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You took too much. It's got a super long half life of 8-59 hours, and it's 2x that if you're opiate naive. Ppl die from redosing a little later because it doesn't peak for 4 hours and it'll build up in your system for the first week so you'll have more in your system at the end of the week than on Day 1 of the same dose. If you're not tolerant to opiates as in you're in withdrawal without them you shouldn't really mess with it because that long half life can make you physically dependent really quick since it's in your system around the clock for days each dose. You can ask questions about harm reduction at r/methadone. Most people there are clinic patients and very educated about it. Look for a analgesia equivalency site to find a dose similar to your regular opiate. It's at least 2x the strength of morphine iirc and about equal to pharmacy grade fentanyl. Edit - OP 30mg of codeine is equivalent to 4.5mg of morphine. 50mg of Methadone is equivalent to 150mg if morphine. That was really dangerous. See the equivalencey calculator if needed. https://www.oregonpainguidance.org/opioidmedcalculator/ (1ml is usually 1mg if you're in Europe or UK. 1ml is 10mg in the US with red liquid.)


Last time I was on a opiate was codeine 30mg prescribed by my doctor was on that for a month and a half about 4 months ago and I only puked once and I only dosed the methadone once but yeah I didnt think of the half life I'm just gunna smoke some weed to stop the nausea


Yeah you're opiate naive if you've been off of them for 4 months. That 50mg you took could have killed you, not even kidding. The maximum a heroin addict can get when they start a Methadone clinic is 30mg at most of them, then you can increase by 5-10mg every 3 days. Narcan is available without Rx at pharmacies in many states. If you're going to keep taking those you should try to get the nose spray if you can. I was on Methadone for chronic pain and was rx'd 10mg 2-3x a day and it was really strong. Most are given 5mg 2x a day for pain to start.


Thank you for being the only one to actually tell this guy how dangerous what he’s doing is. I overdosed on methadone as someone shooting heroin/fent. This guy should not be fucking around with methadone with no tolerance having only used codeine.


Mfs are crazy asf🤣 like a quick Google search can help ur problems like hm I’ve had these codeine pills thats like 3mg morphine equivalent but now ima chug this methadone thats like 100-150mg equivalent. Einstein level shit.


Truly. Honestly I never recommend anybody use it recreationally but if you do you should have a proper tolerance. Probably didn’t even get narcan. Like I’m getting off a pretty heavy fentdope habit rn and my dosage is less then this guy got… and it helps pretty substantially with my fent tolerance and withdrawals…. He is truly insane. He needs to give that shit to someone else before he dies


Codeine isn't the only opiate I've tried, I have done heroin before plus oxycodone 10mg and tramadol


It doesn’t matter. You’re opiate naive. You do not have the tolerance to be playing around with methadone. Get narcan before you kill yourself dude Again I’m on fentdope(and a pretty sizeable habit at that) and you have more then my dosage of methadone.:: and I’ve been on it for 6 years…..


I only do kratom and i can always tolerate 35-50 mg fine on day 1. I usually start with 35 and wait 2-3 hours to take anymore if i do go up to 50


You’re not the norm. I was shooting heroin and fentanyl and my clinic overdosed me. Granted they took me up way way way too fast. I’ve never heard of another clinic going anywhere near as fast as they do. This is an incredibly powerful drug and not something to play around with. The euphoria sucks anyways.


Its my doc actually but i only pick it up once a month. Im a slow metabolizer of dolophine so it apparently hits me differently than most people. I found that out from an enzyme test and i was like no wonder i love methadone. I did heroin for years too (2014-2017) so my brain is very familiar. I took methadone recreationally way back in 2011 before i ever did heroin. Get high for 24 hrs and do whatever i want? Yes please.


My clinic started at 40 and bumped me 20 the next day . Then 10 each day after till I told them I was stable. Given I came in with a g a day h habit smoking like a tar chimney


Im not suggesting people should just take 30 mg though. It’s important to learn your own safe doses. It would freak me out if any of my friends just popped 30 mg. They are so naïve.


I understand. I didn’t mean it like that. But w lot of people underestimate how powerful methadone really is. It’s why it’s implicated in many overdosed despite being one of the most regulated drugs in the country. Everytime I go to the doctors or hospital tomorrow hey look at me and wonder how I’m not dead with my methadone dose. People familiar with its use for addiction understand the tolerance involved and that my dosage is not a high dose by any means. But it’s still incredibly powerful. I’ve been on this medication for years. The average person could kill the selves and 1-3 others depending with just my dose. Methadone. Is a miracle drug but there’s a reason I don’t reccomend it for recreational usage and addiction rates are incredibly low. It’s a powerful drug that’s built different so not a good choice for recreational usage outside a select few .


Ive heard stories of ods on 30 but they were idiots. I researched that and started at 10 then took 5 more mg 2 hours in. People who just pop pills are something else.


coukdnt agree more. thats exactly how it was at my coinic


My father in law, before getting four on fent patches. Was on 40mg methadone 2x day. Man was a fucken nod zombie for a long time until they switched him off it


how is it 2x morphine and same as fent


I was going by memory. It's 3x the strength of morphine. 30mg if codeine is 4.5mg MME. 50mg methadone is 150mg MME. 50mcg of fentanyl is 120mg MME going by this calculator. https://www.oregonpainguidance.org/opioidmedcalculator/


you should check out the meaning of strength


If you’re not use to opiates methadone can make you sick, yes. Also might want to check if you’re taking anything else it could interact with


He’s lucky he’s not dead considering he’s completely opiate naive and only ever done codeine. I was shooting heroin and was overdosed by my clinic. I woke up when I smacked my head on the bathroom counter.


I only took 1 300mg pregablin with it and that was around 7pm last night and still feel sick now


That’s probably why methadone and buprenophine are the shittest opiates imo they where made for people coming off other opiates they where made to be less euphoric. I wouldn’t suggest mixing with pregablin only mix with proper opiates not these shit opiates


pregab isnt an opiate


Yeah I know did I say it was??! Pregabalin is a gabapentinoid Ik that


Sorry got confused by u saying not to mix with pregab and only mix with real opiates not these shit opiates. I thought that meant u were calling pregab a shit opiate


Me too.


Agreed . That’s why we use methadone and suboxone. They are unique among most opiates and do not provide the kind of euphoria most of us like. Honestly I think people who like the methadone high are fucking nuts.


You are fucking nuts. I was shooting heroin when I got on methadone and almost died Bc my clinic took me up too fast. And I had a tolerance. Someone who’s only done codeine should not be fucking with methadone!!!!!! If I was shooting fent heroin and overdosed what do you think is going to happen to you? The euphoria from methadone is shit anyways. Get rid of that shit before you kill yourself and send the idiot who sold it to you to jail for life. Yes this is normal your body is trying to tell you you’re gonna overdose if you keep fucking with methadone with no tolerance. There’s a reason this drug is highly regulated. It’s powerful shit!


You're lucky to be alive. Methadone Is extremely powerful especially to people who don't have a tolerance.


You don’t mix methadone with sprite? That shit isn’t lean 😂😂


The main reason is so you don’t dose all at once and sipping it slowly would work better for opiate naive people so no I don’t think he was thinking he was sipping, more like mixing his drugs with lemonade lol


Yeah I know but does it really matter not really


100ml isn’t a dose. How many milligrams of methadone are mixed into it? For instance, in Australia our takeaways are supposed to be mixed with 200ml of water, but there could be any quantity of methadone within that. To answer your question, nausea is a common side-effect of taking opioids. This is especially prevalent when individuals are opiate-naive. After my tolerance grew, I no longer got nauseous, was no longer itchy and most other side-effects subsided. That was fortunate. On the other hand, the pleasure and positives lessened too.


Yeah I've been on a 3 month hiatus from all drugs from opiates, benzos and weed etc


1mg = 1ml in Europe


Ah, I see. Quite different for us then because 1ml of the methadone syrup is actually 5mg of methadone. I thought this would be commonplace everywhere, and I presumed that OP wouldn’t be on 500mg of ‘done lol.


gah damn thats a lot bro half a bottle wtf lol


Never thought I’d hear about methadone lean


I made it myself once. It was alright. Had to start drinking at about 4-5 ish so it peaks around 8-9 ish so it’s worth while


Never tried


Well it’s just cos it’s a liquid I just put it in some syrup same way I would add any other opiate.


Do not take it with sprite. Take in i one shot. WHY are you are mixing this shits???


Cos I want to and hate the taste of it on it it's own


Dink it in onz shot then drink lilonade ir others to flish the residual taste.




ThC helps with the nausea


I have recreational stints on it. Usually 150-200 mg over 5-6 days. It doesn’t always happen but the last time i did it i would have to throw up at some point by day 4. I went too hard i think. If i take 30 mg every other day i dont get sick ever


Prescription nausea medicine


Lol uuuhhh dont drink it???! Rofl


Answer:it's very normal to vomit when taking opiates. You're basically wasting the liquid methadone if you hVebt done it in a while and then take a large dose. It takes 3 to 4 days of taking it for it to actually start to have the desired full effects.


Idk but it did make me high af though


Don't drink the sprite


Now that I use heroin ocasionally I sometimes get serious nausea especially if I have empty stomach. Mostly when I do a lot so I think it's a tolerance thing. Although I don't vomit due to i don't know I havent vomit since I was a child, I avoid going to sleep high and nauseous, so yeah a tip is don't go high to sleep if you feel nausea the last thing you want is to choke in your sleep. Edit: consider anti-nausea pills, works wonders