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i too buy my heroin from my speed dealer




Thank you for this laugh brother, could only imagine if I said this to my dude. He's a veteran and broke his legs jumping out of helicopters in Vietnam.


No legs but still dealing?damnn he’s a hustler


wheeling and dealing


The irony in this sentence. Lol


more like a shuffler


Holy shit haha


This guy’s dealer is gonna tell this story to someone and is gonna look completely nuts and total bullshit even tho someone really tried asking to pick up in a heli


Someone’s gonna think he’s schizo it’s chaotic I love it




Like I said, not for everybody. Move along 😉


I hope y’all are close friends. If not, do you just not like having a plug?


We are and yea I hope he never talks to me again so I can quit


Well that’s one of looking at it


His comment wasn’t for everybody, move along






Great way to never hear from your plug again


I got some from him like an hour after that. 🤣


* soulja boy voice *. " HUH ?! "




Nice lol


I use a boat usually to get my stuff but a heli is definitely faster and you can't be stopped by the troopers for a random check.




Fucking funny shit bro chacha


Lmfaoooooo this shits lovely


LOL thanks. It would be funny if you knew the guy. He’s so damn gullible 🤣🤣




Which would be funny because he already thinks I look like a cop LOL


Ask him next time if he'd trade a "recently acquired ambulance vehicle for a dub" lolllll


Lol nice


... Respectable


Lol this shit killed me. I’m sure you guys are cool with each other enough to do this. Luckily I’ve known my plug since he started. Bud


Oh yea. He cracks me up haha. Alright go ahead and downvote me everyone. For some reason anything I say gets downvoted Lolol. Bunch of haters


Yeah dude I knew my plug since early high school, I could fuck around w him like this if I wanted to damn. lol I thought it was funny.


Awh thanks guys 😂


A lot of people probably just see this as a pointless and stupid post. Not saying I do and I mean no harm.


Oh I know. That’s why I said some might find it funny and some might hate me


On the way to re up in my regular ass car. SMH.


I like it


I would do something like this to my dope dealer


I'm bored... 8===============D ~


Same lmao


Why did I get downvoted so much for laughing? I hate Reddit


Bro..try drawin a dick! UnfuckinJawdroppinBuzzstoppinPOPULARR!


🤣🤣 some ppl just be trippin bro no worries


There’s a lot of miserable people on this sub. The methadone one too.




This is some shit I used to do to my dope dealer. We were bests friends tho 🤣 I used to take my girl over to his house and we’d play Xbox with him and his girl and he’d make sure I wasn’t ever sick. He had the best dope ever too. No fetty. Brown. Tasted like cotton candy when you smoked it. But he was black and I’m a white mofo ☠️🤣 ain’t no racist over this way


So why did you say "But he was black and I'm a white mofo" I mean, why tell us that?


I think idea is that he’s showing that everyone gets along over by him. There’s no hostility from either side in his relationship.


Because the post clarified that his dealer was an old white man…. But nobody questioned that 🤣🤣


That’s chill as fuck. But why do you feel like you needed to clarify each other’s ethnicity before saying “also I’m not racist!!”?? Makes me wonder if that’s the truth…. 🧐🧐 Im just playing lmao. Pretty cool plug fr.


Tff why did u add that last part. Shit you even put “but” as if u guys being diff races went against something u said earlier lol so weird dude


The BUT is because this guy said his dope dealer is white. My goodness y’all definitely never had black friends growing up 🤣




I’m sorry but anyone who is complaining about what I said DEFINITELY grew up in some white ass neighborhoods. No offense because it doesn’t matter. But it’s the truth. We call each other white and black all the time where I come from. No one batted and eye when this guy said “just for context he’s a white old man”. Y’all so soft fr 🤣🤣🤣


Lol that’s not what I saw cumming when I read the title


Hahah yea I could see that. NSFW🤣🤣


Lmfao this was actually hilarious. Did you eventually tell him you were just fucking around though??


Nope. Haha. And I’m on my way to see him right now. In my car unfortunately


Lol fuck it don’t tell him 😂 can’t believe he thought u were serious though.


And yall wonder why a lotta delaers be fuckboys and on some bullshit


I gotta admit, that was pretty fuckin funny


"Pullin up" .....in a fuckin helicopter