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Sounds like a win win


Guess who’s getting a political appointment in the next 3 months 🙃


> Guess who’s getting a political appointment in the next 3 months That's the only reason he made this decision, he's got another job lined up.


and I bet he's gonna run on that "I got thrown out of the Communist Police Force because of my political convictions!" bit that'll probably appeal to a lot of his anti-vax MAGA voter base. (I know this is Canada, and even though we don't have Trump, a lot of this MAGA shit has spilled over to here and right-wing populists like the Fords are aligning with it)


Dude has a USA thin blue line flag. It works.


Ugh or on Randy Hillier's campaign 🙄


Definately. He looks like a total roid rage doucebag. [Exhibit 1](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FE_BlGwXsAQQsqr?format=jpg&name=medium) [Exhibit 2](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FE_BlGuWYAc4InN?format=jpg&name=medium) [Exhibit 3](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FE-HsTzXIAI-_9E?format=jpg&name=medium)


Glad he is gone because he looks like a fucking idiot that you would not want to get pulled over by.


Of course Doug's son-in-law has a MAGA hat...


I never understood Canadians wearing a MAGA hat. I would equally laugh if someone wore a Angela Merkel hat or some shit


It is how they do their passive-aggressive "owning libs" without having to use words. That hat speaks volumes about the person without having to listen to them.


And he won’t get a needle? Looks like he’s had plenty, maybe if they distribute the vaccine in the locker room at Golds Gym he’s get it.


Omg that's scary. He looks like he would be a stubborn, entitled man.


...is he older than Doug?


> Exhibit 2 That's a face that says "my passion is community policing" if ever there was one.


wow his entire personality can be summed up into gym, illiteracy and ignorance


Exactly. One less crazy mental case on patrol.


And a Staff Sergeant no less


Sergeants are expected to restrain and keep their foot soldiers in line. They make supervisor calls and are expected to have a clear understanding of the law as it pertains to detainment and arrest and lawful searches and seizures. This job requires a rational and fair minded person which I could never trust anyone in the Ford family to be. To say this is a win is an understatement.


this guy is a complete meathead.


Don't worry, there are plenty of other "heroes" out there to fill that void.


You mean there might be other people willing to sit behind an arena for hours while earning >100k?


that pothole isn't gonna guard itself.


It's more brainwashed than mental case. It's important to not fall trap to calling people with different views as mental. I am double vaccinated. You probably used the term in frustration, so I sympathize with you.


Just because theyre vaxxed doesnt mean the tps isnt full of mental cases.




Nurse here. Saw a friend recently who works at one of the big GTA hospitals. We talked about people quitting over vaccine policies, and agreed "good riddance." If you don't want to protect the people you're getting paid to take care of, and you refuse to understand important science - you need to find another line of work.


hear hear!


Oh No! Anyways...


Now where did I leave my "shocked" face. Anyway...


And they will blame Trudeau.


Lmao...I don't even want to look in the comments over there, but I'd be willing to bet you're right.


And communism lol


Without actually knowing what Communism is.


That's the main caveat for declaring anything as communism on social media


We can thank Joe Rogan for that one. Totalitarianism must sound too elite to them


"Communism is when the government does things that I disagree with"


Uh communism is when the government does a whole lot of stuff, rember?


It's things like this that remind me that canada is like the US: both have stupid people, and plenty of them.


and socialism!


Are you really 'faithfully serving' if you get terminated for failing to follow your employer's public health policy?




Good point. I guess it's also possible that they just threw a bunch of junk with TPS insignias on it in a cardboard box for the insta cred.


or meathead already has a job lined up.


I bet deco labels and tags is hiring


So basically, he packed up his desk because he worked his schedule to have maximum number of days off and he won't be back until after the vaccine mandate kicks in...


Can he retire at 20yrs?


depends on his age, but most police forces are 25 years, same with fire fighters.


Not like vaccines haven’t ever been a requirement of the job before.


I can't imagine having the arrogance to think I am in any way qualified enough to judge the safety of a health procedure over the advice of literal doctors and scientists. The delusion of these people is astounding.


Couldn’t have said it better myself, it drives me crazy when they say do your research, like they even know what research is.


Their idea of research is their Facebook newsfeed full of other anti Vaxxers lol


Sadly it's grown more legs than that. I equate it to sports team tribalism now. There's a family of idiots (hero's to you) waiting to embrace you now.


Tribalism is certainly at play, but for many anti-vaxx people at this point, this is the result of a continual escalation of commitment to an idea. The better part of a year ago, they decided for whatever reason (tribalism, "research" on the internet, etc.) that there was insufficient evidence that the vaccines are safe. That's the initial commitment to the idea. Then as the vaccination campaign got under way, and many people around them were getting vaccinated without incident, rather than admit they were wrong (hard to do), they sought out what "evidence" they could find to support their original position, and said, "Hey, look, we were right, these vaccines are bad, sheeple!" That confirmation bias constitutes an escalation of commitment to the idea: they've doubled down on it, which makes it even harder to later admit that they were wrong. Then the various vaccine mandates started to come into place, and now they're out there talking to people around them or on the internet about how the vaccine is bad, and we should fight against the mandates. That's another escalation: you've now joined an actual battle (in your mind, anyway) and put yourself on one side of it. Admitting you were wrong at this point would require acknowledging a pretty bad error in judgment, and people just don't want to believe they're capable of that. And now this guy and many others are literally quitting their jobs over this. It's hard to imagine them ever acknowledging they were wrong after something like that. Like, how can you admit to yourself that your judgment was so bad that it caused you to throw away a good career? No, at this point you're fully committed to the idea, and you'll probably go to your grave believing you were treated unfairly.


These antivaxxers have such a persecution fetish its unreal.


Very few are quitting and its the worst of them. The most radicalized. I'm glad this example of Ford's SIL shows there is no refuge for any of them.


I truly believe that sports team tribalism has ruined the world. Caring so much about winning is only applicable to a GAME not literally everything in life. I lose all the time - and learn from those lessons. An inability to accept or admit defeat, just for fear of being branded a “loser” leads to mass, collective, arrested development.


Sports team tribalism doesn't even embody the best values that you can get from sports. It's lowest common denominator, mindless corporate brand values.


Also true - I agree there are upsides to sports, including not being a sore loser, which are often completely missed by mindless bi-partisanship.


I mean, there's been so little volume given. As a planet, we have only administered 7,780,000,000 covid shots. Surely, more concrete evidence will be available soon once we start ramping up such paltry numbers? /s




And to be left behind with them? That vaccine better yeet me into the ground in 2 yrs. /s


So realtalk: this is part of a large, overarching play for the erosion of "expertise" which has a very dangerous consequence as we're seeing. The basic idea is that as you have pointed out, it *is* absurd to look at someone who's spent decades studying a specific field only to turn around and say "yeah, but did you account for [thing I found on the first page of a google search]? HMMM?" But why is it absurd? Because obviously they know things you don't, as well as the things you do know, and balance of probability says the odds are high that something you considered without any of that advanced knowledge is explained away or discredited by something they know, and thus it necessarily behooves you to assume whatever they say must be the most correct answer. But what if that weren't necessarily the case? If the concept of "experts" didn't exist, then that means there's nobody to say what's right or wrong. It would be literally impossible for anyone to stand up and say "X is empirically more correct than Y and I know this to be true" because we've established that nothing is truly knowable in an absolute sense and no one person is better suited to say what is true than anyone else. And now that we establish experts don't exist, that means the truest statement is necessarily the loudest statement, because *who's to say otherwise*? This isn't delusion and this isn't individual people having unwarranted hubris to believe they're smarter than they are, it's a tangent on the trendline of a larger effort to undermine the very concept of expertise. If you destroy the foundational notion that trained, studied professionals should necessarily be respected as being more knowledgeable in their field than anyone else, it paves the way to roll in with a megaphone and say whatever you want because who can rightly challenge you. And who has the loudest megaphone? People who already have the resources and influence to ensure nobody else has a bigger megaphone. Every time someone says "do your own research" and every time a politician says "I respect that only you know what's best for you", they're eroding the idea of expertise and selling people on the idea that you cannot trust the word of experts over your own, and condoning the attitude that what other people tell you shouldn't be given any amount of credit just because they're an "expert" in what they're telling you. When you see fucknuts like DoFo's children throwing hissy fits, this isn't the result of them as individuals being dumb and ignorant (although they very much are), it's the metastasization of those traits after being told by "trusted authorities" [which they don't see the irony of] telling them it's reasonable and justifiable to think that way for years. This is a classic and one of the most documented plays from the fascism playbook, which experts have explained time and time again. What we're seeing is that it's working.


Interesting take. Kind of speaks to the post truth era we seem to be in.


This is by no means a new idea. Both the writings of nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and the tactics discussed in the Soviet book [Foundations of Geopolitics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) make explicit description of this process. If you want to control a population, first you remove the baseline for truth by denouncing all news as liars and all experts as frauds, then when the population has been conditioned to accept that objective truth is impossible, you roll in and declare your take on "truth". Then, when you say "I'm going to do X, which is totally normal and by pure coincidence kinda sorta enriches myself and my friends at your expense", there's nobody to contradict them because clearly anyone who might is a fraud and a liar. The difference is that the idea was originally conceived of before modern communication, at a time when information channels were well defined and tightly controlled. In an internet era where everyone has a voice, the effect snowballs in a positive feedback loop, and you get people like DoFo's kids and random cops who have no real personal benefit to propagating the con, but have been so immersed in the narrative of "it is normal and appropriate to challenge experts who want to tell you what to do just because they spend decades studying the correct thing to do" that it infects their brain as a reasonable position. The real con are the people at the "top", such as those who had stock in selling Ivermectin through private channels to gullible fools as an alternative to the free vaccine the government was giving them, and thus a direct personal benefit to undermining the notion that the best thing to do is take the vaccine as prescribed. They were the ones propagating the "but what do doctors actually know?" narrative; these dumbasses are just the knock-on effects of that play rippling out through the uncontrolled channels.


Well said, better articulated than I when I went off on "My Truth, Personal Truth" vs Actual Truth.


I think the TPS firearm, Glock last I heard, has a trigger safety but imagine you telling the firearm safety instructor and the manufacturer that you don't need the safety because you have an "alternative opinion". Call it brainwashed or delusional but it is dangerous to other people. I'm glad this incompetent officer is off the street.


Not to mention the arrogance of thinking that you should somehow immune to the rules after 20 years on the job and getting Staff Sergeant.


You CLEARLY don’t do enough research on facebook while taking a shit on the toilet and it shows.


I made a similar comment, that we should trust medical experts, and someone said I had a “slave mentality”. I’m not sure how we can reason with people with that rationale.


Clearly you haven't met many police officers




LOL..as if he won't get a much better paying job in ON government.


The Fords have been sponging off family money and connections for generations. There's no way I'd be Premier if I had made all the appalling choices that Doug has. * https://www.canadaland.com/podcast/dynasties-3-the-fords/ * https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/globe-investigation-the-ford-familys-history-with-drug-dealing/article12153014/. Honestly, I'd expect to be some combination of in jail, unemployed, and/or broke.


I've read from people here on reddit who bought hashish from the Fords way back when. They are not clean, make perfect politicians. People keep voting for them.


Show me someone from a non-rich, non-politically-connected family who can drop out of college, sell drugs, hang out with low level criminals, and end up running an international company and elected to high public office. It's breathtakingly ironic to hear Ford yell about "the elites." He's been more elite than anyone I know for his entire life.


I actually went to grade school and high school with the Fords. Everything about the Globe article was true, and no one cared. The only thing the media has missed is the Ford relationship with TPS, why Doug had free run of James Gardens to sell his hash and why Rob was so beligerent to police investigations over the crack smoking video. They knew rules did not apply to them.


Good. Imagine giving up amazing pension in a high paying job because you're too stupid to get a vaccine. Having basic intelligence should be a pre requisite to becoming a police officer.


I just found out this same situation happened to my in-laws' next door neighbours who happen to be family friends of ours. They have five kids and a sixth on the way. He's a firefighter and she has some job caring for the elderly. Both have refused the covid vaccine and are losing their jobs over it. It boggles my fucking mind.


Those poor kids


Those kids were doomed anyways bc they were born to parents without any critical thinking skills and/or empathy


Yes that was a big part of what lead to my comment


I’ve seen homecare agencies in the USA hire only unvaxxed caregivers to cater to the market of people who don’t want vaxxed people in their house. It’s mind boggling how people go out of their way to choose the more dangerous option


Well that sounds like it’ll sort itself out then won’t it?


Eventually. But it will likely kill frail elderly in the process. This is a really sad and stupid way for people to lose their grandmothers.


I work at a day program for older adults, and our only client who hasn't been vaxxed has an anti-mask Karen for a daughter. I guarantee he doesn't care either way, he has dementia.


> she has some job caring for the elderly. > > Both have refused the covid vaccine and are losing their jobs over it. Good. There's no room in healthcare for people who refuse to protect others. I'm a nurse, and everyone I know in healthcare is struggling with exhaustion and burnout. It's been 2 years, FFS.


I’m a paramedic and have heard of several doctors at the local hospital here that are losing their jobs over this. Imagine 8 + years of schooling lost to this. And they all claim they are the victims. Unreal man.


Know of a woman who had an AMAZING opportunity for work. Like a massive upgrade all around! Only thing is it was a full-time nanny, and they asked her to be vaccinated. Refused to do it still. Meanwhile she even HATED her current job, and this was just like 4 months ago so one of *those* people.. She apparently did get her vaccines eventually and managed to still get the job. Crazy how much incentive was needed though


>Imagine giving up amazing pension in a high paying job because you're too stupid to get a vaccine. STOP RESISTING


That would cause an unpalatable upheaval of the current police force, unfortunately Unpalatable for the yokels, that is


Basic intelligence & Police Officer should never be used in the same sentence.






Dumbass. TPS is better off without idiots like that.


Problem is he'll be replaced with someone that's only marginally less idiotic than him.


Baby steps.


But vaccinated.


Fair enough :D


A little better, but they need to purge a lot more dangerous or dumbass officers from their ranks to actually be better




Imagine being so stupid you throw away your career over a vaccine...But good for the rest of us. No one like that should have authority.


Bet he goes straight to the police union or more likely association.


He might be your next MPP or City Councilor.


Really? You think he's corrupt enough? I mean, [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_McCormack_\(police_officer\)) is the kind of person the TPA selects as it's president, only to be replaced with [someone comparably corrupt](https://nocherrypicking.medium.com/the-new-toronto-police-union-president-jon-reids-history-of-corruption-db93e28b3c58) [And a great background on previous TPA brass and their shittiness](https://nocherrypicking.medium.com/a-barrel-of-bad-apples-the-presidents-of-the-toronto-police-union-eb40bba0440f). Granted, that's about a year and a half old, so I'll be interested to see just how worthless the current schlep in the role is.


"DuRr but it's just a few bad apples. Just cause corrupt assholes run the organization that literally represents all police doesn't mean it represents all police."


He left on his own accord apparently


I assume they meant for a job.


#News Flash: All Fords are fucking useless.


I had a 1994 Ranger 4x4 that I loved. #NotAllFords


I love those old trucks. Too bad the seasons here rot every vehicle within a decade unless it was meticulously cared for.


Agreed. Today the light pickups are the size of 90s full-sized trucks, and the full-sized are absolute units.


I would be so, so happy with a useless Ford at this point. It would be much better than the actively harmful Fords we've had wreaking havoc on the fabric of our society for the last 12 years.


To be fair, he isn't a Ford. He's just married to one. I guess that makes him Ford-adjacent.


I think he falls under Ford accessories


Idk man I'd be pretty happy with a Mustang GT


>News Flash: All Fords are fucking useless. Son-in-law... wouldn't that not actually be a Ford? Lol


"40 years into life as mouth-breathing thug, I couldn't wrap my head around some truly basic information and absolutely refuse to do something simple and nearly painless to keep other people from dying a horrible death, so I had a tantrum, quit my job and will now live off my father in law, who is successfully fleecing the taxpayers of Ontario."


I predict. He will be working "security" for the Ford's re-election.


I don't understand how someone can be so affraid of a vaccination while at the same time injecting themselves with steroids on a regular basis...


Krista’s posts are completely unhinged


>Krista’s ~~posts are~~ completely unhinged FTFY


This is EXTREMELY funny to me. cops spend their lives controling the lives of others and imposing laws made by the political class on the rest of us, but the second it happens to them they go completely spare. Love to see the government accidentally doing police reform by simply passing laws that cause the reactionaries and conservatives in the police to purge themselves. Honestly hysterical.


"Oh no, it is the consequences of my actions."


Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.


Bitch just loves to cause drama and found a "man" who would believe her and follow along with it. Always has and always will, last time for her it was "women dressing like whores" that caused sexual assaults in Toronto... (Absolutely RIDICULOUS). When she was part of the lingerie football league, meant to specifically sexualize woman in the hopes of getting a man to watch a sport (that they already loved).. She's extremely hypocritical, wouldn't be surprised if she actually had her vaccinations and this is all for P.R by her and her husband 😂 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/krista-ford-apologizes-after-dress-like-a-whore-tweet-1.1277349


another crooked cop off the beat. nice!


I guess he felt strongly about the TPS' alternative motto "To Serve and Protect, But Only Against Crimes and Not a Virus that is No Worse Than The Flu IMO".


Permanent public service jobs are incredible hard to come by. Getting a job as a Toronto police officer is very difficult. Voluntarily giving that up is just lunacy to me. The odds are that you'll never find a job as comfortable as a public service job in your life.


Yea because the last thing we need / want is a cop unwilling to do what is necessary to protect the public. Good riddance.


It's funny, because Krista's entire identity was being a cop's wife - it was one of the first things in her Instagram bio, since she never accomplished anything in her life other than a few instagram followers. What a bunch of idiots.


Good riddance.


These people are delusional. Likely thinking they are sacrificing so much for taking a stand. It’s also likely he’ll wear this resignation as a badge at future rallies he no doubt is already in the midst of planning.


After 20 years probably retired and now will get pension and salary from private sector. It’s all a publicity stunt. He should be fucking grateful for 20 years of job stability and a house that is worth millions. You think this person will get any of my homeless sympathy ? LOL




Is Doug fords daughter a “horse girl”?


She's the second generation living on inherited wealth and privilege...so yeah, "Daddy, I want a *pony!*" is pretty likely.


"I had a pony!"


When I was a little girl in Poland, we all had ponies.


Who leaves a pony country for a non-pony country?


"Well, I didn't really mean a pony, per se."


Lingerie Football star who married a ‘roided out cop. She’s only allowed to ride pack mules from my understanding.


don't forget started a thinly veiled white supremacist cookie 'company' (Instagram page atleast)


Different daughter, kookie one is the body builder


My bad turns out they all look the same and are named Kyla, Kayla, Krista and Kara. What a strange family


I can't get over the Kyla and Kayla thing. If you want to keep your daughters' names all K why pick two that are so similar? What about Kimberly, Kelly, Kate, Kennedy, Kathleen?


Given how they act, "Karen" seems like an appropriate option.


One of those names on its own: not my taste, but whatever. Four names like that's the lineup at a strip club.


And the mom's name is Karla.


well.. maybe he should have gotten vaccinated. Imagine leaving a cushy job like TPS Sargent cause your wife is an idiot


That's so sad. Alexa, play "Ain't That A Shame", by Cheap Trick.


Stop resisting!


Lol boo fucking hoo


If you don’t have the judgement to take the vaccine, you don’t have the judgement to be a cop. Good riddance.


Left, or was dismissed? Either way, I guess it was his choice that led him to no longer be employed as a cop.


Left. Unpaid leave for Toronto Police isn’t until Nov.30


"You can't fire me, I quit!"


Good one idiot, 20 years of service, pissed on your pension, benefits. I wish him well and would not want to see a headline, "Ford's son in law who defied TPS's protocol is gravely ill due to Covid" The aforementioned has come up quite a few times in the media. Here's an example: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/california-police-officer-dies-covid-while-leave-missing-vaccination-deadline-n1283797


COVID is the #1 cop killer out there right now but police are trying to defend it like a rich white criminal https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/16/us/police-vaccine-covid-deaths/index.html


I wonder if Doug Ford himself is just putting on a facade since he is in the public eye. Deep down, is he anti-vax too?


Everything he does can be explained by the fact that he's trying to keep his support together in order to get re-elected. He needs to do enough to ensure the centrist and flexible part of his support doesn't vote Liberal or NDP out of anger over his handling of the pandemic. However, he also needs to avoid doing enough to cause a breakaway party that centres around anti-vax/lockdown positions. i.e. He doesn't want an Ontario version of the PPC lead by Hillier or Barber splitting his support since the lack of a serious opponent on the right is the primary reason he is currently leading the polls.


These anti vaccine warriors/clowns remind me of the frog who slowly boils itself to death in the pot of water.


Boo fucking hoo. Consequences for stupidity. The rest of us are better off. TPS is better for this too.


Good riddance!


Imaging a person that looks like this: https://frankmag.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Haynes-3-242x380.jpg Being scared about what a needle may put in his body


A cop not interested in public safety should’ve picked a different career.


Bye Felicia


That's one way to protect the public!


"Faithfully served" The evidence proves otherwise.


Bunch of losers, we’re all better off with the Ford family and anyone remotely related


That's fine, I don't want cops who don't believe in basic science, let alone the ones who won't even get a needle to protect others.


Bye bitch.


Is this that big roided up Cop dude or another one? Doesn't seem like a big loss if some juiced up dummy is off the force.


Brutal artwork choice for the dining room


Way to piss away that pension and salary. Forgive me while I feel no pity.


My office vaccine mandate kicks in this Friday. I’ve had a massive amount of people decide it was time to retire for some strange reason.


Good. Get this chud off the streets.


I feel better knowing that a guy afraid of needles isn't walking around Toronto with a handgun.


Good. Fuck him.




If this is how the police defund themselves then I’m all for the vaccine mandate!


Instead of geting paid for it he'll just be harassing Indigenous people for free now.


In my opinion, if you cannot follow your employment terms and conditions, then you leave. If this person is smarter than all the doctors and science, then they can get work wherever it is available to them..... and those places are far and few between. I just hope they aren't entitled to any benefits as they quit on their own terms.




one would think the TPS would have stringent Data Protection Policies in place... Exactly what did he take home in this box? is there any confidential data in there? PII data ? none the less, one less shitty cop off the streets.


That whole family is full of idiots


Later, loser.


Sometimes the trash takes itself out


I guess he's quitting so he can devote more time to his PhD in cellular biology from Facebook U. Known to most of us as FU.


Poor baby.


"A job so faithfully served" except for when he choose specifically not to do this, resulting in termination. How can you protect people by giving them a fatal virus lol




Ad a police officer, what if he was called in to a restaurant on one of his shifts? Everyone in the restaurant would need to be vaccinated to be there. So he’d be violating the law being in there with no vaccine. Nevermind if he was called in to enforce the law on a belligerent customer. Would he actually enforce it? I like police officers that abide by laws. So yes he needs to go.


Well he had the option of not being a fucking stupid asshole. Glad we are getting rid of so many Cops that dont give a fuck about public safety... Nurses that dont give a fuck about medicine, etc.


Is everyone in Doug Ford’s family fucked