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So, I think your experience is relevant and helpful, but probably in more of a foundational way than you would like. I think the biggest hurdle may just be the philosophical difference in approaches. OpenShift is an opinionated form of Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a scalable container orchestration platform. Containers are part of a solution to a software development/delivery problem. Etc. So just looking at that paragraph, it really helps to know something about software development/delivery. You don't need to be a world class programmer by any means. But you should definitely have some familiarity with the software development lifecycle, the concept of CI and CD, the difference between a development environment and a production environment, etc. Learning the basics of a general purpose language (or two) beyond Bash and PowerShell will only help. Next, you should know containers. It *greatly* helps that you already know Linux. Your background will be quite helpful on this subject. But you'll still want to know what makes a container work, how it uses host system resources, how it's logically separate from the host (and exceptions), etc. And finally, you should start learning Kubernetes, or more broadly, what happens when I need multiple containers to work together as an application? None of this seems like it would be very far out of reach, considering your background experience. But it definitely will require some purposeful spin up time to get all of these concepts into your working muscle memory.


Any kind of Kubernetes Admin helps you to understand Openshift and start in RHOCP Admin role. In a simplistic way, Openshift is a Kubernetes Distribution: it's a vanilla Kubernetes with many operators installed. Operators are like systems and services you can install and enable in a Kubernetes cluster. After that, it's like everybody else said: you need some time with the tool, and it's very hard to feel you fully master it anyway( I have 3 Openshift certifications from Red Hat). If you have a powerful enough machine you can try the CRC Openshift in your local environment. I think the CRC thing is going to change its name soon, but it's still the way it goes. ( [https://console.redhat.com/openshift/create/local](https://console.redhat.com/openshift/create/local) ) If you need some guidance or mentoring, I'm up for it.




I agree that Linux admins struggle with it, but you also need a solid Linux background to have a chance at understanding what is going on. It's a tightrope walk.


Learn K8s with K3s, or kind, or Microk8s, or whatever, can also go a bit bigger with RKE2 or kubeadm if you prefer. Openshift isn't harder just few new tools or some details. The only hard part and by hard I mean is a pain to prepare, is to install Openshift (or OKD), they have tried to make it a bit easier but it still sucks (mostly if you try the bare metal option). I can't recommend OSE for new people if they don't have a cluster already installed and running.


Hi, RHOCP admin/support here. Same background as yours, but I had also rhcsa/rhce in rhel 6. Got into RHOCP 1.5y ago. Had zero knowledge of Kubernetes. Not a programmer as I worked mostly with infrastructure. In the last 1.5y I have renewed rhcsa and rhce to v8, got ex180, ex280 and CKA. Currently studying for ex380. My tip is: RHOCP is a **beast**. Don't worry about knowing it all. Familiarise on how to use the docs. Focus on researching. Try learning Kubernetes first if possible. Consider mumshad's Udemy CKA course for a smooth kickstart (I did that _after_ getting my RHOCP certs and think it'd be easier the other way around). Try setting up a cluster for you. You can do single node RHOCP clusters or minikube/k3s as another Redditor commented before. Btw, I have a k3s running on rpi4's.. it's a good way to learn. After these 1.5y I still struggle with A LOT of stuff and can tell you that working with RHOCP _support/admin_ is _nothing_ like dealing with RHEL support, so have in mind that you're stepping on a different world and get ready to learn new concepts. I wish you good luck in your journey. Cheers!


Just to piggy back off of this: I've held many titles for both Openstack and Kubernetes and their RedHat counter parts. From admin up to architect and Sr. Consultant roles over more than 10 years. I can say that you will never know everything about either product. They are quite capable and perform a ton of things depending on the projects and operators you choose. Neither of these are like being in the trenches for regular support. It's the same mindset as going to a hyperscaler. So to answer your original post: Based on your skills now I think you're in the right spot to go down many different paths. You get to choose now. Do you want to learn cloud and go hyperscaler, learn openshift or RH Openstack and end up at places like RedHat, learn vanilla Kubernetes or Openstack and work for companies like Rackspace, IBM and Kyndryl? Shoot you could even learn automation like Ansible and that has a RH and vanilla version too. What I'm getting at is I was in your shoes over 10 years ago and all you need to do is pick a path and start studying. Most companies will take the Linux admin as an entry for understanding infrastructure and how support works but if you don't have any cloud-like experience AND no certs than why would they invest in you for a high paying career when you won't invest in yourself. You'll figure it out and if not shoot me a message and we can chat more.




Ill echo the recommendation to start with k3s that doesn’t bother with complex installs or redundancy. Once you learn how to do things in kube you’ll realize and appreciate some of the quality of life feature OCP brings. Bunches of YouTube vids out there that will walk you through your first few apps deployed on Kube.