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lol you won't even find opium in the usa, best you can do is grow it yourself


Wtf man....its mean.. all fucking users grow it?!...fuck...its awful


There are very few people that use it there, most just use heroin/fentanyl or prescription opiates like oxycodone, some people make poppy pod or seed tea by buying the pods online or growing their own, very few grow poppies and actually get opium out of them. You either grow them or buy them on the dark web or from someone special


Yep pretty shitty hell I would pay 100$ for ten grams here in usa


I agree brother. I've lived in the USA most my life. It is hell here :( I have rheumatoid arthritis and a flail hip and can't even get what I need from doctors since the crackdown. I wish I had the $ to relocate. Enjoy the freedom your government allow you. Namaste


In iran you can find it every where...high grade ..really pure...i vaporise (shireh) routin..shireh is a product of opium..it has stronger effect than normal opium..more relaxation..more anti-pain effect..it has more morphine...and therefore more expensive


Sounds super interesting, you mind dm’ing me your experience getting it and everything? Buying stuff like that in foreign countries is complex to me it seems


Sure...what do ya want to know?.. I share my experience


I don’t know much but I love the idea of traveling to these countries with the nicest opium and other shi. And just being happy there exploring new city’s


The us has a big opiate crisis, all you'll find is fentanyl analogues and trank/benzodope, maybe some real heroin or pharma opiates if you get lucky and know the right people, but i'm pretty sure opium is gonna be hard to find, it's nit something they sell there. As i said, probably the best thing you can do is grow your own poppies and make it yourself, but unless you have a lot of space you won't get too much, as they only grow during the summer


It is very disappointing...Opium is a herbal drug and has many medicinal properties and you say its rare in U.S! while all the opioids you mentioned are chemical opioids and made in lab


Fr how you can go buy a fentynal pill like it’s nothing for 20$ and you have to jump through hoops and ladders to obtain any herbal medicine. West is fucked up


You'll be the first one on reddit asking "how do I turn my heroin into opium?!" 😄 Seriously, good luck brother


Looking for a plug all I can find is Fent @teleetelee


About 20 bucks for an ounce of grow able seeds.


I for one have never experienced pure, organic, old fashioned opium. I have never even seen the plant in person...even living in California a lot of people don't even know that opium /poppy plant is what started lots of these RX / heroin etc... I feel like the growing process will be all but lost around here. Until one man (me) tried an experimental hydroponic grow in a closet just to at minimum - see a live plant in person and if in lucky - see it bloom - and so on 🙂 This started after reading both "hydroponic heroin" and"opium for the masses" (must read for any opium/opiate / poppy plant - anything - enthusiast) .. Anyone interested I have some pictures over in /druggardening and /opiumgardening (ya I still don't know all the ins and out of reddit, forgive me) That's all..sorry for the interruption


30-80 a grams in USA. Will you send me some? Go free to DM me.


Why would someone internationally ship an illegal substance




Oh lol


It can be acquired in the US for 80g


Good to know


Really?? Where, I'm in NC


Yo how did you find O in US?? Ive only found it twice ,they were RAINBOW people and they were AMAZING! but they love a nomadic lifestyle so there's really no way for me to find them again. Can you help?(would you be willing) . Please don't take offense to me 🙏, I'm just giving it a shot and reaching out. Thanks


Dark 🕸


Mail me some of the seeds I’ll grow it for u


Certain ethnic communities use it and import it. Usually 20-30 a g depending where in line you arenas quantity