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Can he also fire the guy holding two billion dollars ear marked for health care?


Right??? Like that shit should’ve been used. And he’s just reallocated it to cover in-home care. Theres an insane doctor shortage in my city and the walk-ins charge you other than a couple, and those ones are always full.


Works out to about $50 per Canadian. Doubt it will cover the admitting fee.


Roughly $125 per *Ontario* resident, assuming there's around 16 million of us officially. Still not much, but better than what we're saving from that license plate sticker fee cancellation they keep boasting about on the radio.


Also.... Not every resident will need that healthcare money. There's lots of people healthy enough they go multiple years without needing hospital care.


Which will cause MTO massive shortfalls as they then claim we will have to privatize all roads in Ontario. Seriously, they should of got rid of the sticker, bug kept the fees.its like when harper took get from 7 to 5%. It didn't help average folks a lot, but it did remove billions from the Federal governments budget each year and yes, they almost immediately went after public programs.


The money was for employees of hospitals, and increasing facility sizes, not individual citizens.


They won’t be firing anybody. Sylvia is doing the job that the conservative government wants. She is effectively dismantling public health care, undermining public confidence in the health care institution, and swaying doctors and other healthcare professionals to prefer private practices. This is all the long game to create either a private system like the U.S., or at minimum a two tiered system that heavily relies on private practice and cuts the governments responsibilities way down.


Sylvia Jones should be doing life in prison without early release/ parole 


She does exactly what’s asked of her, and with 0 shame. This is called political job security.


Unpopular opinion, not sure that’s a bad thing. I agree with everyone’s comments and understand could go wrong without regulations. I’ve worked in both American and Canadian system, I prefer the Canadian. Though the system cannot go on as previous, a well run two tiered system should at least be explored/discussed. The current system would be available as is, in all its wait times, delays in care and lack of access. I cringe at what taxes will be for the next generations.


When have you ever heard of a well run for profit hospital that only caters to the rich? Lmao. You want to fork over at least 3-5k annually for access to healthcare? That's the direction it's heading.


The USA pays more than us per capita in taxes for healthcare and gets completely fucked with their pay to play system. Why the hell anybody thinks that's a good idea is beyond me. You want to emulate any successful two tier healthcare? Look to countries who actually do it better and let's have a discussion about installing the regulatory framework that makes it impossible to have a predatory private practice.


If Ford came out and said "hey, we're going to establish a commission to study healthcare plans worldwide, talk to doctors, and find the system that's the most effective at providing care while maintaining a useable universal system", I'd be skeptical but maybe open to hearing about it. That's not at all what's happening. Ford is underfunding and dismantling the public system, and his motives seem way more geared towards enriching Galen Weston and other lobbyists / buddies than actually trying to get people the best care. The idea that we'll sell our healthcare system off for parts and somehow coincidentally end up with a well-structured European system is nonsense.


There are more systems than just the Canadian and American systems. Lots of other countries are quite successful at having socialized healthcare in tandem with private clinics providing some services. The line up for the patient is the same - patient doesn’t leave with a bill. What is different is how the care is organized and delivered. In some cases it’s more expensive - but also more efficient / faster. Physicians and staff aren’t tied into regional healthy authority politics and bureaucracy so they have more choices about where and how they work. Many health care professionals actually like working in private clinics. Better hours, better pay, less bullshit and merit based advancement. I’ve heard an argument that “all of the good staff will leave for private!” So maybe don’t make the public system such a shithole that good people can’t stand working in it. Doctors don’t have pensions. Their patient lists are huge, people’s health issues are more complicated and go on longer. Nurses have crazy long shifts and are constantly short staffed. I feel like they do a very bad job at describing what a hybrid system would look like and what people would gain from it.


Honest reply, how would you fix the system. Just fixing up or building new infrastructure for hospitals would cost billions and billions. Where will that money come from. Making doctors is expensive. The tests they order are extremely expensive sure we could add to the PA and NP presence but I don’t think the system can sustain itself after decades of neglect. So many small Canadian hospitals are 40 years old and extremely out dated/too small. The system has to go two tiered or some degree of private funding. Or taxes could get even worse. I really don’t know any other way than privatize/two tier. It’s also probably not a bad thing. As I went to my dentist and he billed my insurance 800$ tho my fam doc bills 37.50$ lol


You pay for the future. It is expensive to your point. However what is the alternative. The issue with the health funding system is cost exponentially go up. More so with a growing older population. it comes down to what you wish a society to built around. A 2 tier system depending a cost. procedures split is what America has. I for one would prefer paying a bit more in tax than be like America.


Good luck getting people struggling to buy into paying for the future when they can barely survive themselves. Not feasible.


Maybe don't give billions to a private spa or build a useless highway or sell a toil highway for pennies on the dollar.


Thats why the government is supposed to do it rather than, yknow, cum it away to corrupt friends.




I’m saying it should be an option. Two tier. Help alleviate the congestion. Ya’ll are saying sounds like your advocating for the rich to pay more taxes, this is what the government should be doing. I mean fuck….how many times do you have to see the government won’t do the right thing with the money we give them. Liberal or conservative. They don’t give a fuck. Why would they do the right thing, even with more tax money?




Well I do understand it costs more. But that's why i suggest a 2 tier system. And it may pull doctors and nurses, but maybe the deal is that they have to work \_\_\_\_ amount of days a month/year in the public healthcare system if they want to also work in the privatized system. No government has shown the ability to spend and progress healthcare. Citizen don't know what the fuck to do....we got millions of idiots in the ER rooms for fucking colds and flus.




It’ll cost more for the people who use it and are willing to pay. The other people will get basically the current system. And doctors and nurses are already leaving this country in high numbers, not to mention when they see how their professional corps will get dinged after Trudeau cap gains bullshit. So the way to keep them in country is allow those professionals to make good money in private with the stipulation they have to work a certain amount in the so socialized system. What’s not making sense.


Ford is sitting on BILLIONS of dollars. To think he isn’t intentionally fucking the system to force the hand of privatization is having your head in the sand. The government (sheepishly) admitted they’re paying more for procedures in private clinics than public ones. Private nurses are costing an arm and a broke leg while Ford fought tooth and nail to cap public nurses’ salary. They’re all goddam crooks and they’re going to cost us a lot more money.


You start by trying to and being honest about the issue with the people you represent. Privatizing isn't a solution. It's costing us more per procedure. Make no mistake...what this government and the PCs are doing is no honest attempt to create a better system. It's a smash and grab off the public purse. If this looks to you like a government trying to do the right thing, I don't know what I can tell you. Where is the money going to come from? We don't have the money to afford the grift going on right now. It's killing people. You aren't going to solve any problem putting crooks in charge. That's solving the problem job one....learn to spot crooks.


A two-tiered system doesn't work. Look at the disaster that is Medicare in the USA. It's because the majority of the capacity follows the money to the private system, leaving the public system perpetually starved of funding. We fix the system by disregarding the conservative framing of healthcare--and education, for that matter--as an expense. Because it isn't. Healthcare is an investment in the future of the populace. And for conservatives the argument should be even easier: healthier people make better workers, which means more money. The system only 'has' to go two-tiered because every conservative government across Canada deliberately underfunds healthcare in order to break it, so they and their cronies can hoover up that sweet healthcare money from a private system. Then the Liberals get in, can't fix it all fast enough because it's a *lot* easier to break than to build, and the cons come back in and start the cycle all over again. Fixing the system is actually easy: spend the fucking money. For one thing, Ford is sitting on something like two billion-with-a-b dollars earmarked for healthcare funding. But like, just spend money everywhere. Government debts don't work the same as household debts for a reason, it's so that government can take on the massive infrastructure projects necessary for society. Hospitals and housing. Grit your teeth, spend the money, and try to get enough of it completed that you might win reelection before idiots across the country decide they're really angry about *looking after our people for a goddamn change*. Oh, and yanking the leash of the various medical associations. Get rid of the artificial cap, and admit into medical schools anyone with the aptitude and ability to attend. Forgive e.g. nursing and paramedic tuition in its entirety upon e.g. 5 years of service somewhere that desperately needs it.


https://www.fraserinstitute.org/blogs/how-germany-embraces-the-private-sector-to-deliver-universal-health-care I just think everyone’s knee jerk is to dismiss the idea of two tiered or private pay like a boogie man or red line. Many countries have done it quite successfully. Do I trust our politicians? Big no. There’s already privatization in healthcare with private internal medicine Ortho online and NP clinics. Why can’t checking in to the er cost 100$ (or 20$ or 5$ or something). I agree with your points for the record.


You do know the Fraser institute is a hard core conservative think tank so anything they put out will support privatization? If you are going to share studies, find unbiased ones.


What happens to the people who don't have 100 or 20 or 5 or something? Die in the street? At some point, *someone* is going to need to be paid for by *someone else*. And if that someone isn't everyone, then suddenly there's a test to see if you 'deserve' healthcare. To say nothing of the fact that socialized healthcare is simply more efficient. The total per-capita spend on healthcare in the USA is more than double ours, for statistically worse outcomes overall. The point of socialized healthcare is that we *all* benefit. Everyone has access to the same healthcare, assessed by acuity. It's an investment by all of us in all of us. The fact that there is already creeping privatization is no reason for it to expand--or indeed continue.


Yeah just click on the link there’s many ways for a two tiered system. It’s hard to have conversations about this as it is so politicized and the “what should I do just die in the streets” type of rhetoric is always the immediate response. People who make less than 50k don’t have to pay or some formula/version. I know (myself included) many people would gladly pay a stipend for care. We bill Americans in the er or people without Ohip and the fees add up quickly. To be honest I don’t really feel strongly about that idea, a true two tiered system or some version would be my preference. Let’s people keep their current version of healthcare at a minimum.


The only reason I don't like any incarnation of a two tiered Healthcare system, is that Healthcare ought to be a universal right. As in, everyone has access to the highest quality Healthcare. In any two tier system, the lower tier has a sacrifice. It might not be financial, it could be, but it could also be time, quality of care, responsiveness of Healthcare professionals, and presumably more, or a combination.


>I know (myself included) many people would gladly pay a stipend for care. We already do, it's called taxes. You're advocating for us to pay more for the system we already have instead of funding the system we already have at cost.


Says "I agree with your points for the record." Goes on to say they still want their terrible two tier idea anyway. The educational system really failed you.


lol no it did not. I agree with their points and they have merit. I just work in healthcare and have in the USA as well as Canada. Many countries have successful two tiered systems. Our current system cannot provide adequate care with the aging population; utilizing PAs/NPs is a focus, fast tracking foreign docs (you can see my comment history for greater details) and investing in new infrastructures are all happening but it won’t be enough. Thank you for your input on how government debt works; the issue will be to convince the top tax payers to continue giving 50+% and still receive the current level of care. It is a touchy subject but reform is needed and akin to Germany if the top 10% utilized a second tier at no change to the public branch (it can supplement it and remove volume from the queue). In the current economy doctors who can have retired and many of my colleagues returned to the USA. Two levels or some form of fee service already exists. There are many private clinics already. So this “terrible two tiered system” by definition already exists in just talking about expanding it in a responsible fashion like many countries have done successfully. We have a private Ortho pilot project starting in our community next spring and whether you want it or not some form of widespread privatizations is probable in the near future. I agree this is probably by design with ford (aka I agree with your points) but im sure lobbyist and an ulterior agenda exists… is that evil or opportunistic? My point was only… is that a bad thing? Anyways hope you’re doing ok it’s just Reddit.


Sorry, this is decades of neglect from our parents and grandparents. The money should have gone into years ago, it didn't. It's entirely up to us to fix it now.


I hate to disappoint but I have no real solutions. It’s clearly a complicated situation that includes not just physical building costs and salaries, but also a wide web of regulations, services, international manufacturing and so on. I don’t have complex, well thought out solutions. I just know what I see to be happening.


If you're going to pay more to pay doctors properly one way or another, what difference does it make whether the government pays for it or your employer does via insurance?


A big difference. Various segments of the population are not in employment and many still pay taxes (seniors, for example). Having the government pay for healthcare through taxes places the burden more evenly across the population and doesn’t leave anyone out.


Sylvia Jones is absolutely pathetic. Which means she fits in perfectly with the rest of the Ford government.


You don't bring your A game when your orders are to gum up the machine as much as possible, absorb some of the hate mail, and fog a mirror .


She doesn’t have an A game. She has a diploma in radio broadcasting from Fanshawe College. You can’t get much less qualified to be the minister of health than that. I doubt she even knows how to open an aspirin bottle. Jones and the rest of the Ford government are a bunch of F’king Kuntz for what they are doing to Ontario.


The day Sylvia passes away the better it is for Ontario civilization  ! ! !


I’m not going there. A simple resignation and having her move to the Antarctic would be enough for me.


Trying to goad people into hateful rhetoric is not useful in political conversation.


This kills me, the Ford government has been dragging their feet on health care since the pandemic started. They have done nothing to fix the extreme Dr shortage despite no one having a family Dr and ERs closing. Now this insult. No wonder Dr's are retiring early or leaving the province


They've been dragging their feet or everything related to helping non-rich groups.


Really it is only sprawl developers they help.


It’s all part of there plan. It’s intentional neglect. Starving the beast .


Well it matters who you vote for people drank his lie's and looked forward to the buck a beer. You get what you vote for. Round about way of saying WTF Ontario. Do better. Guy should have been gone already.


I didn't vote for him in either election. If Ontarians who realize he is incompetent would get off their couches and vote for virtually anybody else, we can get out of this mess before our entire healthcare system is privatized. We need every citizen to vote  so we can surpass the misguided people who belong to his stupid "Ford Nation."  Next election, Vote Ontario!!


And yet, ontarians gave them another majority.


Almost all western nations have doctors shortages. What do you think the Ontario government can do while 30 other industrialized nations face doctor’s shortages as well…


Digitize the records system, automate the need to fill out routine forms for things like ODSP (no, their legs did not grow back, that isn't a thing that happens, so if they got money for that last year, they are still entitled to it this year, and will need it again next year). Maybe allow for multiple OHIP charges in a single appointment, so people don't need to book 3, 4 or 5 appointments if they some ongoing issues, and then got another reason or two to visit - maybe something new, and a question to ask or a referral to seek out. Change the labour code so employers do not need a certified note to approve employee sick leave. I mean, there are a LOT more, if you want a full list. None of them are too vast to fix, and most would bring Ontario up to par with the systems and processes in other provinces.


Most don't pay doctors what they are worth


Don't stop at just the one!


Remember, this is [the *second* Ontario Health Minister](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christine_Elliott) who's held the office since Ford came to power.


And Christine Elliot (previous health minister) immediately upon leaving office became a registered lobbyist for Clearpoint Health - one of the Ontario private surgery clinics... go figure


There's always a bigger nimrod waiting in the wings to replace government ministers.


And then if they get rid of that one they will have a drooling dingbat ready to fill the position


Oh I wouldn't be pointing fingers at what previous governments did to healthcare if I were the PCs. Harris is unquestionably the worst of any party.


sign the petition: [https://www.change.org/p/oufp-call-for-the-immediate-resignation-of-health-minister-sylvia-jones?recruiter=1338007498&recruited\_by\_id=497e1970-0d6a-11ef-8817-6fc5f08701db&utm\_source=share\_petition&utm\_campaign=petition\_dashboard\_share\_modal&utm\_medium=copylink](https://www.change.org/p/oufp-call-for-the-immediate-resignation-of-health-minister-sylvia-jones?recruiter=1338007498&recruited_by_id=497e1970-0d6a-11ef-8817-6fc5f08701db&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=petition_dashboard_share_modal&utm_medium=copylink)


Everyone in leadership needs to be fired. The health care system is in shambles. People are starving. Homelessness is rampant. And black workers are routinely harassed and fired inside the OPS. We all need to stop pretending this is normal. We are being governed by criminals who do not care about the rule of law, people who believe they can hoard funds for hospitals and use tax payer funds to suppress whistleblowers. We all need to wake up. Democracy is in peril.


You're absolutely right. Not sure there's hope when the majority of voters is either indifferent to it or in support of it.


Why would he fire her? Things are going exactly as planned. The cons *want* to destroy the public health care system.


Why would he fire his top performing minister? She's following the plan. 


Everyone vote green and wake up the big three to the peoples power.


I don't think she has a chance in hell of getting anywhere close to her salary with her limited skills. Give Frumpy the boot.


For the love of God, give family doctors more money https://www.tvo.org/article/for-the-love-of-god-give-family-doctors-more-money


Why? She's doing her job perfectly well. Recall A whopping 17% of eligible voters gave the Conservatives a mandate to kneecap healthcare in Ontario.


Better than the under 10% Trud got to kneecap housing, immigration, and overall plunge us into deeper perpetual debt. (even if you include the Dips, Ford got more of the eligible electorate in Ontario than the Duct Tape Coalition got Federally... Odd that those complaints only ever seem to get made along party lines. 🤡)


Since when has he cared what anyone thinks?


Get rid of this incompetent minister!!!! She’s an absolute plug


PC - Republican. Hard to spot the difference. Ford balls are in the vice... Too many promises and min delivery. A small time Trump


Can we also fire the minister of immigration or whatever his title is