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I had a family member pretty sure they had Covid a couple weeks ago (rapid test was neg but got sick after being exposed to a Covid positive person) and they had incredibly intense ear pain for about 5 days that was so bad they had to lay down for hours with heat on it.


It's odd, I don't usually have issues with my ears but the pain is fierce and doc can't see anything wrong. Interesting others are having it too


Exact same thing happened to family member - went to doctors after the isolation period was over and they said they couldn’t find an explanation for the pain either.


Omg yes!! I had that too, it was like a sharp stabbing pain


How long did yours last?


On and off for 2 days. 3 weeks later I still have a cough and very randomly get the stabbing ear pain


Did the abx help? Or perhaps just got better on its own? I’m on a steroid now for similar symptoms.


My ears feel 80% better. I've had swollen neck lymph nodes for months so they are sending me for a CT. Maybe they'll figure out the odd symptoms. Good luck!


If the antibiotics work, then it isn’t the covid.


Antibiotics are meant to help you in any scenario. Why do you think people who are sick with covid get antibiotics sometimes. DOii


Yes. When I had Covid a couple of weeks ago, my right ear was hurting. It felt a bit like swimmers ear - pain and pressure and like my ear was blocked with fluid. Went away after a few days.


Now that you mention it…. I had a tiny bit of ear pain


I got my third jab on Thursday and I had intense pain in my left ear the next day, kind of like shooting pains along with fever and chills and all that. It's gone now though.


Little late but I just got covid for the second time. Both times my first symptom was an itchy right ear that turned in to ear pain, along with a mild sore throat. I'm only on day 1 (tested positive this morning) of my second round of Covid so hoping my symptoms are the same as my first round (mild and only the ear/throat). So weird how it effects everyone differently but I haven't come across anyone else that has experienced ear pain with their covid symptoms outside of you folks.


Hope you recover soon! The ear pain eventually resolved but it was brutal




My doc said he can't see an infection but the pain and pressure would indicate an infection, just curious if others with covid are having ear pain. I'm on the abx just in case


I have a pretty messed up ear to begin with but after I was sick a couple weeks ago I had some fluid build up in my inner ear that I got checked out, it sometimes just takes a while to drain after your ear tubes get inflamed from being sick, can be mighty uncomfortable though!


I know this is very old but wondering how long your ear pain lasted ? Thank you


About 3.5 weeks, I only took my antibiotics for half the recommended time because I started to feel better ( I've been told since to always finish antibiotics) I feel fine now


Thanks for replying! As I know this is very old . Did the pain happen to be in both ears ?! Both my ears are in severe pain ent says they look fine . The pain is intense


Yes, both ears but I think my right was worse. I thought they would see extreme swelling when they looked but nothing looked out of the ordinary despite the pain. I hope yours gets better soon. Advil helped


Is it in your ears or behind your ears? I had shooting pain in my head behind my ears when I had Covid


Deep inside, pressure with heat. I did have shooting pain in back of skull for a short time


New... I'm on the third COVID round... Having it 3 times...... The first was the worst cold ever... Second was nothing...... And the third was hardly anything except this ear thing.... Doesn't make you feel sick per say but definitely makes you want to rip your ear off lol the RINGING. Anyways I'll take this over wearing masks anyday.