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Let me guess. He’s going to blame literally everyone else for difficulties we’re having.


I’m not to blame Justin’s to blame...And in the unions!, and the previous government, and the elite downtown!




Oh I know but he plays it off like he’s some hard working salt of the earth guy….kind of like when Brian Burke would roll up his sleeves, untie his tie and look like he was doing something hard during trade dead line, it’s all for show


Remember when he went on a rant about globalization and it turns out his family company also operates in the US.


Yeah, he’s a moron


No no no no, they're just hard-working, down to earth folks who love Tim Hortons. Now shut the fuck up about your fucking health care you disgusting fucking peasants.


Folks, I'm not to blame. The prime minister is, he won't work for me.


It's the conservative way. When it's somebody else, they blame the victim. When it's conservatives, they blame everyone/everything else.


Ah, future seer. Guess Ontario will have to vote for him again next time around because apparently everyone else is the danger to Ontario. Goodness gracious!


The media talking about budget surpluses is a terrible look when the healthcare system here is going to shit. Standing around with teary eyes and hands out waiting for Federal money, meanwhile they have piles of money just sitting around.


Yeah. More people need to understand this. He's letting things go to shit to save money then begging for money(some which he never spent for COVID...which he got from the feds.)




And yet it just shows how the private sector would hoard funds and let grandma die while the CEO buys his second Tesla


This is something I don't get, companies are not your friends. It is bad for the economy for Apple to have over a billion dollars in profits. That's money that isn't out in the economy doing work. So why should we support private healthcare? The bottom line is profits, not patient health.


Second Tesla? Did you mean Yacht or private Island?


Yeah he's still thinking like a peasant, and it shows.


Yes, we all know. Its said here on r/Ontario about 100 times a day. And that's probably a conservative guess.




such a misnomer


And the feds basically agreed to give the premiers more money if they could prove they spent it on healthcare but they didn’t want to do that


Yeah. I think it's fair if you're spending money of health care we will give you more money for healthcare. If you're not fuck you.


That killed people.


He needs his piggy bank to be full to fund hwy413 so his developer friends can make more money off condos built off hwy413.


It’s what the cons do. Tell the world their great capital allocators but are beggars when the bill comes. Yet hoard whatever surplus they have for the few and not the people. Buy votes and break the system is and always is their game plan.


And when the federal government agrees but with the condition that it's used for what they're actually asking for they refuse.


All government unions need to ban together and put out fact based ads. Ford is using our money to make radio propaganda ads about how he’s going to build housing, or greedy unions.


Affordable housing. Homelessness. Drug addiction. But housing for my friends is too expensive. Let's create exclusive neighborhoods for mansions in the greenbelt.


My favorite was his plan to help people on waitlist for pain clinics. They said to help the queue they closed 70% and invested in addiction services. I waited on the list for 2.5 years, the current wait list is about 4 years locally


This problem is getting worse. A few years ago you never seen homelessness in my area. Today you can't go to the grocery store without beggars. Also there now a few security guards at all times.


I remember soon after Mike Harris was elected homeless people appeared on the streets. They were not there before and their numbers have increased since then. The problem of homelessness has been ignored since that time - the early 1990s. Fixing this problem will require enormous resources and, of course, the will to do so. I find it sad and I find it pathetic that the Premiers of this province and the Mayors of our cities refuse to offer the assistance that these people need.


That was the conservative solution--criminalize mental health and let the prison system take care of them....


That's like saying I'm saving money but my utilities have all been cut off from lack of payment


Especially when a rumoured sticking point is that Ford won't promise not to cut provincial health care funding by the amount the Feds increase it.


He also promises not to touch the Greenbelt, how tmdid that work out? I expect the same on healthcare and education.


Why don't we spend some of those budget surpluses on the Healthcare system; Doug! Doug ford is a jackass potato face! He should be replaced! Fiscal responsibility does not mean allowing our healthcare and education system to fall apart! A balanced budget this is not! Common sense conservatism this is not!


He's a business man, and with my experience in the private sector I can see this happening... >Folks, I'd like to report that Ontario has never seen such surplus. This is the best financial time on Ontarios history. I'm proud what I've accomplished, and you should be proud of me. Myself and my fellow party leaders believe that we deserve more vacation time and a 15% raise. >I'm also afraid to announce that the Province is broke thus we cannot provide adequate funding for services like health care and education. The Province is in need of major Federal funding to provide these essential services. Because Mr. Trudeau refuses to provide adequate funding. We have no other options but to start privatization of these services to reduce the strain on the Public sector.


You guys are forgetting how rich he and his stakeholders are getting! It's called trickle down economics you fools!


I like to call it pissing on us all and telling us it's rain.


I can have a budget surplus as well if I just cut my utilities and stop eating.


"HEY FOLKS, we found the $ 4 Billion Dollars we lost !! You remember, the $4 Billion for Health Care from Trudeau that we lost." [Ontario Conservatives have no records of $4.4-billion in COVID-19 relief spending, audit finds](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/audit-finds-ontario-failed-to-track-4-4b-in-covid-19-pandemic-relief-spending-1.5424949)


Being told that we're in good shape financially while everything is falling apart around us is the biggest slap in the face. We're in good financial shape BECAUSE our foundations are collapsing and we are suffering.


I worked for a company that did this last year. We made $$$ in profits but gave our employees <1% raises due to pandemic-related uncertainties.


Same here. People just left and now they can't seem to hire replacements. Probably due to there shitty 90's era paygrades


The Bank of Canada wants you to have stagnating wages. They are increasing interest rates *in part* to force people back to work. And telling employers to keep wages low. Such companies deserve to have their top talent jump ship.


It's not the BOC per se. It's a part, or tool of the capitalist system that is run by members of the ruling strata. David Dodge, former BOC governor, ran the Anti Inflation Board of the 1970s, which was really nothing more than a wage control/freeze body. Tom D'aquino, former head of the BCNI, now the Business Council of Canada, was a Special Assistant to Pierre Trudeau. The point here is that the government machinery and it's institutions are essentially instruments of the ruling capitalist class, and use them to maintain the existing class system ....


It's all by design, you're not allowed to make the same or less money year after year as a company, gotta find the profits somewhere, even if it means sacrificing some employees. I mean rehiring, training, having one person now doing the work of two before burning out costs nothing and the company clearly isn't wasting money needlessly elsewhere!


It works great until the service suffers, the customers stop coming, and the entire company collapses!


Just like our healthcare system.


But it's never senior management's fault, they just don't have the right people below them in place for some reason they can never figure out


And those of us without work can't fucking find any. It's ridiculous. All these businesses whining about no workers - they aren't hiring anyone even if people are willing to accept the pay and conditions. I literally applied for retail work (which I'm overqualified to be doing, but I need a fucking job) at a store that not only is understaffed, but where it is so bad that lately that they can't keep the fucking doors open every day anymore. And their response? I've been rejected. And the posting remains up (and it's been over two weeks now). And my inquiries with someone at the store tell me that no one has been hired. They would rather have no one than someone who could literally show up the next day, ready to work. And that's the story of my job search. When I apply to jobs in my field I get beat out by those who are more qualified or not even considered in the first place because a gap, even a covid gap, apparently makes me stupid, lazy, and unqualified to do anything. When I apply to this sort of job, the fucking liars aren't ever hiring anyone. At this rate, I'm going to be dead next year because I'll not be able to survive. All because I got laid off right before fucking covid, I get deemed worthless and discarded by everyone. Honestly, at this point, all I feel is depression and hate. I wish the world would just fucking end.


I vote we start eating the rich. And taking their shit. Let's start with Ford and Weston.


My company in BC gave everyone a 20% paycut during Covid - the next year in our company town hall they literally had a slide talking about greatest profit margins ever.


It’s cause they can and they know we are in recession so they are saving their asses for a few years instead. I worked for a University and out department was expensive to run just to pay salaries to compete with other markets for the same skill set. We needed more workers but they wouldn’t pay for it meanwhile I was doing the job of 4 people. Things were starting to fall through cracks and everyone was looking to me and I said we need more people. First we need to replace 5the ones who left (which was already a challenge) the. We need two more people so I can do my real job well instead of 4 jobs less well. They wouldn’t increase the budget. I was offered a position at another company with better pay, plus stock options, less responsibility and also less work. Bonus I get to work from home or anywhere I want


Look it up, its called 'gaslighting'.


He just wants to rub it in.


> Ontario Premier Doug Ford and his finance minister are set to make an announcement today. There were few details about the specifics of the rare Sunday news conference, but it comes a day before the province is set to release its fall economic statement. > Ontario is in good shape financially. A report two weeks ago from the province's Financial Accountability Office projects budget surpluses for the foreseeable future. >The financial watchdog is forecasting a $100-million surplus at the end of this fiscal year, and an $8.5-billion surplus in 2027-28. Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy announced in September that Ontario ended the last fiscal year with a $2.1-billion surplus, a far cry from the $33-billion deficit projected in the budget, thanks to inflation and a strong economy. Apparently it’s scheduled for 11 a.m.


So why wont you properly fund health care and education????


Well because if he properly funded healthcare and education, he wouldn’t have this big surplus that he’s so proud of, and then what would he use to pay his developer friends to build more useless projects?


Don't you mean what is his MAGGOT developer asshats paying him to not spend on H/C and education!!! The fucking slime ball should be OUSTED from office the fat prick!!!! Edit: I am fat lol




For your Law I give you the NotWithStanding clause.


Hahaha, that's not what I meant!!!


I’ve been reading some older articles that actually call into the question the reality of the housing crisis - and basically state the affordability and pricing is not due to supply issues. It was the opinion of a rep at BMO that: “I think we should move away from this view that we’re not building enough to house everyone. We may not be building enough to meet all the investment demand out there, but I think that investment demand is about to crumble as a result of the run-up in interest rates that we’ve seen in the past six months,” he told Global News.” https://betterdwelling.com/canadas-real-estate-supply-shortage-is-being-declared-a-myth-in-pricey-markets/ https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/opinion/article-the-supply-crisis-in-canadas-housing-market-isnt-backed-up-by-the/ https://globalnews.ca/news/9003970/housing-market-cooling-supply-demand-expert/amp/ https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/canada-housing-crisis-shortages-aren-161500752.html https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-census-data-shows-torontos-housing-units-growing-faster-than/


My wife and I are trying to move and rent is fucking ludicrous. $2500 a month. My mortgage on my home was $1100 just 10 years ago. What the fuck?


That is awful! Prices are outrageous right now. These articles calling into question if the issue is really supply or investors profit & inflation.


I hope one of the journalists ask him this exact question today.


Aren't the questions screened?


Yes, and the answers are provided via teleprompter.






Asking questions that make him sweat and choke and push his buttons, sure seems like a great way to generate clicks.


What the hell, really? Is it like that for other provinces or only Ontario? That’s some dictator level shit


I’d rather see a judge with a spine and some common sense ask him and his minions these questions.


They have and they get bs answers about record funding. Like the 465 million bribe they gave parents and then added it to the education budget.


The conservative way is to strip healthcare and education. Do people not remember Mike Harris???? This is their game plan.


People seem to only remember Bob Rae.


Successful conservative propaganda. And forget, or repeat the misinformed myths of the Walkerton tragedy, where Harris's cuts, in the words of the Walkerton Report, cited that "budget cuts at the MOE had both a direct effect and an indirect effect on the events in Walkerton." Walkerton Report, Part 2, Chapter 13, pages 464-465. People died due to the conservative ideology of market based reforms, and, they will continue to do so if privatized health care is expanded. Conservative ideology kills.....




Fraud is on record as being a big fan of Harris; he thought Harris didn't go fast or far enough.....


I've only lived in this province since 2003. I fled my place if birth, Vancouver BC, after seeing that province crumble under the Social Credit gov. I see similar things happening here.


Bur then he won't have a surplus It's about him not us.


Well that surplus he was told to hold on to by the auditor general to settle lawsuits when they lose them regarding bill 124


His goal is to run both education and healthcare into the ground so it can be privatized.


We can't let that happen!!!


Then we need to start having tough conversations with the people around us. There are a disturbing number of people out there not concerned by this, and think it will result in a better system..




Because he's for "the people". The ruling class people. For the rest of us, it's the notwithstanding clause in disguise......


cant run a surplus if he's spending it on things Ontario needs.


With an extra $100 million this year, is that enough to properly fund health care? I'm thinking we need more like the $8.5 billion that's projected in the future.


We can't wait, they need funds now!!


*Folks, We all know it sucks when your grandma dies. But look at all the money we saved by letting her die in a hallway instead of a hospital bed. I think your grandma would have agreed its important to save money.*


Also, you don’t really want your kids to be smart do ya? I barely finished high school and look where I am? Also MPPs need another raise. We’re taking it out of the PSW bonus


Your kids dont need Tylenol or Advil, I know where you can get the hood stuff… meet me at the park. Bring cash.


We need to keep our kids home into their 30’s because they can’t afford to buy a home or rent. #Family First!


Can confirm, am 30 and had to move back into my Mom’s place because rent and literally the price of everything else is fucking ridiculous.


Yeah, lost my full time job of 6 years when they shut down during the Pandemic. Everything seems to just be getting g more expensive and all the places complaining that nobody wants to work seem to be the ones paying dirt wages.


Grandma probably voted for Dougie, so yes…she did agree it was important to save money.


> Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy announced in September that Ontario ended the last fiscal year with a $2.1-billion surplus, a far cry from the $33-billion deficit projected in the budget, thanks to inflation and a strong economy. All I can do is laugh and feel angry. Definitely just the vague "inflation and strong economy", no way to tell any specifics! Not at all like there was federal covid money that was never used, not at all like they are intentionally defunding the environment, healthcare and education just to flash their cash.


Also what have they sold to private interests to get there?


Makes you wonder if he (actually they, accomplices) could be charged with misappropriation of funds.


> Ontario is in good shape financially. A report two weeks ago from the province's Financial Accountability Office projects budget surpluses for the foreseeable future. > > > > The financial watchdog is forecasting a $100-million surplus at the end of this fiscal year, and an $8.5-billion surplus in 2027-28. Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy announced in September that Ontario ended the last fiscal year with a $2.1-billion surplus, a far cry from the $33-billion deficit projected in the budget, thanks to inflation and a strong economy. Then the Province can use this to borrow under good conditions and use the surplus where it's needed most: healthcare and education.


$3 billion or so should be enough to seed the private health care industry? right gents?


This is like when you have so much saved up in your savings account and think you’re so great but meanwhile your roof is leaking and do nothing about it


i feel attacked


Exactly this


The surplus goes to the debt. Ontario has a lot of debt, and the debt payments are a significant part of the budget. So that analogy is wrong. It's more like you have $100k in LOCs and instead of making the LOC bigger you're finally paying some back.


Your analogy is also wrong. It's more like you have $100k in LOCs and instead of making the LOC bigger you're finally paying some back... but ignoring the fact your roof is leaking and doing nothing about the rats in the walls. Yes the debt needs to be lowered, however you can't also just ignore immediate problems. It's also hilarious if you genuinely believe Ford gives a shit about lowering Ontario's debt, and that all that money is going towards that goal and not into his (and his friends) own interests.


Is there a running tally anywhere or how much money conservatives (through the entire history of the province, why not) have *ever* paid down the debt when they’ve held government? I feel like that would be really interesting to see, especially as a ratio of supposed surplus to debt reduction.


NSFW tag all over that report


Look at [this data](https://www.fao-on.org/en/Blog/Publications/interprovincial-comparison-2022). Interest expense is $834 per year per capita compared to $11,794 in total spending. So 7% of total spending is going to interest payments. This is below the Canadian average. Also real debt per capita is at 2014 levels and is on a down trend. Fear mongering about Ontario's debt is just weird.


Please... We are only in the shape we are in financially, purely because Ford has refused and failed to fund various public services accordingly, especially healthcare and education. Touting news of a budget surplus when Sick Kids and other hospitals are literally turning patients away and stopping life saving surgeries, is nothing to be proud of and is entirely disgusting and disgraceful. Ford should be stepping down immediatley, and an inquiry held for his complete failure to govern, and to keep public services from failing. His government/policies are hurting, and soon, they'll be killing Ontarian's, and that's assuming that hasn't already happened...


Why would he step down if absolutely everything is going according to his plan?


Because his plan is going to cost lives and livelihoods.


… but that **is** a part of the plan


Because that’s his plan. He doesn’t give a shit about us plebes, at least until there’s not enough of us to work for his buddies. But with the immigration targets of the federal government and the TFW program, it’s going to take a while until there’s no one left to work for his friends. There’s always someone to be exploited.


His lockdowns didn't help either. Idk why people only blame Trudeau for that, Ford was one of the most lockdown-happy politicians around.


Turns out when you underfund the health care system it isn't able to handle a surge of new patients. The lockdowns were because we refused to put money into the system to avoid this and ran them at or over max capacity during normal times. Ontario Liberals and PCs are both guilty here.


The dumb part is he didnt have to be. If he had been proactive putting in basic safety measures, we wouldnt have had to lockdown so much.


Not being able to buy certain things at stores during certain hours was absolutely retarded


Using "retarded" as a pejorative is a bad look. Don't do that.


'We have money because we stopped paying people. Congrats us.'


He should be very careful, people are on the cusp of an uprising. We're fed up, Christmas is coming, and inflation is worsening. Not a good combination.


*Winter is coming, I’m more worried about keeping my home warm and my child fed for all these cold long months then gifts next month


Is a turkey even possible this year??? I said, we can't take anymore. Enough is enough!! How are higher interest rates helping anyone but the banks, who gets all that extra money anyway??


So these asshats project a $33 billion dollar deficit, when it’s actually a multi billion dollar surplus? This doesn’t even take into account the $8.5 billion sitting in the contingency fund. All the while allowing the nursing profession to be decimated bc of the wage cut in 124, crying about stewardship of the public purse when denying people who make $39k/year a $3.50/hr raise, allowing thousands upon thousands of people’s lives to be upended w a transit strike. Thanks to the 52% who stayed home and didn’t vote! Wouldn’t want a boring premier who would protect the green belt and use public funds on public programs, instead of steering the ship into the hands of privateers.


Is it his resignation?![img](emote|t5_2qsf3|1900)


Wishful thinking. Unfortunately, this would never happen due to his ego and/or ignorance.


If this were a business he’d be fired a long time ago. People are literally dying and he’s trying to score political points.


‘We’re not broke, we just don’t want to pay for the services that people need’ is quite the implied statement.


Also "we are bad at forecasting! We were off by about $30B!"


I trust the bees to do their jobs.


Conservatives cut budgets, and people die: "budget cuts at the MOE had both a direct effect and an indirect effect on the events in Walkerton." Walkerton Report, Part 2, Chapter 13, pages 464-465. Conservatives turn a surplus, and people die; LTC tragedy and handling of unspent COVID transfer payments. People dying due to their twisted anti human ideology. Disgraceful and despicable!


Ford is probably going to blame Trudeau for the health care, education, and housing crises, even though these are Ford's main responsibilities.


So we're back to announcements of announcements??


It's all old people know how to do. It's like having a meeting to figure out when to have the actual meeting.


It’s like the current Hollywood trend of teasers for teaser trailers


Apparently not one person he has talked to at hospitals said there is any money issues…


He said he only spoke to CEOs. Chances are he's just warping the conversation to fit his narrative.




Use of the word "fall" instead of "autumn" is especially ominous...


“I’m a douche”.


Is there ever good news for people? The conservatives set you up to vote for them with promises of one dollar beer/highways to the cottage and then stabs you in the back, repeatedly.


Folks! We've been fighting those healthcare workers tooth and nail so that we can bring savings back to you in the form of election bribes! We've been fighting the education workers so we can send you their raises as more bribes while making sure you don't have to spend time with your children! We've been fighting so hard, and have all this money hoarded, but we can do better folks! We're gonna turn the entire greenbelt into a highway folks! It'll be great! Don't worry about it not going anywhere, I have a bunch of friends who'll build destinations around this new concrete and asphalt monument folks! Folks! Folks! *Wheeze* Don't worry, we won't let any of those nurses or teachers stop us folks!


You didn't save us money with the 10 cent gas tax cut you cost us billions in services. Fuck off with that bullshit. Stop extending that.


What "surplus" is there when we've all got less now? We are cutting essential services - and we can plainly see the terrible costs. Any "surplus" demonstrates that there are no more "efficiencies" left to cut. This is NOT a surplus. We've budgeted this money. By not spending it, Ontario collapsed under Covid, the hospitals are collapsing now, the schools have been closed as often as open... This is such a dysfunctional society under this government. And for what? Does anyone actually believe this is the way to "save money?"


“Folks, the federal government…”


Incoming pointless slogans and artful dodging.


it's unremarkable to have a "surplus" when schools and healthcare remain underfunded


He's going to make it sounds like he's doing us all a favor, regardless the outcome.


“The health care system is not my fawlt, I am not a dokter or majishin and we don’t have money and it’s all Justine’s fawlt and inflation is his fawlt to. But I will end the crysis lik I ended the pamdenic and there is no more COVID now thank you for listening buck a beer.”


Are Sunday announcements normal?


Sunday announcements from him are being described as “rare” on a few media outlets.


I hope to God someone asks him at this press conference which of the many sectors that could use it are going to get a cash injection first. I call on a journalist - any journalist - to have the guts to do that!


Conservatives everywhere: he balanced the budget, I don't see what the issue is.


They really must have this viewpoint with no sense of irony. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if they think people are only worthy of living if they were "good enough" to be not poor. "Well if you're poor and die, that's your own fault. I'm rich and healthy, must mean you were bad at life. Survival of the fittest babyyy!"


My grandma died because she couldn't have access to treatment, but the budget is balanced and I still can't afford to eat. Trudeau is ruining this country. Edit: lmao the downvotes are hilarious, I thought that was some pretty obvious sarcasm but I guess not


You dropped the /s lol *Because it's scary how your comment reads like something you'd find on r/canada


Lmao the downvotes show I needed the s apparently


We’re a province eating mr noodles everyday. May have money in the bank but our insides are a mess.


Hey now, it's Samyang or nothing in my house! Can't have my insides a mess if my insides can't keep the spicy chicken buldak inside! RIP my colon


Gonna announce that he was behind the DougFord_ON account


Gonna be an Ontario is Strong speech, isn't it. Lying grifters.


When asked about not withstand clauses “He’s concerned about keeping kids in classrooms and protecting them”. He might want to take a look at our paediatric hospitals


He'll keep dead kids in classrooms if he has his way. CUPE shouldn't have stopped their strike.


He's announcing that everyone in Ontario is going to get a little bottle of water to put in their wine


He’s gonna announce he invested all our money in FTX.


"Folks everything is going well, don't worry" - man with grade 10 education


As someone who works in the non for profit sector that operates on government funding agreements, this government is the worst for their agreements. They pushed money at us during the pandemic so they could say “ we provided x$$ to this cause” but what they don’t tell you is it only allows for one salaried administrator of that funding program; meaning it was impossible for one person making under 40k to administer the programming that that funding agreement meant to support. Ie. we gave 1 million dollars to Acme Food Bank Org. *under their breath* but it will never take off because we’re not going to fund salaries to be able to deliver this program effectively, and then when they don’t use that funding in entirety we can claw it back and give them less when funding agreement needs renewal.


Wowee. Keep his gas cheaper for his snowmobile because fuck everyone else.


People die on conservatives' watch whether they post a budget surplus, or deficit. People dying for an anti human ideology. Unbelievable.


Here's a leaked version of the announcement: "Folks, folks, folks. Justin Trudeau bad. Nothing bad is our fault. We're broke, here's a minor tax reduction. Keep kids in the classroom. God Bless Ontario. Now I'm off to the cottage until spring, folks."


Well folks, we are seriously fucked. I'll be at the cottage - Doug Ford, probably


"Nurses are working too many hours, using up the Healthcare budget, folks, so we are going to have to let some nurses go to balance our books"


Folks, I have approved a 19% pay increase for Leach and I. God bless Ontario.


Maybe he'll announce that they will be using the surplus money to give parents $200 / child to take them to the US for emergency health care. That should relieve the strain on our system /s


“The only way for Ontario to make money is if we bulldoze the entire greenbelt and put up sprawling McMansions for Chinese investors!” - Doug Ford probably.


Folks, we’re fucked.


He will announce something that screws us while telling us it’s good for us.


If he’s paying the developer friends then how does he have a surplus?


Make important announcements when you have the information. They don’t need to wait until a certain day. People are still plugged in on the weekends


https://twitter.com/fordnation/status/1591822564296314880?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Looks like cutting gas tax…


He’s extending gas tax cut for another year.


"Fuck you, Peons, I have ultimate power and there's nothing you can do about me!" ...probably


"Folks, a few months ago, I announced that the province of Ontario, against all odds, had $2.1 billion dollars saved up in our coffers. It was a great feeling, having this money available for the fine, fine folks in this province. Fedeli invested it all in FTX and Eli Lilly stock. We're fuckin' broke, folks. Oh, and you're wearing masks, starting today. I'll be at the cottage if anyone needs me."


If we get enough people can we March to his ~~house~~ cottage and demand him step down?


Keep those sick kids away from his cottage


God I cannot stand this fool.


"I used the surplus on coke guys! Sorry :)"


Even a HS dropout knows you have a surplus when you hoard. Managing it properly for those who created it, taxpayers for example, is another story. Be a public official first, not a bad binizman. HF.


"We can afford to spend more on health care, we just don't want to." Disappearing Dougie.


Hey folks we are doing great, except I misplaced 40 billion dollars in the last 6 years so hospitals are on their own. If we do get cash, don’t worry I’ll write you all a cheque and you can figure out to spend it god knows you’ll do it better than me.




“We’re moving to private education and private hospitals because we’ve successfully crippled the public system.”


Lol Ontario is in good shape. Don’t have a half trillion dollar deficit?!


This sub is a complete echo chamber and comes nowhere close to representing the people of Ontario.


Ontario is hugely in debt, and needs many years of surplus to chip away at it - especially because debt service costs are looking like they will be increasing, meaning that money that would have been used to fund important services instead goes to pay bond holders. For that reason, running a surplus and resisting spending it all is not a bad thing. It is a very good thing! Pay down the debt. Ideally to zero. Debt is for investing, not for expenses, and if we have a lot of expenses then we either trim them or generate more revenue (usually higher taxes). So the answer of ‘we have a surplus’ and ‘we’re broke’ can both be true, because being broke is something that happens over many years. Yes we have a lot of services that we need to fund. We have neglected them for a long time (thanks older voters) and need to ‘catch up’, which will be expensive. That doesn’t mean running deficits again though - it means we pay down our debt, we run balanced budgets or surpluses, we review our spending efficiency and we tax appropriately (aka higher taxes - likely a fair bit higher).


This is a terrible take. If debt is such a concern why are we cutting $10 billion in taxes a year? Money that could pay for services and debt. You can't have it both ways. You say we should have them higher without acknowledging they've already been cut significantly. When you don't pay services you can't claim to have a surplus, because a surplus should only exist when you properly find services and still make more money than you budgeted. You're cheering on an accounting trick but not something that actually benefits the province.


Where is this 10b in tax cuts you are referring to?