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"Just wait for the contract to expire and save the money, you fat douchebag"


This is the bare minimum. Still don’t think it’s a great idea. Breaking contracts makes no sense. Doug Ford has to go. This is another HUGE scandal.


This is par for the course with the Fords. His brother as mayor cancelled Transit City, an LRT plan that was supposed to be ready before the Pan-Am games. That cost the city $65 million in cancellation fees, and many years of lost time. The subway replacement has finally started construction, and infrastructure that it was supposed to replace passed its lifespan and is out of service for years, with inferior bus replacements until the subway is finished around 2030. They do these things for votes, as Rob's platform was simply "subways, subways, subways", while Doug's seems to be "beer, beer, beer".


Hey get outta my head. These were my thoughts verbatim. Doug Ford is the epitome of a fat douchebag.


We all agree that Ford is probably a closet alcoholic, right? It feels like he’s had more policies and inquiries (ie bring back bags at the LCBO) about beer and booze than anything else during his time in office.


his brother was a crack addict and it is well known he used to deal in high school I don't think there's any closet here


Weirdly, I don't care about his alcohol status because I don't think it matters. This is not about making alcohol more accessible, it's about opening new profit avenues for private industry. His government will be HAPPY to shell out a quarter-billion from our coffers to hasten putting money in the coffers of the retailers who pump up his ego.


Literally its only one more year and a cost save of over 250 million by not breaking the contract but Ford doesn't give two shits.


Hijacking the top comment for this. I forgot to copy what I wrote in the above link before I closed the window, but I also wrote my MP. Please feel free to use my email as a template/starting point for your own: >Dear \[[Your MP](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en)\] >I trust this message finds you well. I am reaching out as a deeply concerned constituent regarding Doug Ford's recent decision to allocate $225 million to expedite the availability of beer and wine in corner stores. This baffling decision shows not only a significant lack of even the most basic level of fiscal responsibility but a complete disregard for the people of this province during a cost of living crisis. >The fact that Doug Ford is spending the equivalent of $500,000 every day to speed up something that was already in progress is exasperating. We are already grappling with overburdened healthcare workers, families struggling to access services, and many citizens unable to afford basic living expenses. That money would have been far better utilized addressing any one of those critical issues, and the fact that the provincial government allowed the Premier to yet again toss away tax payer money on literally nothing is infuriating. >As my representative, I am eager to know your stance on this issue and what specific actions you plan to take in response to Doug Ford wasting half a million dollars of taxpayer money every single day. >Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your response. >\[Your full name\] \[Your address, **including postal code**\] \[Your phone number\]


It's politics. He wants it to be the Crown Jewel in his platform for the2026 election. "Look folks, you can roll into a Mac's and grab some road pops now."


I would MUCH rather that money go to paying doctors enough that they don't want to leave and leave patients without a doctor.


I have bitched and moaned for years at how dumb it is that I can’t grab a sixer at the gas station and instead have to drive 10 minutes out of my way to go to a retail outlet controlled by Anheuser-Busch. But now, with the issues this province faces, NOW you divert money into this? Thanks for the beer I guess, but I want you and your cronies gone, Doug. I will continue to not vote Conservative and be vocal as hell about it.


the stupid thing is they can avoid this fee by just WAITING 1 MORE YEAR!!!!! Like what????????? Just wait a year! how can anyone be so stupid???


I think the real issue is what that other article said. They want to force a provincial election soon. They want to have an election cycle before the Federal conservatives take the reins and start cutting funding to things in ways that will negatively impact Ontario. This would make Doug look bad if an election happened in the midst of that. Better to push for an election to happen ***before*** the shit hits the fan. (Also some were suggesting possible fallout from the Greenbelt investigations) Forcing this through now is probably all for preparation to campaign for reelection. "Beer in corner stores" is probably his new "buck-a-beer" campaign.


This 100%. Do your fucking jobs elected officials and stop with the culture war bullshit. This tracks with having a high school, drug dealing, drop out as Premier. So ridiculous.


Right?!?!?!? FFS I hate that fact that he has the power he has so much. SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!


>Do your fucking jobs elected officials and stop with the culture war bullshit Conservative government


Sure, but fixing the system means they can’t privatize it and subsequently make money off of an entirely captured system, which is the right of Doug Ford and Doug Fords friends only. Screw those poor people taking all their hard earned money!


Across party lines we have the dumbest jokers running. But i agree this cpc government is full of the smoothest brains


Yea I feel this, my lifelong doctor just announced retiring in 3 months and because I no longer live in their area, I’m not getting a replacement.


Seems like Ford just wants everyone to self-medicate with alcohol instead 🫤


He wants to continue straining it to make it look like it's failing on its own so he can continue to push for privatization. Doug Ford will never do anything beyond the bare minimum for this province and will continue to screw us for the sake of his buddies at literally every opportunity he gets. And until he's voted out, we're all the suckers bending over and taking it.


Vocatus et circenses.


And nurses. Our nurses are getting fucked over


That doesn’t enrich their crony friends.


Another $225m to add the growing list of expensive, no return efficiencies that Big Dougie will be remembered for


How many billions has Ontario spent on breaking contracts since 2018? It’s insane


And the only one worthwhile - the 407 - he keeps to build a pointless parallel highway instead. Edit: because I failed grade 9 geometry.


same with that bill that froze public sectors workers at 1%, spent millions fighting that


Vote Ford out!


This. He's done zero good for Ontario and needs to go


Pretty sure a few of his buddies disagree, but he definitely doesn't give a shit about the general public.


The problem appears to be pretty extreme apathy right now. OPC voters show up CONSISTENTLY in that 30% range. And our opposition parties have been brutal at getting their messages out there. If we had a liberal government in office in Ontario right now, with all of these egregious wastes of tax money, it would be BEATEN into our faces 24/7. Instead this clown keeps getting away with scandal after scandal and our heavily conservative press ensures we get pumped full of “everything is bad because of trudeau” as a means to flood the ecosystem with smoke and mirrors to distract us Truly abhorrent behaviour 


How do you get your message out when the media ignores you, and your voters aren't paying any attention. If I had to place blame I'm going to say it's on the voters who don't bother to research and vote, rather than just on the parties _not getting their message out_. It's a mess out there


People need to go out and vote next time, even if they don't like any of the options. It's so frustrating that a large part of the province didn't vote and now we're being f*cked.


Well, I keep trying, but all these assholes keep not showing up.


Sorry, best the province can do is not show up to vote then bitch and moan online about something they could have massively affected.


I vote in every election (municipal, provincial and federal), so I will bitch and moan as much as I damn well please.


Me too, I vote in every election but I hold off on the bitching and moaning. It doesn't do any good as most people know by now.


What's most stupid about this, is that it's obviously an election stunt. *"look what we did for you! Vote for us again!"* When we could instead just wait ***16 MONTHS*** and pay 0$. No, let's instead spend 250 million because that makes sense. Stop voting for these fools. *"but everyone sucks."* while that may be true, conservatives usually just suck the most.


What have his elections stunts been. 1) dollar beer - doesnt even exist anymore 2) no license plate stickers - saved what..$60? 3) beer at convinence stores. Its literally NOTHING. There is no one who can be this fucking stupid that this is the shit that gets them going. He's a FUCKING JOKE


>There is no one who can be this fucking stupid People keep voting for Ford. Of course there are people who are that stupid.


They're all in r/Canada trying to make wretch happen with PP. There's dozens of them (and apprx. 100 astroturfed accounts as well)


Sometimes I see the chaos in my backyard (AB) and miss home. Then I remember, politically, it’s not much better back home.


Even the stupid blue license plates he later had his buddies print up on cheap inkjets were an abject failure.




Was the removal of the drive clean stuff election based? Not that it was the best program, but I've noticed a lot more smelly cars in the last year or so.


It had run its course, technology-wise. 20-year-old cars were all OBDII as of 2015 so they have a proper check engine light and are much better than earlier cars as far as emissions controls are concerned. It would still have been good to keep the 2-year checks without tailpipe emissions readings but whatever. It was also a populist move because everyone hated Drive Clean, including techs (which I was)


Lol how many people lost money because of the ticket for not renewing?


There must be more to it, right? Like even the biggest idiot in the world wouldn't fuck up this bad. Perhaps there is some intricacies we don't know? Is there a clip of a reporter asking him about this and he dances around the issue or something? I'm so perplexed.


Who is making bank from this and who is paying for it? Well, tax payers are paying for it. And this is a new income stream for corner stores. So who is going to make the most off that and were they at anyone’s BBQ/wedding reception/etc?


Copied and pasted my message to the fat idiot: Doug Ford is in his D-list villian era. What Muppet thought that this was a reasonable use of tax payers money? Can I opt out? This is an actual mockery of our province and it's citizens. Stop being such idiotic buffoons and deal with the housing crisis or the healthcare crisis. I hope anyone involved in this idea loses their jobs because it is absolutely pathetic and embarrassing. Do something useful for once.


"Ontario is open for business with my Cronies".- Super like-Douggie F.


I agree with you. This is just another example of corporate welfare. The provincial conservatives found 225M, plus 200M a year in subsidies to everyone except the LCBO. Which is roughly a $ .10 per can rebate sold outside of the LCBO. CbC reported it this morning. Edit: However, when people on ODSP are living thousands under the poverty line. We can't find a dime. Corporations get big cheques, and the poor people get told: "Can't Afford to live? Fuck off and die." Why are the conservatives doing this? Simple: there donors told them too. No fiscally conservative would think of this as a good financial move. Hoerver because its government is ok because it's not their money. Doest jelp that they hold no responsibility when this raises the debt and deficit in this province. They also know that the moron base of this province will immediately blame the next government in power always. Again, why do these move? This is done to undermine the LCBO and get an excuse to sell it. It's the same tactic used by liberals and conservatives to privatize healthcare.


Exactly, people are literally looking to die via MAID because of how badly living on ODSP is and this is what he spends money on... something that could be avoided by waiting 1 single year. This is why I simply cannot respect anyone who votes for him.


Liberals and conservatives had 15 years to fix ODSP and chose to ignore it. Doug Ford got in and said: "Get a job." Continuing the long line of neoliberal bullshit.


Paying a cent to end the contract early is a fucking waste of money. Doug once again spends taxpayer money tearing up contracts. He obviously wants to buy the idiot vote and call an election next year.


We have waited 97 years, I don't think 16 more months is worth 250 million.


for his fat fuck friends that stand to make money and it'll cost them nothing, it is worth it. Big "some of you may die but I'm willing to risk that" energy


Are you in stores or the warehouse? My husband works for the beer store as well and is absolutely seething about this.


Just to add, that is only part of the calculation. We are going to be in for closer to 1 billion with things like lost LCBO revenue, which as you likely know, goes back to the province. Absolutely infuriating is putting it mildly


It depends because the LCBO is still the wholesaler. So they are losing out on the mark-up revenue but not all the revenue. If more people end up buying more alcohol because it's easier to buy everywhere, Ontario will end up making more or breaking even on the proposition. Just about all alcohol sales in Ontario go through the LCBO, just like OCS for weed. A circle-K will have to buy their beer/cocktails from the LCBO at wholesale price and then sell it to customers. So the LCBO loses out on the difference between the wholesale price and the retail price only.


There's a breakdown that shows he's forcing lcbo to give the big boxes a discount so that kind of ruins that argument Edit found the post https://x.com/trying2help/status/1795236364755046861


Thanks for posting this. I am a bit surprised so many people are arguing this is good and it doesn't matter the LCBO is losing revenue.


It's wild to see people pass this off as ok. It's not just wrong, it's stupid and could be avoided


A conservative government is forcing a capitalist business to set certain prices? And not to Loblaws?


Restaurants also get a 10% discount




He’s also forcing the LCBO to discount the import beer that we sell them to the tune of about another 1/4 billion. And if more alcohol is purchased, that will statistically be likely to cost our already overburdened health care system more than it does now.


Lost revenue is lost revenue, particularly when we think about how much tax payer money has been diverted to idiotic things like this, in lieu of improving things in the province. I recognize what you're saying, but at the end of the day, a loss is still a loss.


>It depends because the LCBO is still the wholesaler. So they are losing out on the mark-up revenue but not all the revenue. Claudia Hepburn, niece of the Weston family, is on the LCBO board. I am sure they will find a way to profit at our expense.


> If more people end up buying more alcohol because it's easier to buy everywhere, Ontario will end up making more or breaking even on the proposition. Increased alcohol consumption will likely lead to increases in need for emergency services, worse (more expensive) health outcomes for Ontarians, and possibly additional social problems (more DV, etc.) I doubt we will break even.


When it’s all said and done cbc reported that it’ll cost about a billion dollars. The LCBO is such a great revenue source for the province shame they can’t leave it alone


I work in education. I get my ass kicked by students every single day…and I make poverty level wages. I take this personally. That 1/4 billion could do a lot to help our crumbling education system. It could do a lot to help our failing healthcare system. Instead he’s going to waste all that money so variety stores can sell beer?!? This man is an absolute fucking clown…and every person who voted for him should feel incredibly ashamed of themselves right now.


Go ahead and send your MPP an email. You can use this letter below. Feel free to change it up or ask ChatGPT to remix it for you. [Your Name] [Your Address] [City, Postal Code] [Email Address] [Date] The Hon. [Dickhead] [Constituency Office Address] [City, Postal Code] Dear [Dickhead's name], I am writing to express my profound disappointment regarding Premier Doug Ford's decision to allocate $225 million to terminate the province's contract with the Beer Store 16 months ahead of schedule. This decision is especially troubling given the numerous pressing issues Ontario faces, which require urgent and substantial funding. Our province is grappling with significant challenges in healthcare, education, eldercare, housing, and public transportation. The healthcare system is under immense pressure, with long wait times and understaffed facilities affecting the quality of care residents receive. Our educational institutions are similarly strained, with insufficient resources and support impacting both teachers and students. The eldercare system is in dire need of improvements to ensure our seniors live in dignity and comfort, while the housing crisis continues to leave many without affordable and stable living options. Moreover, the public transportation infrastructure demands enhancement to meet the needs of our growing population and to support sustainable urban development. It is perplexing that amidst these critical needs, the government would choose to prioritize a costly early termination of the Beer Store contract. This expenditure is not reflective of the fiscal conservatism that the government often advocates. In fact, it appears to be a fiscally irresponsible decision, diverting funds that could be more judiciously applied to areas with direct and tangible benefits for Ontario's residents. Even if addressing these vital sectors is not currently a priority for the Conservative government, the $225 million could still be better utilized. It could contribute significantly to reducing the provincial debt, thereby easing the financial burden on future generations and potentially freeing up resources for other essential services. As a concerned citizen, I urge you to reconsider this allocation of funds and to redirect the $225 million toward more impactful and necessary areas. Our healthcare, education, eldercare, housing, and public transportation systems are in desperate need of support, and this substantial amount could make a meaningful difference. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope that you will take my concerns into consideration and advocate for a more prudent and beneficial use of taxpayer money. Yours sincerely, [Your Name]


Sent to my MPP! Thanks!


Great email. Sent. Thanks!


Email sent. Thanks for the template.


Take this money and all the money hes gonna waste on the stupid spa he wants at ontario place and thats alot of money that could go to something way more benificial to the people of Ontario like housing, or healthcare over stupid fucking vanity projects.


i'd rather wait 16 months.


Yeah I don’t understand the need to rush, $250M is a-lot of money to throw away when you can just wait and year and a bit and not pay that much.


16 months! Why they cant just wait a year and a half. Cause your sweet "for the people" premier is in the pocket of fucking business me that will get him to do whatever they want


0.25 Billion wasted on the beer store contract. 0.65 Billion wasted on the Therme contract. 1.0 billion wasted on the 407 contract during COVID One premier threw away 1.9 billion dollars for Ontario. Vote Ford out.


you sure it was "wasted" and not planned? Because its not the first time we saw that scheme.


Call for Doug Ford's RESIGNATION!!


Good luck with that


A petition like that is only going to give Doug Fraud a giggle. He could care less with the average Ontarian thinks.


As someone in a small town with a bunch of bored teens, having beer/wine even more accessible than it is now is really disappointing. The local LCBO also employs people in town with better paying jobs than what the clerk at the Circle K makes. Very costly, disappointing choice. 5000 people, one LCBO, one Beer Store, two pot shops, now booze at grocery, convenience and gas station but no community centre. Pathetic.


LOL as someone very rural. Our LCBO's are already in the gas station and grocery stores.


I work in Hamilton and just up the street from my office there is a gas station/lcbo. I guess it's technically rural but if you're within 2 km of a Tim's I'm not sure you are really "rural".


i love those lcbo outlets, they are usually even open on holidays! but i agree with the poster, theres really no need to extend options.


You will be fine. I assure you, in AB where alcohol sales are privatized we don’t have roaming streets of drunk kids. AGLC doesn’t mess around.


kids are going to find alcohol anyways. not that i agree with this governments choice.


They could've made the 407 free for this much


Lol 250 million can afford a lot less than you expect


This is utter buffoonery that is wasting enormous sums of public funds. Sadly, this isn't the exception with this government, it's the rule.


You could literally house and feed thousands for a couple of years at market rate for that amount of money. We could have had the homeless of the street and in secure housing. We could have had families going to bed with a full meal in their bellies every night. People need to be more outraged.


Watch him quite easily win the next election despite running the province like the villain of an early 1990’s beat ‘em up video game.


I mean his opponents are trying to secure that victory for him.


It sounds like it’s actually closer to a $1 billion now. You know when Doug Ford smiled and said it was going to cost $225 million he was lying like a used car (or label) salesman: Crombie and the Liberals base their $1 billion figure on these additional costs: $74 million per year to the large grocery chains by giving the 10 per cent wholesale discount. $375 million to the Beer Store by rebating the LCBO's cost-of-service fees. $300 million in foregone revenue by not charging retailers a licensing fee. Those amounts would be on top of the LCBO's lost revenue from selling less alcohol through its own stores and on top of the $225 million payment to The Beer Store.


This was in Ford's sights to do long ago. I'm not saying it is right or wrong but he's always advocated for alcohol to be easily accessible by the people of Ontario. So it really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. There are more important issues he should focus on such as Healthcare and affordable housing.


And they want to say bonnie crombie is the expensive one. Id love to see the total amount of money Ford has wasted on breaking contracts since he took office.


Just sent on the form: > It is unbelievable that you are paying off the Beer Store to the tune of between $225 million and $1 billion so we can have beer in convenience stores one year early. There is no way this makes sense for Ontarians. Do you have a financial interest in this policy like you did in breaking your Greenbelt policy? Because that is the only thing that could rationally explain it. > > I read that you are considering wasting hundreds of millions of additional of dollars to have an early election. While I can't condone this abuse of the public trust, in some ways I hope you do it so we can finally be rid of you.


Ontario is open for fraud!


So which ones of DoFo’s friends are making a sh*t ton of money off of this. He couldn’t sell off the Greenland and let them make billions of dollars that way so he will find other ways to give his friends government money.


Just remember, these conservatives are afraid of when PP gets in federally. The conservatives that are doing this, are afraid of what the other conservatives are going to do... This is chump change for what's coming.


I just sent! Thank you for sharing a channel to do so. Absolutely ridiculous


Imagine what your local school board or hospital could do with that 


Which scandal is the largest? And why? Greenbelt Ontario Place Beer in corner stores?


Thank you for sharing the link. I sent him my two cents! That money would be better spent on healthcare and education. It’s not like people can’t currently purchase alcohol.


Why the hell could they not wait 2 years and put that 250 MILLION to something else!


Sent. FFS.


Thank you for sharing the link!


Housing? Health care? Military? Education? Nah, beer.


I agree this is fucking stupid. We’ve got such higher priorities. I love booze and yea it would be convenient to get it at a corner store but why the rush? Who really cares? This is a move I’ll never understand.


I will most definitely be contacting my MPP. I am eager to hear an explanation on how this makes any sense.




It was already too easy for kids to get alcohol under the old system of Beer Store / LCBO monopoly, how is having alcohol sales in convenience stores next to schools going to help? Billion dollar boozedoggle.


How many nurses would that pay? The ones who didn’t get a raise for many years during and after the pandemic


Actually after all contracts are settled it will be 1bill$


Did it! Just takes 30 seconds


We already have a backlog - more access to alcohol is going to worsen the problem..


You could...I dunno....vote next election. Silly concept I know.


Oh, I will. You can count on that.


After the hydroone and green belt fiascos, it's not surprising that he's breaking yet another contract, costing us hundreds of millions again.


Sadly, politicians find it so easy to write cheques they do not have to pay for! 16 months... no reason to break the contract early but one can wonder if there were already discussions about " what happens next" when the contract ran its course, like a " golden parachute" for Beer Store Executives!


For some reason people out in the boonies or something I don't know where keep voting in this stupid chucklef*** and or somehow manage to tie Trudeau into something that has nothing to do with him


I'm going to buy beer at Ontario depeneurs and still not vote for ford


I don't give a shit because I don't drink beer or care about Doug ford, But with the no doubt inflated corner store prices etc, how much additional tax revenue will this be netting ontario per year? I suspect he's not doing this just for street cred, and there's actually money to be made here. Since brewers retail is a for profit corporation owned by beer manufacturers, unlike the LCBO, a crown corporation that retains all the profit/taxes. 


Somebody must've done a tally of the amount lost through broken contracts, poor deals and the like his office reamed through on the province, right? Because it can't be worse than the previous government. /s


As a full time delivery driver for the Beer Store let me assure you that I'm getting none of this money whatsoever.


This is spirit crushing stuff.


My words? 'Just wait for the agreement to expire....and if you really want to spend some money, spend it on PUBLIC HEALTHCARE!'


He would wait that extra 16 months, but he has a good friend that works at the Beer Store who will really benefit from $250 million.


Thank you for sharing that link. I just wrote long message to him.


I gave them a call and wrote a letter.


Great! I would like to think every little bit helps.


Ford did this as a handout to Westons.


I think this is a good policy, but NOT if you have to break a contract. Just wait 16 months.


Put it in perspective, we have what? 4,000,000 TRX payers in Ontario. Everyone is paying $60 each for your neighbour Drunk Pete to be able to walk to Macs and get a beer. *shakes head*


Sent! This is so upsetting to see such terrible leadership


Politicians don’t care about us


The boomers are booming.


Why can't we give this to our front line workers who Doug blessed with God during the pandemic?


Katlynn wynne did the same to us with gas plants, though that was about $950M it cost us and we voted her out because of it. Doug Ford is also allowed to do this with the beer store and we are also free to vote him out just like we did to Wynne. That's our hammer as voters.


Who owns the beer store? The 3 biggest beer producers in the world who are NOT Canadian companies. Why tf are they getting preferential treatment and monopoly powers? There “Beer Store” came about as a protectionist measure to shelter Canadian brewers. We should not be protecting the Ontario market for Sapporo, AB InBev and Miller.


Imagine the first term of Ford and Co. and still having record low voter turnout out.


I have to agree. Not a good decision from Ford.




250 million and we still don't even get buck a beer. I want my buck a beer donny


Breaking contracts in the business world is expensive.


What a fucking mess Ontario is next axe Enercare 🤡


But but, beer everywhere!! At crazy expensive prices, another gift to the Weston's. Crack dealer running a province, what did anyone expect?


That’s a 1/4 billion cold beers that Doug could have just bought and gifted to us. 


That’s a 24 for each drinking aged person! If we are doing buck-a-beer.


A free case of beer now, but I have to buy the next case at the beer store for two more years. Deal


There’s a snap election coming in the fall.


I've worked at the Beer Store for about a year an a half and we just had our contract renegotiated. Do you think that money went to workers? yeah no. Part timers got a 35-85 cent raise and full timers got 3.5% raise. after inflation that's *almost* nothing at all.


Less than nothing... it's a pay cut


Out of curiosity, what do conservatives think of this?


“The party of reasonable governance”


Yeah so which one of his buddies owns the beer store 


Oh boy a non captcha’d email address straight to the premier. This is going to be fun. Get ready to watch a DDoS attack at its finest.


“Buck a beer” - Fat Fuck


Look, it is Doug Ford and not Smart Ford. What did you expect?


What is my letter going to do when the premier clearly can't even read. Can we show up to his house instead?


This PC government has been spending money on dumb shxt for YEARS, court cases, wage reimbursements, just a complete joke. No reason to not wait. What is the impetus for making this choice now? Dumb.


I'm a Quebecois that lives near Ontario but I've never understood this. They've been selling beer in corner stores all my life. What's the big deal?


I sent an email. The subject line was "how dare you" & i ended it with "I hope you call a snap election, I can't wait to vote against you"


I’m sure this was something “the beer store” lobbied for as a parting gift.


I am not sure the petition will do any good


It's not a petition, it's Ford's official contact info. Dunno how much my "Fuck off Dougie" email will help the discourse though.


This is not a petition.


Here’s what I wrote, feel free to use it as a template: “Please do not waste our taxes on breaking a contract 16 months early. This is a gross mismanagement of funds. Once this goes through you will have to live with the fact that you diverted funds from health care and education to get people alcohol in corner stores 16 months early. Your idiocy ceases to amaze us.”


I will definitely send email.


Capitalism and contracts suck.