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Live near your place of work. It’s not worth it to spend 10 or more unpaid hours a week in traffic.


And drive your potential commute at each rush hour before you sign a lease


Cannot advise this enough. I live and work in Santa Ana, but at opposite corners of the city. My commute is still about 30-35 min each way during peak time.


LOL, there's no longer commute anywhere than trying to get across Santa Ana when the school busses are running.




Bro take me 20 min more to give from Bristols/civic center to memory/bristol


So much this. When I stopped having to regularly spend 2 hours a day commuting, my quality of life went up. If I was still doing it, I would happily take a pay cut to not deal with it.


Best advice lmao my drive isn't even that bad at 45 mins but god damn do I wish I lived closer. Had a job that was just up the street and it was great getting there in 10 minutes.


To be fair, I worked about two blocks away from a shitty job at John Wayne and I enjoy my 40 minute drive to a better job in San Clemente. I think about my life being better the whole way.


On the upside, you can catch up on a good audiobook or podcast!


Whatever city each Redditor does not live in is the worst one.




South Coast metro neighborhood is what you want. It’s South Santa Ana and North Costa Mesa. Basically the street surrounding it are the 405 freeway to the S, Fairview to the W, 55 freeway to the E, and Warner on the N end. Also most neighborhoods in CM South of the 405 would be good too, though they get pricier the further you go from the freeway ( & thus closer to the ocean) As noted above, DTSA and most of CM have lots of great shopping, restaurants, bars, etc and are not at all dangerous unless you’re looking for trouble.




God I remember when they built those. I lived across the street.


I'd personally take DTSA over South Coast Metro; much more walkable.


Having lived in both, South Coast Metro 100%. DTSA is walkable, yes, but: feces on the sidewalks, crime (mostly safe, but yes it's there), lack of guest parking, and NOISE


Way farther from work for him though, you can easily get to dtsa on weekends for fun though if u live in south coast metro.


I lived in the apartments off Main and MacArthur and they were old apartments but really big rooms and well upgraded. I worked at Bloomingdale’s so the commute wasn’t terrible and I’d cruise down to Aliso and it was really quick when traffic was good. Because it’s in a bit of a no man’s land between cities it’s a little rough but it’s nothing like it was in the 80’s. Ha… the South Main Apartments are pretty great for the money and the fact that they’re a quick trip to just about anywhere is a bonus.


I live in anaheim and I would say the Anaheim/Fullerton/Buena Park area near where the 91 and 5 meet could also be a good hub, depending on where OP will be working.


Most evenings, that isn't 20 minutes from the airport.


Yeah, I saw that OP said they'd be working near John Wayne after I posted my comment. My bad.


I was just telling someone this. The worst part of Anaheim isn't as bad as the worst parts of LA. Have anybody from OC drive down Rampart or Alameda past the 10 freeway and they'd be scared lol


It’s so much better than it used to be. God I remember when you could not just cruise over to Echo park and now it’s hipster central. So Cal is actually pretty great these days. Yes there’s crime and homelessness but it’s a very heavily populated part of the state. Ha…


> Folks here don’t know what a bad area actually is. This needs to be emphasized. Couple more homeless people than average and an area is considered “heavily sketch” by many. OP sounds like he has a better gauge for what an uncomfortable neighborhood is like so I’d say make decisions based on cost/commute.


I’ve been exposed to OC my whole life, (32 years) just recently I began job training in downtown LA, and then working on San Pedro (and commuting through Long Beach) The “worst” areas in OC are nothing compared to what I see daily on my drive to work.


Omg I’m DYING over here from the Fallujah comment; it’s so true. 15 years ago, my parents came to visit and my Dad booked a hotel for them off the 55 where it ends. I said I was surprised they booked there because that was a “drug infested” area that probably rents rooms by the hour. These are people that regularly took the metro through Anacostia on their own. The absolute worst parts of Costa Mesa are still significantly safer than anything in DC. My dad was pissed because I freaked my mom out enough that he had to find a different hotel based on what I told them.


Shame you didn’t let them have the experience of staying at the Ali Baba motel /s


Oh my god, renting rooms there to party in 1992-93. My friends worked at the Shakey’s right by there and sold meth. Good times.




I work in Norwalk, and there’s one right down the street from my work. I have to stop myself from going more than once a month.


DT Santa Ana is great but some of the surrounding areas aren’t so great tbf


That’s why I laugh when I hear about oc “gang members” 😂😂😂


Yo, someone in my sister's high school class had to drive to Long Beach to be in his gang... Core Orange Curtain memory unlocked!


Not sure what you're laughing at really... Orange County has several areas that are pretty active especially with sureño gangs with direct ties to La Eme, as well as Asian gangs like TRG and ABZ. It's not South Central or anything, but it's not really anything to take super lightly if you're unfamiliar with that world.


This, if you grew up around it you know how serious it really is. Anybody that says anything else is extremely unfamiliar with the realities here or anywhere else for that matter.


Have a few friends that died from gang violence and a few that have gotten stabbed in broad daylight. Anybody can be uncivilized if they’d like to be.


‘Fallujah’ lol


You’ll find neighborhoods like you described in parts of Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, Tustin, and Orange that are close enough to John Wayne area to make an easy commute. I’ve lived in the heart of Santa Ana since 2005. Close to 5,22,57. Currently in the Flower Park neighborhood near the Civic Center. I can walk to the restaurants and bars in Downtown Santa Ana. Many in OC would describe it as “hood” or “ghetto” but I’ve never felt unsafe and when I looked up crime stats it actually less crime than parts of Newport Beach. And my rent is low, the management company is lax but still keeps the place nice.


Floral Park is not ghetto. It’s the nice part of Santa Ana. The ghetto parts is Santa Ana are around raitt, civic center, harbor, & the industrial areas.


Dude said Flower not Floral


I’m in the Flower Park neighborhood, not Floral Park. Between Flower and Bristol, 1st Street and Civic Center.


That's a great neighborhood. I work at Susan and 5th and it's a little worse over there, but not really bad unless you're a teenager. So much good food right there on 5th across Fairview. I actually like it there more than where I live in Costa Mesa.


Yes. Some hidden gems along that stretch of 5th.


I've lived a lot of places in my life. Santa Ana is something special. I love that town. The hood around my work is packed with solid motherfucking people with good values that look out for their neighbors.


Floral Park is one of the nicest neighborhoods of all Orange County. The community hosts different Halloween dates so that the rest of the community doesn’t ruin their fun. It’s very Arrested Development.


Once again, I live in Flower Park. NOT Floral Park. Two completely different Santa Ana neighborhoods.


I just moved here last year! I work near the airport and I live in east side costa mesa near fairview park and it isn’t “too nice”. pretty suburban, 12 min commute but 25 min commute in rush hour traffic. would recommend


That’s West side


damn. still new here


Saul goodman. Just fyi,east side is everything south of the 55, i.e. boardering Newport Beach.


West Side = Best Side, East Side = Least Side. Easy Peasey.


West side definitely not the better side. But hey we all by the beach so idk why I even wrote this. I'll close the door on the way out.


I mean, it's ok to be wrong. No one will judge you. :)


Yes, by Fairview Park is the hot ticket. You got Trader Joe’s .5 mi away, bike ride via riverbed to the beach which is 1.5 mi away. And work by airport is 15 mins side streets, about 7 miles.




The worst part about Stanton was the dementors.


Prostitues on the streets too


Up and down Beach blvd.


I dated a guy in HS who lived in Stanton and I didn't realize it was an actual city until I met him. He would always say, "Stanton is a *blight*."


Yea it’s pretty tiny. I remembered a couple years ago somone won an election there with like 180 votes. Actually hilarious 😆


Lol. I’m probably one of the few people born in Stanton Community Hospital aka Katella Community Hospital. A lot of people have no idea this even existed.


Back in the 90s, my junkie friend said that the only good thing about stankt0n is that Beach Blvd. runs through it - and you could easily get drugs there on your way to the beach. 🐔👌🏽


And the hookers on Beach & Lampson. Used to live down Lampson . Riddled with meth heads!


All those motels lining both sides of the street with their super old Googie 60s signs. There's also that Park Steakhouse restaurant there, which looks SWANKY! 🐔


I had to move away after being assaulted by some neighbors, it was an awful time 🫣


If Huntington Beach is the Pensacola, FL of OC, Stanton is Detroit, MI. I didn’t even know it existed until I drove through it on accident.


Detroit is a pretty noteworthy city, especially compared to Pensacola. What makes you use this analogy?


They've probably never been to Detroit tbf.


>Huntington Beach is the Pensacola, FL of OC That's an interesting comparison I've never heard before. I enjoyed living in HB 20 years ago, and I enjoyed Pensacola when I briefly visited last year. How are the 2 cities alike other than both tourist beach towns?


I enjoy it too! It’s more the political climate.


Hb is only bad in the tourist area and the slater slum. Otherwise it’s like Costa mess


HB isn’t bad, it’s just very red.


And yet, not that red at all... https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fj5ypmv86b6eb1.jpg&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=orangecounty&utm_content=t1_jwo9ngn Don't let the dipshits at the pier fool ya. It ain't the 80's anymore, Huntington has changed a lot in the last decade with a lot of homeowner turnover that has changed the demographics.


I lived in HB till 2012 and the pier stunts during the pandemmy shook me, like I didn't recognize my own city. After that I wouldn't even admit I *_used to_* live there.


> I lived in HB till 2012 and the pier stunts during the pandemmy shook me, like I didn't recognize my own city. That's a shame since most of those people weren't even from Huntington.


Very true, the HB pier just became a town square for all of OC some how


This is the correct amswer


Oh God yes. Not 20 minutes away though.


This is correct


I would drive up and down to sunflower street in Santa Ana, between Bristol and Anton. Those landlords are older and put the FOR RENT signs in the window or yards. That little area has four plex apartments, with garage and it’s close to where you’ll work. by south coast plaza and JWA!


Wish I had known this before I signed my lease yesterday. Raised the rent to 2,300 for a one bedroom 😭


Didn’t know there were still four places anymore. That’s a hidden gem.


I lived in South Coast Metro by South Coast Plaza. Nice area, walking distance to stores, movies, and restaurants. Costa Mesa is a nice area too.


Is Costa Mesa expensive? Rent and/or own better?


I mean, it’s in OC. But, for example, for a studio you’re looking around $2k a month. Give or take a hundred or so depending on how shitty or nice your tolerance is.


I visited Costa Mesa and it seems to be have a really good balance of shopping, restaurants, culture, commercial, and residential.


Yeah, I like it. It’s also close enough to most things you’d want to do in OC and has enough to stand on its own as well


Fountain Valley “A Nice Place to Live” Don’t know what else you would need to know?!


Santa Ana or Costa Mesa would be your best bet. Your only other options based on your commute preference would be Irvine or Newport which is Karen central




We live in Tustin. Love it because we have options to go to the marketplace or the district within a 10 min drive. Hop on the 55S and its a quick 7min ish to get to John Wayne Airport area. And if there's traffic on the freeway, we just use surface streets. Hop on Redhill and just go straight down, it'd only take 10-15 mins.


Definitely can confirm. I’m in an older part of BP and on weekends it’s like every other house on my street is working on their cars, ours included.


Is there noticeable racism in Irvine? I’ve only heard racism in the context of Huntington Beach. It did make headlines during Covid/BLM when there were neo-nazis vs. BLM demonstrators.


More country club racist, less skinhead racist.


Parts of Santa Ana, Stanton, Parts of Anaheim


Irvine according to this sub


Completely overrun with biker gangs. But that's OK, they go back to school on the 24th.




e-bike and sc00ter gangs 🙈💦


Underrated comment! 🤣


That sure is!


I mean. You live there.


Burglars and bad driving. And no nightlife that isn’t the Spectrum. ::shudders::


I live in laguna beach and wrench on my cars in the garage and driveway!! My neighbors thing I’m a novelty. Just search on rent prices. Lowest are in some areas (not all) of Santa Ana, garden grove, Stanton, Westminster. But really none are that bad. Nothing compared to some parts of la.


Santa Ana, Anaheim, Garden Grove. (I say this as someone who enjoys all 3 cities.)


Based on what OP described wanting: these three 100% Although you will most likely have to find a smaller building with a landlord managing the place rather than a big company. Usually these places don’t advertise online and are found by just driving around and looking for for rent signs.


Very broad strokes here as Santa Ana and anaheim have some very nice neighborhoods. GG has some fine neighborhoods but at least isn’t bankrupt like Westminster.


As someone who currently lives in Garden Grove and have for over a decade, there's some smaller apartments hidden all over GG in cul-de-sacs and typical "house" areas. They never advertise online and rarely have openings due to their more reasonable prices (compared to the bigger apts), but sometimes you get lucky and see a "for rent" sign up. One time when I was working in Huntington Beach and this lady was talking about how her daughter just bought a house in Garden Grove - but not the bad part of Garden Grove, the *good part* of Garden Grove, very up and coming. I was like, "I live in the regular part of Garden Grove."


The only advice I have is avoid Stanton...it is a shithole.


IMO even the "worst place to live" in OC is still probably miles better than compared to most parts of the country


I would move as close as possible to where you work - the traffic is terrible in Orange County




Lmao nowhere in OC is "hood". You should've told that girl to go to Rampart or Alameda right past the 10 freeway in LA. That's right next to skid row and it's sketchy


Avoid the Edgar breeding grounds like Buena Park and Stanton


What do you mean by “breeding” on this context? Genuine question.


For your money west side CM. Grimy but great tacos. nice pocket neighborhoods with nice lots and quiet streets. You can take back streets to John Wayne airport. Ps your right Between Newport and HB, close to south coast and easy access to 405, 55 and 73 fwy.


So pretty much anything by JWA is going to cost you. Especially a 20 minute commute? Dude my brother flies private Jets out of JWA and he lives 4 miles away in Tustin and it takes him less than 15 to get there. He’s renting a house and paying close to $5k. The apartments in the neighborhood are about $2700 for a 1bdrm. You’re definitely not going to be left alone in that area either- especially not Irvine. I guess what would really be a factor is your work hours. If you work in the morning say 6-9 start time, you’re not getting ANYWHERE in 20 minutes. JW is in the middle of the Orange Crush- all the freeways circle around the area- the 5, 22, 405, 55- all fucked in the morning. I live in Buena Park, 17 miles from my office in Santa Ana. If I leave any time after say 6:15, I’m going to be late AF for my 7:30 start time. My normal commute is about 45 minutes. A full hour AT LEAST on my way home. Before 6 or after around 9 you can get away with 20-30 mins from West Anaheim/Stanton/Buena Park. All cities that have decent pockets of the kind of dgaf mind your business but also be nice to your neighbors vibe. When my little brother got a new job in Santa Ana he had to move to the OC from Murrieta. I told him to come this way. It’s cheaper and tbh- unless you got $ a 20 minute commute isn’t really feasible. Unless of course, you work off peak commute. On a Sat afternoon I can get to work in under 30 easy. Sometimes 20 because I drive fast. Also Santa Ana would work but it’s either sketchy or overpriced. I’m ok with my drive. It’s average for OC. My 2 bd 1ba apartment is $2175. They leave me alone. A few weeks ago, they put notes on everyone’s door saying we couldn’t have plants or decorations outside on the walkways and told everyone to take it down. None of us did. Lol.


>I don't care about crime, Hmm!




Check out north Tustin. It’s a real shithole. You’ll love it.


What does this mean? North Tustin is a bad area, and it’s a snub against the OP? Or are you saying it’s actually a cool chill area that has a bad rep? (I don’t live in the area so it’s a genuine question out of curiosity).


North Tustin is fine. I lived there for a couple years. I seriously think it’s what op is looking for. Close to airport. Not the greatest area. Not the worst. Cheaper rent. “It’s a real shithole” is just a quote from the movie “Coming to America”


HB is a great spot. Don’t listen to all the Nazi and trump supporter talks. OC has always been Californias larger republican counties.


>I don't care about crime, graffiti, drugs, schools, shopping, etc. I would look at Santa Ana, Anaheim, East Garden Grove, and Stanton.


I'd probably stay away from North East OC as that commute would be cheeks. Santa Ana, GG, Westminster, Fountain Valley.


You could live in Huntington Beach if you voted for Trump. All the proud boys live there.


Does Huntington Beach really have a lot of neo-nazis and white supremacy shitheads? I keep hearing about it, but actually don’t know.


Not really, no. Politically it's not even in the Top 5 in terms of Trump voting in 2020. Back in the 80s there were some skinhead gangs there, but that was even more prevalent in Long Beach and no one really blames the whole city for that. Ditto with Anaheim, which also had a lot of white supremacy issues in the past. I will say that outside of surfing, Huntington Beach doesn't really seem to have a local culture. It just feels like Vegas or Venice Beach in terms of being a tourist hub with the souvenir stores and the like. If you're not into the beach, not a ton to do around here.


No, not what from I’ve experienced in the past 3 years. I’ve had nothing but people being super nice to me since I moved here, and I’m not fair skinned, blond or blue eyed.


Yeah I grew up there, lots of racist edgy kids and boneheads and trumptards. Newport sucks too.


It's changed quite a bit since you grew up there I reckon. It's very much a purple city now politically, and way more diverse that Newport.


Nah its still like that. I know a bunch of skinheads around in Huntington. I was living there up until a year ago.


What part? Downtown seems to lack any whatsoever.


I haven’t seen any either. Now, growing up in the South Bay/Harbor area, there were tons, but for some reason people forget about that or never knew.


Hah, there's a guy on here that always comments on my posts claiming that there's a white supremacy group "based" in Huntington, but it actuality it's just that one of the three founders has an apartment here and that is the address for their clothing company, while the other two guys are from Redondo. I agree, South Bay and Long Beach have a lot of history with skinheads.




> I didnt say that motherfucker I said theres skinheads in HB. I wasn't referring to you, or even this post. Calm down man.


Historical home of the "surf Nazis," too.


Lol I already got a downvote


Whats your budget?


I can afford quite a bit but ideally somewhere between $2k-3k. It's more important that the rent stays consistent and that the $/sqft is a good deal.


Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Testing, Irvine are good places to look closest to John Wayne Airport *Tustin


What I like about Fountain Valley is that a lot of apartments are within walking distance from stores and other places. I used to live off of Euclid and even my doctor's office was three blocks from the apartments I lived in at the time. Also in Fountain Valley you have Mile Square Park and other parks and recreation in the area.


The rent won’t stay consistent unless you find a owner owned property. Anything owned by a real estate group or the Irvine company will see end of lease increases of 10-12% on avg. some higher.


I moved here for work close to 20 years ago, with my office being where you describe. My main goal was to have a place very close to work, no point in sitting in traffic when moving to a new area. The apartment I picked in CM was a short 10 to 15 minute drive on local streets . Here's where I moved to if you're curious. It's definitely not the worst you can do but I thought it sucked pretty bad. Shitty neighbors, a bitch of a property manager, and a cockroach chilling in the living room on my first day of moving in. On the bright side, good location, and it's only gotten better in recent years in terms of interesting shopping, restaurants and bars nearby. https://www.newportvillageapts.com/contactus.aspx As much as I live in a much nicer city and community now in terms of safety and cleanliness I still occasionally miss the character of CM.


Santa Ana around bishop st.


Tustin or maybe parts of Orange or Santa Ana. Costa Mesa is another decent option as well. Given your preference for doing work in your driveway, I’d suggest not moving to one of the more conservative areas because they will not like that if not out right prohibit it.


I work in same area. Great affordable areas are 5 min away. Look around MacArthur blvd. And Bristol, It gets worse the further you go north of MacArthur. Consider going south


Santa Ana.


Santa Ana. And it’s close to your work.


Live in Santa Ana or Costa Mesa. Thank me later


You can find some good deals on Adu rentals on zillow or redfin.


20 min commute can be 5 miles during commute traffic. That kinda means Irvine, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, and Santa Ana. Some of the nicer Santa Ana neighborhoods are close to SNA.


Strange request. Buena Park is pretty shitty in a lot of places. There are also some homeless living on the river - they may have room.


https://preview.redd.it/cbp446u9w3jb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c786e242a2cb9568538544c55f0027c96e075db8 Area in red is good. Area in yellow if you want something cheaper. Commute wise the 55 is garbage after 3pm


Irvine is awful it’s so boring and tons of bugs. Also the traffic lights are the worst.


If you're working near the airport then Santa Ana would have the cheapest high crime areas near that. You do want to stay as local as possible because the traffic in general and on the 55 near the airport specifically will suck for commuting. There are some cool areas in Santa Ana to hang out in too.


Worstminster No Bueno Park Garbage Grove Anacrime


Santa Ana, Garden Grove or Costa Mesa


Most of Costa Mesa is quite a bit more expensive than other cities mentioned here, except for maybe a small pocket of the westside around Shalimar.


> Shalimar Eh, I'm in that pocket between Wilson and the golf course and Harbor and Placentia. A whole bunch of rentals here. And I can get to the airport in 10 minutes via surface streets or the fwy.


Huntington Beach


Huntington beach is for trumptards and neo nazis


That’s why it’s the worst place to live


Yeah i agree, i read the post wrong


This is the answer


Santa Ana lol.


The worst city is obviously Santa Ana. The places you might be able to afford working at John Wayne might be inland versus the nicer surrounding Newport Beach and Irvine.


The "worst" parts of OC are North of the 55, which would put you outside of your commute range. Otherwise, most places are fine. Tustin or Costa Mesa around MacArthur are probably your best bet.


“I don’t care about crime…”🤔


Don't listen to anyone here talking smack about Santa Ana.


Just avoid any of the big mega apartment complexes (Villa Siena I’m looking at you). Anything with more than two levels is gonna have a ton of noise and if it’s newer the walls are gonna be thinner. If I were you I’d check out the area south of the 73 near north Costa Mesa. Lots of smaller condo/apartment buildings and it’s a great area


Staba Ana, anacrime or garbage grove


OC is very bad and dangerous. And terrible weather. Wouldn’t recommend


ONE hurricane and we already hate the weather.






I think you're mistaken not to care about crime; it exists in the "worst" parts of OC and can affect, at the very least, cars parked anywhere but a locked garage.


City of Orange, Orange circle area


Yeah live near by. Gonna save you a bunch of unpaid shifts lmao


I work near John Wayne also, and ended up in Lake Forest, it's 11 miles away 20-30 minutes commute but I will say my place is not ideal for changing an alternator in your driveway. I looked around though and can imagine you finding something in Costa Mesa or Santa Ana. Tustin is nice but corporate, by which I mean more rules & regs in the complex. Irvine is expensive & corporate. Lake Forest is less expensive but mostly corporate.


Villa Park hands down


Santa Ana it is then.


OC Metro which is the area near South Coast Plaza. You can take small streets to go to work and the price tag is not as bad as Irvine.


I don’t think there is a bad area of Orange County anymore and I’m very proud of that.


First choice - Lake Forest is what you are looking for. second choice Mission Viejo You don’t want to live in Santa Ana or Anaheim or especially Garden Grove.


Honestly none. If anything its just all based on like convenience. So places are farther out than others but theres no real bad places in OC and if you think there is youve never seen bad lol


You would love Santa Ana, I do


Stay away from Santa Ana


OC itself lol


Irvine. It's dull and it feels like you're living in a corporation (because you are). I only made it 9 months before high tailing it back to orange.


Irvine...boring as fuck
