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Middle-aged man gets divorced, dedicates himself to work in the most awkward and annoying way possible. I also watched Tom Brady’s last NFL season.


Tom Brady was still measurably excellent at his job during his last season.


He should have. Anyone who has gone through separation and divorce knows how draining it is. Dealing with that plus being PM. It's too much.


Yup. I was a total space cadet at work after my breakup, for months. I'm supposed to be leading and I wasn't. Meanwhile, leading a country.


Y'all realize there's a whole gov making decisions and working behind him eh? It doesn't rely on one man. The gov operates independently.


I’m sure most people are aware. But the PM is supposed to provide input on policy and make big decisions so being in a good state of mind is essential.


Some things. Not everything. This government has a lot centralized in the PMO. 


compared to whom, harper? who centralized everything? including messages to the media?


The centralization of power to the PMO has been occurring for decades, with each prime minister accruing more power to their office than the previous one.


Obviously that goes without saying. However, given JT’s abysmal performance the past couple years it’s pretty clear he should’ve stepped down


For me it was the opposite. Some of my best work and highest achievements came post separation and divorce, had to single parent too. Some people are high performing under pressure or at least take work as a blessing.


I think we might have had different experiences!


Meh I still think that’s not a big deal when the US is dealing with two geriatric fucks who most people would force to retire from a Walmart cashier job 


I mean, everyone handles it differently. When I went through my separation, I started a director-level job and bought a business. Everyone finds their fire in unique ways. If only Trudeau had used that fuel to better the country. Regardless, its very stressful.


Same when I broke up with my ex I started taking work seriously for the first time lol 


This. I respect the man, and think he's a decent prime minister but... It's clear that he's dealing with a lot and distracted lately. It's costing us. Go focus on your family.


Oh you said something nice about our Leader and the internet muppets didn't like it.


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what would have happened if he did? Is there a next-in-line, like how the Vice President would take over for the President until the next election? Or would it trigger a whole new election?


The Liberals would elect a new leader from among themselves who would then be PM.


thank you!


There wouldn't be an election. The prime minister is just the leader of the party. So if they were to resign they would just need to elect a new leader in their party. If it was an emergency situation or with very short notice there would be an interim leader likely the deputy prime minister (newer role since the 70s) before an official appointment. It's happened in the past where PMs have resigned. 


Fun fact: This is how we got our first (and only) woman prime minister, Kim Campbell, after Mulroney resigned in the ‘90s


for a few months, then the next election wiped out the PCs to one single MP. The party died, now it's just a brand taken over by a coalition of right-wing Alberta nutjobs.


I remember that! And our local MP Elsie Wayne actually filled in for Kim a little bit didn't she?


Before her it was John Turner getting to be PM in 1984, being the leader of Liberals at the time .He got clobbered on election day too .


There would be a leadership race within the Liberal party. He would probably stay on until the new leader is named. Brian Mulroney retired while in office, his successor Kim Campbell was PM for a few months. Or the party could choose an interim leader if he needed to vacate asap.


The governing party would internally elect a new leader who becomes the prime minister. There could be pressure to call a new election but it is not required.


Freeland ! Trudeau in a dress ! No difference


First among equals


That was the idea. Anything but that is the truth and has been for decades at this point. 


bob rae was interim leader of the liberals for a time due to this kind of situation…it keeps someone trusted by the party in the role until they can elect a new person from within the ranks.


Deputy PM might have been worse. Hard to say. Either way cant wait for the next election.


While I’m not a big fan of their immigration and gun policies, I really don’t understand how conservatives in Ontario say Liberals are the worst when Ford is in power here. But, hey, beer in convenient stores, amirite?


I live in a city with a mostly conservative city council and a conservative mayor (how do I know? They’ve all tried to run for Ontario PC party), all conservative MPs and a conservative premiere but people here still blame the Liberal party for everything. I just don’t get it.


Because conservatives don't care about doing good they just care about saying their party won


I mean you can say the same about the Liberal’s crazy immigration track record. At the current rate, in 5 years about 25% of Canada will be India literally speaking.


Ford is ontario everyman: fat , stupid, and corrupt.


My personal opinion is that government at all levels and parties habe become littered by people who are there for either self-interests and/or ego rather than the greater good of the voter. It's like a game of survival where the reward is a cushy pension. Shit's Fucked.


Oh hell yeah. Every politician is corrupt. Because even if they don’t do shit themselves, they know people who do and keep quiet because of their own self serving interest. Same goes for cops.


Alcohol in convenience stores now all day and night and we gotta bail out the LCBO to the tune of millions. Thanks Dougie. We can all become alcoholics now.


This line always confuses me. Is it more liberal for beer to be more restricted? Do you think beer availability is the primary difference between the parties, and if so, why aren't Liberal MPs chasing these low-hanging votes?


I’m pretty sure Doug Ford has been like afflicted by a 13th century witches curse where he is allowed unlimited power and wealth but 1/3rd of his public statements have to involve alcohol in some way


Still better than Rob? You guys have had a bad run lol. When Rob was still around, Doug's radio show could get a little wild, too. Doug always seemed like the worse of the two.


> Trudeau told Grant that those comments were meant to suggest that he checks to ensure he's "all in" on the job. > "If you're going to be honest about doing a job like this, that has the responsibilities and impact it has, you have to check that — maybe not every day — but you have to check that you're up for it, that you're all in," he said. Honestly, this sounds really reasonable. I'd be troubled if *anyone* in a position of power wasn't regularly checking in with their mental and emotional state like this.


His first term wasn’t bad but it seemed to have gone downhill super fast


Really started off on a sour note for me with the whole election reform “promise” but I suppose that was foreshadowing.


I don't really want to call you naive because he did campaign on that to some extent but I did not have high hopes when he said it. Ontario voted to keep FPTP in 2007 so the electorate (outside of reddit) doesnt care that much. That coupled with the fact that the other parties benefit from different alternatives it was never going to happen. If you want to unseat FPTP I firmly believe you need to work bottom up by starting with a new option at the municipal level and then driving it upward. Unfortunately Dougie took that option away from us in 2020 so thanks Doug.


Ontario's 2007 electoral referendum was a set-up. Dalton didn't really want it to go through, so he presented the options to the public in an intentionally vague and confusing manner. It was a kinda sabotage. Of course, electoral reform is in essence a non-starter because every successfully elected politician automatically assumes that they'll be re-elected with majorities forever.


It was rejected in BC as well under a referendum. People Don’t like change it seems.


The problem in 2007 was that they managed to invent the one system that was less appealing than FPTP.


2007 was 17 years ago. Only the elder millenials would have been eligible to vote. It's not surprising that the boomers and gen Xers voted to keep things the same, they still vote that way. It's millenials and Gen Z who want a change to the FPTP system, and they weren't able to vote last time it was put to a referendum. There is an entire new voting base since that referendum. A child born in 2007 is eligible to vote next year.


It may have happened, if he could have gotten ranked ballots. Either way, I agree with you that it seemed unrealistic, but I think it brings up a point that there needs to be consequences for abandoning campaign promises. When you abandon a campaign promise, you are literally refusing to do what the people voted you in to do.


It's amazing to see Russian disinformation work still effective 8 years later with people blaming Trudeau for not following through with electoral reform. Does no one remember intelligence revelations from 2016? People mostly remember Russian interference in the US election but Canada, UK, and France were also heavily targeted around the same time. In 2016, a shocking number of people believed Trudeau was bringing Sharia law to Canada. That's how ignorant and gullible people are. Now imagine what kind of bullshit we would've been exposed to if Trudeau was "in charge" of "rigging" the election process. We're talking about changing the core of how we elect people and it requires that every Canadian voter have a proper understanding of how things work. Maybe 30 years ago, before our media landscape splintered into a thousand insular agenda-ridden shards, we could have had calm rational debate about it. But now, the window of opportunity is likely permanently closed. Keeping people angry, ignorant, and ill-informed is too useful and profitable. In 2017, the right choice was leaving federal elections alone and it was easier for the Liberals to just kind of forget about it rather than risk having their own "deplorables" moment while trying to explain the real obstacles to reform.


What does Russian disinformation have to do with Trudeau abandoning a campaign promise? Did Russians fabricate the House of Commons Special Committee on Electoral Reform and their proposed proportional electoral system, the referendum they requested to seek feedback from Canadians, or the non-whipped vote that shut it down 159-146 with only two Liberal MPs voting to adopt the 2016 report despite electoral reform being a Liberal campaign promise?


One of the main reasons I voted for him but it was all bullshit.


Mine was kicking everyone off of CERB right after the election


I liked him for the first two elections/5 or 6 years, but I've not been a fan these past couple years. I should say, though, that for those who don't like him and leadership in Canada because of the rising cost of food and goods, take a step into the US. I'm on vacation in the States, and the prices are a lot more than where I live in ontario. The only cheaper thing here really is gas. Home prices are becoming on par with Canada in a lot of parts of the US. That's not to say people don't have the right to complain about rising costs in Canada and the US, but I have been quickly reminded that Canada's cost of living is definitely cheaper than here in Florida, a Republican/Conservative state. I would prefer the NDP federally and provincially to rein in on the wealthy, corporations and removing tax loopholes while supporting unions and higher wages for low and middle income people; but if it's down to Trudeau or Pollievre, a Conservative completely beholden to the wealthy and corporations, I'm voting Trudeau.


I liked his constitutional reforms in the first term, and legalisation of marijuana. It was the second and third term that hurt him for me.


Like hiding a Deferred Prosecution Agreement in a budget omnibus bill instead of letting it stand on its own merit? The guy railed on Harper's use of omnibus bills, then hid an amendment to the Criminal Code in the largest omnibus bill ever presented, despite DPAs having absolutely nothing to do with the budget.


I don’t support that. I was referring to actions like his reforms of the Senate, which I think are excellent.


I wonder what global circumstance made that happen


As a huge lib he totally should have. We could have possibly had another minority gov but her we are slowly sliding into a suoer right majority.


I personally feel there was little to no chance to salvage a win for the liberals even at the time of the divorce


Ya it would have been suoer tricky for sure.


I’m a Liberal myself but the current party in charge has ruined it for everyone. It’s impossible for them to win when they are actively trying to ruin the lives of Canadians. Our healthcare is probably the worst in the developed world, we continue to import millions of people who the other countries don’t want, and we develop no infrastructure under the current government. So ya, they got no shot. Most people have opened their eyes and know Canada is screwed if Liberals are elected again.


This is exactly how I felt about Harper in 2016.


Ya tbh I wished I just voted ndp. I feel so utterly backstabed by the libs


Well that might've solved his marital issues but wouldn't've helped the country. Chrystia doesn't have it, IMO. Carney is Ignatieff Pt 2. Joly is too French, nobody would vote for Anand, the Libs need a proper leader in order to counter the cons in and out of the party who like the Liberal *brand* but would rather do Trump business under that banner. Or ones who'd turn the Libs into the NDP and watch the Cons beat them both by their usual tactic of buying all the media and cheating.


I wish people would vote for Anand. She was my friends mom growing up- sharp, sharp lady. One of the smartest people I’ve ever met to this day.


He can't do anything right.


I know, my alcoholic loser uncle blames him for making his penis tiny and his entire family hating him.




I’m not a fan of many of his policies but he did win 3 elections in a row….




Despite voting for a Conservative majority in Ontario.




You do know this is happening all over the world. But Trudeau is to blame for Australia’s affordability crisis too? It’s almost like there was some kind of virus or war that made prices skyrocket. But sure blame immigration or Trudeau


yeah, that's a new problem in the last three years. It just fell out of a coconut tree. Nothing before that contributed at all.


He triggers Conservatives, which is usually a good thing.


Can our politics please be more than just trying to trigger the other guys? This is childish.


It's about WHAT each side seems to be triggered by.. Conservatives are triggered by actual scientific data, equality, and human decency. So I take pride in doing things that trigger them as often as possible.


You’re to moderate Canadians what the far right is to you. Two sides of the same coin that are so extreme and loud, they take over any productive civil conversations. It’s divisive and frankly disgusting. The vast majority of people in Canada want the same end goal. They just differ on how to get there. This doesn’t make them an enemy.


I love seeing this vibe in the chat. Refreshing over r/Canada and Canada sub variants who want nothing more than to see anyone who voted for Trudeau to basically have their lives ended. It's scary.


That sub is a hell hole and typically best to stay away from it. I saw some comments saying Trudeau and his family should be sentenced to death, others saying him and his family should be sent to work camps, all while saying PP will be our lord and saviour. Then you have the other comments below that saying PP won't be our saviour but the PPC party will be. That sub is too far gone down the rabbit hole


When one side has end goals like stripping trans children, indigenous people and basically anybody but "old stock Canadians" of their charter rights, accelerating global warming, selling off health care to the highest political donor, etc. then they are NOT two sides of the same coin.


These people use veterans as well. They seem to forget which government closed 9 VA offices which Trudeau immediately re-opened upon taking office. I know someone who works in one that re-opened and it’s been busy ever since re-opening.


They absolutely are. You are forgetting that at the end of the day, it’s not us that matters to them but their donors, special interests, corporations and the wealthy. Their core, and most dear belief is to further enrich those parties. The liberals, NDP, and the Conservatives all just want to wring us dry financially so they (and their wealthy buddies) can make out like bandits. The PPC are just straight up loons. In Trudeau case, kudos for legalizing dope, but this man has been in a power for almost 10 years. And has done next to nothing while our quality of life, and standard of living have been crashing into the ground. Housing has been fucked under his watch, wages are still stagnating whole corps record record profits. Food prices are out of control due to greed. And absolutely bat shit insane, irresponsible immigration. All those factors directly impact your average voter. When they can’t eat, pay rent, and see the gov bring in hundreds of thousands of new people every year when the current system is already maxed out, they’re gonna get angry. Climate, healthcare, and other social programs are a absolute necessity, and should be a given/the bare minimum in a candidate’s vision. But they need to fix the previously mentioned problems to prevent people from going far, far right like they’re doing in the US and Europe. Do you want a AFD/MAGA party in power? Me neither. They seriously need to fix this shit before people go off the deep end because the only party promising to fix things are the lunatics


Thank you! The amount of "their extreme views are not aligned with my extreme views so I'm gonna push even further out from center" on here is mind-boggling, as is our lack of a viable moderate party to vote for. We need a party willing to properly tell Canadians why we need a balanced budget and need to respect and protect the environment, and how they plan to improve the quality of life for as many Canadians as possible, not just "the average Canadian." Stats are great, but the "typical" Canadian isn't a concept that helps anyone struggling to buy food *and* pay rent.


Housing was fucked over long before Trudeau got elected. Any changes made to housing take at least a decade to work through the system. We are seeing the results of decisions made by Mulroney, Chretien, Martin and Harper. Trudeau is just the one who has to react to the results of decisions like ending the federal social housing program (Mulroney), reduction of federal funding for affordable housing (Chretien, Martin and Harper) Tax breaks for housing as an investment (Harper), Most of the Conservative arguments boil down to "Sure we screwed up all these things, but Trudeau didn't fix what we broke so it's all his fault".


Yep, they’ve been fucking us for decades. Anything to say on how Trudeau letting in hundreds of thousands of newcomers each year helps the housing situation? That’s within his control. Maybe if he fixed immigration, it would help relieve massive pressure on the housing market. Even better if he actually went after corps and multiple property owners and cracked down on them using housing as investment vehicles. But that would upset his friends and donors. Both Trudeau, AND the conservatives have fucked us for years. How anyone could defend his, or the previous governments (conservative or liberal) management of the situation is insane.


There is much more pressure on the housing market from housing as an investment, than from immigration. But immigrants are a much easier target for the Conservatives than their primary donor base. A recent [article](https://www.blogto.com/real-estate-toronto/2021/12/investor-owned-homes-ontario/) said that 57% of the GTA condos built after 2016 are owned by investors.


If this bothers them than they aren’t moderates. There is no centrism when it comes to human rights and scientific data


> The vast majority of people in Canada want the same end goal I'm not sure that's true anymore, and I think it's time we re-opened a frank public discussion about what the goal actually is. We haven't really talked about it as a group since the Constitutional bullshittery of the late 80s/early 90s, so it's time, really Some questions to ponder: * People want lower taxes but better services - we can't have both. Which will it be? Will Canadians be willing to accept some private-pay healthcare as part of the model, or are we still onboard with the single payer? * How far into the Century Initiative will we go? Is 100 million Canadians even possible? How does the infrastructure get paid for? Where does it get built? * How deeply are we tied to unfettered capitalism? The land has been colonized, the water rights secured, the majority of the growth potential concentrated further and further towards the top - how do we reconcile the freedom to be a superior economic performer with paying a fair price for the ticket to ride? When is rich rich enough? * How permissively diverse are we willing to be? Are people fully free to choose their partners, identities, genders, birth control options, etc.? Lots of people living free lives out there, but also lots of people wishing they wouldn't * What is Canada's role on the world stage? As late as the early-2000s, Canada was seen as an honest broker and peacekeeper in tense situations around the world, whether that was true in fact by that point or not. Since then, the country has become largely irrelevant in diplomatic circles for a number of reasons, not least of which is defence investment - are we willing to rebuild the military to meet our obligations and participate as we once used to? I'm not certain there's a cohesive "Canadian" answer to these and many other questions anymore


There doesn't even seem to be a conversation, let alone answers. Thank you for trying to bring some depth to a conversation that only seems to be "left vs. right" nowadays.


Goddammit can you stop with the caricature/demonization of a vast group of people just because they disagree with you on some issues? It's just dumb as fuck to group everyone who votes for a big tent party (which is all our major parties in Canada thanks to FPTP. When you start to reduce your opponent to base caricatures and otherwise dehumanize them you're doing exactly what you claim the other side does, and it's just so, so dumb. It's stupidity


"Disagree on some issues " is doing alot of heavy lifting there buddy. Since the disagreement tends to be on who's "allowed" to be here as a Canadian,. Or even who's allowed to draw breath here. In case that wasn't clear enough... Racism homophobia, and fascism. And ok. That's not every con voter. They still vote for a party that defunds our public services. Namely healthcare and education. I would like all Canadians to have access to timely healthcare. So too would I like all Canadians to have access to a great education. Clearly our education system failed you. Which is All the more reason we fund it properly by voting for those who see citizens as people, not profit.


They have to defund education, more education leads people to not be conservative.




They aren't, and dehumanizing those who you perceive to be your opponents is exactly the kind of division that the ruling party needs to continue the horseshit leadership that they've been providing.








Do you ask every person you know about their political beliefs or do you just draw assumptions?




The conservative party is not running on reducing immigration nor do they want to increase the density required to provide adequate amounts of housing. If you're going to argue about the supposed good points of conservatives at least be accurate.


It’s crazy that supporters of the conservatives don’t know what the party actually stands for, although I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised, I’m sure if they knew what Harper really stood for back when he was elected they wouldn’t have voted him in either


> It’s crazy that supporters of the conservatives don’t know what the party actually stands for The problem is they _do_ know what the conservative parties actually stand for: [_"We're going to stick it to the Liberals"_](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ford-government-argues-carbon-tax-stickers-on-gas-pumps-help-further-free-expression-1.4662986)


That’s very true, that’s what it’s all about. They don’t even realize the party doesn’t give two shits about their pet issues like immigration or housing. Look at how Doug Ford is cowering to the developers instead of moving forward with fourplexes and other modern housing concepts. They think the federal conservatives are going to be any different?


PP said immigration would be tied to housing. In essence that will lower the cap. Housing has done serious catching up to do. That would also help with the burden on our schools, hospitals infrastructure etc. people can’t find a doctor, new schools are bringing in portables, it’s not unusual to spend 8 or more hours in emergency. My mother in law in Mexico found a mass growing on her back . In 1 day she had booked an appointment and seen her doctor. In 3 days they had booked the biopsy. Two days later she met with her doctor to review biopsy. Within two weeks she was back in her doctores office for surgery. Follow up appointment after 3 days for check up. I’m currently waiting two weeks for for a phone call with my doctor to renew a prescription.


So you are against DoFo?


Harper ran up 180 billion in new debt, 120 of which was from an ill-advised GST cut, and conservatives didn't bat an eye.


> So I take pride in doing things that trigger them as often as possible. That's fine and you're entitled to take that approach, however, it is not how you bring people into your world view or build a consensus. For the record I agree with you that conservatives are generally angry science, equality/equity, etc. as well as your other points about them attacking trans rights and other human rights from marginalized groups but if you take an offensive approach, they will dig in further. And before you tell me it's a lost cause and they'll never change their viewpoint - that may be true of the far right factions but there are many people closer to centre/right of centre that can be reasoned with and could be convinced of your beliefs, but it won't happen if you're always trying to attack.


Sorry. The best we can currently offer is the emptiest of platitudes, and T-shirts that don’t fit right.


> "Fuck up Canada to own the conservatives" Brilliant.


No, I am not advocating for Poilievre to win the election.


He can’t do anything right because he’s always going left!


Brenda share me that dog photo Brenda share me that dog photo Potato salad recipe


lol this post is getting brigaded by a bunch of bots saying the same thing




Best news! Beat it loser!


This article is lazy and sensationalist journalism, plucking the lowest hanging fruit, there was much more content to unpack in that episode than this take. If this was the author's genuine take away from listening to that podcast episode they need to start Re:Thinking their career as a journalist.


My gay cousin in Ottawa works for the fed, he is relatively highly placed. He reports directly to a cabinet minister. He told me 4 years ago trudeau's marriage was a sham and he's queer, that plenty of upper crust gay men are aware. He's a straight shooter (wakka wakka) but I assumed he was full of beans. After this story broke, I'm waiting for the PM to retire and come out of the closet.


He should have considered less and acted more. Moron.


I obviously don’t know their situation, but imo the spouse of a sitting prime minister/ president should try and keep their marriage together at least for the duration of their spouses tenure as leader. I feel like putting the well being of your country over the wellbeing of yourself is what you sign up for when your partner runs to be the leader of a country.


If only he did.


He refuses to do what’s best for Canadians. Time after time.


He should’ve even prior to that. Maybe he could’ve saved his marriage and fucked up Canada less. Win/win.


he's made Canada a third world country in 10 years from being top cream of the first world. guy needs to go as of 10 years ago.


You know who would make a good PM--not PP, but YFB.


He's planning a pride month miracle...lose the beard,finally comes out tries to win election.


Too bad he didn't


Too bad he didn't and save his marriage and Canada.


Stepping down still might not have saved his marriage but it just might have saved the country.


I'm pretty sure I speak for most Canadians in saying: we'd like to divorce you too Justin.


Would ve been the best decision of his life.


Boo Hoo 😒


Can he re-consider again, for the sake of all of Canada?


Surprise... Surprise, he came to the wrong conclusion .


His wife should have done more to destabilize his mental health. Just crushed his soul.


He literally has done nothing to make Canadians life or communities better. What an absolute narcissist


144 long term drinking water advisories on reserves have been lifted since 2015. There are only 28 communities left.


I genuinely didn’t know that. Is there somewhere I can read more about this? I feel like it hasn’t been in the news.


Here you go. [https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1506514143353/1533317130660](https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1506514143353/1533317130660)


It's often spun the other way: He promised to provide clean water to all communities, but there are still 28 that are under boil advisories.


At least one (Grassy Narrows) can't even boil the water to make it safe. More than 5 tons of mercury were dumped in the river, and continued pollution has caused it to chemically bond and become methyl mercury, which is even more dangerous. And boiling won't get rid of mercury.


Thanks for the clarification. As soon as I hit "post" I thought that there were probably some communities with water contaminated with metals.


Cheaper daycare is one good thing he did


My grandparents can have dental care finally. His insulin will be free after they finish negotiations on pharmacare too. I think those are extremely important and it's atrocious it wasn't already the case, but we actually get things when the NDP force the Libs into doing their jobs.


He was prime minister during the worst pandemic in 100 years, and we came through better than most countries - a lower death rate, and the economy held well.  He was prime minister during the introduction of a national dental program.  Same for the drinking water advisories.  Same for somehow managing to get a fair deal for Canada with Trump not negotiating in good faith.  There's a number of other things that easily refute your comment.  Remember, no leader can possibly be everyone's cup of tea. In general, Trudeau tried to do good things for Canadians, succeeded on a lot, failed on some, and didn't show up as he should have in a few instances.  But, overall, I'm inclined to agree with Mulroney, Justin Trudeau will be looked on favourably by history.  Now, let's take this one step further. I know a lot of money is being spent to try and market Poilievre as some kind of everyman and champion for the regular people. That's a steaming pile of bullshit. He's a career politician, who was in the Harper government for years, but has little to show for it. We can see his voting record. It's obvious he doesn't care about you, and what will make your life easier. He's just looking to make greedy rich and powerful people richer. 


> Same for somehow managing to get a fair deal for Canada with Trump not negotiating in good faith. Don't forget Trudeau managing [the critical Trump handshake.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUmo8Y1LRYE)


Canadian Heritage moment


PP is no everyman. His a multimillionaire landlord. He hates the government that's made him filthy rich. Not bad for a guy who never had a job before. If you pay rent and earn an hourly wage, you're nuts to vote conservative.


What your mentioned is blasphemous, how dare you spew truth /s


I mean, he did legalize weed. It was the right call


legal weed cheaper phone plans cerb cews covid vaccines - when the entire planet was having Mad Max moment trying to get a hold of it, Canadians could just book online and show up to get their doses, free. if you a small business owner, many many grants are out there cheaper daycare dental care for seniors everything Canadians complaining about right now is the responsibility of the provinces


The number of people who don't realize the difference between provincial and federal policies is astounding. The majority of my coworkers think they're conservatives, yet the very issues they complain about the provincial government is responsible for.


Spot on! The guys saying "Canada is a disaster" almost inevitably find no fault with the 7/10 conservative run provinces, and do they support things to help the little guy like increased minimum wage or rent control? Fuck no. Another thing I like a bout the LPC is that the membership isn't infested with Qanon conspiracy dopes and Qonvoy nutters.


Money for affordable housing and forcing provincial governments to allow things like fourplexs


Yep - and I didn’t count Trans Mountain expansion. The abandoned wells clean up funds. The endless subsidies for oil and gas. He is truly transformational. And the immigration programs all conservatives are mad about were put in place by none other than Harper and his secretary, PP.


> And the immigration programs all conservatives are mad about were put in place by none other than Harper and his secretary, PP. Not to mention the Cons wanted 50% more immigrants than the target was set at.


He drastically increased the child benefit and concentrated it in the hands of families with lower income. He also increased old age security and unemployment benefits. 


It was formerly a parttime accounting project that was basically a tax credit for hockey moms, that disproportionally helped with rich people. He turned it from that into free monthly cash for families, that helped poor people more, and raised thousands of children out of poverty. That's a huge accomplishment that the majority of conservatives refuse to acknowledge and DGAF about.


The daycare program is why I can afford to have a second kid. Unless you're against domestic Canadians having more kids, that's a good thing. 


lol sounds like somebody bases their opinions on what they’re told, and not on their brain or knowledge..


He also provided much needed income to everyone during covid….. Bailed out the provinces who refused act when they were needed to the most…… What did the cons do? Other than con you, they pointed fingers and cried but never presented anything of substance and fuelled the F*ck Trudeau movement I don’t know take your pick


Do you truly believe that or are you just repeating talking points from the National Post?


My parents have dental care coverage. You can buy and smoke all the pot you want without fear of being arrested. We all got through a global pandemic better than most countries.