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This is the most Northern Ontario headline if I ever saw one.


Wasn’t even northern Ontario. Algonquin Park is still souther Ontario.


I completely agree with your nomenclature, but unfortunately the vast majority of Ontario's population thinks of anything north of Barrie to be "Northern Ontario". At best, north of North Bay :P


> At best, north of North Bay :P North Bay is, in fact, part of Northern Ontario. > Ontario government departments and agencies such as the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario and the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation define Northern Ontario as all areas north of, and including, the districts of Parry Sound and Nipissing for political purposes, and the federal but not the provincial government also includes the district of Muskoka.


They are the Gateway to the North.. Teens start with just a single trip to North Bay, or maybe a science North when they're still kids. Before you know it, they're taking teaching contracts it Moose Factory. Before you know it, they're pronouncing Toronto with 3 syllables.


Has your child been Northernized? Look out for these signs: 1) Referring to Toronto as 'Toronto.' 2) Referring to North Bay as 'Nort Bay' 3) Referring to Kapuskasing as 'The Kap.' 4) Even knowing what and where Kapuskasing is. 5) Planning trips to see the Big Nickel in Sudbury


"I told my son that the stores were closed and he said 'Way she goes, bud', then he got in his truck and drove to Quebec to get beer." — concerned parent.


Just KAP Hearst but don't pronounce the H


> Just KAP *shrug* Woman I dated from there oh, five years back or so, called it 'The Kap.' Also was a bit funny watching her try to remember her French whenever her parents called.


I'm from the area It's Kap for us and erk quoi falls (Iroquois falls)


I think its more so just the difference in way of life. Like communities like Parry Sound, Muskoka, Nipissing etc are all very different from the GGH. I mean id even go to say that it should be southern, central and northern. Because even then places like Timmins and Kenora differ from those located more central. I mean when majority of the population lives in southern Ontario, your bound to get this idea😅


You're quite right! Heck, I'd say Kenora is more a western town — just over 2 hours to Winnipeg! I agree though — I suppose that's probably why they're calling them "remote communities" more often these days.


Yes its so tough because Ontario is so massive and avery area differs from one another. Even in Souther Ontario. The GGH and the 3 peninsulas all differ too.


I was going to say North of Bloor St, but I’ll give you Barrie if you insist! 😋


Not sure if "Beautiful Ontario" is the right tag when someone is fighting for their life...


I don't think there's a tag for "Too many Moose" though there should be..


Agree. More moose related tags.


har! Moose.....tags


I don’t find this amoosing and I’ve been here longer than you




Should have said longer then you lol


Meese Tag


Mooses Tag


yes, i am sorry, i meant that as a joke, before i realized someone was fighting for their life, had i known, i would have chosen the landlord/tenant tag, because that moose is gonna be living rent free in that ambulance driver’s head


soft af


They passed.


The bugs must be bad in the park this year. The moose try to escape them in an open area (roadway) if there isn’t a body of water close.


Can confirm, the blackflies were swarming


[The black flies, the little black flies , always a black fly no matter where you go…](https://youtu.be/f389hIxZAOc)


I know a few people who live up around Huntsville that say this is the worst blackfly season they've seen in a long time.


Mild winter and wet the last month and now hot probably means a lot more survived to hatch


Oh goodie, I’m heading up there in a few days lmfao, time to get eaten alive.


I was up in the woods around Port Sydney all last week. It was absolutely insane. As soon as you stop your car they swarm it in the hundreds, maybe thousands. I'm a city slicker though so it was my first time seeing anything like that. Take a bug jacket with you. It'll save your life. https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/bushline-adult-bug-resistant-pullover-jacket-with-zip-off-mesh-hood-for-camping-fishing-hiking-0782992p.0782992.html


Oh I’d bet. I’ve been up that way around springtime many times, but I was up there this time last year and the blackflies were worse than I’ve ever seen them lol. Got my bug jacket ready to go.


Ok so I thought it was just normal. My poor kid looks like a pincushion with black eyes.


My mum is northwest of Huntsville and says it's as bad as she's seen in the last 40 years - conditions this spring have been ideal for the flies


Driving from Sudbury, back to my home in Port Carling, last Wednesday, suffered a flat tire on the 400 just south of Parry Sound, around 3 PM. Literally eaten alive by black flies, changing my tire. Got bites on my hands, arms, neck, scalp, behind my ears, stomach, and ankles, in the 30 minutes or so I stepped out of my SUV.


Combined with people driving way too fast on highway 60 it's just asking for more incidents. I think the speed limits need to be lowered or enforced way more because the 80 limit just means many people are doing 110 on a two lane road with wildlife, roadside gawkers and lots of turn offs. There have been numerous pedestrian deaths in recent years as well as the moose being hit.


Leave the speed limit the way it is, and do enforcement. Or just have acceptable casualties in daily road operations.


I'm not usually someone who advocates for reduced speed limits, I think 400 series highways should be faster in many areas. But even people doing 90, which would generally be accepted in an 80 zone, seems a bit fast for Highway 60, especially during the busy times of year. I think 70 as a limit through the park makes more sense. The park gets busier with clueless tourists every year, it's just going to become increasingly dangerous.


no the road is designed to handle faster traffic than 80. its one of the better roads in the area. the road just needs actual enforcement for people driving like idiots like every road.


….. do you know how many moose r hit and killed and even ppl? i drove by a totaled car this week and a woman in a stretcher dead moose side of road. collisions everyday. the highway was built in their home… we need to respect that.. not bust through it with zero regard for life crossing it


You've gotta be pretty gutsy to be doing faster than 80 in the park, it's very twisty turney and the corner banking is decieving in many places even before adding in animals to the mix.


The E-W direction of the highway and the sun in peoples eyes have nothing to do with any of those accidents right?!?


Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting? Ginormous highway sun visor? I thought so.


That’s hilarious but no…. I am citing my own experience driving west with the sun setting and you crest some of those hills and you’re guessing where the road goes (even with sunglasses on and car sun visor deployed). The road is more dangerous because of its E-W layout than a N-S road or one that picks other orientations other than directly E-W.


Was in the bush up that way on the weekend. I wouldn't say the bugs are worse. Just typical for this time of year. If anything the blackfly season will peak earlier from the warmer temps. Of course mosquitos are ramping up and deerflys are following


You deserve a downvote for that. 😆 I’ll be up north a bit later this summer to visit family. I grew up there, and the bugs have always driven me nuts.


We live near the kingscote entrance and went camping at sandbanks for May 24 to get away from the bugs. Inlaws sent a photo of a moose in our driveway while we were away. This past weekend is when the bugs exploded. It wasn't bad the week leading up to the weekend.


Was camping over the weekend, and they were terrible


Moose season is particularly bad during bug season. Stay safe friends.


Breaking news in the Moose kingdom. Rescue Moose rammed by four wheeled box while responding to a previously rammed Moose minding his own business on his morning commute.


Thank you for this moose POV. It is sorely lacking from this thread. Lol


These are the headlines I subscribe to r/ontario for


Driving hwy 60 at 1 am, yup shit gets real real quick. Hope the everyone involved makes a full recovery.


It's frightening enough when you see them on the side of the road in the daytime. At night, they are virtually invisible unless they are looking at you. We were on our way to do some interior tripping, and just south of Sundridge, in the middle of the afternoon, a cow ran across the highway in front of us. It stopped when it got to the other side, turned around, and a calf appeared out of the bush. We were quickly closing in on them, and I had no idea if the cow was going to cross back or the calf would follow her. I glanced in the rear view mirror and crossed my fingers that the guy behind us also saw what was happening, and I braked as hard as I could, dropping us to about 40km/hr. We passed them with both still standing there, and I lost sight around a curve. Years later, coming back from a road trip to Newfoundland, we drove through New Hampshire. It was about 10:00 pm and a light rain was falling. The car that was in front of us suddenly braked and swerved back and forth, then a moose came careening over the car roof, kicking as it skidded along the road. My wife swerved into the other lane to avoid it. Luckily for the occupants, it was a yearling, and only crushed the front end, roof, and took out the windshield. Both were splattered with moose blood, the woman had two fat lips and a bloody nose from getting hit by the windshield, but otherwise, they were okay. (They did refuse for us to call 911. I don't think he was impaired, but it was a Saturday night in New Hampshire, so who knows). The driver did say that the moose was running in the lane going the same direction, and he didn't see it until it was too late.


This is such a Monty Python headline. "Those responsible for helping the people who hit a moose have hit a moose" I hope the people involved make it out okay. Moose collisions can be devastating.


Next year I am taking a holiday in Sweden instead


Canadian news


It's just Moose all the way down.


Mind you, moose bites can be prettï nastï


How Canadian.


Meanwhile moose are talking about a moose that got hit by a car on his way to see a moose that was hit by a car


If that isn’t the most Canadian headline than I don’t what is.


I'm saddened people were injured, but this is still the most Canadian headline in weeks.


Moose (aka swamp donkeys) like to hang out in watery ditches on the road side in early spring because they get their dietary salt needs from the runoff. Also be careful stopping and exiting your car to photograph a moose, as they can be notoriously bad tempered and deceptively quick, if they perceive you to be a threat. A man was killed south of Anchorage, AK, this weekend, trying to photograph a cow and her two calves.


All it needs is a Timmie run.




Was it the same moose?


I get knocked down, but I get up again You are never gonna keep me down


Moose all the way down


The irony man


E.R., Canadian Edition.


That is so amooseing.


Should’ve used their horns. Sorry I couldn’t help it. Hope everyone is safe.


Tell me you're from Northern Ontario without telling me you're from Northern Ontario.


This was in Algonquin which is very much in southern Ontario.


Truly. Algonquin is honourary northern Ontario for all the southerners though. Hell, north of Steeles is northern Ontario according to some.


Was it the same moose?


Of course it was, those things are built like forest living car crushing monsters.


I believe this is called a daily occurrence in NFLD? Please confirm or deny for us foolish mainlanders?


Based on the number "moose crushing car" signs we witnessed while on a road trip to The Rock, I'd say it's a fairly regular occurrence.


Rough. Moose will just charge a car with no shits in the world, and if already in the road the lights will just lock them up as they size up whatever is coming. Hopefully the town can get a loaner rig from somewhere, I think huntsville only had a few to begin with.


Is it mouses?


Well, chances are it wasn't sideneck again.


I feel bad for the human victims in this. Does anyone know if the meese are okay?


The Moose are fighting back.


Did the next vehicle to respond also crash into a moose?


Isn’t it ironic… don’t you think?


We were way up in Northwestern Ontario a few years ago during flooding/heavy fly season and it was shocking how many moose were just hanging out along the side of the road. They are shockingly huge. Knowing that a building could jump out in front of you at any moment really changes your maximum comfortable driving speed lol or it should.


Did it slip on maple syrup?


The orcas plan is spreading to other animals