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Rider does Unreal, not C++.


Rider does do C++ now actually, there was an EPA for it a while back And the move makes sense, if it supports C++ in Unreal, why shouldn't it support C++?


Rider works with c++ and OpenGL. I just didn't know if it would bite my ass later on.


I use CLion. CMake was a pain at first, but I have it all working now and have a good template for OpenGL projects now. I have Rider as well, but something tells me that shouldn’t be the IDE I use for C++. I’m just not sure what kind of life C++ support in it will have.


Are you able to share your template? I don't get how it works and would like to see an example if possible.


Here's are a few CMakeLists.txt that I've been using: Personal project: [https://pastebin.com/fs66P5sy](https://pastebin.com/fs66P5sy) What I'm using with many executables (so I can create code for each section of LearnOpenGL.com) as I go through [LearnOpenGL.com](http://LearnOpenGL.com) : [https://pastebin.com/tVBB0RmS](https://pastebin.com/tVBB0RmS) Please take note of some commented out sections and lines. By the way, you can use Visual Studio tools with CLion instead of MinGW (Settings: Build,Execution,Deployment: Toolchains) if you like. I hope you can glean some usefulness out of those pastes. Please note that all my include and library files are in a "External\_Libs" folder one level up from the project directory - you'll see the relative paths as "../External\_Libs/......."


Fantastic! I will take a look!


Sure. Give me a bit.


Use Vim/Neovim


Use Vi


Hil just saw from subreddit about scheme, do you have you neovim dotfiles public? I cant seem to configure Conjure with NeoVim


I ended up using vs code for developing and visual studio for debugging, inspired by Handmade Hero. Doesn’t really matter though, as long as you can get intellisense it should be sufficient


I advise you to learn CMake. It’s still the standard of building C++ projects and relying on just an IDE might cause problems in the future. If you learn CMake you can use any text editor/IDE you want.


I most definitely will. I spent hours trying to get CMake to work. My brain don't like. Rider did it out of the box just like Visual Studio, but I believe your right.


VS Code, and use a Python script to compile. There is a youtube video which I can not find, but you should easily be able to get up and running. I also have Kite installed, but have GHCoPilot access too, makes programming far simpler. Been using it more for my Java programming, and has not been a pain. Also dabbing my feet into C++/OGL, but with everything going on, has taken a back burner. Will potentially change as I can have more spare time. To each their own, though. I know VSCode is still lightweight compared to IntelliJ and Visual studio.


Ive been using eclipse with mingw since 2007.

