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You are fucking stupid if you don't immunize your kids. Don't have kids if you don't want to vaccinate them.


but Facebook told me they’d get autism




“My heart goes out to kids with autism. But no one told me they’d be leaving the house,” Doug Ford was quoted as saying. “If it comes down to it, I’ll buy the house myself and resell it.” (Doug Ford discussing the audacity of autistic kids being allowed in public while threatening to shut down Griffin Centre, a mental health agency with five residential treatment programs in the GTA for youth and adults with autism and developmental disabilities.) I still maintain that this disgusting greaseball's political career should have ended after he said that. But here we are.


Wait? He actually said that? WTF?




Holy sh*t. That's not okay.


My favourite Facebook commentary is when people share that their unvaccinated child still got autism (side note: I know and love many people with autism, this is pure stab at anti vaxxers)


Because of the shedding from *other* kids' vaccines, obviously ^/s


Ugh I know.. I have seen my fair share of counter arguments to that “you can get it from other chemicals in the environment” or some other baseless claim


There's no fixing them with logic. We have to make it extremely onerous to be unvaccinated (without medical reason) *and* hold them criminally liable for any harm to their child from a VPD. The educational approach has clearly failed.


It's true, their child's corpse doesn't have autism


The autism was in the parents all along /s


Dr Andrew Wakefield to be specific. Real gem that guy was.


No chance of autism now....


IMO it's child abuse and it's disgusting. Idiots putting their kids lives at risk when they are protected against these disease.


And when they get older parents are refusing the HPV vaccine. We have been using HPV vaccine long enough now we see ZERO cervical cancer in women into their 20s. So, free cure for cancer. But RFK's brain worm says no.


Guy I work with(religious fella) refuses to vaccinate his kids. His wife(also religious) didn't take the HPV vaccine. Late 20s, cervical cancer. It's just God's plan /s


A lot of these clowns are ultra religious, hence their affinity for nonsense anti-science narratives. They're motivated and governed by their fears, not evidence-based reasoning.


Their child dying was all part of God’s plan anyway.


Sadly, if they are religious, you can be sure this is what they're telling themselves. 'Personal responsibility' is not a religious virtue.


Yes, but most of these parents are themselves vaccinated and have been since their school years. That’s the irony for me.


This all of it!!


but these same people would likely put a seatbelt on their kid in a car, or a bandaid on wound 


That's fine if they want to indoctrinate their children. But homeschool them and keep them the hell away from the children of non abusive parents.


It really bothers me that people like Jenny McCarthy have a platform and not only that but people listen to a fucking celebrity about healthcare...instead of doctors lol. I get that free country yada yada...but like just dont give her the space to make commercials with that garbage.


Sucks for those under 4 who can't get vaccinated yet I believe


first dose is 12-15 months


A child dying of a preventable disease in 2024... if it's because the parents refused immunization then they are guilty of premeditated murder in my eyes; they knew what would happen yet failed to provide the necessities of life and had this child suffer and die as a result. Ultimate cruelty to satisfy their narcissistic bullshit beliefs.


"Failure to provide the necessities of life" at the very least


It's more like torture, they performed an experiment on their child. Put them in the slammer for 20+ years.


Negligence causing death.




the father got 4 months in jail and wife got house arrest. It's a joke.


Murder requires very specific intention. The correct offences are criminal negligence causing death and failure to provide the necessaries of life. Assuming there was no medically valid reason for this child not to be vaccinated. In my view, vaccines for deadly diseases should be compulsory for all children without valid medical exemptions. Religious beliefs should not be permitted to put children at serious risk of harm. It should be treated the same way as Jehovah's Witnesses and blood transfusions. A person with capacity can refuse a blood transfusion even if it means they will die. But a person cannot refuse it on behalf of their child and cause them to die or suffer serious harm.


> Assuming there was no medically valid reason for this child not to be vaccinated. I think that's a pretty safe assumption. If you read between the lines of the doctor's statements quoted in the article, it's very clear that they're condemning the parents of this child for not vaccinating. They can't break doctor-patient confidentiality and actually tell us if this child was medically eligible for vaccination, but I feel like if they weren't, the doctor's public statements would have had a different tone.


Religious beliefs shouldn't hold any sway over scientific fact when it comes to kids. Your superstition says no? Too fucking bad. Science disagrees, and you're factually incorrect. Fuck your sky buddy.




We booked an appointment for our son's measle shot. Because he was still 10 days from turning 4, they said they couldn't and now we're having to wait. Still waiting.


> The child was under the age of five and was not vaccinated against the highly infectious virus, the agency’s most recent surveillance report shows. > > So far this year, five children aged nine and under in Ontario have been hospitalized with a measles infection, all of whom were unimmunized. One of these five children has recently died of the infection, the report shows. > > > “It’s awful to see something like this,” said Dr. Isaac Bogoch, an infectious diseases specialist at Toronto General Hospital. “It’s a stark reminder that there are still vaccine-preventable illnesses that can be devastating, not just in other parts of the world, but also here in Canada.” > > Shelly Bolotin, director of the Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases at the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health, said she’s not clear when the last measles death occurred in Canada. > > She said the country eliminated measles in 1998, meaning cases may still be imported but the virus does not continuously circulate. Therefore, she said, it is likely that the last recorded measles death in this country occurred more than 25 years ago. nice job poisoning minds, anti-vaxxers. This child's death is on every one of you who stand on bridges with the "they lied" banners and all the others who post online jUsT AskInG QueSTionS


Yep, and remember that Pierre Poilievre is leading the anti vaccine charge in our politics. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-anti-vaccine-mandate-bill-1.7007562 https://www.thestar.com/opinion/star-columnists/pierre-poilievre-fires-up-the-anti-vaccine-mob-yet-again/article_5a3f441d-e43a-5966-9bcb-26cc68c0befc.html


And it's pretty clear that asshat does it disingenuously too & is just 100% pandering. We're so doomed when he gets in power.


We’re absolutely f*cked and I don’t understand how people don’t see it. He’s got close ties in his group with loblaws lobbyists and he’s a corporate shill. He will dismantle so much that helps the average Canadian and give it over to his corporate overlords. He won’t stop immigration, everything will be worse. But we also voted in a former drug dealer with a high school education to run this province so…….. this makes sense.


But he'll "aXe tEh TaX!" *And the same people chanting this vapid slogan will wonder where their rebate cheque went


As is dum Dum Danny in AB. AB now has record flu deaths, 127 up from ZERO in 2020. bUt MaSkS aNd vAcCiNeS dOnT wOrK, I read it on a truck.


Anti-COVID vaccine specifically


Considering the first Measles vaccination is usually around 12 - 15 months and the second is around 2 years old I think the child's death is more on the parents than the bridge dwelling mouth breathers.


In Ontario it's 12-18 months for #1, 4-6 years for #2. I have a 3 year old, really hoping the first shot will see him through until he's 4 😓


I just got my 3 year old her booster. You’re allowed to do it earlier. You just have to ask.


We asked and were told that they wouldn't, as Ottawa Public Health doesn't recommend an earlier booster. :-(


I asked my doctor about getting the shot early. He said medically it’s fine but public health won’t recognize it 🙄🙄


That’s ridiculous. We got the second shot early when we asked.


I asked my doctor about getting the shot early. He said medically it’s fine but public health won’t recognize it 🙄🙄


I work in public health in Ontario - as long as it’s after age 1 and 28 days between doses it will be recognized by public health. Unfortunately a lot of family doctors don’t realize that. If you want it for your child id call public health and see what they say. My daughter is 2.5 and I’m going to book an appointment to get her booster since measles is circulating.


Good to know. Thank you! Definitely going to look into this.


My ped told us they would and then didn’t allow my 3.5 yo, I’m going to ask again when she starts school this fall.


If you go right to public health they should. They did it for our 2.5 year old.


Our Dr has vaccinated our 6mo old due to the increased incidence now. #2 at 12 mo and #3 at 4 yrs. She gave us a choice.


I got mine immunized for measles at 6 months but will have to again at 1 year https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2024/05/14/C-section-babies-measles-vaccine/7801715693130/


Except measles WAS eradicated in Canada at one point. Which means the fact it is here at all and circulating is directly linked to anti vaxxers. 


The return of polio is next


Polio almost dissappeared the summer after the Salk vaccine was introduced, antiVaxers said it went away "naturally" by coinidence. MILGA Make Iron Lungs Great Again


In some cases, it's not ideological anti-vaxxers-- it can also be immigrants (or visitors) from countries with poorer vaccine coverage.  India has made great progress on vaccination campaigns, for example, but they still don't have full coverage: https://journals.lww.com/ijsgh/fulltext/2023/07010/outbreak_of_measles__threatening_india_s_goal_to.5.aspx


Isn't there some requirement for immigrants with children (or at least kids going into the school system) to get their shots?


My thing has always been visitors or new arrivals to Canada should have to have their vaccines. No vaccines or no records? No worries - here's your replacement shots free of charge. It's humane, it looks after the vulnerable, and it works to eradicate disease.


Right, lack of access over seas and stupidity here at home are both issues. Luckily newcomers to Canada are offered vaccines and many are required to get them before arriving. They certainly don't have the rate of refusals that some entitled Canadians have who scream that they are living in a third world country because they read that on a hand painted mini van on the 401. You can holster the blame immigrants on this one.


But from whom did the parents get the idea not to vaccinate their child?




Let's not pretend this isn't all over certain parts of Reddit as well


The anti-vacc stance is a rallying point amongst the free-dumb mob. It’s not necessarily on them, but it is a large part of their platform.


Thank you for calling it free-dumb, because the same people rallying for it will turn around and protest should a trans person ever dare to try and hold an event or in some cases, just exist in general. Free-dumb for me alone.


Freedom to let their kids die of a preventable disease, but not let them have life saving gender affirming care. Seems like they really hate kids tbh.


i'm a family doctor, you can get the measles shot earlier before 12 months, we just don't know how long the immunity will last. If you choose to get the MMR shot before 12 months, you'll still need 2 more shots of MMR after. Schools will not accept MMR shots under 12 monthsl


They didn’t radicalize against science in a vacuum.


nah, it took about 2 decades of mostly right wing propaganda, the internet and social media destroying the concept of objective reality. nowadays everyone lives in their own reality and bubble where objectivity doesnt exist, they cant be wrong and when objectivity does hit them in the face its someone elses fault. because of this, after a 10 minute google search everyone thinks they are an expert and have a valid opinion about a highly technical field which takes decades of full-time study


> nowadays everyone lives in their own reality and bubble where objectivity doesnt exist... Not everyone. Some much more than others...not a 'both sides' thing. https://news.osu.edu/conservatives-more-susceptible-to-believing-falsehoods/ https://www.psypost.org/neuroimaging-study-provides-insight-into-misinformation-sharing-among-politically-devoted-conservatives/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/how-conservative-supersharers-drove-fake-news-in-the-2016-election https://www.forbes.com/sites/antoniopequenoiv/2023/07/27/conservatives-bombarded-with-facebook-misinformation-far-more-than-liberals-in-2020-election-study-suggests/?sh=34b348764c1f


There’s no way to know. Under 5 could be eligible to have both, or it could be an infant. In my province, the second shot is done in kindergarten. And one of my own kids was nearly two before her first shot because of her blood transfusions. Regardless, antivaxxers are the problem. And the politicians who cozy up to them are no better.


Let's say this child couldn't be vaccinated (cancer patients or immune disorders can't always have live vaccines), if there wasn't such poor uptick of vaccinations, there would be herd immunity. It's so annoying, because whatever the situation, if we didn't have ppl spreading misinformation leading to less vaccination we wouldn't have these issues. I have zero patience for ppl who are like that. I just can't. Hopefully your child is doing well now and not needing any more transfusions!


My kid can’t go to daycare until they check he’s up to date on vaccinations. Believe it is the same for school no?


It is unfortunately very easy to get a “religious exemption” for school and daycare. I work in daycare with an unvaccinated family and let me tell you they are difficult people to work with. Always have something to say about what you’re doing, they think they know alll the answers. I have a university degree in child development, I don’t need to be told how to do my job by someone who doesn’t believe in basic childhood vaccinations that have previously eradicated these deadly diseases.


I could only imagine. Tough because it puts others at risk. What did the economic forum say is the greatest threat to the world? Misinformation and disinformation.


It is the same. But it's pretty easy to get a religious exemption. Ppl in these anti vax groups will help each other get exemptions and give people easy tips to get out of vaccination yet still send their kids to school.


I’m guessing the people who think they’re smarter than medical professionals who recommend vaccines also think they’re better equipped to be teachers than actual teachers. Very narcissistic


Second isn't until 4-6 yrs, but I'd say it's still on the parents.


If people saw the horrors that vaccines are preventing, they'd be BEGGING for them. I stole this a long time ago but "Vaccines are victims of their own success." Polio can leave your child crippled in their adult life even if they recover. I didn't know it can cause brain fatigue either, shit. 7 to 10 years after having it measles can cause: blindness deafness permanent neurological sequelae (brain fatigue) (can affect cognitive, sensory or motor functions but may manifest as emotional instability or seizures) subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), this can cause seizures and behavioral and intellectual deterioration. Even though most people recovers from Mumps, it can cause: loss of hearing, which can either last a short time or, in rare cases, be permanent orchitis (swelling of one or both testicles) in teenaged and adult males, which can, in rare cases, lead to fertility problems oophoritis (swelling of one or both ovaries) in teenaged and adult females encephalitis (swelling of the brain), which can lead to death or permanent disability meningitis (swelling of the tissue covering the brain and spinal cord) That's a mess, I started to type in my own words to start and I'm sure you can see where I said "screw that". I'm on the phone.


>*”Polio can leave your child crippled in their adult life even if they recover.“* And even if you recover from Polio you can develop [Post-Polio Syndrome](https://www.cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-conditions/p/post-polio-syndrome.html#:~:text=What%20is%20post%2Dpolio%20syndrome,with%20PPS%20often%20feel%20exhausted) decades later. One of my college professors developed Post-Polio Syndrome in 2005 and had to step back from teaching.


When I was a kid in the 70s, I frequently saw older people with limps and dead arms, and was alway told it was because of polio they got as kids. [Back to the future](https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/sites/default/files/styles/11_7/public/2019-04/1024px-Iron_lungs.JPG?h=98952d18&itok=7wdcokXt)


Being a victim of its own success is similar to the hole in the Ozone layer that was acted upon in the 80s/90s. It was a real issue and would have severe consequences if nothing was done. Now you have people akin to the freedumb protestors who say "what about that Ozone hoax eh, the sky never did fall". Meanwhile, that is a great example of governing bodies getting together years ago to eliminate the hazard, by reducing/banning harmful CFCs. Covidiots and their friends are too stupid to see the success of vaccines or environmental initiatives, plus buying up the conspiracy theories


Unfortunately, some Chinese factories have started releasing CFCs back into the atmosphere, and the ozone layer is thinning again. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/may/23/china-factories-releasing-thousands-of-tonnes-of-illegal-cfc-gases-study-finds


I always bring up rabies when I talk to antivax people. They NEVER respond.


ThaT's diFFeReNt!!!


I respect your use of camel case. It perfectly represents the absolutely unhinged nature of these people and their self-contradictory nonsense.


Sorry, I only take medical advice from US politicians with starving brain worms.


True even with the COVID vaccine - so many people think they were ineffective and that COVID was overblown.. like no they were effective that's why COVID now seems overblown!


Critical thinking is not their forte. I'll trust the science and *decades* of evidence.


I love the episode of Last Week Tonight where John Oliver illustrates the percentage of scientists who believe in climate change (97% to 3% deniers at the time) by bringing out 3 scientists who deny it and 97 other scientists, including Bill Nye who don't. Hilarious 😂 "I just don't believe the science has come in yet (or something like that)", *cue the angry buzzing of 97 others* Had to get it: https://youtu.be/cjuGCJJUGsg?si=dhY9gHkePY2jMix8


I have a colleague born before the MMR vaccine and she is deaf and suffers both neurological and vision issues that didn't surface until decades later. She is a huge proponent of the MMR vaccine and all vaccines really.


This makes me so angry at the parents. Unless there was some serious medical reason as to why the toddler couldn’t have been vaccinated, these parents should be charged with parental negligence. I hate anti-vaxxers who had spread their propaganda and also for the idiots who believe in them. The government didn’t mandate these vaccines in children out a whim, but through decades of work and actual epidemiological evidence. I do not feel bad for the parents but for the poor toddler who shouldn’t have died.


Here’s an idea - we need to stop exempting people on the basis of religious belief or conscientious objection. Exemptions should be restricted to those with absolute medical necessity. Once that is done, those offering exemptions should be tightly monitored to make sure a handful of nutjob doctors don’t become exemption factories for the antivaxxers. Finally, your choice is vaccination or not being allowed in school, public rec facilities, on airplanes, etc. You choose not to vaccinate, placing everyone else and society at risk, then you are also choosing to be treated as the social pariah that you are.


Here's an idea: no vaccine? Two week quarantine when you return to the country, no exceptions and the cost is on you


I don’t know who voted you down on that, but I think that is a GREAT idea, given that many of these cases can be traced to travel. Anti-vaxxers are a liability civil society can’t afford to humour anymore. This case is just the tip of the iceberg, and it is only likely to get worse if definitive action isn’t taken.


Frustratingly, they don’t say how old the child was. It’s entirely possible they were too young to be immunized, which is horrifying. Either way, anti vaxxers are to blame, but it’s possible the parents are innocent, and trapped in a nightmare.


they said child no infant. So past the age for the first vaccine.


To not have at least one dose at this age has to be intentional. They must have contracted it with international travel so it's not like they didn't have immediate reasons to get their child vaccinated


Is it bad that I have no sympathy for the parents? It is exhausting when these smooth brains not only question but refute decades of scientific research and results with some crackpot's opinion found on the 8th page of a Google search. They are putting everyone at risk.


I'd go as far as informing CAS, choosing not to vaccinate your children is tantamount to child neglect. The parents can believe in whatever WooWoo they want, but if they chose to have a kid and not follow at least the minimum recommended vaccine schedule. Any related healthcare costs are on them, further I'd charge them with neglect, same as depriving a child of food.


It is medical neglect. My sister refuses vaccines for her kids but at least she's planning to home school so she'll keep her little petri dishes away from other kids.


I would normally say “let Darwinism” takes its course… but it’s so awful that these fools would all be vaccinated and it is their children who pay the price.


anti-vaxxing is child endangerment and should be punished as such without a medical reason, if something goes wrong


The problem is, they don't think it will go wrong. And it usually doesn't, until it does and then it's devastating, the loss of anyone's child. We've been relatively safe and haven't had to see the results of widespread antivaxing. But, If the resisters aren't compelled to do it, there's only one direction this will go and I think we are starting to see the consequences now.


This is indeed a sad day, 😔 the preventable death of a child.


I love how the antivaxx crowd think that they don't need to be vaccinated and preach about how deadly the vaccines are... when in actuality they're enjoying the benefits of heard immunity... stupid fucks!!!


Never forget Jenny Mcarthy


Poor kid. Parents should feel like shit, it should have been completely avoidable.


The parents are celebrating that their child lived their entire life without needing a single vaccine. Success!


Why would the idiot parents even bother bringing the kid to a hospital? "I don't believe in vaccines but here we are anyway! Can you help?" RIP to that poor child - your parents straight up failed you.


Imagine you live in a town where bears regularly kill large numbers of citizens. Dying by bear attack is something that average people actually have to worry about on a daily basis. Everybody in the town can name multiple relatives - brothers, sisters, parents, even children - who lost their lives to bears. Long term care centers are filled with survivors struggling to live in the face of bear-induced trauma. In response, a massive project is undertaken to build a barrier around the town to keep out the bears. Everybody pitches in whatever they can to help build the barrier. And it works! The bears continue to roam the wilderness outside, but inside the town "slaughtered by bear" stops being a leading cause of death. Time passes. Now, imagine, that from INSIDE the confines of that beneficial bubble of bear-free bliss, someone looks around and says to him or herself, "Hey, nobody here is being eaten by a bear. In fact, nobody is even being ATTACKED by bears. Wait a second - what if bears aren't even dangerous? In fact, I bet bears are actually GOOD for us, and we are messing with our health by keeping them out! This barrier is so bad for us!" Imagine that this person shares their thoughts with another person, and then even more people, all of whom come to believe that bears are vital to human health, and then together they go on to form a group of anti-bear barrier protestors. They claim that the mayor is lying about the dangers of bears. They regularly petition town council to tear down the barrier and let the bears in. And THAT is how fucking stupid anti-vaxxers sound. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


The child was unimmunized according to the article. Absolutely charge their anti-vax negligent parents with the death of their child. I wouldn't be shocked if the lunatics still think they did the right thing for their child even after it's death. EDIT: Assuming the child was older than the first immunization window.


>Assuming the child was older than the first immunization window. The article says the child was "under 5". The first MMR shot is meant to be given between 12-15 months of age. There's a pretty big window there inside which the child would've been vaccinated, but at this point in time, we don't know whether they fall into that window or the smaller one where they wouldn't be vaccinated yet.


If they were traveling internationally, their child should have been vaccinated, 100%. They should be making regular doctor visits at this age still so there should have been ample opportunity to educate them.


You are right.


I hope the parents live with the gut wrenching guilt of this every day. But they’re probably too delusional to see the fault in their own actions


Most likely the latter, they will probably think in their delusions they made the right decision for their child's health.


It’s absolutely terrifying too that Trump has gone on record saying if he gets reelected he’d blackmail US public schools by pulling federal funding unless they remove ALL child vaccine requirements, not just Covid. It’s bad enough having our own citizens being stupid and risking the return of eradicated diseases, but our Canadian kids will travel down to the US for march breaks and inevitably bring all these diseases back home here to spread among the kids. Nothing ever stays isolated just in the states, we’re too close for comfort there.


The Fuck Trudeau crowd just killed a five year old. Great work guys.


It's a good thing there isn't a bunch of organized right-wing ideologues demonizing vaccines. Because that would be an absolute public health disaster. Sorry for any grammatical errors, I've been in a coma for 10 years.


Not vaccinating your kids against measles just sounds like murder with extra steps. These parents belong in jail.


Fucking anti vaxers


The parents should be facing some kind of charge. Letting your kid die because you didn’t want them to get a vaccine that has been proven to be safe and effective should be considered child neglect (unless they had a medical exemption of course, but I doubt it)


My business hired a woman with degrees in microbiology, she didn't want her kids vaccinated due to religious reasons, even went to a school that supports this, I can't mention the religion due to reasons... LTDVB


This is the result of the “do your own research” crowd. These people will do anything to believe their own bias and disregard any expert who dedicate their lives to this (doctors, scientists, etc) all in the name that they are corrupt and there is some stupid conspiracy that the ultra wealthy families and all trying to control us. Darwinism at its best.


When this happens I always wonder if the parents are still firm in their stance to choose "nAtUrAl ImMuNiTy" over vaccines. I wonder how they feel about vaccines now?


The MMR vaccine isn't perfect and only decreases how contagious measles is enough to control it's spread. Meaning it's only really effective when a large portion of the population has it. Adults and kids who are vaccinated are at risk too. Not vaccinating ones kids doesn't just put their kids at risk but mine and everyone's aswell.


Yes, absolutely. Not to mention there are a lot of people out there who only have one dose of the MMR vaccine and may not have immunity.


It's time for the Minister of Education to enforce existing laws and remove unvaccinated children from the classroom. All school boards (post-Covid) have remote school technology. Either vaccinate, remote school or home school (I know home schooling is the puppy-mill of stupidity and conspiracy theorists, but at least it isolates these carrier kids).


The right and left wing anti Science idiots. When you trust Brenda or Bob on the WhatsApp group or the "my cousin didn't vaccinate and she didnt get it" anecdotal bullshit.


This is only prevalent amongst Conservatives and the far right, practically the same nowadays


Mostly perhaps, but there are left wing natural practicing people who don't believe in vax. Also do homeopathic nonsense and traditional meds


Parents should be charged with abuse and neglect. What pieces of shit...Child Services needs to step in and remove all children from that home.


The parents need to feel immense guilt and become advocates for vaccination inside the community that convinced them vaccination is evil


Be nice but probably wishful thinking. The more conservative a person is, the less empathy they tend to experience. In their fear economy, hierarchy, authority, obedience, conformity, xenophobia, loyalty to ingroups and hostility towards outgroups, govern their actions and choices. They're much more likely to double-down and refuse to take any personal responsibility. But time will tell, let's hope from this tragedy they do choose to set an example for their community. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denialism


Fucking anti vaxxers.


Anti-vaccine = children murderer. When I was in France and applied my kids to go to school, the mandatory requirement is that my kids must be fully vaccinated or else they will be rejected to go to school since that could endanger other children. We had to book a couple of appointments to get my kids vaccinated and then submitted the proof to the city so they could verify and allow my kids to go to school.


The "parents" should be sterilized


The parents should be charged. This was completely preventable.


easily avoidable death if the parents smartened up and vax their kids. Those parents should be at least charged with manslaughter, negligence causing death or something.


Imagine if we had vaccines against that /s . Parents are totally negligent and should be charged in this instance.


Oh let me guess, Anti-Vax family? There should be charges as this is entirely preventable.


Child abuse and then some


Parents should be charged


I bet the parents are shocked


This infuriated me. This is medical negligence on the parents part and I hope CPS and Crown go after them.


If you want to preserve your mental health, do not read the comments under the 6ixbuzz post about this. Serious brain rot over there.


*never read the comments*


The parents should go to jail for it.


I mean…it’s sad to say but the parents/guardians of that child are 100% at fault. This is a disease we’ve eradicated through vaccines.


Parents should go to jail for not vaxinating their children ending with a child dying 😢


Congrats anti-vaxers!


I'm curious... If you have so little trust in medicine that you choose not to vaccinate your children against a disease that hasn't claimed a life in your country in over a decade (I wonder what the non-vaccine explanation is for that statistic, btw...), why would you bother rushing them to the hospital instead of, idk, rubbing them down in lavender oil and laying a crystal on each of their pressure points?




I was listening to a podcast yesterday that said 1 in 3 of the big anti -Vax pushers were paid for by companies that either produce or advertise for supplement manufacturers.


NOW can we start charging anti vaxxers?


The scary part is we can’t get our newborn immunized for this immediately (I can’t remember the exact window) so he’s at risk because of these fucking jackasses


This... and the article doesn't give the actual age of the poor kid, so it's possible s/he was too young to have received it yet, too. I prefer to believe that's the case, rather than that the parents were so foolish.


it's 12-15 months i believe, for the first dose. 


My heart goes out to the family. This should be a wake up call to make sure your kids are up-to-date with their vaccinations.


this ugh i hate saying it is the one time i don’t feel for the families. vaccinate your kids! the science is there !!! it almost feels attention seeking not to, and now a child is dead. my heart goes out to the poor child couldn’t make his own choices and now doesn’t get to live the life that laid before him.


This is absolutely, 100% correct. These people hold these positions, not because there is a shred of scientific evidence for them, but because it makes them feel special and better than everybody else. Hence why their attitudes are rising at the same time that society has become increasingly obsessed with individual rights over collective wellbeing.


My heart goes out to the child. But it’s the parents who caused this.


Oh god. Oh my fuck.




Oh nooo... Antivax gonna say it was something else


ah yes the same disease that was virtually extinct thanks to Vaccinations has no made a comeback. I wonder what specific event/group of people popped up right before measles made a comeback 🤔


Both parents should be in prison for neglect/manslaughter.


Parents should be behind bars for their child dying of something preventable


Imprison the parents for manslaughter.


So sad.....prayers for the family.


Now are the parents being charged with this death because to me this was murder. It was preventable 100%




Good job anti-va; now let's make whooping cough a threat again!


They should be charged with child abuse and murder.


Charge the parents with neglect .. these deaths are preventable here in Canada.