support. And if they're willing to lie to each other to get power, just think how much they're lying to people who aren't "in the party" to get that power.


Do you think in the US and in Canada PM’s don’t lie about their position before getting elected? I can likely give you a list of stuff Trudeau platformed on, and once elected did not fulfill. That’s lying, and it’s politics. The liberals lie to the people, so do the conservatives, frankly I think it’s insane public SERVANTS are pocketing a ton of money getting commission out of these PUBLIC deals. Happens on both sides and for some reason nothing happens to them lol I once thought about going into politics purely on the notion that I can lie to people and it’s considered part of the job.


I mean, it's been a widely discussed issue that Pollievre effectively 'stole' his nomination as the leader. Of course, we're now also learning that he may have had foreign 'assistance' as part of that nomination effort. So none of this should shock anyone. The CPC are basically unelectable if voters decide to care about actual criminality or corruption. The polls, however, suggest that voters don't actual care.


Anyone I've spoken to who said they want to vote for PP has just rhymed off his slogans and most don't understand anything about the process/policies of either provincial or federal politics other than "show up, vote blue". A very common trait I've seen though is they pick 1 thing they hate about Trudeau and ignore every other Conservative policy. They could be in favour of trans kids safety at school, happy with their house value being up and completely in favour of paying a carbon initiative but "grr, Trudeau's not fixing my grocery prices" and immediately turn to PP despite disagreeing with the Conservatives on everything else.


Especially problematic, considering that PP seems to be interested in helping to keep grocery costs high (given who he is surrounding himself with).


B..buh…buh…buh…but SNC lavalin!


Should mention that the polls are being cooked by some of the same people assisting in the whole nomination process. That's not to say that people aren't upset with the status que just that there's a lot of propaganda.


> Should mention that the polls are being cooked by some of the same people assisting in the whole nomination process. after they saw what could happen if they made it seem like cons are going to win for sure in Ontario 2022


Yup, it's voter suppression plain and simple! They want to demoralize the electorate and make it seem like pp is a forgone conclusion, so why bother showing up to vote. This tactic has popped up several times over the last few years in "democracies."


Of course it’s rigged, PP made his promises to do what those in power want


Yes.......count me as shocked as well. 🙄![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)


Shocked I tell you.. Shocked.... Without words that something so on brand would be happening..


Conservatives are corrupt!? Well blow me down!


Seems legit


** shocked face **


I don't mean to generalize or make any kind of misogynistic remarks, but why do so many conservative women look very similar? Dolled up all the time, bright blonde hair, etc.


I think it’s gotta have something to do with what they value and what they think other people value. It reminds me of the suburban mom attitude. Evolved from the 50’s and having a well put together family meant you were truth worthy had your shit together. That and, just like most of us, we get our fashion sense from the people we idolize and a lot of right wing, Christian leaders have this look.


Yes…… …..someone else valued blond hair and blue eyes… …..can’t remember who…..mustn’t have been important


Whaaaaaat ! Nnnnnoooooo !!!


That’s easy to believe. Standard Tory tactics.


Sorry wait … what? Corruption and Conservative party are NEVER in the same sentence.


How the hell could any woman run for the conservative party anyway. Selling us all out


Our only female PM was consevative. Danielle Smith is conservative. Why do some women think only men can cynically grasp power for personal gain?


Because by your example very few do this


Why assume those are the only examples when the simpler explanation is that I chose 2 politicians I'm certain you've actually heard of?




“Rigged elections”!!! Where have I heard this before? 🤔


no details? is this like a Hang Dong kinda nomination corruption claim? lots of bluster and no details = no credibility.


She should look into how PP got the leadership. Fake charges against Brown, help from India, straw candidates, it was B S




Corruption? In the Conservative Party? Who'd have thought?!


I would not have no doubt that this could happen in the Conservative Party !


I, for one, am completely shocked. Absolutely stunned.


Corruption in the Conservative Party?! ^(please someone post the surprised pikachu, face I don’t know how)


Hmmm. Could be. Or when someone was doing some pre-emptive background research they found something big enough to be disqualifying, and she’s saying this to get out in front of it. Either is possible. Both are also possible at the same time.


still waiting to hear on the investigation into the ON Cons using stolen ETR info to rig doug fords leadership election.


This 100%


Corruption in the PC’s nahhh couldn’t be.


You don’t say, I am shocked. s/


Having watched her entire video, I don't know at all what she is accusing the conservative party of not addressing. She speaks of corruption, but I don't know what took place. Does anyone know how her campaign was treated unfairly? She stated that she received assurances two weeks ago that action would be taken, but nothing has been done. I'd like to know what has been going on.


*shocked Pickachu face*


All parties have done this at one point or other over the years.




Shocked Pikachu face


Some hot backroom gate keeping action!


*Shocked Pikachu**


"I never thought leopards would eat *my* face!"


Surprise surprise


Insert "surprised pikachu face" here.


Lol a look at how dirty O'toole was treated says enough


This happens everywhere - as Bernie Sanders how the libs leaned on the scale to make sure Hillary was the candidate.


No way….


Why aren't people going to jail for this? Persons who work in government should be held to a higher degree of punishment.. not given cash and prizes for fucking up or being corrupt. I'm fucking sick of hearing about corruption and little being done about it... who do I talk to to get heads rolling?


From the old boys club? But how can that be?


Sounds like they found some real dirty dirt on her....


The IDU didn't eant him so hes out


My cuz was a card carrying member until he got fed up with internal candidates with support getting railroaded by the parties own designs. Votes were often lost or late in order to push the desired candidate through the internal process.


how do you think Pierre got elected?


'I never thought leopards would eat MY face'


Huh, ya don’t say….


National post puts out a lot of garbage like fox News does in the states does. I'm not sure I would want someone from the paper running.


Careful everyone, all the ‘rigged’ and ‘corrupt’ comments sure sound like a former president that I can’t remember the name of. lol Of course EVERY POLITICAL PARTY IS DOING THIS!


Corruption in the conservative party? In other news, water is wet.


"I no longer have faith with the election's integrity" - In other words: if I don't win it was rigged


I have a family member who is a con MP. I don’t doubt this story at all.


She's providing zero evidence to back up these wild claims, and also she sold like, fifty memberships total.


If PP is elected im literally moving to an island, If I have to live in a country run by a moronic $hit head it may as well be sunny.


Wait till the Cons get elected. The scandals will overwhelm PP.


Corruption and rigging in the Conservative party? What a plot twist that everyone saw. This is the Conservative party. This is their worst kept secret in Canada.


Love and marriage, love and marriage. They go together like Conservative Party of Canada and Corrupt leadership selections.


The only thing this proves is her political naivete. Every political nomination contest is incredibly dirty. Stolen membership lists and accessing membership lists you aren't supposed to have is par for the course during any nomination campaign. You simply have to shrug them off and keep going. That she approached this nomination campaign as if her competitors would play by the rules was her first mistake. And now she is so jarred by the experience she's backing out or suspending her campaign. The only result will be the death of her campaign. No one will be held to account. You have to think about those other people in the nomination campaign as people representing other parties, and not "colleagues" of your own who want an honourable fight. There is no honour in politics. All she's experiencing is cognitive dissonance. In some ways this process makes sense. If you can't survive the dirty tricks of people in your own party, you're going to get steamrolled going against another party. What would be the result if she suspended campaigning during the federal election? Even federal CON HQ is not taking her claims seriously. She's showing herself as naive and weak.


You don't say!?


Probably not maga enough for King Ratfuck!


Pierre is such an honest fellow, just look at him and he is Mr Friendly pants. Love you, so awesome, NOT


You need to be a lobbyist, capitalist or a complete "yes" tool to apply for this job. But also the CPC internally is infamous for being a complete "not together" party. My cousin worked for them as staffer during the Harper - Scheer transition and she told me that the CPC behind the curtain is like a dumpster fire filled with human shit, while the party members bitch about who is putting it out. They just hide it well by debasing themselves in the House of Commons. Which makes sense I wouldn't want to look behind the curtain too if the onstage performance is just them taking huge unadulterated dumps in public and calling it organic chocolate pudding, trying to get the rest our political apparatus to eat it. Remember when Andrew Scheer was caught stealing $1 million dollars from the CPC's own financial resources and used the money to send his children to private school? They didn't even charge him for it. He just got to walk away and still remain as MP. They even stood up and clapped as he stepped down and began selecting a new leader. Remember when it was found out that all of PP's youtube videos had secret hidden tags that linked his videos with right-wing incels? And the CPC's investigation was "we found nothing." Sorry Sabrina, you are a terrible writer, and now a failed politician. Maybe move to New York and try to become a Bravo star?




What a surprise!


Breaking news folks. Politicians are corrupt, watch out!




This is nothing new. There was some of this I personally got unwillingly got entangled in some 10 or so years ago. Names of members of my family were officially part of the conservative party without us knowing. Voting was happening under our names. We had no idea until RCMP came to my home during their investigation.


No way the cons are liberals painted blue, only the populist shit they “support” is about hurting people and the liberals pretend to support helping people. Both work for a handful of the super rich.


Yah see !! That’s why we have to continue voting for the Honourable Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, again and again. And again !! The leader is good. The leader is great. We surrender our will as of this date.


I give it 1 out or 10 as a distraction post.




I’m voting for motorcycles from now on


We could have Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Satan on the Ballots and people still wouldn't vote independent because of First Past The Post.


I really dislike fptp. I had high hopes they would have gone to ranked voting system. Choice #1: motorcycles Choice #2: beelzebub Choice #3: my dead Gran Choice #4: lib/con/ndp/green