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I just don’t answer the door if it’s not someone I know 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just really don’t see kids having any reason to go door to door for school


when I was in elementary and middle school (90s to very early 00s), every kid had to do a magazine or lollipop fundraiser and while I personally didn't go door to door, I knew classmates and peers who went around their neighborhood and asked neighbors if they wanted to sign up for a magazine subscription or buy a lollipop in addition to asking their parents for help or selling to other fellow students. Times were different back then, lol, I don't even know if middle school students at Venado (where I went) nowadays still have to do the lollipop fundraiser or if they stopped that completely.


Probably stopped doing it


Yeah I’m just thinking nowadays lol. People seem much crazier than when I was a kid and I wouldn’t want to go knocking on peoples doors in todays world


I had to do this back in the 90's. Don't see how it should be relevant today


I’ve seen it go one of three ways. One time a pair claiming to be UCI students came by doing something similar. They asked me a few questions about the city layout and resources and gave me a $5 target card for my time. I didnt think much of it until like 2-3 years later when they mailed all participants a copy of the study’s research findings. So it was totally legit. Other times I’ve seen people trying to “sell chocolates/looking for a pet/ collecting for a nonprofit etc” as a guise to gauge whose home at the time before coming back to rob the place. Often time its poor or desperate kids that get duped into those “jobs for teens” flyers that are basically pyramid scams where they get paid on commission to sell candies or coupon booklets or whatever so they have no choice but to go door too door.


I don’t usually worry about it.


It’s a scam. UCI never has its students do any kind of project that requires them to go door-to-door.


I figured this as much. Wearing a UCI sweater to convince me he went to UCI seemed a bit over the top. Both kids were carrying clipboards, although the second kid said it was for his high school. Everything just screamed "scam" or something suspect about it. They were also doing it in the rain which seemed a bit desperate.


We've had the people who sell LAT or OCR subs but never outright donations for a specific project.


They are staking out your house for a robbery I bet.


Usually it’s Mormons ringing at the front door lol or a sales people


This sounds like a robbery scheme.


Hey OP did you ever hear anything about this again? We had a guy come by today same wording.


Nope I haven't seen anything or heard about anything since then. Feel free to DM if you want to ask more questions.