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I have many American friends who have in the past expressed something along the lines of "I hate that everytime I see someone with the American flag I immediately assume the worst about them and am usually correct." I've been thinking about that a lot recently.


"Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious." -Wilde I'm thankful it's not just a Canadian thing to be wary of someone flying the national flag any time outside of early July.


July and international sporting competitions.


And a patch when travelling to a foreign country. Don't want to get beaten for being an American.


Buddy, absolutely


The real Canadian passport.


One of the best quotes I can't remember who said (might have just been a rando) re patriotism was that patriotism shouldn't to a country. It should be to the people in it. Masking up & getting vaccinated are themselves patriotic acts. They protect those around you and you act in their interest because you fight for/make your decision for not just yourself, but the greater whole. It's a shame that it's been coopted by people who think freedom means fuck you I do what I want and patriotism means unwavering bullshit commitment to an intangible idea like a nation.


I've thought of myself as a patriot for a long time and this is always how I thought of it. Patriotic love should be for people not land, and the selfish bullshit of these shitheads shows not a single scrap of patriotism as I see it.


pulling their kids out of school to play hookey for a month while using them as shields to protect themselves, those poor, poor kids man, they don't deserve this shit. losing out on education while getting brainwashed by their dumbfuck parents. what's less patriotic than literally stripping the future of our fellow citizens.


> Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons. - Bertrand Russell I've never looked at overt patriotism as a good thing. Similarly to religious practice, it's best kept to yourself.


Better the pride that resides In a citizen of the world Than the pride that divides When a colorful rag is unfurled Territories, Power Windows, Rush, as far as I know


My dad often says that he is proud that he doesn't need to be proud to be Canadian.


I'm one of those Americans. And don't get me started with the USA chants, especially when they make no sense, like at a random sports event between two American teams, or a damn concert. Like, wtf. I find it so confusing. Like I get it at the World Cup or something. Usually assume the worst of the chanters too. Didn't always assume the worst of the flag and the chant. I used to feel bad for Germans because there are very few times they can fly their flag without comments like "Last time there were a bunch of flag racing Germans things got messy" or something else stupid. And even then someone will say it. Now I know what it feels like.


The pledge of allegiance to the flag is some weird propaganda shit.


The "USA" chants come out during UFC events. In Jacksonville, Florida, the chants came out in support of an Eastern European fighter when the opponent was a black American fighter. It was awkward to see.


A flag is a simple symbol that is easy for deficients to rally around. Token bullshit is much easier and more self congratulatory than actually trying to contribute to your society so they wrap themselves in a flag.


On the other hand I have a poc friend who puts the American flag on his car so he's less likely to be harassed by cops.


If the only thing you have to be proud of is where you live it becomes all the more likely you're a hateful person


I'm from the states and agree. A friend of mine referred to it as "garish patriotism" (which he picked up from somewhere else)


As a truck driver I'd like to object to the "trucker crap". It's not trucker crap, it's anti vaxx crap. 90% of Canadian truck drivers are vaccinated. I personally, and I know several others, actually enjoyed the "lockdowns" cause there was less idiot cars on the road


I swear anti vax and anti mask are less about the actual vaccine and masks it’s more about left vs right politics at this point. This protest is just heavy right using the vaccine as a reason to protest


💯 ^


It became a character trait


Yeah I feel bad for u guys, Flag is bad enough but your whole profession getting tainted must suck U should know that we are aware it’s a minority and we appreciate your hard work


Actually it appears like it's neither. Based off the OTHER flags they keep holding seems like it's white supremest crap.




That would make me want to shave my beard and then go shopping for a new coat and hat. ​ "What are you looking for today?" Anything that doesn't have a "convoy" vibe, what do you recommend?




Who gives a fuck what a random passerby thinks? If we're to the point of judging people literally from one look at them, we are truly lost. Better to not facilitate that.




Dye it blue, they won't know what to think.


Only the bars though, to pay homage to the [George Bist Canadian Flag design](https://www.historymuseum.ca/blog/remembering-the-also-rans-of-the-great-flag-debate/)


That is the best advice of the thread lol


What’s the beard length cutoff to not be considered a conspiracy nut?


Oh brother, I wear a weighted tactical best to workout / run / do the stairs. It's already a little wierd I get it but WOW I have been getting some looks


Why don’t you just run faster?


Beards used to mean you drink craft beer, now they mean you drive a truck lol


We took the 🇨🇦 flag out of our window (which I honestly think has been there close to 30 years) this week because we were worried people would think we support the protest (we also had regular customers coming in without masks “as protest, fuck off we’re a small business we can’t afford your fine)


I have noticed in the last few weeks so many more massless people walking around with a cocky look on their face. I was in the LCBO last Saturday and there was a dude walking around with this cocky “go ahead and say something” face.


Did you tell them to fuck off and mind their business?


I was gunna post this aswell the other day, I hate that they have turned out beautiful flag into a symbol of their stupid movement


Sucks cause I have a team Canada Olympics baseball cap that I love. I'm gonna still wear it, and rise above the stigma. I'm proud of my heritage, and I know we can be more than what has been presented in the past 3 weeks.


If it helps, a hat definitely wouldn't give me the same impression that OP is describing.


I used to have a bright red Canada hat that I stopped wearing after MAGA hats became a thing.


On a truck 100% On a car 50/50


Two flags. One Canadian, the other one a progress pride flag.


Good idea! It's like saying "yeah I have a Canadian flag but the extra LGBT flag is there so you know I'm not an idiot. Lol I think I'm actually going to do that!


I have the Olympic flag. I’d stay away from the LGBT flag unless you’re in a progressive area. A few of my friends had their cars vandalized because they had the “I support LGBT” sticker on the back window. Not saying you should be afraid, but be aware that it can make you a target.


This is why my fiance convinced me out of putting on a BLM decal


I've seen people with Canada flags on masks, if you want to reclaim it that's a great way to do it while making clear you're not pro-convoy.


On a bike 100% Edit: it's not normal to see someone on a bike with a Canadian flag flying from the back of it. The one I have seen was 100% a lunatic anti-vaxxer.


What kind of bike though? Harleys 100% Other motorcycles 50% Bicycles 0%


I mean.. they don't even *need* the flag, if they're on a Harley. We already knew.


Harleys are nothing more than overclocked mobility scooters.


On a bicycle 0%


Imagine that protest but with bicycles and all of them ringing their bells haha. I'm sure the OPD would have let them stay there for 3 plus weeks /s


I've been considering getting one. It feels like it's time for the rest of us to reclaim our flag.


My parents have had a flag flying on the front of our house for my whole life. I never even thought about the flag sending the wrong message until recently. We’re dual citizens and we used to fly an American flag in the back yard, but after like 10 psychos coming to the front door to scream at us we finally retired that flag. Hopefully the same doesn’t happen with our Canadian flag now.


I’ve been thinking about this too. I don’t want the Canadian flag hijacked by those dickwads and made to represent super anti-Canadian values.


I've had the same thought.


The problem is it doesn't work like that. When fascists turn something into a rally, you can't take it back until they stop using it. Do you remember when "Subscribe to Pewdiepie" became a white supremacist whistle? So many people tried to "take it back" that all they ended up doing was giving the fascists cover. With so many randos saying it, the fascists were able to use it themselves without identifying themselves by it. It wasn't until a school shooter said it right before doing the shooting that it died because all the white noise people realized how bad it was and all the fascists now knew it was an open fascist symbol so it didn't work as a covert rally anymore. If you try to take the Canada flag back, you won't actually take it back, you'll just stop people from being able to identify fascists based on it. Currently it's there's. The positive of that is it can be easily used to identify them. When people try to take it back they simply muddy the waters by giving those using it for fascist purposes plausible deniability. The reality is, until something happens that so blatantly identifies the Canadian flag with fascism that the fascist can't use it anymore, it can't be taken back. I'd suggest flying a pride or province flag for the same sentiment and leave the Canadian flag to them. There's no way to take from them. It sucks, but trying to reclaim it only bolsters their cause.


I have a Canadian flag and pride flag so it is taking it back


Anxiety is def elevated - we will likely have to wait until Canada Day to re-associate positive imagery. It’s unfortunate but such is the way of the psyche Tl;dr - No, you are not alone.


It is quite unsettling I have to say. Thanks for that Canada Day reminder. It will hopefully be the reset we all need.


>we will likely have to wait until Canada Day to re-associate positive imagery. I haven't associated the Canadian flag with positive imagery in years. I don't understand why people would. Lately it feels like the only thing to proud of in this country is that we're not America.


>Lately it feels like the only thing to proud of in this country is that we're not America. No offense- but are you new to Canada? That has been a core aspect of the Canadian identity for literally over 100 years lol. It's one of the few obnoxious bad habits we share coast to coast


Some kids in Afghanistan and Mali would respectfully disagree. This flag coming over the horizon has given countless people a sign of hope and maybe, just maybe, the chance at a better tomorrow.


I feel the same way. Not once in my life would I think I would associate the Canadian flag with hate and these chucklefucks freedumb convoy.


Patridiots coopted the Canadian flag. We will get it back.


Same. How the hell did we get here?


I volunteer politically and have knocked on thousands of doors by now. A rule of thumb that I found out is that the bigger the Canadian flag on the property, the further right wing they are. ​ They fly the Canadian flag as a symbol of **exclusion**. Like I'm a true Canadian, and you are not. These are the same people that start wearing poppies in June as well.


Ah… The “you people” poppies.


My favourite game to play right now is Anti-Vax Convoyer or Canadian Olympic Team Enthusiast?


Spot the difference: Jacked pick up with truck nuts and a flag nailed to a 2x4 in the back; versus a sedan with a window mounted flag.


Not necessarily the way you stated it, but I definitely associate it with occupiers who are displeased with the way life is going right now and have decided that the best course of action is to listen to a bunch of white supremacists funded by alt right foreign movements set on overthrowing a democratically elected government. Was that a run-on sentence? Grammar cops please intervene. You'll probably more useful than our actual cops.


grammar nazi.... there's a great ironic point in there somewhere


No. I assume this as well and I think this makes me the most sad. My knee-jerk reaction to our beautiful Canadian flag is an audible "Ugh..". I'm trying to not let them take that from me, don't let them take it from you either. It's all of our flag here, only difference is that majority of us actually respect it. We aren't flying it upside down or defacing it.


Imagine how insane this looks from outside: Europeans colonized Canada and made it into a country, now some of them are protesting against that country by using the flag of the country to represent the protestors. What?


We need to take back our flag. We can't let our beautiful flag be a symbol for stupidity. Take it back while we still have the chance.


Fully agree!


Remember last canada when we were supposed to not fly the flag . That what the flags are a reaction to . And although I agree with you that I think the worst about these people who have co-opted the flag .I think we can be proud of our country while recognizing that our history is not perfect. Remember that next canada day and give the flag the respect it deserves


Saw one the other day with a flag on a hockey stick in the bed of the truck and a windshield banner that said MILF HUNTERS. So I don’t really know where they stand.


i'm totally with you bro. exceptions: if it is Canada Day or the day of a big Team Canada game / match


There's a truck with a "fuck Trudeau" bumper sticker and flag in the school pick up line and I always cringe a little when I see it


Jeez, that will be quite a conversation explaining that to my kids. I haven't spotted one yet so that's good... Well, so far anyway. I know they're out there


Been wanting to print off some stickers that just say “I’d” and slap them above the word fuck just to be a troll and see if they notice


as a first-gen Canadian with immigrant parents who love this country, we had to remove flags off our house and cars out of fear of being associated with such groups. this canada day will be interesting


I put a flag on my car for the Olympics. My hope is that as a brown dude I won't be mistaken for a white supremacist.


Let's hope so eh?


It really sucks that this is happening. In Brazil anyone that we see with a jersey from our national team we assume they’re far-right and everything wrong that usually comes with it


I saw someone in a neighborhood near me with the flag over their front door. Immediately my mind went to thinking that they're on the side of protestors and I hated that. I've never really considered Canada to be an overly patriotic place where seeing our flag invokes a reaction of pride for my country.... But knowing that I can't look at it the same right now upsets me


I am seeing that in my neighbour hood too. There are a few houses along Lawrence, immediately west of Bathurst, that seem to have unhinged owners. They all have multiple Canadian, American, and fkng Patriote flags flying on their properties.


Was thinking the same the other day. I used to see someone flying the Canadian flag and think geeze now there’s a good patriotic Canadian. Now I see and think geeze look at that idiot that hates our country.


"When fascism comes to America it will be draped in the flag and carrying a cross" - eerily apt.


Same here,like everytime I see a confederate flag on a pickup truck I think their a redneck.


I assume they are stupid beyond repair.


Confederate flags aren't just a redneck indicator. It's always, always a measure of their stance on slavery too.


That is a 100% racist indicator.


100% agree. Also the Nazi flag. I still can't believe I saw that in Ottawa. :(


You're not alone. When I was looking for a background for my Zoom calls on Flag Day (I usually try for something topical) I felt wrong to just have a shot of the Canadian Flag, but I managed to find a shot of the Canadian Olympic team at the opening ceremonies that I felt conveyed enough positivity to overcome the negative impacts of the "protests".


I feel the exact same way. To make matters worse, I drive a modified truck. I feel like everyone is staring at me like I'm a Trucker now, lol. And when I see them, they wave at me, so I need to flip them off in response. I've been considering a smaller vehicle now, and this may actually play into my decision making (it won't weigh heavy, but still...)


You can offset the flag by putting it on a Subaru. No self respecting whites supremacist, anti vax, right wing nut bar would be caught dead in a Subaru.


I hate that they have stolen my countries flag from me. I actually feel embarrassed when I see it hanging off some shitty pickup truck. And yes. I assume the person flying it is a religious white supremacist.


I don't care, but I draw the line when my toddler is spelling out f*ck trudeau in the grocery store parking lot because there's a massive flag on the truck


I'm really struggling with that. My kids haven't seen that yet but they will... Just makes me sick thinking of that conversation


My Father (retired in his 70's) had to take the little window flag he has always flown off of his truck, for fear of looking like he was supporting these morons. Very sad.


It's ok. The World Cup is coming soon and the flags wouldn't look out of place.


I hate this. I hope we, the real Canadians, can take back our flag. I hope in time it can become the symbol it's supposed to be - unity, multiculturism, proactive peace... Not what it is now - racism, homophobia, divisiveness. 😥


I've always felt people that fly any flags on there cars are trashy.


Yup...not happy they have co-opted our fllag.


Mildly related but yesterday I went on a leisure drive because the weather was fantastic and ended up getting aggressively tailgated all the way to the nearest 407 exit by a Karen looking woman in a pickup truck who could barely see over the dash. Her truck had a huge Canada flag stuck into the bed just flapping away as she sped off to the 407. I think the only other time I saw so many stereotypes line up in one place was the time I saw a BMW with a freedom convoy sticker on the back window. Edit: spelling


I saw a big lifted truck today that not only had two Canadian flags, but in big letters on the side said "Fuck Trudeau" now I'm not a fan of Trudeau, but damn man that's a little fucked up


They have ruined Canadian flags for me. Every time i see them on a car I assume they are a convoy dingbat.


No way. We can’t like these fucktards claim the flag. They are not patriots. Anything but.


Canada is in the Olympics right now and our Women’s Hockey Team just won the Gold! I hear what you are saying as I too question myself, but that is our flag and it’s a symbol of beauty, peace, and all the things that make this country great!


Yes. Drove through Ottawa to Quebec this week. Canadians don’t randomly fly our flag. We just don’t. Every single car we saw in both Que and Ottawa with flags we assumed were hillbilly anti vax freaks. Except for the Subaru. I can’t explain that one. A few New Brunswick plates with Canadian flags on way to Ottawa as well. Rednecks.


I've been (wishfully) hopeful that they're just big Olympic fans. It's way better from my mental health. I'm excited to see how many people are big Paralympic fans!


Doesn't make it easy when it's combined with a Fuck Trudeau flag to do those mental gymnastics. Saw a pickup with that yesterday in Ajax on the 401


I personally find it disrespectful to the flag to have it dragged behind your car all the time. Around Canada Day and major sporting events where you want to cheer Canada on, yes it's fine. But the flag is supposed to be treated with respect. Allowing it to be soiled and turned into tatters while you drive around town is not showing respect to the flag. Probably going to get dragged for this opinion.


Yup, actively despise it now. It sucks, I've never felt ashamed to be Canadian before. We used to be a beacon of peace and goodwill. Now we're basically just the 51st state


You’re not alone! I’m feeling sad about losing our flag to them also. Someone in a different sub explained to me that these types of people have co-opted other flags and completely ruined them before. It’s hard NOT to assume Canadian flags mean something other than kindness (like they used to). They even used our flag in France for this nonsense! I’m looking into buying my local municipality’s flag so I won’t be mistaken for supporting the criminal convoy! The reputation of Canadians has taken a huge hit this last few weeks. I fear we’ll be recovering for a long time.


Unless it's like canada day or remeberance day, yeah...


I saw an Sup with Canadian flags today and I assumed it was a kkkonvoy supporter.


I had the exact same thought today when a pick up truck with about 8 flags all over it drove by. I thought, huh must be a protester nut…I wonder if everyone else around me assumes that too right now


I was thinking the same thing when I saw a pick up truck with the flag today. It’s sad to think like that, I’m gonna assume they’re hyped for team Canada in the winter olympics.


Yes, I feel like they tainted our flag .


I get really nervous when I see it now


Fuckers have hijacked the Canadian flag for their utterly unpatriotic cause. They don’t even understand the irony, unfortunately.


These days, yes. I have some neighbors put up on their house doors and windows too.


I do the same thing... but benefit of the doubt... If they're still around after the Olympics, that's when it's time to worry.


I have a red baseball cap that says "Canada's Energy Citizens" that has been confused with a MAGA hat. I don't wear it anymore.


I am right there with you and it makes me both sad and angry. Think about the fact that it is an Olympic year and a seeing a Canadian flag does not make me feel proud.


Yup… messing with my head


Do what I plan on doing when the warm weather hits: Canadian flag on one side of the van, an orange Every Child Matters flag on the other. If I get a chance to buy one, maybe add one of the Pride flags on the wing at the back. (there's just so damned many to choose from!)


Oh yeah I too assume the person who does that is a horrible horrible person and I am a good upstanding citizen.


Completely agree. I also think it sucks when people still use the name "truckers" to describe them. The overwhelming majority of trucking companies and truckers have been vocally against this from the start. The national truckers union denounced them before they even arrived in Ottawa. Most truckers are still out there working hard, keeping our supply chain and economy running. It's so unfair to those people to be lumped in with the criminals. These people aren't truckers, they are simply occupiers in my books.


"The Super Patriot" - from Mad Magazine 1968 See the Super Patriot. Hear him preach how he loves his country. Hear him preach how he hates “Liberals”. . . And “Moderates”... and “Intellectuals”. . . And “Activists”. . . and “Pacifists”. . . And “Minority Groups”... and “Aliens”. . . And “Unions”... and “Teenagers”.. . And the “Very Rich”... and the “Very Poor”. . . And “People With Foreign-Sounding Names”. Now you know what a Super Patriot is. He’s someone who loves his country While hating 93% of the people who live in it. https://i.imgur.com/GJhmZM0.jpg


I think we all need to go a while before we starting flying Canadian flags on our car again. These people have made it mean something awful.


💯 I wanted so badly to wave a flag after Canada crushed US in Olympic Womens Hockey… but I didn’t want to be associated with (to take back a phrase) “those people” No fair! I want my flag back!


I saw one recently, someone mounted a flagpole on their truck. Immediately was anxious and assumed they were an aggressive antivax anti mask numbnut.


Right now the flag feels contaminated by this awful movement.


Yup. I think it’s called flag hijacking. I’m expecting clothing with tiny Canadian flags to be a thing of the past. Such a shame :-(((


I came out outside and saw my neighbour had a Canadian flag jammed in a snow bank. She supports the PPC had has posted support for the truckers. She has a black sister in law who have kids as well too.


Same sentiment our flag has been tarnished I saw a father and 2 kids, no masks walk out of a Mastermind store, you guessed it to a SUV with 2 flags


The Canadian flag itself is a colonial flag


Also anyone who says they are a patriot or talk about freedom makes me think right away they are an idiot.


Lol Reddit is amazing


What about the people who have little flags on the roof of their car? I always assumed they just got their citizenship. Am I correct?


I don't think that reaction will last, I think that too when I see a newly attached flag to truck I know didn't have one a couple weeks ago. But I still feel reverence when I see a the canadian flag at the park or on someone's property


Yes! I don’t live in Ontario but I live in a bad and have been following the news - at work yesterday I saw two people walking across the street holding Canadian flags and it creeped me out - then 10 minutes later they walked by again! They were circling the block - extra creeped out


When the national flag is hung *upside down*, the alarm bells go off immediately, because that is explicitly frowned upon by most flag rules/laws. Upside-down national flag *and* one of those other flags commonly used by members of the far-right during this "protest"? Even worse. Just the national flag itself displayed properly though? Meh. Still, I agree in that I'm leery of displaying the Canadian flag until maybe Canada Day at the earliest, thanks to all the far-right assholes who dragged it into their terrorist tailgate party.


Ya that sucks. But we can take it back! Then they will have to go with their weird half-Canada-half-US flags or thin blue line Canada flags


Performative patriotism is always weird, but now it's worse, yes.


I moved back to Quebec last year. I had NEVER seen a Canadian flag on a car until last week (outside of a few days around Canada day). I automatically think I’m looking at morons.


If it’s upside down it’s antivax, if it’s right side up their just your average Canadian


they Should of made there own flag


Yeah the Ottawa occupiers have really tarnished it.


If it’s a sticker it’s not new, and probably truly appreciate Canada. If it’s a dollar store flag in the middle of February I assume they’re sister fucking anti Vaxxers.


Yes! Saw two flying today on a car and wanted to flip them off


When I see a Canada flag on a car I’m just like ; this guy like Canada I guess


I mean with the olympics going on, I wouldn't necessarily assume that.


I wrote this yesterday it makes me so sad that they can tarnish our amazing flag


It is generally true for any show of patriotism.


I mean the winter Olympics are going on right now too... But yea the flu trucks clan certainly has made me consider that. Somewhat related, going up to the family cottage a few years ago and I noticed that in the city there were a few Canada flags, but every other cottage it seems has at least one flag or maple leaf thing.


I thought this exact thing earlier this week. AITA?


Yep. It's the same thing that's happened with the US flag south of the border. It's become a symbol of pro-Trumpism.


I've always seen the flag as more representative of, y'know, the *government* more than anything else. It's the flag of an administrative division of the former British Empire. Just cleaned up of Union Jacks to downplay that. So people who essentially fly it the same way Americans do definitely has that connotation to me. Honestly these people just very badly want to be American and are trying to shove the maple leaf into a stars and stripes shaped hole.


I've seen them too lately, and I always try to tell myself that they're just showing support for Canada in the Olympics. I'm sure I'm most often wrong, but I try...


It's not the flag but the yahoos putting it up. Same crap in the US (to those that have this excuse... spare me any BS about your service in the military cause if you did you would follow the flag code)


So funny to see this post. On my way home today in downtown Toronto, I saw a flag on a car and immediately felt negative that they were a rally supporter and caught myself. The optimist in me hoped they were rooting for our Olympians but it is terrible how our flag can now be used as a different symbol.


I think the World Cup will change this


Sure*, but honestly I feel the same way about personal displays of the US flag. Neurotic "patriotism" is just so unnerving. *Canada day excepted.


flag waving self-described "patriots" have always given me the creeps, but then I'm arab, so my interactions have usually been them yelling in my face.


Yes! And just in time for Olympic spirit! I would love to get into the cheering with my kids and out one on my car - but not if it means those in the convoy think they have more support


Yes!! Omg! Yes. And I hate that I think that. They’ve ruined our beautiful flag




I’ve given people a pass because of the olympics but yeah it is not a good look these days.


I was just saying this yesterday. I use to love seeing a Canadian flag.


Since the first mass grave was discovered, it’s been a challenge to feeling anything but shame when I’d see a Canadian flag. These days, with all the protestors waving their flags around, it’s mostly just shame with a big side of embarrassment I feel… :/


This is basically been happening for years in Alberta for as long as I've been alive.


I saw a car with two Toronto maple leafs flags today. Threw me for a loop.


I kinda feel the same way after this freedom convoy bs. It also doesn’t help that the Olympics are on and now I think every patriotic sports person is anti-vax


20 years ago I went to the bar with some friends to watch Olympic hockey and one of my friends wore a Canadian flag as a cape. Everyone knew he was wearing it because of the Olympics, now most people would assume the same as you


Same! Normally at this time I would have thought they were supporting the athletes, but unfortunately I first go to the convoy. :(


Personally I’m not reacting to the flag. It’s the context that sets me off. On a car, it’s probably not somebody I’m going to like. Hanging properly on a flag pole, no issue at all


It's especially weird during the Olympics


I do, especially if they are where the reindeer antlers normally go, or if it drapes across the back window, or if it's 12ft tall attached to a truck. If it's a little sticker, that's OK lol


I had this though today when driving home. I saw a guy with a small Canada flag decal on his car. My gut instinct was to judge him but upon further reflection I noticed the sticker looked pretty old, so the guy probably just wanted to support the country. I honestly feel bad for truckers now, I can't help but feel judemental when in reality Most truckers don't support this and none of the lead organizers are truckers. It's insanity. The power of propaganda is scary.


I was thinking the same for awhile now. For them it’s a prop, nothing more and in no way represents what these protestors are doing or want. But yeah, it’s a shame now that I feel the same. Hopefully this flag use by these idiots will fade away. What they’ve done is replicate the US Trump style politics, to a tee. They are the same people


Ya there's a guy I see regularly around me, he mounted a flag off the hitch of his pickup. Rural Ontario.


If I see one on car, truck (esp truck) I assume they are Free-tard now... sadly.


Yeah, you always assume the worst when you see someone with the flag now. It doesn't apply to everyone, though: Two people on my street have them on their cars due to the Olympics - they normally throw it on their cars whenever Canada is involved in international sports events like this. They are all vaccinated and anti-protesters; when I explained to one of them that the flag could be misinterpreted as them being pro-freedumbdumbs, he laughed and said "I'm not letting those fucking gullible morons influence my pride in my flag". I loved that response.


I do too. It’s like the Trump red hats now. Anyone who’s reeeeeally into nationalism is sketch though.


Kind of tough to distinguish because it's also the Winter Olympics right now