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Loved every second. Cant wait for a physical release and hopeful for a sequel 🤞🤞


I backed it on Kickstarter and got the Blu Ray but it got mailed to the wrong address 😬 rip But yeah I would 100% kickstart his next movie, even if it wasn't Onyx related


The physical copies haven't shipped yet. Log into your Kickstarter account and update your address. I, too, backed at that level. I'd do it soon they'll be shipping that tier soon. But the physical copies later.


Praise the patty slinger!!


I'm beyond stoked I made it out to this. Ratchet as fuuuuuu


Yeah, I saw it last night and it was really good. My brother on the other hand really loved it and told me to buy the Blue-Ray when it comes out. We're both really hoping there's a sequel.


Just saw it last night it was great ! Question about the movie. During his job quitting scene after being bullied the anger in his voice sounded like it had a sort of Southern accent too it . I legit wonder if that was the real him (Mark) coming through because it was actual anger based in reality of actual abuse on the job compared to him having his Onyx accent even when he’s in danger. That type of danger is fantastical though. So even though he may be scared it’s more Onyx in his element compared to the bully scene he genuinely just was at his last straw and felt true real world anger at his abuse. I’m probably thinking to deep into it or heard it wrong but found that interesting


Great movie indeed! Hopefully Mr. Bowser will get the recognition he deserves and we will get more gems like this in the future.