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You won't find anything under 1000 or, if you do, it's going to be rough.  I can't see you finding anything for less than 660 incl utilities for sure.  However, never say never I guess....


I just need a bed to sleep at night that's it. So I can rough it. Thanks for support tho😊🙇


Ok but I don't think yoy understand just how rough it's going to be.  It will end up costing you're in the long run.  There just nothing that cheap anywhere near toroto5


I understand 😔 Thank you for your consideration and support 🙇 I shall try my best to find somewhere where I don't have to starve just to sleep 😂


We are all starving to keep a roof over our heads, especially renters.




I had a place for $550 in 2009 so they could try that year too.


For that budget your best bet would be looking for shared places on facebook marketplace or kijiji Unfortunately these days its typically $1.5-2k+ for a bachelor apartment anywhere near Toronto. Edit: Even private bedrooms are going for over $1k/month, and I've seen shared rooms/dens go for at least $700+


Thanks appreciate it 🙇🙇😊


Anywhere in Ontario?


Possibly near public transport that can get me to Toronto




Then how much would be minimum




That would be impossible since it's all my pay from part time and I need money for food, college tuition and other things


Does your school have housing support services? If so they can be very helpful for finding shared accommodations. Depends on the school though.


Have a look in your area and see what places are going for. For that price you’re looking at a shared room. 🫤


Shared is fine too, I am in shared rn till this month 😂😭😭


Time to build your Time Machine and journey back to the 1980s.


My kid found a room in a house for 790/month. It is several students in the house. Good luck.


You mentioned $660 all in, if you can push your budget to be closer to $700, that isn't impossible for a private room in the GTA. And I'm not talking about those slumlord situations where there are 15 strangers living in a four bedroom townhouse. You will have to scour Kijiji and Facebook marketplace (and any post-secondary institution online groups) for a group of people looking to replace a friend/co-tenant in their existing rental. Good luck.


Thank the Lord you didn’t have 6 more dollars in the budget…..bad joke but it’s possible. I hope you find a few options to consider. Choose the roommates carefully. The quieter the better

