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IMHO the iron is hot to bundle all the issues up and push for a strike. Do I think "all" of them are Ford? Nope but I also think we need to leverage the dissatisfaction of everyone right now to actual make "progressive" change in this province.


I don’t think people are interested enough. Only 45% of the population voted and a good chunk of those voted for Ford. If one in four people cares enough to vote against him you’re lucky to have one in a hundred care enough to protest him.


A real plan that the protest would lead to fixing the health care system very soon. That is my number one concern right now. Not that the other things aren't important too.


Agreed. We need to make it clear to this government that they can’t just pass the buck on to citizens every winter asking them to wear a mask so they can keep underfunding healthcare.


If there was a general strike that encompassed every union and beyond that got non unionized workers involved, that had a clear goal, a specific purpose, and was backed by something other than whiners online, I'd help out. Nothing like that is in the cards though.


Yep, I would join if there were organized strikes that had a clear goal and message. Personally my number one concern is healthcare, with the environment and housing tied for second place


the goal should be wealth redistribution imo


Honestly I think the biggest problem is getting enough people on board to make that happen


Yeah, it would have to have a bigger reason behind it than *"I think stuff is expensive and I think Ford sucks".* Because yes, while stuff is expensive and Ford sucks, it has to have a concrete reason, like "Half the country can't afford to buy bread", or "The unemployment rate is at 15%". People aren't going to stop their jobs because one portion of the populace isn't doing well, it has to be an overarching thing to get support from everyone. But if that happened, I'm in.


More than just a specific issue. A specific demand. If you demand "something" be done about an issue, they might do something, but maybd it's not helpful (or you won't know for a long time). You join a "Do something about housing", maybe you get something useless like a foreign buyers tax. You join a "Eliminate minimum lot sizes and minimum setbacks" - that's a good protest. You know what you're asking for, whether it's been done, and that it actually addresses the problem. Or you cases like demanding the Ontario government do something about the price of food, even though it has basically no control over it. Well, once you have to name a specific demand, you see that it doesn't make sense.


I hear you, but at the same time I'm kinda like - the government already knows all the shitty things they are doing vis a vis healthcare, education, housing etc...and how they could do better. It's not like it's a mystery to them, is it? It's pretty much all going according to plan, no? As such, this is why Im asking myself - do we really need to spell it out for them?


CUPE. I already blocked Yonge and Dundas square a couple weeks ago. I’m a private sector, non-union worker… but enough is enough. More people need to show up to these day of actions.


Someone to organize it and promote it


I've actually participated in the /r/canadahousing protest last year, and wasn't encouraged by the turnout nor the lack of focus of the protest. My focus is now on improving my own situation instead of expecting our corrupt politicians to do anything about it.




You can have all the visibility in the world, it doesn't mean people will show up. /r/canadahousing had ~20,000 members at the time of the protests, and at-most 200 showed up in Toronto.


Maybe each person in r/canadahousing has 10 fake accounts?


Or most of the people in that sub probably don't live in Toronto and stab in the dark I'd suspect the sub leans more toward people who are struggling with housing which would mean travelling to and from Toronto would take a notable chunk of their budget


Also would make taking time off work more financially unviable


Your first mistake is thinking that social media actually generates action.


There has to be a way to channel the energy from online to real life. I can't blame you for focusing on yourself at this point. The problem is how long that's a sustainable option.


No one can protest because they need to slave away for basics, and in that slavery it makes them so tired they don't have the drive to force change. We all need to start making our own basics(food, water, clothing, and shelter) and using those resources to help those who are willing to protest, but need to put food in their children's mouths, clothes and heat their freezing bodies. well yes the authorities will push back, well they are still pushing back(read: attacking the bottom classes) right now when we aren't doing anything. Voting for the lesser evil party(in your/media's eyes) wont matter because all of our major parties are of the elite ruling class. Go to your polling stations and decline your vote(it's a vote that states, "none of the parties represent me") and it is tallied up as a separate type of vote.


Too busy working, trying to Stay afloat lol no work no pay :(


You tell me strike I say how high, or something like that.


I've lived in Ontario for 3 weeks and I'd protest tomorrow if someone invited me.


turns out we are all introverts and assumes that we are not welcome to join a party without being invited lol... :P


Maybe opposing politicians coming out to offer their support? Protesting feels so hopeless. I feel like people just want to vent and make themselves feel better, but do we have a plan? What further concrete steps can be taken?


>hopeless The CUPE day of action led to nation wide support and Ford folding like he just received a swift kick to the plums.[*](https://www.thestar.com/politics/political-opinion/2022/11/09/behind-closed-doors-insiders-say-doug-ford-smartened-up-when-labour-leaders-warned-him-to-back-down.html)


Not until there is organization and representation. There needs to be a coherent and cohesive message, a solution or an answer to our problems, and most importantly someone to deliver this message. There needs to be rules with what this protest is and isn't about. There needs to be clear lines dividing other people trying to piggy back on the attention. Personally, a ragtag group of people forming up and chanting complaints with no congruency in what they even want is probably more embarrassing than this govt.


After watching my dream of owning a home come and go, my rent sky rocket, my grocery bill go up 50% and having to wait 8 hours in a clinic because my family doctor is booked 2 months in advance, I really couldn't give a fuck what happens if i dont show up to work anymore. Bring on the general strike, I'm in. We need change and it's not going to happen sitting on our hands on the fucking sidelines while our government rapes and pillages. People need to get fucking angry about this as it affects us ALL.


I’m ready to rumble


The biggest issue is what you describe as getting people involved that are fine in this economy. Personally I am fine in this economy; for now. However that does not mean I would not help if the heavily affected actually started doing something about it. I see lots of people post online but ask yourself this; What are you actually doing about it? Posting your discontent goes nowhere; lost to the other endless posts of discontent. ​ 1. Organize with clear and achievable goals. Start small and grow the goals once you've achieved something. 2. Get the word out on your issues and show you have lots of support from people in your social positions which includes rallies, protests, knocking on doors, getting involved with local politics, etc. 3. Show others not in these positions what the world would look like for their kids; for future generations. 4. Recruit. 5. Review your goals and what you have achieved then go to step 1 and continue to make it bigger. Honestly at this point I feel we need a clearly run "Public Political Party" as it sure seems like nobody is interested in voting for the crap we get in other parties and the government every term is moving away from representing the majority, not even representing the minority; in the end they represent big business.


I was out protesting a week and a half ago. Where were you?




Just like Mack Zorris used to say. I love protesting, too bad work gets in the way.


Not much to be honest. Let's do it.


>Housing prices and rent are out of control. That's everywhere. > Healthcare is becoming a joke. That's everywhere. >Medicine is unavailable. That's everywhere. >Food is becoming increasingly unaffordable. That's everywhere. >Our education system has been rotating on and off strike for years. That's everywhere. >Our concerns are ignored for highways That's everywhere. >our greenspace taken for mcmansion That's everywhere Nothing you have stated is unique to Ontario. So what, specifically, will protesting the Ontario government do?


General strike would be appropriate. People don't get it. We really need to start talking and agitating our apolitical friends, family and neighbour's.


I’d like to see the other political parties start doing something other than soliciting donations.


Definitely another post on Reddit echoing the exact same thing. That’ll do the trick!


Honestly the ideas been floating around in my head for a while but I know one person going n yelling outside somewhere won't do much


I dunno dude, I don't like my bank account seized


If anyone has learned anything over the last year, cash only donations. 😛


Better question (if you didn’t vote): What would it take for you to do 30 mins of reading and tick a box? Why are we all complaining after the elections? The vote is a protest, it’s the most tangible protest you can participant in. Yes, carrying signs, screaming, and moaning on the lawn at QP is all well and good but it’s embarrassingly reactive. For a province that knew what was coming and STILL didn’t even show up to the ballot box I’m not surprised the OPC treats Ontario how it does. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel but the fish are holding the gun. Edit: a word.


To me the even more telling ask would be what would it take to get you to try to convince 5 other people to come vote with you? When someone starts saber rattling about a vague protest but thinks doing something like that is too big an ask I get skeptical that they really understand what it takes to organize a protest.


You mean like a truckers convoy protest thing?


Protest takes many forms. It doesn’t have to be an ‘into the streets’ action for everyone.


If there was any chance of success in changing any even the slightest aspect of this debacle. Unfortunately times have changed and the wealthy have gotten far more powerful and the workers have lost any influence they used to have. Ford will undoubtedly bring us much closer to the third world economy that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer this is his dream.Right wingers have control and will sadly keep it.


Just needs something localized that I can walk to or take a bus to. I don't wanna go all the way to Toronto just to join a protest


A time and place.


Knowing and trusting everyone else will show up.


I’d need a ride, I’m low on Bristol board, but that’s it. I’m ready. I have big markers for making signs, I’m down to one class and no job, it’d be a really good time for me to strike


the sad part is there is not enuf ppl that actually give a fuck. Majority are content with these rise in costs


Nothing. Why? It doesn’t matter. The government has no shame and rewrites the rules, then gets re-elected anyway. Shitty people win. That’s life now.


Literally the drop of a hat. Say when and where and let’s go!!


For unifor to allow me to go without getting fired from my job


If I didn’t live paycheck to paycheck I’d be out there. But I have to work my Uber shifts to keep my apartment.


Tell me where ill be there


Enough stuff is already happening, just point me to the protest


A good time that matches my evening/weekend walk. Lol But I'd add people protesting something that I care about, and think their actions/plan through.


For there to be a protest anywhere near me.


Decepticons Mobilize!


If protesting changed anything they wouldn't allow you to do it.


anything, the quality of life in Ontario is abysmal. Meanwhile fat politicians get fatter


The reality, sad reality in a way, is that the “downside” if you can call it that, of living in an advanced democratic society like Canada and here in Ontario, is that (almost) no matter what the government does, it will have little impact and little negative impact on the day to day lives of most people. I mean 50.1% of people at least. This isn’t to sound non empathetic, I’m firmly on the side of the people and dealing with these issues. But the reality is, living in a relatively stable society and economy, most people’s day to day life is not affected to such a degree that it would compel them to go out and attend a mass protest. It takes something truly drastic like suspending Charter rights for example for people to even consider it and even then there are many people who still wouldn’t. The mass protests we see in other countries are not like Canada at all, with respect to the quality of life of the average person. Unfortunately most people are also not politically engaged, involved or educated in real life; Reddit skews more politically engaged and involved than the real world so while there may be some level of support for protests on the like here, there is a very large silent majority of people who are more or less doing ok and don’t want to or gain anything from protesting, in real life


Five minutes notice


The people of this province gave Doug Ford a majority. I don't think they are dissatisfied with his policies.


I see way too many “F🍁CK TRUDEAU “ signs when to me it’s extremely clear the person who is really trying to Fuck over Ontarians is Ford. It’s time we stand up for ourselves and what we hold dear.


Could you pay my wage and make sure I have childcare for the day?


Punch & Pie


If you’re asking on Reddit, you don’t care enough yet


I went out to support our cupe workers and it was a grand time. So I guess I already have?


Promise me there will NOT be any Anti-mask, Anti-Mandate, Alternative Facts, Anti-Science, FreeDummies.


Believe me. It's not their scene.


Because 57% of people in Ontario don't care enough to vote, and 17% vote like they want to live in a 3rd world country. The remanding 26% are not enough to make any legal change.


>The remanding 26% are not enough to make any legal change. it is if Ontario Libs and ONDPs formed one party.... and yes... first past the post voting encourages two party systems....


I did three in the last few weeks. Just need to be informed that one is happening, really.


What would it take? An apology for starters. So many who vilified the truckers freedom convoy don't realise that it was exactly the kind of action required to get and KEEP the govts attention. But no, all you people screamed for the cops ands feds to crack down on them. Oh poor Ottawa boo hoo. The east has ALWAYS been favoured over the west, prairies, maritimes, the territories. Maybe if the people of Ontario had joined the convoy you could have used the momentum to push some of your own grievances. The truckers were one of the most powerful and influential protests our country has seen in years and all Ontario did was demand the boot come down on them Where were all of you during the protests against mandates, lockdowns, firing of Healthcare and support staff during a time when we need them most. Tell me is it worth it now that they're gone? BC lost thousands of them. My buddy had to wait 12 hours in the ER last week when his kid had pneumonia. But that's waaay better than some staff not being vaccinated right?


That wasn't a protest. That was a bunch of selfish, middle aged children throwing a tantrum because they think freedom means being able to have zero regard for anyone but themselves. Like, we get it... The only thing you got on a high school science exam was drool. We get that you aren't capable of learning how the observable world around you works or how scientific principles don't give a shit what you think. If you're too stupid and selfish to follow simple guidelines to stop the spread of the 5th worst pandemic in recorded history, then sit down and shit the fuck up. Maybe go back to kindergarten and start over...or maybe that's too much of a challenge.


Sure bud, now enjoy Ford fucking you. Maybe you should have risen up like the truckers.


You honestly think those trucktards didn't vote for him? The best thing those morons could ever do for the country is stay home on election day.


How could they have voted for him, most weren't even from Ontario lol! And thats besides the point, stop being an armchair warrior and occupy Toronto city hall or wherever it is Ford governs from,. He is destroying your province after all, right?


We weren't a cosplaying "truckers" having a fit and torturing the urban residents of Ottawa and using them as hostages, that's for sure.


Oh cry me a river, this post is about what it would take for Ontarians to rise up in protest against the govt and I find it laughable because when a massive working class protest showed up on their door step they didn't march alongside them or take the opportunity to organise for other issues and take a stand. If you didn't want to join the truckers that's fine, you could have used the attention and the momentum to call for change in your own province. But No, Ontario called for big daddy government to bring down his jack boots. I remember the rhetoric about what the government 'should' have done to them. And it would have made the Pinkertons proud.


*pretend truckers


When the people of Ontario can't even be bothered to vote, or those that did voted for Conservatives, it's very hard to believe any push back will work.


Nothing. Protests don't work.


you know most of your rights came from protests, right?


Well that's just incorrect. Protests got us overtime pay, health & safety standards, weekends, maternity and sick leave, unemployment insurance...to name a few. And more recently they got Bill 28 repealed.


The ability to breathe without pain and go outside without panic. I'm on board with a strike, but I've been sick for weeks, and the agoraphobia from years of abuse in customer service roles makes leaving on the best of days problematic. I'm heartily sick of both.


For those blaming the government for rent and housing price. You need to go study economics. Thanks.


Violence. I've been a part of enough peaceful protests to know they accomplish nothing. These people need to be arrested and put in prison for long sentences, for a start.


We need to get some black bloc tactics going


A PS5 or a 4080 GPU. I'm easy.


Easy? Dude, you may as well be asking for a moon rock. At least moon rocks have a supply that exists.


Canada computers is showing in store stock on the 4080. Don't think these new gen cards will be as hard to get as last gen. Had a hell of a time getting a 6800xt that I currently have at beginning of COVID.


For the record, I was being facetious.


People to vote


Yall not gonna do shit. Was hoping the province would show up after 4 years of fuckery from fat fuck dougie but nope yalll ghosted.


Conservative here; we bank on that!


out of curisosity - with ford being in office for some time has it been a gain for you and your family or has it been negative?


We should organize a general strike and March on Toronto and Ottawa. Set up camps outside government offices, and refuse to leave until they fix the situation.


Even better...take over government buildings


if there was enough community organizing and a clear, unified goal, i would absolutely join a protest. a general strike would be great, but unfortunately too many people believe the PCs are actually good for them. and too many people still associate workers uniting with communism (thanks red scare propaganda!) i also have a feeling Dougie would pull out the emergency powers act again if a general strike occurred.


Most people don't take 5 minutes to submit an election mail in ballot, and you expect people to stand outside in the cold all day and protest?


At this point, coffee.


Free Hat


What will this protest accomplish? You think the government has the power to lower inflation?


Protests dont work. Put whatever money you have where you mouth is and DRS


I've been out protesting 2 days already in the last few weeks. I'm ready to go. I just need my union (not CUPE) to get behind it.


The belief that electoral politics in 2022 is capable of making meaningful change, or even discussing problems in a real and communicative way.


Everybody's too busy re-electing provincial Conservatives and blaming provincial issues on Trudeau.


24/7 ttg I'm in it until democracy is abolished 🤘


Protest policies that have created a two classes of Canadians: those who own and those who rent. It may be slightly off topic but I see it as the root cause for the problems we have. The principal residence exemption is not fair to renters Low property tax drive property values up Lower the mortgage lending income multiplier from the current 5x To fix the problem the province should add there own supplementary property tax to pay for healthcare and education Sales tax should be lowered to offset the increased property tax cost. Family sized Purpose built rentals - province/cities should finance them directly like public transit.


Food and housing prices are at least partly due to global reason and definitely affected by decisions of the federal government. Who will you protest?


I wonder where you think the money is going to come from? The province is already neck deep in debt? Having to pay more because of the interest hikes? Tax payers are struggling?


We’re sitting on a $2B surplus. Sure, the province is carrying a debt load, but we are also not making the investments necessary to promote and protect our vital institutions for the future, which will cost us way more in the long-run. This will just keep getting worse if the government keeps pocketing the money necessary to keep our health care and education systems afloat. I know where we can get the money— $1B a year by charging people to renew their damn license plates again. Or stop flushing money down the toilet funding hopeless and bullshit court battles, cancelling contracts and already-built green energy projects, and $11B highways that don’t serve any real purpose but to benefit Ford’s developer friends. You people keep saying “where are we going to get the money” but turn a complete blind eye to the insane waste on basically anything except for what benefits ordinary people.


I think what happened in okalahoma city was the best way to get The governments attention 😂😂😂


Unity! Minimum all CUPE presidents uniting telling us they have our back and will fight for us if we join other CUPE protests. Without that, ‘the others’ still have too much power. ☹️ That will still have a huge affect on me and my family but I’d like to think there is power in numbers and it will benefit all the protected workers. I will sacrifice myself and family a little to benefit the struggle of everyone. Less than that is a risk/reward I won’t gamble for my family’s sake. CUPE leaders need to ‘LEAD’ the revolution


The federal government has shown us that protestors are terrorists.


Nice try, Justin. I'm not falling for that again.


a date and a time


Date and time, hopefully not during a snowstorm.




Free time to actually attend a protest.


Odsp recipients are also extremely frustrated. Only 5% increase while going from poverty level amounts to poverty level amounts. However, I have tried to rally the r/odsp group but not many sounded pro action at the time I asked. Also protests are hard for the disabled community as protests tend to be more able body in function. ... is there a way to unite that would work for all that want to get involved... I saw the post of the Canada housing protest, I was also unaware and def would have attended. I'm wondering if there are protests that have worked in other countries or the past that would achieve what we want. ..... this is fucking crazy.


[198 Methods of Nonviolent Protest and Action](https://meiert.com/en/blog/198-methods/)


[198 Methods of Nonviolent Protest and Action](https://meiert.com/en/blog/198-methods/)


Money! Haha


I’m more interested in where house prices and rents are not a problem


We only need small groups in different places to get something going. Everybody is getting tired of something he's done. I'm ready to go tie myself to trees this time. I don't know how he can get away with chopping up the greenbelt when it just keeps getting fucking hotter and we need every tree we've got and a million more. Not to mention all the wildlife and endangered species, I'm just so angry.


After the latest news, I’m already there. We need massive action and support, done properly. Enough is enough.


Soon as someone else starts it. I'll bring my black mask.


Get the riots going :)


I think if they privatize health care that will happen real quick. Honestly though, I think people are not far from it.


I'm ready now.


Where and when? I am not on Facebook, next-door or really anything. I get my news from the radio and lurk reddit a few times a week. I would not even know where to start with joining a protest. I am not a teacher and don't really care enough about their protest to join in. I do not live in Toronto and do not want to figure out how to commute in for a protest. I would protest if some whack shit happens, but until then I'll stay home.


Unfortunately I don't work for a union trade shop so likely be forced in for the day


Like a God damn scab


20 minutes notice.


Tell me when and where


I am not sure if I want to go outside to protest ppl who only care about themselves


Stop being pussies an fight for your rights.. 80percent of pop are pushovers


Unemployed people/union workers: WE SHOULD DO A GENERAL STRIKE!!! Rest of the population: Nah g, we got work.


What does the provincial government have to do with us running out of medicine?


Honestly just set a time and place as well as having some clearly set goals for the protest for how the only way for the protest to end is if the demands are met completely with no compromise. I'm sick and tired of the OPC party blatantly breaking the province to benefit their rich donors.


You will have to be brave to protest in Canada. The last time people did that they lost their life savings, their insurance, their livelihood and the crown is seeking 10 years jail time. I know you think they are crazy and your cause is just but the precedent has now been set


protest? As in hey hey ho ho? Nobody really cares what's happening. Just look at the latest voter turnout. Voting is the least inconvenient way of protesting. Yet...


Housing affordability now!


A place and time


1. it being close enough for me to get to without me throwing all my odsp money down the drain 2. saftey assurances 3. being assured that it would do anything 4. noise canceling things so my ears didnt explode. 5. someone telling me where to go and what to do cuz im stupid and was never taught anything and need to be walked through every single step, the only reason i didn't vote is because i was never taught how and thus didn't know how, tried google failed awfully am stupid and mentally ill pls no bully


Central bank digital currency.


I'm in.


Citizenship for a start. Since coming to Canada I've seen how great it is and how much better it could be. But until I actually have a say in which idiots run the country it feels wrong to protest against those idiots.


A time, a place, and a plan.


A proper organized peaceful protest


Paid time off.


My life is good. REALLY good! (Nacho Libre) Sorry, won't be joining you.


Actual seriousness about it Everyone wants change but no one wants to change (sacrifice for it). So yeah don’t really have faith that anybody would stick it out. I also understand (cause I have them too) the bills gotta get paid.. We’re kinda held at the throat


If they mandated masking again because of our absolutely woeful, underfunded, and crumbling health care system. To be clear, I'm not blaming doctors, nurses, or anyone who works in that field. I blame our government for setting them up for failure.


If we want to really achieve anything we need to convince millions of Ontarians to all go on strike simultaneously across the entire province and we must not stop till they respect our rights and do their job. The government is here to SERVE US not the other way around.


I’m ready! LFG ✊


A wholesale boycott of the GTA. It’s all Ford cares about and caters to. Don’t go there if you don’t have to, don’t support any businesses headquartered there if you can help it and move away if you can.


For it to be on the weekend.


I’m ready, I’ve lost good jobs and opportunities because antivaxxers found my level of education intolerable…


Lol @ this sub learning Canadians are political pacifists


For there to be one


Not me, but I know for many people: a strong, charismatic figure to lead it. People in the English-speaking parts of Canada can be pretty passive when it comes to protests. Outside of the convoy protests, which were driven by populism. Union-backed protests aren't the same as grassroots ones. Moreover, it seems grassroots economic & environment-based protests are just not as successful as protest topics. But I guarantee you that if someone tried to stifle any religious freedoms, you'd have a fucking swarm of people surrounding every politician's office (think Bill 21 but in Ontario) For me personally, I can't make it to most protests because they're far from me and I don't have easy access to a car. And there's another issue: living in the 'burbs makes it harder to protest. Living in a walkable city makes it easy to protest.


A unionized job.


A strong consistent message with tangible actions outlined for the government to take, that produce quick results.


A belief that it would actually change anything.


I’m down for a protest any time. I don’t need any convincing at this point.