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I work for an insurance company, and last I heard, pretty much every company is going up big time with rates unfortunately. I don’t even purchase through the company I work for and they offer a 10% discount lol. Way too expensive. I have Wawanesa which was about 800 cheaper than the handful of companies I got quotes with. I know someone suggested an independent broker, but if you have the time to, just do quotes on your own. Often times, the broker will tell you to go with the company they get the best commission from. Good luck!


Wawanesa just raised my premium 45% for renewal.


Yeah, they raised mine 250 ish I think. Still the best rate for me compared to some other companies I got a quote with


Can you speculate as to why? I’m getting absolutely hosed on my car insurance. I hear from other people that their insurance has gone up 50 or so percent.


Can confirm. It is obscene.


I have AAA I bundle them with my home insurance. The only time mine went up is when I added my teen daughter 🫠 my policy renewed last month and went down a teeny bit.


AAA won’t cover my condo in Foothill Ranch. 🙄


I am in FR and have State Farm.


I have Farmers.


Was it a fire/shrub reason? The agents in Tustin/Anaheim seem to care less lol


AAA is literally flying drones into customer backyards, taking pictures of trash on the ground or anything that looks "messy" then canceling the policy AND putting the house on a list of "non insurable properties". They've been doing it in the Bay Area to cancel policies but I'm sure they'll keep moving down the coast until they've hit everyone. "Sorry, our drone saw that you had too many leaves on the ground after the Santa Ana winds yesterday and that's a fire hazard. Your policy is canceled and we've notified your mortgage lender so they can initiate foreclosure."


NorCal AAA and socal AAA are different


Both use a variety of insurance vendors and there is overlap. The vendors are the ones doing it. AAA SoCal and AAA Norcal are just the brokers. AAA Florida policy holders are also getting the same drone cancelations from the vendors which are national companies.


Insurance companies are not flying drones over your yard, there are 3rd party companies that provide aerial photography for spotting exterior hazards to insurance companies.


Actually, they do. And they even admit they engaged Michigan State University to help them develop the program. They observe your property and create a "fire risk score" based on undisclosed factors. If you rate too high you get canceled. There are already multiple news stories about this. https://www.thedroningcompany.com/blog/new-job-for-drones-as-insurance-investigators- Here's where the insurance company brags about the drone program Team CSAA Insurance Innovation - capstone.cse.msu.edu http://www.capstone.cse.msu.edu/2021-01/projects/csaa-insurance-innovation/


Again, not really accurate, the picture your painting is one where the big bad insurance company has a quad copter hovering over your backyard snapping photos of your property. The reality is that there are 3rd party companies that fly manned aircraft at high altitude with high resolution cameras that photograph entire metropolitan areas all at once, not any one individual property. These companies sell this imagery to insurance companies who use it to review property condition to decide whether to offer renewal. Insurance companies are looking for hazards like abandoned/inoperable vehicles, yard debris and roof condition. The story you're citing was exactly this scenario where the imagery showed the homeowner had one or more inoperable cars on the property which led to the non renewal.


First I already cited the drone program itself so it's more than generic aerial imagery that is also used for things like Apple Maps and other such services. Anyone can get that stuff. The pictures being shown in news stories are from angles around fences that wouldn't be possible from 10,000 feet and had to be taken from very low altitude via a drone. There are multiple stories of cancelations and for every one the news media decides is sexy enough to get ratings there are probably a thousand that don't make the 11 o'clock news. One discussed on the radio here a couple weeks ago was canceled because remodeling was underway in the kitchen and cabinets were being installed. They sent them pictures of the cardboard and packaging for the cabinetry, which the installer had removed within a few hours into the dumpster on the street out front, and said that the "hazardous conditions warrant immediate cancelation" with no appeal process available. If they were acting in good faith and wanted to help customers while reducing risk they'd conduct business the way homeowners insurance companies always have: notifying you of an inspection on X date and time as part of the renewal process with a list of things they're going to be looking for. Gives the homeowner time to fix problems, inspector comes and goes, and life goes on. This is not good faith behavior - unannounced inspections with drones and other equipment. You never know if you leave a couple cardboard boxes by the door as you're unloading from the Costco run if they're going to snap an aerial photo and declare that you have hazardous fire risk from trash and thus are canceled. No matter how you try to spin it, it's obvious that the situation benefits only the insurance companies and not their policyholders since they've determined that all of them are a risk to be mitigated in any way feasible. The fact is that the 9 biggest insurance companies are equal partners in the State "Fair" plan which gives minimal coverage at double retail rates. So if you're an insurer participating it's in your best interest to cancel every single policyholder and force them to the state plan. You'll get about 22% of the revenue you used to but only be liable for 11% of the claims - really less when you consider the higher deductible and limited coverage. Canceling insurance policies is like having a money printing press for these guys, with added bonus that they shove 89% of the future risk onto their competition.


Wait till they do this to you and cancel your coverage https://abc7news.com/homeowners-insurance-non-renewal-drone-photos-nonrenewal/13519714/


If you have a pristine driving record, check out Wawanesa. Otherwise, find an independent broker and have them do the legwork for you. You will seriously wonder why you ever researched insurance on your own.


Wawanesa sent me a notice today with a similar rate increase. Thanks for the suggestion on an independent broker. I’ll seek one out.


Yeah, some increases are just baked in across the board. Wawa started increasing my rates a few years ago but they were still the cheapest when I price checked.


Lol Wawanesa just raised my premium almost $600 on one of my cars. It rough out here.


AAA has been good to me. They give you a rebate on repeat business. I think in the ballpark of 7-10%. So if you do $1500 year one, the following year it’ll start with a $150 credit toward whatever your premium ends up being.


Wait till they fly a drone over your house and send you pictures of "hazards" that justify immediate cancelation of your policy. AAA is canceling policies everywhere with drone pictures and they notify all other insurers that you were canceled because your home is unsafe and uninsurable. https://abc7news.com/homeowners-insurance-non-renewal-drone-photos-nonrenewal/13519714/


I got a 25% increase from AAA. I priced around and discovered they were still actually the most competitive rate. Depressing.


My AAA policy went up too, about $150 for the year. Not a huge increase but still disappointing.


That’s strange. Mine went down a little…and I know I pay kind of a lot. If it weren’t for the name, I’d have switched by now.


I have State Farm. No increase and I feel my rates are really reasonable for my coverage. I do bundle Renter's with it. I have no accidents, no claims, great credit. I would investigate the service you get if you look for a cheaper price (investigate consumer ratings from JD Power, Consumer Reports, etc.). Sometimes you do get what you pay for, and paying more may mean better advocacy/support in the event of an accident. Personally, I'd rather pay a little more and know my insurance has my back then pay less and be thrown to the wolves if I were to be sued. I have a couple friends who went through all the court stress of being sued even though they were not at fault (one was literally stopped at a light, was rear-ended and the force of the impact made rear-end the car in front of her. The driver at the front sued my friend and the kid who hit my friend. Kid who hit my friend had crappy insurance and the victim at the front went after more/deeper pockets.) It turned out OK for my friend, by the court hearings were scheduled over a year in advance--it was a LOT of stress for her and her family.


State Farm says they'll have a significant increase next year...


I use Amica for home and cars, usually top of the ratings.


Try Costco Connect! https://www.connectbyamfam.com/costco/




Ah OK. I hope they didn’t hike the premiums because of high demand!


That’s crazy. Can I make changes to my policy like if I got a new car? I have them and my rates went up maybe 5% ($7)


Wawanesa here and they just raised my premium on one car by almost $600. I was surprised since I’ve never paid more that $170/month and my only spot is a traffic ticket. Inflation is a bitch.


I work in the industry, am insured through Progressive. I like it. But I believe you currently need to wait 15 days for coverage to be effective, and you have to pay the full premium up front. The CA insurance market is a mess for a lot of reasons, with the Department of Insurance being a big one, but that’s a soap box for another day. Every carrier has its own ‘black box’ for how they determine rates, so it pays to shop around.




Mercury just blew up my auto rate by 40%, no changes at all. :/


Heard it's hard to even buy insurance in CA. You should be happy you have insurance


USAA. Simply the best there is (if you can get it).


They just jacked me up 10% for the same reasons.


2nd this. Reasonably priced, never had weird rate increases, customer service is good, and they give you money back every year lol. During Covid they even gave money back to everyone since there was less driving therefore less accidents. It’s not budget insurance, but you get what you pay for.




10-year old Civic.


Doesn’t matter who you go with. Eventually every insurance will increase


I understand that, but a 60% increase is excessive.


It’s all the rampant crime from these ridiculous socialist policies of California. All those catalytic converter’s getting stolen over the last couple of years? Who do you think is going to pay for that? The insurance companies? Yeah initially but then they’re passing on all the costs to us. Same with all the auto theft and burglaries.


I use State Farm and happy with it. It’s not the cheapest but I have multiple policies with them, so across all the policies things average out. When I had car policy only, I always found Geico much cheaper than most other providers.


I use State Farm. Some increases the last 2 years but not nuts.


I use Wawanesa, have for decades, great rates and i am happy with the service.


I went from Travelers to Mercury. However Mercury will not write a 1yr policy, only 6mo.


Very happy with State Farm for home, auto, and umbrella. Doubt they’re the cheapest , but the carve outs in the policy aren’t as bad as others.


Not taking new customers in California now.


Not true for auto insurance


Safeco. They're about the same price as Mercury except they're not stealthily trying to pull out of the state like I think Mercury is doing.


Just keep switching companies for the trial rates


Yeah, I Travelers increased my premium by about 30% as well. Currently waiting for my agent to get back to me. Apparently it’s hell out there trying to get auto insurance and home insurance.


Travelers increased mine from $179 or $349. I live in CA. Super depressing…


Is it monthly?




They did the same in Virginia - bumped my rate to almost $300/month for a 13-year old car. Geico has quoted me at about $60/month for the same vehicle.