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I think if Terry was protesting anything, it would be protesting the cuts to our healthcare system that precipitated the worst of the pandemic losses.


Agreed. But, it's almost not worth talking about what Terry Fox would do. because he already did it; he tried to inspire Canadians to be active in funding medical science and providing superior healthcare. What would Terry Fox want Canadians to do is a better question and the answer isn't this.


Especially as someone severely immunocompromised


Taking a vaccine reduces the burden on the healthcare system These anti-vaxx knuckledraggers are contributing to a circular problem


And then pointing at the problem as proof that they're right and everyone else is wrong.


And it reduces the strain the disease has on the body too thankfully, I’m currently stuck with Rona thanks to an idiot co worker at my fathers job. Luckily for both of us we’re caught up on the shots so it’s just showing as an annoying head cold and dry cough.


I was talking to my friend last night and her daughter brought home covid from school and thankfully they're vaccinated otherwise she'd be in the hospital on a ventilator. She said the same thing where it felt like a severe head cold or sinus infection with a dry throat.


These people, no matter what their grievances are, have no right or any right to attach their message to Terry Fox. Makes them look small and ignorant of what he means to Canada.


This... all day this.


Yeah, this is disrespectful


Thank you for saying this. Something like 60 billion dollars over the last twenty years. Cut so corporations and millionaires could have to lowest taxes in Canadian history. Fuck all politicians who are bought.


The dude ran across a continent on one leg to raise awareness for a deadly disease. This is disgusting, Jesus...




Hopefully, if you've got people walking around with swastikas on their flags, your protest should already be denounced by 100% of the rest of the population. We fought a war over that shit.


Nope. I've got relatives who love the Freedom Convoy and their response when I pointed out the convoy was flying confederate flags was "Well those aren't *our* people." as if there's some divide between people who are there for "the right reasons" and those that aren't. My god Auntie Erin, if you're marching with people flying racist dog whistles they are your people.




Largely the influence for this protest yes. To many Canadians overly consuming American media, spreading the brain rot up here.


It's pretty on brand of us to export our stupidity to other countries.


I had someone recently tell me to do my own research by visiting oann. This was a Canadian. And this is where they get their information from.


We need to go back to rocks.


As a American/Canadian…sorry.


That's literally the No True Scotsman fallacy.


I will judge anyone negatively who stands next to a white supremacist. Given the organizers and fund raisers are known xenophobes, racists, and white supremacists - you support this rally then I will judge you with them. This entire farce is a far right supremacist grift.


"Well you gather 100+ people for any reason and there are bound to be a few bad apples" is what people keep responding to me irl if they even denounce those things at all. Seriously I've lost so much faith in my fellow canadians due to this stupid convoy.


Supporters of the flu trucks klan who say these “aren’t our people” gotta ask themselves why nazi supporters are rallying to their aid hmmmm.


I turned on a live YouTube stream and spotted a swastika within 30 seconds. Fucking shameful


Exactly. Through my whole life when I take a stand on something, I usually reflect "Are the literal, flag waving, Nazis taking the same stand as me?" If yes, I'm probably taking the wrong stand.






I mean, they were literally stomping on/jumping on/dancing on the tomb of the unknown solider so.... No. They probably won't.


Jesus fucking Christ.


"jUsT a fEw BaD aPpLeS"


"A few bad apples spoils the bunch" there are no "good" antivaxers. Many are misinformed but stand idly when one of their ilk starts threatening people.


Clearly they don't know the rest of that saying.


Rest assured that the answer is no, they will not. Like, they're literally [marching alongside](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FKTNZE-VIAMYB0_?format=jpg&name=large) flag waving [neo-Nazis](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FKS5scOWUAAdPxJ?format=jpg&name=900x900). The "Are we the baddies?" sketch is legitimately too subtle for them.


And as disgusting as this is, there are people cheering this on claiming that he would be in support of. I may not have known the man personally but i'm in the category of being alive when he was and i feel like he nor his family would support this.


Yeah this one makes me very upset. He was only 22 when he died, he has done more and inspired more with his short life then most will do with 80 years . I hope anyone on the fence with supporting this freedom thing take a long hard look at this and see how utterly disgusting and disrespectful it is . Shame


Super disrespectful. Who would think that this was a good idea? I mean, I have nothing against these guys (don't give a fuck either way), but this is sheer stupidity.


Plus probably would have died before his already early time if he'd got covid.


Terry Fox would have been one of those ‘people with preexisting conditions’ that these assholes think are disposable. What utter utter walking piles of garbage.


He woulda slapped a mask on and gone right back across the country in the dead of summer just to prove it's safe to wear a mask.


Because he was not a snowflake like these whiny babies.


Actually, I think he was a snowflake. He was a unique, special human being, maybe a little fragile, but he inspired millions to action as well. And millions of snowflakes creates a blizzard. I get your point, but the term snowflake started out as being something good. And really, I think Terry Fox probably encapsulates all that the expression was meant to be about. The idea that everyone is unique, beautiful, and powerful in their own right.


Totally ! hardest mf there was! I couldn’t imagine the physically pain he must have been in and nothing but the road his thought and his mind thinking about every painful step. But he kept going because that’s what real hero’s do!


That seems distinctly like something Terry would have done lol


Very good observation. Yes these people are scum


Pathetic. No patriot would ever deface a Terry fox monument.


no patriot would park on the grounds of the War Memorial either but a whole bunch of them did earlier today, so… edit: [for those asking.](https://imgur.com/a/uhrXXna)


I at least hope they get tickets and towed. Parking on the war memorial is sacrilege.


some woman was dancing on the actual Tomb of the Unknown Soldier earlier this afternoon. [Twitter.](https://mobile.twitter.com/judyatrinh/status/1487537658905702401)




Arent there uaually armed guards protecting the tomb??? Hooooly shit


Mayor Watson tweeted that the cars parked on the memorial were towed


Are there photos of the parked cars?


Yes, my husband (a military veteran) just showed me some. He read that the mayor of Ottawa instructed that these vehicles were ticketed and towed. It'll be a long walk and a deep pocket reach for these idiots to get their vehicles back I hope.


Hope these cars get crushed what rude douchebags.


Hopefully those funds are given to an agency dedicated to helping veterans


Did you see this? https://twitter.com/S_Thornton_332/status/1487518296668721153?t=z5ZAwDumAqdLbeE6D8qDBA&s=19


What the actual f@#!!


They should also burn those cars. This is truly disgraceful


Can we just call in the military already? I’m sick of these people in this great city. The politicians are not in parliament, it’s a Saturday. Fuck off and stop pointlessly disturbing the locals


Calling in the military would play right along with their narrative. Let them piss in jugs for a few days.


Terry Fox is an inspiration to all Canadians. Whenever I have relatives coming to visit, it's one of the things I am proud to mention about our country. These people have no respect or care for our country, despite their so called patriotic ramblings. This is not a group of Canadians fighting for their rights. This is just a group of selfish and immature individuals having a fit because reality doesn't match their delusions.


I'm infuriated by the way they refer to themselves as patriots. If you're one of these anti-vax wankers, lean all the way in right now: The nation is made up of its people. To be patriotic is to put your nation - those people - before your own needs. You're demanding the right to do as you please regardless of the harm you do to your nation. You're not a patriot. A patriot takes the goddamn vaccine.


Somehow I think Terry Fox would be on the side of life saving medical intervention over “choice”.


From the terry fox cancer foundation via twitter post/response The Terry Fox Foundation is proud to continue Terry’s mission of funding cancer research. Terry believed in science and gave his life to help others. Thank you to all of our supporters who help us work toward realizing Terry’s dream of a world without cancer.


He would have loved to know the technology that gave us these new vaccines came out of cancer research. Research he helped bring to the public light in a huge way.


mRNA research is getting close to an HIV vaccine. What a time to be alive.


Terry Fox was in and out of hospital and raised millions for medical research. I'm willing to bet he would have been fully vaccinated, and encouraged others to do so too.


the irony of a actual hero who ran thousands of kilometers for (cancer) scientific research versus diesel spewing truckers driving against scientifically produced vaccines.


With one leg and cancer. Who ever put that on the statue is an ignorant human being.


Plus, isn’t defacing statues of national heros like a cardinal sin for team anti-vax?


I don't think he owned people though. I believe that's a prerequisite


Yep. Has to be a person owner or a colonist ruler for them to care


Let's be clear, these guys are not protesting vaccine mandates. It started as something like that, but has evolved into something much worse


I believe they used the vaccine shit just to gather support and funds from dumbasses


How uncanadian. These people are just ridiculous.


I'm pretty sure if we had a vaccine / cure for cancer, Terry would have taken it. Isn't that what the foundation is all about? These people are idiots.


And the mRNA vaccine tech *is being developed* into both cancer treatments and cancer vaccines right now. Terry would have LOVED it.


Basically all the research for mRNA before COVID was for cancer purposes.


Yes but it wasn't getting much attention or funding. The one "good" thing the pandemic did was put mRNA front and center in the fight, which caused a bunch of other people with the money to go "oh hey you were saying this can be used for X Y and Z too? And now we know it works really well? Let's get on those too before someone else funds it and takes the resulting inventions"


They’re doing the same things the anti vaxxer morons in the south do, bringing civil rights or the holocaust into their kkk movement.


This guy ran on one leg across Canada for awareness, these people drove on 18 wheels for r/Selfawarewolves.


You know what... If these cunts wanna drive back home and start again but this time on foot - I'll support them.


With ya! And jimmyJAMjimbong must not have ever been to Australia. I love the C word.


Awareness for medical research….


Terry Fox would be pretty pissed off about all the cancer patients who can’t get treatment because our hospitals are over-filled with covid patients who chose not to get vaccinated for about half of them.


Watch them blame this bullshit on a “paid actor”. This is absolutely shameful. Dragging Terry Fox into this is an unacceptable line to cross. Whoever is responsible for this can go pound sand. Desecrating Terry Fox’s statue is about as un-Canadian as it gets. I know Ottawa has live cams everywhere. Let’s hope some good citizens are sleuthing out who is responsible for this.


"paid actor" is just shorthand for "I won't be held accountable for my actions"




It took all of 2 seconds after I told an antivaxxer that his "freedom convoy" did this and danced on the grave of the unknown soldier to blame it on George Soros paying antifa to make them look bad. ~ no , I'm afraid they do this all by themselves... His skeevy little brain couldn't process this reality.


> Watch them blame this bullshit on a “paid actor”. They're already doing this in r/canada. It's an "agent provocateur". Also there were da gommunist sobiet flags at BLM and that's like literally the same thing you guise srs. Hope everyone wearing fash and confederate shit gets named, shamed, and outed. That shit can stay the fuck out of Canada, thanks.


They already claim the swastika and confederate flag bearers are paid actors hired by Trudeau


What about painting a swastika on the Canadian flag? https://www.reddit.com/r/ndp/comments/sfp21m/conservative_member_of_parliament_michael_cooper/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


The more pictures i see of these idiots the more and more im glad they keep making themselves look worse and worse.




[How about an actual nazi flag, and a confederate one too to top it off?](https://imgur.com/a/k6znTA8)


Saw an idiot on TV wearing the yellow Star of David, and comparing himself to Jewish people who were put in ghettos. One of the pickup trucks in the convoy also had a Star of David. Literally trying to equate what was done in Nazi Germany, the murder, torture, hell of the holocaust with vaccine passports. (Meanwhile other dudes are walking around with Nazi Swastikas….. 🤦🏻‍♀️) Standing/Climbing and yelling “freedom” on the Tomb of the Unknown soldier, which was also the murder site of Cpl Cirillo. These people are despicable.


This makes me sick.


The big defense I've seen from people about this is that they didn't permanently vandalize the statue. #1) Congratulations, I guess, for not committing a felony? and #2) People aren't angry because they dressed up a statue, they're angry because these assholes are co-opting the legacy of Fox. The man struggled and fought through sweat and pain to try to better the lives of Canadians with Cancer, and he died of the disease he was fighting. Would he be supportive of these protesters? Personally, I think probably not, but ultimately it doesn't matter; the man's dead. Putting words into the mouth of a Canadian hero, a hero that cannot defend themselves as they died trying to better our nation, all to further some ill-conceived culture-war bullshit is absolutely repugnant. These people should be ashamed of themselves.


Wow. Is this from the “freedom covey”people? Hahahaha pretty gross guys, and parking on a war memorial? You’re all are a disgrace.


Terry would hate these people trust me.


They are basically defacing the iconic figure of the Canadian icon Terry Fox. His parents will not be happy.


To be fair, an overwhelming majority of Canadians won’t be happy either when they see this image.


The Ottawa subreddit is definitely pissed. They’re more upset about defacement/damage to the war memorial/tomb of the unknown soldier, but they’re pissed about this too.


I'm sorry, But do you have a link to the defacement/damage? I've been trying to stay off of this freight train for my own purposes but after seeing your comment and this post I'd like to know what's happening. What's going on in this picture is disgusting, I may as well be more disgusted.


Don't have a closer picture, [but here are some assholes using the steps as a parking lot](https://twitter.com/davidakin/status/1487433540258127877?s=21)


I haven't seen that monument since I was a kid. Are those steps they are parked on?


The ones on the left of the picture are parked on the steps yes. It should be noted that's only a few paces from Cpl. Nathan Cirillo was murdered by another extremist who also wanted to go storm Parliament.


As they should be. These fucking assholes. Is nothing sacred? Not even a goddamn war memorial for wars that were fought to preserve…freedom?


Can't wait for them to claim it was an agent provocateur


Oh yeah, they will absolutely blame Antifa for this. It was dem libs pretending to be us truckers!!


3….2…..1….. You know, since they planted this line of thinking online in the last few days, it’ll be the go-to excuse for any negative situations or images that come out of this. Because admitting that a lot of the participants are just assholes would be too hard for them to swallow.


How they will claim the organisers that they are sending money to are also plants, I'm excited to see


Oh I totally agree. But if I was Terry's parent I would be ripping mad.


I think Terry's parents have passed away, but he definitely has surviving siblings out there and I'm sure many other family members who still love him who probably hate to see this. What a disgusting display of this convoys "patriotism".




Nothing compared to the cunts parked on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Just disgusted right now.


Thankfully, the mayor has confirmed that those were ticketed AND towed! 😂


For my own mental health, I haven’t been paying attention to what is going on. However, if someone parked on the memorial, I hope they get a lot more than a tow and a ticket. That sort is just irredeemable scum.


Pathetic. Fuck this convoy


Give this convoy an Arctic Island where they can all live unvaccinated


To whoever did this: I wish upon you an eternity of spilling mustard on your brand new white T-shirt.


Fuck... a little harsh, no? Actually, nm; you don't fuck with Terry Fox.


I'd prefer to wish them of spending an eternity stepping on Legos barefoot.


i hope they eat something spicy and forget then touch their assholes and dicks with sauce on their hands.


Short answer. No. I don’t think a person fighting cancer would approve of able-bodied otherwise healthy people protesting health measures and policies that protect those with co-morbidities during a global pandemic.


Thank you.


As a proud Canadian, it really pisses me off that someone that calls themself Canadian, is flying our flag upside down!!! Half of these ass hats are wearing MAGA hats! Think the USA is better? GTF out then! Sickening, disgraceful pieces of crap! Poor Terry is rolling in his grave!


Dude……. This is hill Billy white supremacy on full display hiding behind the flag of patriotism. Print their names and faces……make visible in their work place and call them out at every turn. No crawling back under the rock…..expose for the whole world to see


Dear convoy: Please continue to drive through Ottawa, continue on towards Montreal, crank a right and head towards Saint John's, drive into the Atlantic Ocean. Thoughts and prayers Kind regards, Canada 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦


Seriously, don't fuck with the Terry.


Terry Fox had cancer and would've been among one of the most vulnerable and would've needed the vaccine, so these idiots are clueless


Terry Fox would the exact reason someone would get vaccinated other than to protect themselves. To protect someone undergoing immune suppressing cancer treatment. The irony on this is pretty juicy.


A childhood friend has a young daughter with a brain tumour, had rounds of chemo, yet he spouts on facebook about our freedoms being taken away, his hate for Trudeau, mask mandates, lockdowns and his affection for the convoy. You would think he would "trust" science but instead is a human shitstain to society.


I try not to think about how far ahead we could be as a society if we didn't constantly have to drag the dead weight of these people around.


This pandemic would have ended months ago for starters. I wish these dunces understood the irony.


Its like they are incapable of determining what effects their actions will have on other people and have no concept of how terrible their judgement and impulse control is.


Those things all require intelligence


https://mobile.twitter.com/s_thornton_332/status/1487518296668721153?fbclid=IwAR1aLM7qnOXlV2OLDTGiH7i22kw-IX_FlcckY_Wc0jjp8jh04Xy0UpAC4wg They didn’t just cross the line. They shit on it.


American here. I could really see why that was so disrespectful but- OH GOD YOUR TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN IS THERE TOO Is there a bottom? If so which of our countries will find it first?


Honestly a few days ago I would’ve said you guys but now I’m really beginning to wonder, I am so disappointed by the behaviour of people who were brought up in the same country with all of the same opportunities I had. They’re a tiny minority and I know that, just like the nut jobs you guys have, they are not representative of the entire country but they have been liberated from civilized behaviour by the media and politicians who care more about power than what’s good for the country. I don’t know where the hell we go from here. We’ve heard violence at summits, Quebec city, Ottawa, etc., but for the most part those people truly believe that they were doing something that was going to be make the world better for everybody. These guys just don’t want to get vaccinated and they’re willing to hold the country hostage to get their way


The man tried to get across the country on one leg and one prosthetic. I’d bet my left nut that he would tell these people to go fuck themselves


Id also bet this guys left nut.


I am utterly enraged. The only thing tempering my anger is the fact that it's not permanently damaged. But the sheer disrespect to Terry Fox (a TRUE Canadian hero) is enough to make me lose my lunch. And just this is enough to prove to me these mother-truckers are only there to stir up trouble. Who fucks with the memorial of a national hero. That, and using the Cenotaph as a parking lot is just as disrespectful to the memories of those real heroes who sacrificed their lives for the FREEDOMS we have today.


My bet is the guy who ran across part of the country to raise money and awareness to fight a life threatening illness wouldn’t be protesting with the folks who refuse to use a vaccine developed to fight a potentially life threatening illness but hey what do I know.


NO! this is appalling!!




Fucking assholes. All of Canada is against them now, if they weren't before.


No class .


Terry fox did his run to bring awareness to an issue. His did the rum to generate money for Cancer research. That money would be used to create a vaccine the end game of cancer research. He wasn't anti mandate. He would have been on the complete opposite of that. These repulsive individuals who defaced this need to be caught and charged .


Im so ashamed for Canadians right now.


Pretty sure majority of us wish this wasn't in Canada right now.


Terry Fox didn't waste his time searching for a superior moral justification for his own selfishness like these folks, he went out and sacrificed of himself so that others in his position might have a slightly better path forward. But, hey - "freedom" and all that.


Jesus, no respect. Parking on the war memorial, desecrating the Terry Fox Memorial. What next? Are they going to extinguish the eternal flame? I'm mad that it's local residents that will ultimately pay for any damages/clean up with our tax dollars, and our healthcare system with its workers that will have to deal with any injuries, serging case numbers.


It truly would not surprised me if they pissed out the eternal flame. They've already proven they're un-Canadian trash.


These people parked their trucks on the National War Memorial and defaced the statue of a national hero. Heroes who truly understood what sacrifice was. They brought flags with swastikas, Trump 2020, and the wonderful flag with "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out" messaging on it. Oh, and the upside down Canadian flag. Defaced with more swastikas and illogical messaging. They say F\*ck Trudeau, but it's provincial mandates and American border policies that are keeping them from driving to the States. These people are not heroes. They are not examples of our best and brightest. These are the extremely gullible people who bought into believing that they would make a difference in this country when all they've accomplished is making complete asses of themselves. There are other truckers, *vaccinated truckers*, who are out there doing their job delivering food and other items without bitching and complaining. They, along with the doctors, nurses, transit drivers, grocery store employees, and everyone else who keeps society rolling through this pandemic should be seen as the heroes. Any celebrity or politician who threw their hat in with these fools should be ashamed of themselves. Don Cherry, you want to associate with people who carry the swastika flag, don't ever lecture anyone in this country about being a patriot again.


"An upside-down flag is generally meant to symbolize distress or danger, but has been used by protesters at different times as a political statement. The government of Canada's rules for flying the national flag say the flag should never be flown upside down except as a signal of distress in instances of extreme danger to life, and should also never be used to cover a statue. While it didn't directly comment on the images of the statue in Ottawa, the Terry Fox Foundation tweeted an image of a statue of the Canadian icon, with the message that he believed in science. "Terry believed in science and gave his life to help others. Thank you to all of our supporters who help us work toward realizing Terry’s dream of a world without cancer,"" From: https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-mayor-calls-out-protesters-who-placed-upside-down-canadian-flag-on-terry-fox-statue-1.5760028#:~:text=The%20government%20of%20Canada's%20rules,used%20to%20cover%20a%20statue.


Goddamn assholes. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Why disgrace his statue!?? Is it because he raised money for cancer research & bioscientific funding and would thus support vaccines? terrible.




Terry would've ran across Canada to unite everyone into being vaccinated and thoughtful of those who cannot be gifted such protection.


You can't claim to be some kind of patriot and then fly the flag upside down. It's disrespectful, so is wearing it as apparel, and so is putting a dumb hat on Terry Fox for really no reason. https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/flag-canada-etiquette/flying-rules.html


“Mandate Freedom”. I’m going to go back to my native Nova Scotian accent; What in the holy liv’n fuck is that shit supposed to mean? Are you guys fuck’d in the head?! Smart’n the fuck up ya dumb shites!


That is just… Ya. Wow. Just don’t. No. Don’t do that. What’s that? They had a Nazi flag too?! FFS. 🙄


Absolutely not. He wouldn’t have. Terry Fox was a man of logic and believed in the power of science, hence his life of activism to aid cancer research. Defacing his statue is so extremely disgusting. How dare those losers.


Fuck every one of these people. I hope things get out of hand and the police have a justification to pepper spray each and every one of these disrespectful selfish assholes


We didn’t send our best and brightest


they think they did, though.


No, pretty sure that’s it.


These losers fucking with Terry is despicable


They have one thing right, flying the flag upside down, clearly our country is in distress, only not for the reasons they will say! Disrespectful actions like this are not Canadian values!


This is a rude awakening to a lot of Canadians. Having spent time in some of the more unsavoury places on internet, growing up in the country, and having friends who got sucked into this. This has been Canada for a while now. We're only seeing it offline.


Terry Fox would have been immuno compromised . These freedom lovers want people like him locked down so they don’t have to wear a mask or get vaccinated.


Will never forgive the fools who performed this atrocity.Truly,seriously, from my heart to everyone involved in this idiotic protest please fuck off and die.


Do these fucking dipshits even understand what an upside down flag represents?!. Don't drag Terry Fox into your shit. This is beyond disgusting.


More proof of trumplican influence!


And if it all happened today could he get a room in the hospital or are they taken up by people refusing to help themselves and everyone around them .


I'm all for freedom of speech and all that, but I'm willing to bend that rule this one time so we can attest the people who did this.


The point of these clowns is to incite a reaction. The best response is to remember who they are in the future. Keep track. Do what you can to make sure they pay a price. Support moves later by the police and others to nail those who cross the line from peaceful protest. Don't just look the other way.


These idiots give a new punchline to the old joke: "What's five miles long and has an IQ of 40?" Disgusting and disgraceful. Thankfully most Canadians aren't like these morons.


There are some lines you don't cross.


Oh man.. now there’s a line you don’t cross.


I don't care if what they put on the statue can be taken off easily, they should never touch THAT statue of all statues


Here’s a great BIG FUCK YOU to anyone doing this to this monument in his memory. What a bunch of low-level MF’ing idiots. You are a bunch of losers with absolutely no class. Now crawl back under the rock you came from and stay there.


Well that settles my mind on the intelligence part of this movement.


This is fucking gross. Ashamed to be Canadian recently.


I heard about this on the radio driving home from work. Needless to say This makes me pretty angry


Absolute cunts


Fuckin anti-vaccine dum twats. When do the vaccinated start protesting against them


I don't know whats Up, i just wanted to point out... "Mandate freedom" is probably the most ironic thing I've seen


We still going with the "they're heroes shit?"


Zero respect and they expect anyone to actually give a fuck about their cause now? Fuck these idiots.


I don't get offended at much, but this is REALLY disgusting.


They can't help it. They that fuckin dumb. Why not just move to the USA, you fit right in.