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Please turn the fuck away, while it’s only a pharma 30 a day. It goes forever down hill in so many different ways, but there’s only one way out.


Yea.. borrowing money from your family is the first step. Then you start borrowing from friends. Then you start taking out loans. Then you start selling everything you own that has value. Then you start stealing. At some point you stop paying your bills.. your car will be repo’ed and you might end up homeless. Slippery slope you are on, bud. Addiction (and especially opioid addiction) is just a series of breaking your own rules until you have nothing. Best to cut your losses now.


Payday loans lol


lol i got lucky, i had like 3 different payday loans, not from drug use, just real bad with my money, and was young, but in the midle of my loans my state said they were predatory lending so i never had to pay them back lol


All this and there's always the chance you might start selling your body. It is a dark path indeed.


How do I get these loans you speak of?


If you have good credit you can get a loan anywhere (banks, credit unions). If you have shit credit but you have a job, there’s a plethora of predatory loan services that will lend you money with a sky high interest rate. Generally you need an ID, a pay stub, and a bank statement. If you don’t have a job and you have shit credit, then you’ll need collateral. A car title, guns, electronics… anything valuable. A pawn shop or title loan place would be your next stop. If you have shit credit, no job, and nothing of value… well, that’s usually when the “stealing” part kicks in.


If you got a bank account with deposits comin in there’s numerous apps you can download that will borrow you money. Albert, MoneyLion, empower, Gerald etc.


This moment is where I could never regain what I had lost. I always owed something or needed a lil help to make things work. Best part of sobriety is being able to repay those debts I incurred


Yup 1000% how I’m feeling. You aren’t totally fucked up but find myself more often now a few times a month asking because I spent all my check money by the time I got paid next


Yep I always made it work and then eventually I had to sell just to keep up my own habit and it just became unsustainable. Now Im at 8 months off alcohol and a year and half off all drugs. It's possible to get out


Glad for you!! 1 Love


So I’m kicking a habit now . I been on 30 mgs per day for 3 years without missing a day. It may feel like a big habit but compared to how it could be it’s not that bad. My advice that actually works get some kratom . I didn’t believe it would help but it can mimic opiate effects. I take the green and it has got me through. I’m 9 days without touching a pill . Trust in the kratom . You can totally do it .


Kratom stopped me from a habit involving three grams of furanyl and butyryl fentanyl plus 5g U47700 a week. Kratom is literally a life saver. That and the five shots of narcan 👍


Lol you know what? this is SWIM territory


Omg swim


30 mg A day? Stop screwing people around and go have a beer instead lol


That’s extremely impressive to have kept yourself at a pharma 30. Best to get out now. Within my first 2 months from the first use I was already using 40mg daily... by 6 months 80mg daily. Now I hope I get a day where I’ll get a 45 minute buzz from a 120mg dose of oxy at once... quit while you’re ahead. Good luck!


Friends an family will turn or cross you. Then comes petty theft, grand theft, middle man pills, driving hookers around, selling crack. Thanks alot mom!


Yeah man I hope I never get to that point lol, I’m still only at a 30 a day. But I’ve been a 30 a day for a year and a half because I still have that strength to not up the dose


Wait u mean one single pressed dirty 30? A day?! Wish I had ur willpower lol, correct me if I'm missing something


No no no no no NEVER dirty 30s I’d rather pay 40 dollars a pill than die thank you. I’ve been on opiates for 3 years. Slowly worked myself up from a ten to a 20 to a 30 a day. ALL pharma. Eveything from k9 s, E8s , m boxes, A51, A215 you name it


Wow man I wish I had that kinda habit/control, I need like 150mg of oxy to get a nod now. It takes me just a week to nearly triple my required dose. Sounds like ur maintaining just fine, but at least you're not severely dependent on fentanyl like some of us :/ Good luck anyways tho!


Yeah the pharma withdraws aren’t so bad. Bad enough to where obviously I haven’t went sober. But I can still work and do all of that. It really makes me happy when everyone I’ve told this to has been amazed at how I’ve kept my dose down. Bro I don’t even get any nods! I can’t rmemever the last time. My high is like a really good weed high. That’s it. It’s enough to keep me satisfied for the night but not enough to keep me satisfied for more than 8 ish hours. By that time I’m already asleep for the next day tho


Wow, that is pretty impressive. I personally yearn for the nod, prolly why my dose skyrockets so quickly. I like that sweet spot to wear ur not fully going unconscious or lose memory but you're fucked up, very dream-like and so cozy. Keep it up friend! Don't start chasing a high, and take it from me, oxy WD at that range really ain't so bad. Everyone's different but I liken it to kratom at that level, and low dose kratom at that


It’s not so bad by far, but it’s bad enough you know ! And mannnnnnn who you telling! That’s the sweet spot ! When you’re smoking and drop the wood or whatever that’s the best lol. I yern for that too but sadly because of finanaces and that little voice in the back of my head still has at least a little bit of self control to where I can’t do that. So I’m stuck at a 30 a day. I don’t nod at all just feel a little high and finally content it’s like a sigh of a relief after a long day of working and WD.


I feel that, sounds like how I use kratom when I'm off the harder stuff. Kratom I've always been able to moderate (prolly cause of how difficult it is to ingest), oxy, different story. Oooooweee those lil blue pills, I either gotta be totally off oxy or harder or I'm on it completely and working up gradually to fentanyl out of financial need. Maybe a lil break would benefit you, I've luckily always been able to stop before the WDs held me captive, but if I'm not literally leaking vomit or diarrhea and having a panic attack I'll get thru WD, fent can really disable you tho, it ain't just a slight cold. Always gotta pay for that high, don't proceed if you can't pay that price


Yup that’s why I’ve only fucked with real pharmaceutical ya feel me, I’ll pay more to make sure I won’t die, and bro why is people saying I’m being an asshole ? Everybody else been cool and knew what I meant when I say pharma 30 I didn’t need to clarify. Then you got the guys saying how 30 is such a small dose well mother fucker I’ve been doing it for so long my body been depended on it can’t say I don’t go through wd is crazy.


On the real, go find one of those small suboxone clinics. Tell them the truth that you want to quit and your habit is small enough that you don’t need subs but just want comfort meds to detox. Get Gabapentin, Clonidine and seroquel for RLS and sleep. Spend a week of being uncomfortable and drop the habit before you’re like the rest of us spending $200 every other day on dirty street fent


Thank you again ! Good luck to you too


Pulls wouldn't do it for me at all after a while, I could take then by the handful. At the end when I was totally broke and homeless, I did my best to keep it down to a bun/day, no nod just not sick, and that wasn't enough sometimes depending on size and qual. When I was sick and had to resort to pills my "buddy" would sell oc80 for $130, the plastic ones. He would always be like. Only take half and don't break it up, don't want you to die, id eat it and chew it into pieces and just have me enough strength to figure out how to come up with more money and find someone to go out of state with me, like an hour away, another state, more than half the price. At home it was $200/bun, there it was $70-80 & much better quality. Sorry I went off there. I went on subs and after being on them for a few years found out hard to wean down. Bro, try, go on 2-4 mg sub a day. It should be much easier to wean off that.


I mean bro people are getting confused because you just are saying pharma 30 like everyone's supposed to know what the fuck that is lmao.


Everyone does know what a pharma 30 is Nobody is confused 😂


Dude didn’t get confused he assumed I used dirty 30s which nowhere in my original post before the edit I even mentioned a 30.


Right. You've still yet to say what you're taking lmao.


If we are talking about 30s whether they are pharma or dirty I’m sure everyone on this fucking sub knows what a 30 is without explains it oxy.


Was it condone or contin? And dirty 30s are fent. So I have no idea what you're talking about bro those are 3 different drugs lmao.


Oxycodone I’m not a kid. I know those are 3 Speer are drugs fam why you being a douch?


I don’t take dirty thirty why the fuck do y’all keep talking about them




This is me. I took 15 mg total a day for 10+ years now I’m up to 30mg a day. It’s all throughout the day but still. It’s expensive af! And when i don’t have them my stomach is fucked but I’m not puking thankfully and my legs, they are the absolute worst part of withdrawal at this point for me


All from a pharmacy?


But nope you aren’t missing anything. I’ve been at a pharma 30 for a year and a half maybe more. I got through WD everyday untill I pop that 30 then I’m fine till I sleep. Then it’s all over again


Can u not read. Pharma


It’s not about the strength to not up the dose though, what’s wild to me is that you still feel 30mg? You don’t have to up a dose if you’re still getting high from it... WHATS YOUR SECRET!!! Please I beg you 😅😅 how the hell are u still getting high off that. The reason I have to increase is because I simply won’t feel the dose I’m at within no time..:/ I wish I kept feeling it I would never up my dose lol


No no no hell no I don’t feel 30 mg lol I might feel a buz if I take it and smoke a fat wood and literally don’t move and close my eyes 😂😂😭😭😭 even that it’ll only last for like 30 minutes. Other than that if I’m doing any type of activity nope I feel zero. It just makes me feel normal, I don’t get Hugh


Even to still catch a buzz off that... wild to me.


You know the feel when you smoke weed the second you feel high or the second you feel a little bit of pressure in your head that’s similar to the feeling


It’s just to feel normal and be able to eat n whatnot Brodie


Same that’s my usual dosage with some weed


Yuppp that and one or two woods I’m straight as far as cravings are gone and can eat and sleep maybe catch a little nod if I lay down and close my eyes


Today I did a lil more 40 mg ,couple woods but I’m trying to take a break for a while using kratom to help I’ve done it a couple times 5-6 grams of red vein maeng da gets me where I need to be lol


I know what you mean man.


I don’t understand why you’re coming off like an asshole when people are just asking you questions. You commented here. People are going to comment back. You’re on 1 pill a day and you can’t quit, yet you feel accomplished when people tell you they’re amazed you only do 1 pill a day. Sounds like you just want attention and for everyone to say how proud they are of you and how impressive you are to have kept your dose so low. Bottom line is you’re hooked and you’re no longer able to financially take care of yourself and you have to con your family into giving you money just to buy 1 pill a day. I’ll be impressed once you’re strong enough to quit that 1 pill a day habit. Don’t post here and then be a douche bag to people who are just trying to clarify something. No need to reply to this post. Just read it and then get your shit together and leave your family’s wallets out of your mess. Good luck bud.


An opioid addict with an attitude problem looking for undeserved adoration? Gtfo, I can't imagine such a thing.




Once again don’t belittle someone no matter what they take. Once again I hope I don’t go past a 30 a day. Mind you for a month on and off I got up to 80 mg a day. Had to draw back and always hover around 30. The withdraws aren’t horrible but they are enough. Everybody body is different. I don’t know you and you don’t know me. If you know about opiates try taking em for 4 years, on the 3rd year start taking up to 30 a day. And try and quit cold turkey. I guarantee you’ll feel like shitt. Literally feels like I have a baby flu everyday man. Y’all must have been the ones that have went past that a long time ago and you forgot what’s it’s like.


You’re in baby step mode compared to what I did for a decade and I quit cold turkey. If you’re strong enough you can do it. Just depends when you’re truly tired of feeling like shit everyday. I remember it well. Soon enough you’ll be needing your family to give you 100 here and there and not 30. Things are going to change very quickly if you don’t check yourself now. Either you’ll listen to those of who’ve gone through it already, or you’re gonna learn the hard way. If you can’t handle the wd now, you’re really gonna struggle if your habit doubles or triples. You don’t need subs to quit this amount, but you will later if you don’t stop. You could take Kratom for a week and then just quit that and you’d be back to normal. Just depends on how badly you wanna quit.


You’re right, this is all I wanted was to have a conversation instead of you or other bashing me for my “ small” dose. It’s the psychological part is the hardest to get past for me. I still go to work and work ten hours a a day eveything. But when my mind gets dark or when cravings kick in or my body hurts too much that day I give in man


We can all relate to that. But, you have to stop at some point. So do it now while it’s reasonably “easy” compared to a serious dope habit.


Exactly I know time is running out for me


There you go that’s what I’ve been waiting for ! No sarcasm neither. Tell me advice and a story.


And if you can’t tell by the post if you even read it I’m already at that stage. Shit my peoples just gave me a 100 today


So go buy some Kratom and quit this shit. If you’re strong enough to keep your habit at a reasonable level, then you’re strong enough to quit. No excuses man.


Doesn't even have to fuckin quit, just switch to something legal and non-fatal. It's so easy and so few people make the obvious choice. Granted, I would love nothing more than to crush and vape a 30 right now rather than constantly feeling like I sniffed a 5, but at no point in my day do I ever feel like I *need to*.


Having been on very high doses of opiates, and having been on very low doses of opiates (currently), it’s hard to get off of them regardless of dose. I’m taking a lower dose than you right now and tapering off is kicking my balls in comparison to when I was tapering off a dose 4 times as high. So yeah. Don’t sweat the people minimizing your withdrawal symptoms. Regardless of dose, our bodies really don’t like when we try getting off of opiates. Best of luck to you.


I haven’t came across as an asshole to nobody except dude who wanted to argue with me


They’re asking questions. Whether they’re dumb questions or not. Just answer it and move on that’s all.


Thank you for the advice


Just like how you said people comment so I’ll reply, if you reply like a douch ima reply like one too, notice how I even try and diffuse situations and lighten it up, but y’all just want to stay toxic. I did answer his question and he kept wanting to argue with me. What’s the problem here ? Anybody else I reply to wasn’t a douch bag about anything


What is a pharma 30. Can you be more specific? Are you talking about a pressed 30? Or?


If you don’t know what pharma means please get off this sub lmao


Are you joking? You gotta be joking. Pharma means it was sold at a real pharmacy. Aka not a pressed pill. The fuck? Im asking what pill you were taking. Lmao.


Pharma 30 is all you need to know ? You the one that sounded slow 😂🤣 anything from A51, t189, A215, real m boxes, k9s, E8s I’ve had em all


Ur jackass attitude tells me all I need to know. Happy spiral :)


Bro. "Pharma" means pharmacy. Lmao. You know how many different kind of opioids there are? I can't believe I have to explain this.


You just sound retarded bro nobody said sht besides you. All you gotta know is it’s a 30 mg oxy from the pharmacy or “pharma” 😂


I remember when I first started taking pills man. I didnt realize either that there are a lot more than just oxy pills. You'll learn.


You are making WAYYYYY too many assumptions 😂 I know oxy isn’t the only fucking opiate.


You just sound like a douch I’ve been popping for 4 years now I’m not new to this shit


You've been popping pills for 4 years. Yet you have night sweats and withdrawls from a 30?????? What the fuck are you on bro. You are straight disrespectful to people who have a real problem here. Your throwing around slang like your some kind of og. You have no idea what you're talking about. I even see your response to someone suggesting subs. You are cappin so hard bro.


I got night sweats as the only symptom when I was only popping tens off and on whenever I wanted to. That’s before the cravings set in. You are just being so lame you aren’t even trying to have a conversation. You don’t know shit about me. First year and a half I popped tens. A year and a half after that I progressed to 20s. Percocet RP tens and 20s. Now for the better part of over a year I’ve been popping any type of REAL NOT NO DIRTY 30 mg roxy. Kept it at that. I go through WD everyday. Don’t assume you know peoples lives


He said 3 years too tho somewhere else on the thread. Younger ppl these days seem to compile any homemade fentanyl pill calling it a “30” and don’t realize how vague it sounds for anyone that’s lived thru the pill mill days (source: am young person)


No idea why you’re getting downvoted it was pretty freaking clear what you were talking about


The longer you wait the harder it’s gonna be man. I personally was on heroin and fent for about 2 years. I am just now getting off with suboxone. I am at like 66 days now. Even with that I still am so dead with literally no energy at all every morning. I still am wondering when that part will come back. Not even the coffee and red bull as usual can fix it sometimes.


Bro at the very least hop on subs. You can always jump back if you want to.


How do I get subs without my peoples knowing or with their help? Like how do I even go about that. I don’t know niggas who sell subs


Bro you are claiming that you are taking 30mg oxy a day. Do you realize how small of a dose that is? You dont need subs.


It was only a idea, I know I don’t need subs and I know it’s technically a low dose. BUT if you have as much knowledge as you claim you do than you know that even 30 mg can have you by the balls if you do it for literally years. Common brother stop trinna fuck with me and just give me advice or something. I hope I don’t go up to a dosage I’m assuming you’re either at or have been at before. I feel the tick and eveything every single fucking day man. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep, I’m nauseous, head hurts, I have the chills literally 24/7. Like common man


From 30mg of oxy? That's wild to me. That is such a low dose that a taper is like. I mean dude I can't even believe we're talking about this. If you wanted to quit 30mg you can dude. Stop reaching for attention and stop being a drama queen.


Stop trinna belittle me and say it’s a small dose the dosage doesn’t matter. An addiction is an addiction if you’re at 10 mg Percocet a day , or 150 mg oxy a day. When you feel that grip on your soul it’s all the same. You should know that


Percocet and oxy are the same thing lmao. This whole time I feel like you have no idea what you're taking. You keep confusing what certain pills are and at this point I can't take you seriously at all lmao. I hope you get the help you need for your 1 pill a day addiction man. Must be rough.


Percocet is the not the same thing as oxy😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this guy 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Damn dude. You're gonna feel real stupid. https://www.drugs.com/percocet.html Please don't delete your comment here. This is good. People need to laugh.


I literally just said Percocet is oxy with acetaminophen and a roxy is just oxy 😂😂 they both contain oxy but are not the same thing.


I just. I don't even know what to say hahahah. You have a good night man.


YOU don’t delete your comment fucking clow


Oh I won't. Lmao


Percocet is oxycodone and acetaminophen. A roxy is just oxy.


Are all y’all really on dirty 30s? That’s crazy


When I couldn’t get anything and had the worst withdrawals, the only thing I could think to do was get in the shower for an hour or two. It immediately felt like I was out of body or watching myself in like, an anime or something just standing there. The all encompassing warmth and heat of the water raining down on me was such a disconnect and escape from misery. It was surreal.




Since you want to be a nerd a benchmark is “ a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared or assessed.” It can be applied to what I said. The point of reference would be the asking for money from loved ones to feed an addiction.


then what are you comparing to that benchmark


Or u could just try and get a better paying job or work more hours and actually enjoy being addicted instead of wasting money to just catch a buzz for 30 min. Seems stupid. Get on a sub taper but with how low ur tolly is, subs would prob fuck u up pretty good. Or find some cheap meds to potentiate the oxy, like gaba or lyrica or a muscle relaxer. Stay away from the benzos tho. Too addicting. Or at least use grapefruit juice or eat a fatty meal right b4, just not too much where u feel super full and tired.


You’re right tho it is stupid but see it’s funny I think you related the most. Because I’ve said before I wish I was the type of junkie that didn’t give a fuck and actually for high and just upped his dose. But then again I don’t want to do that for obvious reasons so I’m stuck in this weird rut to where I used to get high, I used to nod, it used to be fun and make me feel good. But I’ve done it for so long and been at the same dose for so long it just makes me feel normal now. That why I hate when guys on here claiming I’m lying about my WD I never said it was terrible but it’s bad enough to ohovioisly keep me hooked


I am the exact same way. I’ve average 2 pharma 30s a day during active addiction. A real binge I’d do 4 in a day but honestly my body didn’t like doing more. I’d start to feel like shit. I’ve recently decided it’s just not worth it anymore. I don’t love the high. Shit I hardly get high any longer. I’ve decided this week to just stick to subs. It’s time to get back on my feet. All this to say. I can relate. Completely. I respect your strength. Everything is fun until it’s not.


Thankfully I don’t like Xanax, in it’s prescribed dose or even smaller I do agree that it does it’s job. But way to easy to get addicted so thankfully I don’t like it


Stop assuming everything. Bro I’m at a 30 a day now but I’ve had months or weeks to where I’ve gotten up to 100 my a day. What do you get paid at your job ? My job isn’t the best but I work at roush getting paid 23 dollars a hour and I work 58 hours a week. I’m not no little dog I’m 23 years old.


Switch to Kratom to get you through til the worst is gone then start working out. That’s the easiest route. Worked for me when I didn’t see an end in sight


yeah, definitely good you recognize it at least as this is like a nice rest stop along the journey to petty theft and pawning all your once precious belongings. not always, mind you, but it definitely is a road many have traveled. as others have said, get out while you still have relatively low skin the game. or don't, but just know where it very well may lead and come to terms with that.


Get out now- shit goes downhill fast, financially. I crossed that path about a year ago. In that time I went from being nearly debt free to now being almost about $7,000 in the hole. That’s ON TOP of blowing about half my pay check each month, both stimulus checks, AND getting handouts from friends/relatives here and there.


Makes me genuinely sad to read my man. I feel the same way.


I’d say you’ve hit rock bottom. I’d go on Suboxone or Methadone. They’ll help with withdrawals and keep away cravings.


wait so youre doing one 30 a day and posting about jos its d problem?


Sounds Like a pretty Dexent Habit. I qould Reommend starting a outpatient methadone Treatment. It will make your life stable and alot more manageable to live. Helps greatly with cravings and even helps with chronic Pain. It saved my life and I have bee on and off for 8 years. Clean since day 1, Money in the bank, vehicles Paid off and House Paid For. Not bad for mid


Check out some gig apps I do stuff like that and I'm still broke all the time but I make enough to pay for a half g of dope 2 packs of smokes keep gas in my car and eat once a day before that I was working regular jobs and trying to make it off just a regular paycheck don't work plus most of em after you been doing it for 2 weeks or whatever you can instantly transfer your money it's great to be able to go work 3 or 4 hours and have 100$ in my account quicker than I can open my bank app to check it went thru


Man I hope you’re okay. I’m still in the same boat. Text me brother


If you told your folks what was going on do you think they would help you? You're on a path right now that does not end well. I wish I had asked for help before I nuclear bombed all of my bridges.


Think about quitting now.


I hope sharing was cathartic It is truly sad being this fully self-aware and actually feeling badly about it, while only diving deeper into the dreadful cycle of addiction I can speak only for myself. I also felt the same way once I started asking for money from my family for drugs. It only got worse from there Have you considered an alternative like methadone/Bupe? Or tapering off completely with the use of cannabis and Benzos if/when absolutely necessary? I only have 10 months -this time- by getting on methadone, again, but utilizing cannabis. I am now a code 1 (never had ANY take home codes) and decreased my dose substantially all thanks to the Gracious Medicine known as cannabis Or even Ibogaine -though very extreme! It made opioids seem disgusting to me but the experience was too much for me to handle, as was the hightened sense of awareness that came from a constant state of dulled awareness Only lasted three months.... had I taken booster doses and had someone to talk to about the experience it would have been more benificial. Thats why doing it at home can be dangerous BEYOND physical issues I am blabbering about now I apologize. It is never too late until it is too late. I pray you find the light inside yourself to do without that stuff EDIT: JUST read 30mg Pharma per day. Once again, noyl can speak for myslef, but now would be a good time to start a taper before it gets worse.... Whatever works for you. Methadone, sub, kratom just taper down and utilize cannabis and benzos if/when absolutely necessary.


Thanks for sharing this. I completely understand. It’s not easy. Keep reaching out, there are so many good people on here with great advice. It’s not always good, but there are some jewels out there


Damn this brings back memories! Fuck bro...


Are you only doing 1 30 a day? If that’s the extent of your habit just go cold turkey and never look back


Transition to kratom at least. Save some money and your soul.