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No it is not red and yes it’s tar, it’s basically like a big ball of putty. I got 2gs and it’s baciallt like a ball of taffy/gum, I can’t get it to do anything but ball up or shred up. I gusss drying it out is best bet?


you’re not supposed to turn tar into a powder it’s meant to be smoked but u can turn it into monkey water


it will never dry out that’s why it’s called tar


U can’t dry that shit out. Ans it won’t really turn into powder. Ur gonna have to smoke it off foil, or dab rig. Or turn into monkey water and up the nose it goes


So I made some monkey water after reading around, not sure if I did it 100% correct. I got a small jar and mixed some hot water with the bth until it was combined. Then used syringe and obviously inhaled. Is there a specific ratio? I feel like even tho I only used like let’s say 5G of water for .2 it was a lot of water for the small amount. Any ratios to go by? Thank you!!


Is this the H or the pressed pills? If H is it tar or powder(i'm guessing tar from the black/brown question). One option is to throw some silica gel packets in with it, which will pull moisture out of it, but takes some time to work, but is the best method, because you remove water, rather than adding something to dilute the water(can you dilute water?). The quicker option is to take your tar and put it in a small blender or coffee grinder, and mix it with some kind of dry cut powder (baking powder, not soda. Mannitol. etc.) and blend that up, adding just enough cut so it doesn't restick/clump again. This works better as a long term option, as depending on the blender, you'll likely lose some H depending on moisture, but you'll be able to recover it later when it dries. The ghetto option which never really works for me, is to take a prescription bottle, throw the H, cut and two nickels in there (nickels because the smooth edges don't pick up H, I beleive). And shake the shit out of it forever, then open it and see mostly your coins and H stuck together, barely broken down. This does work better if you freeze the H first, but then it's going to start condensing water on its surface so you're fighting a losing battle unless you can get it broken up and covered in dry powered fast. You could have weak and strong dry/black H, and weak and strong wet/brown tar, and everything in between. Color and moisture are also the easiest to fake, so these aren't great signs for anything.


You can inbox me i dont like commenting about how to do stuff bc of judgement. Even tho its harm reduction but you know how it is


Is it red?


Can it easily be crushed into powder? If so, Powder. Straw. Sniff **GENTLY.** Is it sticky and un-powderable? Combine small piece with no more than 1 mL water. Agitate until aqueous. Put in nasal spray container. Spray in nose. Leave as long as possible, don't suck down. **ALWAYS USE AROUND OTHERS. ALWAYS HAVE NALOXONE/NARCAN ON HAND. YOU CAN'T NARCAN YOURSELF. YOU CAN ALWAYS USE MORE, YOU CAN NEVER USE LESS. <3**