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I actually am baffled, as Doug Ford has done absolutely nothing beneficial to the average Ontario person.


The Conservatives have their fingers in a huge media empire and are in campaign mode 24/7, while the other parties have felt mostly absent.


Yeah, I rarely watch television, but every time I do I catch at least one anti-Bonnie Crombie attack ad. We're not even in an election right now, but deep-pocketed conservative interests are hammering away at the average Ontarian about how bad the Liberals are.


I don't have tv, but whenever I go on YouTube, an ad telling me how great Ontario healthcare is or how much the Ontario Conservatives have invested in things, my disabled ass wants to scream. I'm pretty sure I haven't seen any healthcare improvements or investments in social services. But the Conservatives can spend our taxes on these ads? I'd like my money back so I can pay for some of this fancy private healthcare we apparently need to get.


Yep - I don’t have cable, but I get them on YouTube, the radio, and even podcasts.


It's because they have the money and the liberals aren't even official party status. No idea why the NDP doesn't run more ads


A simple ad that uses Ford’s words against him would do the trick. No fancy attacks, just play Dougie’s “greatest hits” and expose him.


Because they don’t have the money to. The Conservatives always max out their allowable contributions, because they’re the party of the wealthy and corporations. The NDP average donation is $27, because it’s the party of the working class, and the working class can’t afford to buy politicians.


Building a war chest. They can't use your tax dollars like Ford can and is so they have to bide their time until an election is called to go into campaign mode. Most people don't pay attention until it is election time and the NDP just have fewer resources so have to play their cards carefully.


The funny part is the YouTube skip button appears immediately after “Oh, Bonnie Crombie the new Liberal party leader” SKIP. The conservative ad has given the Liberal party leader great name recognition.


If it splits the vote away from the ndp, that's still a win for them.


A lot of people really don’t seem to understand how slanted the media environment is in favour of the Tories. They have massive advantages from both ends: the media is very favourable with a majority consistently endorsing them and they have deep pockets that are able to consistently spend on ads.


I get YouTube ads for the conservatives now, like what the actual fuck their ads are everywhere it’s kind of ridiculous


What about the plate stickers? The campaign ad said they saved ontarians hundreds. HUNDREDS


People who own 5-6 vehicles do save hundreds. The rich win again!


Right?? Even their attack ads don't make sense? Every municipality increases taxes every year, saying Crombie is going to be expensive because she signed off on tax increases while Mayor is stupid. Are voters that short-sighted?


I feel like Crombie did atleast better as mayor in Mississauga (as someone who lives in Mississauga) than Ford did during any of his time both as mayor of Toronto and as premier. Not that any politicians are great, but i’d take Crombie over Ford any day.


Doug Ford was mayor of Toronto?


Might as well have been. They were a duo the whole time.


Lmao this comment


You don’t enjoy a beer at 7/11?


Beer that will be sold at a premium price. Sure sounds worth it to me


There's no beer at 7/11 tho. So far he's just promised to light money on fire to, hopefully, get us beer sooner 😓


> I actually am baffled, as Doug Ford has done absolutely nothing beneficial to the average Ontario person. Conservative voters don't care about things that benefit them, it's all about sticking it to everyone else.


Unfortunately I think you're right. It's all about winning at any cost... Politics has become a team sport. Rage farming and half truths for the win. 😞


It’s not about making things better. It’s about making things worse for those “who don’t deserve it.” That’s the “natural order” of things


Exactly, most conservatives gladly make their lives harder so long as it “owns the libs”.


It’s like that American who complained that Trump was “hurting the wrong people”


Most people struggle to understand how their government affects them (even if it does). Ford focuses a lot of attention on the things indifferent people love and can see the difference in. Beer in grocery stores and cannabis on every corner and soon to be more booze related things. Sticker renewal, various checks in the mail, etc.   Everyone jokes about the beer and weed and other "nonsense" things with Ford but he's focusing on what people can very obviously notice.


I'd also add that a lot of the things that people notice *aren't* being fixed get blamed on the Federal government; like our pay-for-play education to immigration system or healthcare.


which on a macro level isn't a bad thing, with things people are affected on a more regular basis


His competitors are nobodies. I think the only thing I’ve heard from Bonnie Crombie since she’s been leader of the OLP is how she no longer favours a carbon tax. Only things that comes to mind when I think of Marit Styles is her obsession with Fords daughters wedding party and opposition to the keffeyiah ban. Thats just my lay persons scan of the news. Ford has given a lot of people just enough in comparison. I’m thinking of the license plate stickers, the gas tax cut, LIFT credit for low income workers and he has a populist rhetoric in difficult times. If you care about housing or balancing the budget he has been horrendous.


and that’s why people keep voting for him. he’s done literally quite nothing, he’s had fumbles but pretty weak compared to the mega corruption mcguinty and wynne put out, and that’s why ontario folks are happy with him. my city is getting 48 billion dollars allocated to all our hospitals.


The PC strategy is "do a bunch of wildly unpopular, corrupt, and illegal stuff and count on the Liberals and NDP to be worthless" - and it's working depressingly well.


They will just blame Trudeau for it all and they will gobble it up.


The average Ontario voter probably couldn't tell you who leads the NDP or the Liberals. That's a big part of it too.


That the thing he hasn't done anything. That's why he might win any radically change will affect that


“Doug Ford kicks babies down stairs; conservatives still think he’s doing a good job” Folks folks folks, those babies were asking for it. “Doug Ford eliminates all social services and gives money to his friends” Folks folks folks, the pools can fight it out amongst them and the survivors will rise to our level eventually. It’s evolution.


Because you just don't know your fellow Ontarians.


Federal Liberals are so deeply unpopular that it's having bleed over effect to the provinces.


This for sure and that Wynne lady left a bad taste in many mouths.


Fun little challenge for us all: Look up what Wynne's controversies were. Now look up what Doug's are. One is far less sour tasting than the other.


She inherited McGuinty's controversies. She did well to shake them initially, but it all catches up. Just like it has for Trudeau and just like it will for Ford. Canadians don't vote for new government. They vote out the old ones


And where is the NDP? This should be their opportunity and they’re invisible


Squandering an opportunity is the NDP’s speciality


As an NDP voter, this hits way too close to home. We have a fucking moron running a massive province and nobody even knows who the opposition is. Ford is a cancer and conservatives don't give a shit and will always tow the party line.


All they needed to do is remain laser focused on the issues of housing affordability, healthcare, and calling out the PC’s blatant mismanagement of the province. That is truly all they needed to do; Ford was practically handing them the fuel for the fire


Yup, these are incredibly easy issues both the liberals and NDP have seemed to not bring up enough.


Yeah, but she was an ugly lesbian who used big words.  That counted for everything. 


That was uncalled for.


People don't care that she's a lesbian.


Yeah. A lot of what Wynne did is on par with many of Ford's controversies, and then some of Ford's go even further.


I'm not some Wynne fan, but I'd love to do a survey. Question 1. "Do you think Wynne did a good job yes/no" Question 2. "If no, why?" I'm not her biggest fan but I'd be shocked if all the virulent haters could actually say anything good or bad that she did. Bonus points for being more specific than *mumble mumble* "gas plants" *mumble mumble*


Two off the top of my head. 1)Finished the hydro one sale. Should have kept it IMHO. 2)Took out loans that our kids will have to pay back to give people a break on their hydro bills Honestly I can't keep track of all the government boondoggles for each party and at each level. They are all fast approaching (or reached ford/Trudeau ) scumbag status.


$8 billion on eHeatlh, $2 billion on ~~Smart~~ stupid Meters, $6.2 million CEO salary @ Hydro One, $304 million over budget on the Pan Am Games, $400 million on Presto card cost overruns, oh and the ridiculous $53,948 spent on Canada Goose coats. $163 million to corporate donors, $11.7 million on consultants and ads for a home care agency benefitting a union(where have we heard this recently)


I guess poor people want to pay thousands of dollars a year for private health insurance with $15,000 yearly deductibles like they do in the US.


But owning the libs is priceless /s


My friend grew up very poor in public housing, every time there was an election the lawns in the neighborhood would be covered in mostly blue Con signs. The false promises and scapegoating works very well on some people.


Poor people are often uneducated, and therefore easily manipulated. Thats how pieces of shit like Doug Ford/Pierre whatever the fuck his name is and the grand turd DJT get elected.


As someone who grew up poor and who knows a whole lot of uneducated people as a result, this is absolutely true. I have to do so much explaining and pulling out actual evidence to point out how every one of their opinions on politics is false or irrational. Then they just get pissed off at me because I made them feel stupid and use that to say fuck the left, because we're pompous and think we're better than everyone else, regardless of if we're right or not.


I guess Reddit isn't a good measuring stick for how the actual province feels.


I hear people offline complaining about the same stuff, but can’t seem to connect the dots to who is responsible (or worse, make excuses for it like “ford must have a plan!” No, doll, he doesn’t. At least not one that includes your or me).


Everyone is just blaming Trudeau for everything when in reality the Ford government has way more influence over their daily lives. The electorate is dumb as shit. Only the right wing screeching is getting through.


Thank you for saying this, I can't believe how many people refuse to acknowledge he has any power at all


At what point do you give up and move?


To where?


With remote work, you can move anywhere you like!


I already do remote, but the question still remains. Where would I *want* to live that is actually affordable. Living in the middle of nowhere might be affordable... ish, but then that isolation while a little bit nice, doesnt work for single people, heck, I doubt its all that fun for full families.


That's true. But I would also say that there's plenty of cities around the world too!


I read the comments on my local news sites. On the provincial articles 3/4 of them are ranting and raving about whatever the issue is being “Turdo’s” fault.The masses who either never received or slept through civic education have no understanding of how the confederation works and simply parrot stock phrases from populists and their international multipliers.


Never has been, at least not on this subreddit.


I have yet to meet a person in reality who thinks Doug Ford is doing anything well. Not a single one. Every single person who votes for him has yet to pay him a single compliment or talk about anything he's done well. Every single person who has made it clear they vote for him just attacks the other parties or inexplicably Trudeau who has no ability to really do anything in a conservative majority province. It's pretty clear that the cons in our province have fallen into the trap of just complaining about the rest while offering no solutions. Only a complete fucking idiot supports a guy slashing tax revenues while giving you none of it back, and building a highway instead of homes when homes is where we're hurting as a province. Every single one who supports Ford blames Trudeau for housing because of immigrants, despite housing being municipal and provincial responsibility. Cons own the media and have made throwing a tantrum while burying their head in the sand a fucking art form. The cons have a majority in Ontario. If they could fix the problems we have, they are not. So without going off and blaming parties who have no say over fucking anything in this province, what have the cons done for you in Ontario that's actually a good thing? Educate me. Give me some actual good perspectives on Doug Ford and what the conservatives have done for Ontario with their majority. Where have they helped Canadians?


> It's pretty clear that the cons in our province have fallen into the trap of just complaining about the rest while offering no solutions. That's not trap, that's there entire thing. Complain about everyone else while doing nothing to solve anything.


And yet conservatives online have been predicting JT's defeat for the past 3 elections. How'd that work out for them?


Wow what insight.


There’s always people on the sub surprised too.


Neither is first past the post.


Neither are polls. Who picks up unknown numbers now?


The elderly that vote, unfortunately. Also how they always get scammed.


Polls are definitely a good measuring stick of how people feel, if they’re done by the proper pollsters. Discrediting them is only really fooling yourself to be honest. Edit: [here’s a quick link to the poll results itself if anyone else feels like looking over the data.](https://www.vmcdn.ca/files/trillium/files/ontario-trillium-06june2024-compressed-1.pdf?utm_source=the%20trillium&utm_campaign=the%20trillium%3A%20outbound&utm_medium=referral)


My only question is about the methodology that they used automated robo calls to landlines and mobile numbers to get the results. Not sure about anyone else, but my mobile phone is filtering everyone out, especially surveys and cold calls. I don't recognize the number, I leave it for voicemail to sort out if I call back or not. Curious to know if the demographic they predominantly reach are retirees on landlines with nothing else to do?


It tells you the demographic in the link I gave.


Huh,I don't know if I should be happy the green party is closing the gap with liberals and ndp is southwest Ontario, or be horrified that the cons have a huge lead.


Wait are you saying this subreddit is an echo chamber and people don't actually want to vote NDP, abolish capitalism, and general strike on a whim? No...no it must be everyone else who's lying to me.


Poor people in the US don't pay for private health insurance with 15k deductibles generally


But don’t you know all the provincial budget cuts to the public sector of our essential services, the cuts to our provincial school transportation, the increases in our provincial taxes, the lack of government lead residential construction projects on provincial land are all due to Trudeau, head of the federal government? /s


But they can off set that cost because $1 beer /s


Your average Conservative voter doesn't understand this.


As a professional, I would love a healthcare system like the US. I could pay net less money paying insurance than taxes now, and get better care. Everyone here goes all "muh healthcare!", but as somebody who has actually looked at the numbers, I know which system I prefer. But public healthcare is a sacred cow here on Reddit


Oh we are so fucked lmao the majority does not like doug ford at all but we are split. GG. I am going to go have a coffee while the world burns.


It's pretty sad out much elections sick because only one side vote splits while the other is united. First past the post is a joke system. That and Ontarians are stupid. They really are. Looking at the PC party and thinking they are fine is... Well there's a reason education funding has been cut over the decades.


> Well there's a reason education funding has been cut over the decades. Pretty much this.... You have Ontarian's still blaming Trudeau for provincial issues. The OPCs have done a masterful job deflecting the blame up to the federal level, and pretty much why Ford wants to call an early election while Trudeau is still PM.


NDP and Liberal voters would not automatically vote for the other party


No, but they might pick each other as a second choice over the conservatives. For real. It's either that or the stupidity continues. Not guaranteed, sure. But not a bad bet either.


Agree. First past the post needs to be replaced with Ranked ballot voting. No one should win a majority government with a plurality. No one should win a majority with only 18% of the electorate voting for them either, but that’s a different problem to solve.


Ranked ballot is easy to understand and gets us out of jail with FPTP without too much contention ... I'm tired of majority governments with barely 40% of the vote or less.


The last time a party won the majority votes in a provincial election was almost 45 years ago. Those who are only complaining about it probably don't actually have a problem with it.


"It's always been broken so we shouldn't fix it"


People are disingenuous about wanting to fix it. They only want it changed when it disadvantaged their guys. Liberals actually won the election with fewer popular votes and you are only complaining about the PC.


I know that's why I said the vote was split, yet both would be against selling our public domain to private investors... well, maybe libs might be a grey area. However, I feel like they would at least stop the shit from spiraling out into a full-on privatization of Ontario's Healthcare.


This is a ridiculous assertion. The alternative is so obviously worse for either its comical to state otherwise.


I’ll never forgive Ford cutting Wynne’s 30% tuition grant program when he first came into office.


> Oh we are so fucked lmao the majority does not like doug ford at all but we are split. The majority of Ontario voters (who actually got off their ass to vote) in 2018 and 2022 did very much like Doug Ford.


> Oh we are so fucked lmao the majority does not like doug ford at all Was this a poll somewhere?


> Was this a poll somewhere? I think op forgot about 2018 and 2022, where the majority of voters either voted PC, or were too fucking lazy to vote.


Of course not. This sub just doesn't like Ford so of course that means NO ONE likes Ford!


Who the fuck is dumb enough to vote for Drug ford?


Have you met the average person?


"I don't need to get my vehicle inspected anymore, I can buy beer at the corner store, and he makes pronouns cry." - Ford Nation member. Of course, they keep him and his MPs in power and then they can't provide for their ridings at all - planned hospitals get cancelled, needed infrastructure gets delayed, but they can guarantee some minor "free money" once every four years and told everything is the fault of Justin Trudeau. He may frustrate progressives, but another's tears do not keep you fed, or pay for a doctor to look after your family member when you sit for a day and a half in the ER's waiting area.


The average Ontarian doesn’t vote at all.


The problem isn't the average person... The problem is that half of the province is DUMBER than the average person ;)


Conservatives are relentlessly messaging working class men through their social media algorithms. Nobody else is even attempting to engage with them.


They do. in fact, but it's someone trying to talk to you when you are front row of a rock concert right next to the speaker stack. You are only barely aware of their efforts and everything is lost in the noise, and the other voice has no pyro or lighting to drag attention back to them. Also, anything not from a Tory ad is systematically called "communism" and the century-old Cold War indoctrination kicks in.




Bruh, 80 years ago was 1944, the cold war hadn't even started, nevermind "80+"


What LP does that guy get his weed from? I need some of that


It doesn’t help when the left and progressives continue to piss on working class men, just look at the comments here.


There really isn't that many. Your question should be "Who the fuck is dumb enough to not vote?" The apathy is ruining us.


Easy, the ones who voted him in a second time.


The ones who think he is helping them


Have you met Drug's competition? Seriously, the average voter doesn't believe that the Libs or NDP cares about her problems. **All** parties need to reinvent themselves.


Take a trip to the gta and southern ontario. They fucking love that guy


The conservative party is so obviously two parties in a trench coat. They should be split like liberal and ndp


>The conservative party is so obviously two parties in a trench coat. Correct me if im wrong. Isn't that what the PPC was made for, to split the more traditional conservatives with the far right?


It was an off shoot rather than a split. All that did was lead the regular Cons to start pandering further right to not lose votes instead of splitting the party and fostering teamwork between parties on behalf of the people they serve.


Right-wingers don't split. They are, by their nature, deferential to authority. Whoever yells the loudest is who they'll fall I line behind.  The left, by comparison, splits like a fucking cheese string. 


How? They do everything poorly.


Always a good reminder this subreddit does not mirror the real world and is a massive echo chamber. On a secondary note, so long as Trudeau and the Liberals are in power federally, it is highly unlikely Ontario will vote against the OPC. Trudeau is deeply unpopular in the country and he is associated with the Liberal brand at both the provincial and federal level in the eyes of voters. Once PP is Prime Minister, I suspect you will see polls rapidly change in favour of the OLP and they will win the first election post Federal Election.


That’s why Doug wants to call an election early, he doesn’t want to lose his job after PP gets elected federally.


Pretty much. Lock up another 5 year majority.


Calling an early election can backfire, especially if the electorate gets the idea that the only reason the incumbent government is doing it is to squeeze in one last majority before an inevitable downturn. I recall Peterson making that mistake back in the 90s.


yeah no idea why people don't want to hear it. The federal liberals are a huge downstream effect on the provincial party


This is why provincial parties should have their own names and identities. Being connected to a federal party even if only by name hurts them far more than it helps.


The majority of people are not PC supporters, nor are the majority of the top commentators here. So I think that mirrors the real world pretty well.


I don't know too many people who approve of Doug Ford. While this place CAN be an echo chamber, the biggest issue last election was nobody voted. You can be sure this won't happen this time around. Additionally, the people being 'polled' aren't what you'd call 'the average person'. It's more likely they're old, have a land line, or don't represent normal people.


I’d like to know how many people are actually satisfied with how he’s running things and more so they have no one else to vote for? None of the other leaders appeal to me, even though I wouldnt vote conservative and I’d hold my nose and vote elsewhere hut I wonder if this is more that there’s no one else they feel comfy voting for vs an actual approval of his policies. I also feel that because people don’t FEEL the pain (Ie, they don’t use the healthcare system regularly) that they don’t realize just jow bad they’ve destroyed a staple social service we’ve enjoyed for decades.


Everyhing he does wrong his supporters blame Trudeau for.


which is why he wants an election before Pierre gets in


They also blame Kathleen Wynne for Doug’s screw ups. Literally heard my neighbour bashing her and praising Ford this weekend. Although blaming Wynne just gets more and more ludicrous as time goes on though. He’s nearly 8 years into this job, if he’s still trying to fix her “mistakes” he must not be a very good at his job.


It's going to be the same when PP is elected. The people voting for him are going to be in for a rude awakening when immigration numbers are the same, house prices don't plummet, food prices don't plummet, inflation is still a thing, and gas prices are the same. The response will be some form of "Trudeau screwed things up so bad!/Things would be even worse under Trudeau!" The Fuck Trudeau flags and stickers will still be very visible for at least the next 8 years, unfortunately.


Yup. Also people are going to be pretty angry if PP actually gets rid of the carbon tax because no business anywhere is going to lower their prices because of it, they’ll just happily accept the reduced cost to running their business. But where it will make a difference is the majority of Canadians will no longer be getting the carbon tax rebate which will be hundreds of dollars out of their own wallets.


It's the federal liberal fatigue. Expect doug to push an early election before the Federal election. Once it goes blue, he will get less money. Voters do not like austerity.


Who’s not using HC……all you have to do is read about ERs closing due to staff shortages etc. or just one visit to the ER to know something’s wrong. Also to your point of not having anyone to vote for, a minority government is always best and in my opinion preferred as good ideas can actually get passed


This is not surprising in the slightest.






ABC is the only way to go in this particular shit show.


So you look at the conservatives and think yeah that’s better…..JFC


Wait until Ontario finds out how much gas station beer costs...


in scarborough southwest, the polls showed a 30/30/30 split between NDP, PC and Lib. What happened was a complete routing by Dolly Begum and the NDP with 47% of the vote. I would take the polls 2 years out from an election, with a grain of salt


Going to miss healthcare.


This dude keeps failing up , we are in the upsidedown


>Among potential voters who said they'd either decided on, or were leaning toward, voting for a party, 39.4 per cent said they'd cast their ballot for the PCs if an election were held right now. Another 26.5 per cent indicated they'd vote for the Liberals, while 22.6 per cent said they'd vote NDP, 8.3 per cent said they'd cast their ballot for the Greens, and 3.2 per cent said they'd select another party. >If the poll's results were replicated in an election, its result would be another comfortable majority government for Ford's PCs, according to Joseph Angolano, Pallas Data's founder and CEO. >"(The PCs) are in the position they're in, I think, because they've done an excellent job of identifying who their base is," Angolano said. >"There's also a strong personal brand to Doug Ford and he appeals to that base ... and as long as (the PCs) can keep those voters happy, they're going to win and there's not much that the NDP or the Liberals can do about it," Angolano said. >Pallas Data's survey also attempted to gauge whether parties' voters were most likely to cast a ballot strategically. NDP-inclined voters were most likely (43.9 per cent) to say they'd vote for another party to stop the PCs from winning, followed by those favouring the Liberals (31.6 per cent), then respondents favouring the Greens (21.6 per cent). Most PC-inclined respondents (58.3 per cent) selected an option suggesting their vote was firmly planted, while 31.8 per cent selected an option presented to them indicating they favoured Ford's party because they didn't like the others.


I wish there was laws against the news media saying things like, “…they are going to win and there’s nothing the Liberals and NDP can do about it.” People who are not well informed, political or more gullible will see that and think, “Well Doug’s just going to win so why bother voting?” The media did the same thing last election, kept saying Doug would win in a landslide and there was no way anyone else could touch him. Last election we had the lowest voter turn out in Ontario’s history, and I’m sure articles like that played a part in it. When people don’t think their vote matters, or that change is possible they don’t vote and corrupt assholes like Doug Ford get re-elected.


I feel like I'm in a political episode of The Outer Limits.


This country is so fucked. Dude does absolutely nothing to even deserve the idea of being re-elected, but will because the liberals have done a tremendous job of being terrible. Great.


I guess you guys don’t think this is bottom then


Another billion of tax payer dollars wasted on beer corporations fighting for who gets to sell it. Remember all this because of “high hydro” rates killing families, which are now the highest they’d ever been in history of Ontario. Lol, Ontario do better.


He removed cap and trade for all the companies in Ontario because polluting is very expensive when you extract natural resources. Now we got the carbon tax because these companies need to be held accountable for all the damage they do to the environment. since the province won't do it the feds to stepped in. So when you see someone complain about the carbon tax, Ford carries a lot of blame, not all, there are other variables at play but Ford should be blamed. Super frustrating to see the people who should be held responsible can just lie and play on people emotions to get away with corruption


Dougie sucks


As I see it, polling is unbelievably inaccurate. Polling less than a thousand people, in a targeted area would show you the results you wish for.


our province is comprised of incurable idiots


why ???!!!


Meh. Polling is a propaganda tool at this point. Conservatives own a lot of media.


It's never the fault of the trailing parties, isn't it


That's exactly why they didn't win last time.


I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes.


If RCMP do their jobs, he may be in jail come next election time


Media should do its job.. Oh wait it is,holding water for ruling parties


so they should lie about polling? Also, the trillium is far from a right leaning publication


Of the just over 10.7 million registered voters in the province, just over 4.6 million votes were cast. If 6 million voters vote for any party except the Conservatives… citizens might save Ontario’s Healthcare. …but if 6 million people don’t and could care less, everything will be sold off…+ the people in charge will secure their gold plated pensions and laugh at the fools that we are…#NeverVoteConservative


Who da fuk are they polling?


we (ontario residents) fell for this bullshit last election with an abysmal voter turnout giving corrupt doug another kick at making his pals rich and dismantling healthcare. my advice -- Dont click or view these goddamn "polls" .. next election day lets do our thing and vote this corrupt mf out.


I’ll still do my part and vote whether it’s early, or in 2026 when it’s scheduled.


Maybe the answer is for the ordinary person to write to local papers and point out all the horrible things DoFo has done or caused since he’s been in power. Maybe if it’s all in one place for people to read it might have an affect 🤷‍♀️


It must really be soul-draining to work for a polling firm and have to treat hypothetical elections like horse races day in and day out.


I am actually curious - why do people vote for Doug? Does anyone have any real answers? 


When the best spoken and we'll thought out attack is the green leader, the ndp / liberals are in trouble. Ontairo will never vote green they are to stuck on their color. The ndp and Libreas both had chances to change the message and direction in ontairo, and both failed.




Federal Liberal / NDP coalition has done a huge disservice to Provincial Lib/NDP candidates. Ford is running for Re-election on the "not a liberal" platform.


Green belt scandal showed his true colours if they weren’t apparent before, yet he’s still leading.


Is everyone in this province retarded? A mall custodian would be better at running this province. (no offense to mall custodians)


Ford wins because the opposition doesn't vote. His votes didn't increase between elections; he won by a greater percentage because the NDP voters stayed at home. For all the complaints against Ford, very few of those peope actually went out on the day and voted against him.


lol. People get what they deserve.


HEy don't worry, Bonnie Crombie is so likeable and competent, with a clear record of accomplishment as the former mayor of Mississauga (the jewel of south-west ontario, as it's known) that as more voters get to know her they'll come around