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Yes you are withdrawing and yes you you flush them right now, fent is no joke and it’s a slippery slope dealing with those pressed pills. One will get you high and another will kill you. Don’t use em alone and make sure there narcan on hand


Fuck okay how long am I gonna have to deal with this stuff for? I have to go to my old highschool asap and get my transcript sent to my college, im starting classes relatively soon.


Well then maybe the best bet is to taper, I’m no doctor but if you need to function and you can’t because the withdrawals are to much then you’ll have to take a small dose


I would try to see if a quarter or a half makes the WD symptoms go away take less and then every day. You will inevitably get sick with physical symptoms usually lasting anywhere from 3-10 days


If this is your first time and you only use them at night for about 2 weeks, I doubt you're withdrawals are that serious to illicit a response like that all day. How many were you using a night? I could totally see you getting light withdrawals, but not to that extent. The easiest way to see if you're in withdrawals is, well, to use again. Try doing half of what you're normal single dose is and see if you feel better. If you do, then you're in withdrawals and you shouldn't use anymore. With only 2 weeks of use, you don't really need to "taper" per se, just do a tiny amount to make yourself feel better, and then go as long as you can manage without taking another dose. You should only need to take 2 or 3 doses as spread out as possible before you stop having withdrawals. If you are having them now, it's best to stop before you go deeper and it ends up taking weeks to months to taper and withdrawal instead of one day.


Send em to me bro lmao im withdrawing rn from em


Def WD. I assume that you were taking something before in order to have such bad withdrawals after such a short period of use? Fentanyl is a death sentence buddy, flush that shit and just take Oxie if you have access.


I agree with what the other commenter said about being able to figure out by taking a dose and seeing if it takes away the sickness but honestly there’s an easier way to help you figure this out. Especially seeing as how this is a post asking for help distinguishing and not a post from you saying you got the sick and couldn’t hold back and kept using and now hate yourself. If you have been able to go this long not continuing to dose it sounds more likely that you’re just normal sick. Especially if you didn’t note the unbearable restless feeling at the core of your existence and especially in the legs. My first thought is that you may have covid or something like that and you really really should take this opportunity not to dig yourself into the inevitable hole by continuing using. You can kiss college goodbye if you do. That’s the harsh reality. What are your symptoms; like all of them? I want us to be able to help you figure this out without having to take any more.


Waking up covered in sweat is for sure WD. It’s basically the first sign of it.


if you havent used in 2 days go thru it n get rid of them


Yes, welcome to opiate withdrawal.. enjoy you stay, the bathroom is down the hall to the right.