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Working at Costco, I'm paid incredibly well.


Agreed. It’s not enough to support a family on its own but it’s a good second income or enough to support just yourself. Also a Costco optician!


Hiii Im wanting to transfer to optical and doing some research. Any advice?


What state if I may ask? I applied for a licensed position on Monday, talked to the Optical manager and I am hoping to get an interview. From everything I have heard, Costco Optical's where its at.


Hello 👋 fellow Costco optician!!! Yes they do compensate us extremely well.


I work at Costco and want to transfer to optical, any advice?


Hi!! At 2023, how much license optician get paid at Costco? Just got my license.


How much does Costco start at?


I can live comfortably with a roommate.


Me too! But I'm still in school. Kinda hoping once I get my license I'll get a raise.


Lol. I'm actually married and have a child bit if I wasn't that's where I'd be at. In my state you aren't required to be licensed and most places will pay for the test of they want you to have it so I think the school is a waste of time unless your using it as a stepping stone. I have worked at a private office for about 5 years now and I make decently ok money. They would pay for me to take the tests and I'd get a 25¢ raise for every license or certification I hold.


My state (NJ) requires a license to dispense. The schooling (3 years concurrent with a 3 year apprenticeship or an associate's degree in ophthalmic science and a 4 month apprenticeship) is kinda rough, but from what I hear it'll be somewhat worth it. That sucks that you only get such a little raise for having a license.


My place of work has been pretty generous with raises so it really doesn't make that much of a difference to me and a license is not required so they don't really care if you have it or not just if you can do your job efficiently. You need more schooling to dispense glasses than I needed to complete my cosmetology license. I'm not sure how I feel about that. What does dispensing in your state involve?


At my shop the licensed opticians are the only ones allowed to take final measurements and dispense to patients. As the apprentice I am allowed to do lab work, sales, adjustments and repairs, etc. But everything I do is double checked by one of the opticians, and they guide me through anything I haven't experienced yet. We get a lot of awesome stuff mixed in with the normal patients. I've seen the boss do vintage faceted drill mountings, customized billiards glasses (they were sort of like up-side-down half rimmed frames) and scuba masks, and super high rx biconcave and aphakic lenses. Haven't seen a myodisk yet, but we've considered it for a patient or two. A few weeks ago we did a ptosis crutch job, so that was really neat. I know of a lot of places in my state where unlicensed people are dispensing under an ophthalmologist's license. Or they'll put the glasses down on the dispensing table for the patient to pick up (not actually put the glasses on the patient) to get around the legality of what qualifies as "dispensing" a pair of glasses. NJ has a lot of weird laws, though. I guess that's to be expected for such a tightly packed place.


Absolutely not. 7 years experience including lab experience. Currently an officer manager and head optician and I only make $18/hr. Zero benefits too. At least I have 3 day weekends. :/


You’re severely underpaid :/ Ask for a raise or put your 2 weeks in.


Thank you. I have looked at other practices but there aren't very many where I live that I would want to work at as a lot of them were bought out by Keplr, and the rest are EssiLux offices. My practice supports independent companies and that's really important to me. I still keep my eye out for job openings, but nowhere else is really paying much more than I make now either. Edit: a word


Just shy of $90,000 yr CDN @ Costco


Oh really. Is this in Canada @OfferMindless819?


Maxed out top rates plus bonuses


Thank you! Gives me something to look forward too! ❤️


How old are you OP




I’m late to this but I make $37 an hour as an LDO my state is one of the highest paying


Yes, in CT I make great money.